该文本为Word版,下载可编辑父母的爱英语作文 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 The thread in the mother's hand, the jacket of the wandering child. 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春辉。这首古诗情真意切地描述了母亲对孩子的牵挂之情。古往今来,天下的父母对孩子都是一样的关爱,寄予希望。但是作为孩子,又有几个能理解、关怀父母呢? I'm afraid I'll e back later. Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui. This ancient poem vividly describes the mother's concern for her children. Throughout the ages, parents all over the world have the same care and hope for their children. But as children, how many can understand and care for their parents? 小时候我真是无比热爱爸爸妈妈,可是自从上学以来,我觉得他们突然变了,对我有那么多的要求。一天到晚时刻盯着我的学习,让我做额外的功课,看电视玩电脑也受到严格的限制,再也不能想以前那样自由自在的玩了。时间长了我对爸爸妈妈的感情有些疏远了,已经没有小时候那样亲密了。 When I was a child, I really loved my parents, but since I went to school, I felt that they suddenly changed and had so many requirements for me. I stare at my study all day long, let me do extra homework, watch TV and play puter are also strictly limited, and I can't play as freely as before. For a long time, I have been a little estranged from my parents. I have not been as close as I was when I was a child. 一次我发烧了,爸爸妈妈惊慌失措的把我送到医院,打吊针的时候妈妈一直守在我的身边,安慰我别害怕,鼓励我要坚强。爸爸跑上跑下的挂号、取药。回家后爸爸给我煮稀饭,妈妈给我洗手洗脸。这一刻我既感动又难过,我听说小时候我经常生病,爸爸妈妈每次都是焦急的带我去儿童医院。有时要在医院呆一天的时间。但那时候我太小,并没有什么印象。后来我虽然知道了这些事情,却没什么感受。可现在我似乎看到了那时候的场景,爸爸妈妈就和今天一样,为我焦虑,为我担心,他们对我的爱始终没变。因为我已经上学了,为了我的将来,所以才严格要求我,而我却不能理解他们的苦心,不思考怎样努力,却总想着像过去一样的玩,总是为自己的懒惰找借口,还经常顶撞他们。我真的很惭愧。 Once I had a fever, my mother and father took me to the hospital in panic. My mother kept by my side when I was taking the needle, forted me not to be afraid and encouraged me to be strong. Dad ran up and down to register and take medicine. My father cooked porridge for me and my mother washed my hands and face. At this moment, I was moved and sad. I heard that when I was a child, I was often ill. My parents always took me to the children's Hospital anxiously. Sometimes I have to stay in the hospital for a day. But at that time I was too young to be impressed. Later, though I knew these things, I didn't feel much. But now I seem to see the scene at that time, mom and dad are just like today, anxious for me, worried for me, their love for me has never changed. Because I have been to school, for the sake of my future, I am strictly required, but I can't understand their painstaking efforts, don't think about how to work hard, but always think about playing like in the past, always find excuses for their laziness, and often contradict them. I'm really ashamed. 有一首歌叫做听妈妈的话,其中一句歌词是:妈妈的辛苦不让你看见。此时此刻,我才真正的理解了这句歌词的含义,是呀,从小到大,爸爸妈妈为我付出了多少辛苦,很多是我没有看见的。我如果能多理解他们的苦心,自觉的努力学习,少一些自私的想法,才是我应该做的事情。 There is a song called listen to my mother. One of the lyrics is: my mother's hard work doesn't let you see. At this moment, I really understand the meaning of the lyrics, yes, from small to large, my parents have paid for me a lot of hard work, many of which I did not see. If I can understand their painstaking efforts, consciously study hard, less selfish ideas, that is what I should do. 我现在更喜欢听妈妈的话这首歌了,我一定要像歌里唱的那样:听妈妈的话,别让她受伤,想快快长大,才能保护她。 I like “listen to Mom" better now. I must be like the song in which I sing: listen to mom, don”t let her hurt, want to grow up quickly, to protect her.第 7 页 共 7 页