2022年matlab上机完美版全解 .pdf
1. 已知 3 阶椭圆 IIR 数字低通滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率0.4 ,通带波纹为0.6dB,最小阻带衰减为32dB。设计一个 6 阶全通滤波器对其通带的群延时进行均衡。绘制低通滤波器和级联滤波器的群延时。%Q1_solution%ellip(N,Ap,Ast,Wp)/双线性法设计低通滤波器%N-The order of the filter%Ap-ripple in the passband%Ast-a stopband Rs dB down from the peak value in the passband%Wp-the passband widthbe,ae=ellip(3,0.6,32,0.4);hellip=dfilt.df2(be,ae);f=0:0.001:0.4;g=grpdelay(hellip,f,2);g1=max(g)-g;b,a,tau=iirgrpdelay(6,f,0 0.4,g1);hallpass=dfilt.df2(b,a);/级联hoverall=cascade(hallpass,hellip);hFVT=fvtool(hellip,hoverall);set(hFVT,Filter,hellip,hoverall);legend(hFVT,Lowpass Elliptic filter, Compensated filter);/添加图例的标注clear;num1,den1=ellip(3,0.6,32,0.4);GdH,w=grpdelay(num1,den1,512);plot(w/pi,GdH); gridxlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Group delay, samples);F=0:0.001:0.4;g=grpdelay(num1,den1,F,2); % Equalize the passbandGd=max(g)-g;% Design the allpass delay equalizernum2,den2=iirgrpdelay(6,F,0,0.4,Gd);GdA,w = grpdelay(num2,den2,512);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - hold on ;plot(w/pi,GdH+GdA,r); legend(Original Filter, Compensated filter);2设计巴特沃兹模拟低通滤波器,其滤波器的阶数和3-dB 截止频率由键盘输入,程序能根据输入的参数,绘制滤波器的增益响应。clear;N=input(Type in the order N = );Wn=input(Type in the 3-dB cutoff frequency Wn = ); %模拟频率num,den=butter(N,Wn,s);w=0:2*Wn;h=freqs(num,den,w);plot(w,20*log(abs(h),grid;3已知系统的系统函数为:12123410.20.5( ) zzzzz用 MATLAB 进行部分分式展开,并写出展开后的表达式。% Partial-Fraction Expansion of Rational z-Transformnum = 0 0 1 -0.2 0.5;den = 1 3.2 1.5 -0.8 1.4;r,p,k = residuez(num,den);disp(Residues);disp(r)disp(Poles);disp(p)disp(Constants);disp(k) 4设计切比雪夫I 型 IIR 数字高通滤波器,其性能指标为:通带波纹0.5dBp,最小阻带衰减43dBs,通带和阻带边缘频率0.75 radp和0.35 rads绘制所设计的滤波器增益响应。%a4 disp(prewapping is done,and T=2);Wp = tan(0.75*pi/2);Ws = tan(0.5*pi/2);Rp = 0.5;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - Rs = 43;N,Wn = cheb1ord(Ws,Wp,Rp,Rs,s);b,a = cheby1(N,Rp,Wn,s);bt,at=lp2hp(b,a,Wp);num,den=bilinear(bt,at,0.5);h,omega = freqz(num,den);plot (omega/pi,20*log10(abs(h);grid;xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain);title(Type I Chebyshev Highpass Filter);clear;%预畸变Rp=0.5;Rs=43;Wp=0.75;Ws=0.35;N,Wp=cheb1ord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs);num,den=cheby1(N,Rp,Wp,high);w=0:pi/1024:pi;h=freqz(num,den,w);subplot(2,1,1);plot(w/pi,abs(h),grid;title(Amplitude in linear scale)subplot(2,1,2);plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h),grid;title(Amplitude in log scale)5已知复指数序列为:(0.40.5) 0.2jnx ne,绘制 30 点该序列的实部和虚部。 n=0:29; x=0.2*exp(0.4+1i*0.5)*n); subplot(211); stem(n,real(x); xlabel(n);ylabel(real part); grid on ; subplot(212); stem(n,imag(x); xlabel(n);ylabel(imag part); grid on ;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 6设计切比雪夫I 型模拟低通滤波器,其滤波器的阶数,3-dB 截止频率和通带的波纹由键盘输入,程序能根据输入的参数,绘制滤波器的增益响应。clear;N=input( 滤波器阶数 N = );Wn=input( 截止频率 Wn = );Rp=input( 通带波纹 Rp = );num,den=cheby1(N,Rp,Wn,s);w=0:5*Wn;h=freqs(num,den,w);plot(w,20*log10(abs(h),grid; xlabel(Frequency, Hz); ylabel(Gain, dB); 7已知系统的系统函数为:111210.61.8( ) zzzz用 MATLAB 求系统 z 变换的有理形式,并写出有理形式的表达式。r=1 0.6 1.8; p=-3.2 2.4 2.4; k=0.2; num, den = residuez(r,p,k)8设计巴特沃兹IIR 数字带通滤波器,其性能指标为:归一化通带截止 频 率 为120.4 ,0.6pp, 归 一 化 阻 带 截 止 频率 为120.3 ,0.7ss, 通带波纹为 0.6dB, 最小阻带衰减为35dB。绘制所设计的滤波器增益响应。% Design of IIR Butterworth Bandpass FilterWp =0.4 0.6;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - Ws = 0.3 0.7;Rp = 0.6;Rs = 35;N,Wn = buttord(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs);b,a = butter(N,Wn);h,omega = freqz(b,a,256);plot (omega/pi,abs(h);grid;xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain);title(IIR Butterworth Bandpass Filter);disp(N);disp(Wn);9已知指数序列为: 2(0.9)nx n,绘制 24 点该序列。 n=0:23; x=2*0.9.n; stem(n,x,.); grid on ; ylabel(Amplitude); xlabel(Time index);10设计椭圆模拟低通滤波器,其滤波器的阶数,3-dB 截止频率,通带的波纹和阻带衰减由键盘输入,程序能根据输入的参数,绘制滤波器的增益响应。clear;N=input(Type in the order N = );Wn=input(Type in the 3-dB cutoff frequency Wn = );Rp=input(Type in the the passband ripple Rp = );Rs=input(Type in the the minimum stopband attenuation Rs = );num,den=ellip(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,s);w=0:5*Wn;h=freqs(num,den,w);plot(w,20*log10(abs(h),grid;xlabel(Frequency, Hz); ylabel(Gain, dB);11已知系统的系统函数为:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 12123410.20.5( ) zzzzz用 MATLAB 的 impz 函数求 hn的前 30 个样本值。clc;A=1 3.2 1.5 -0.8 1.4;B=1 -0.2 0.5;H,T=impz(B,A,30);disp(H);stem(T,H);12已知 5 阶椭圆 IIR 数字低通滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率0.35 ,通带波纹为0.8dB,最小阻带衰减为35dB。设计一个10阶全通滤波器对其通带的群延时进行均衡。绘制低通滤波器和级联滤波器的群延时。%ellip(N,Ap,Ast,Wp)%N-The order of the filter%Ap-ripple in the passband%Ast-a stopband Rs dB down from the peak value in the passband%Wp-the passband widthbe,ae=ellip(5,0.8,35,0.35);hellip=dfilt.df2(be,ae);f=0:0.001:0.4;g=grpdelay(hellip,f,2);g1=max(g)-g;b,a,tau=iirgrpdelay(10,f,0 0.4,g1);%the first parameter above is the order of the allpasshallpass=dfilt.df2(b,a); hoverall=cascade(hallpass,hellip);hFVT=fvtool(hellip,hoverall);set(hFVT,Filter,hellip,hoverall);legend(hFVT,Lowpass Elliptic filter, Compensated filter); clear;num1,den1=ellip(5,0.8,35,0.35);GdH,w=grpdelay(num1,den1,512);plot(w/pi,GdH); grid名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Group delay, samples);F=0:0.001:0.4;g=grpdelay(num1,den1,F,2); % Equalize the passbandGd=max(g)-g;% Design the allpass delay equalizernum2,den2=iirgrpdelay(10,F,0,0.4,Gd);GdA,w = grpdelay(num2,den2,512);hold on ;plot(w/pi,GdH+GdA,r); legend(Original Filter, Compensated filter);13编写4 点滑动平均滤波器程序。原始未受干扰的序列为:sn=3n(0.8)n,加性噪声信号 dn为随机序列,幅度0.6,受干扰的序列为: xn= sn+ dn ,分别绘制长度为40 的原始未受干扰的序列,噪声序列和受干扰序列,以及滑动平均滤波器的输出。% Program 2_4% Signal Smoothing by a Moving-Average FilterR = 40;d = 6/5*(rand(1,R)-0.5);m = 0:1:R-1;s =3.*m.*0.8.m;x = s + d;subplot(211);plot(m,d,r-,m,s,b:,m,x,m-)title(The sequence with noise);ylabel(Amplitude)legend(dn, sn, xn);b = ones(4,1)/4;y = fftfilt(b,x);subplot(212);plot(m,s,r-,m,y,b-) title(The original sequence & the output sequence);legend(sn, yn);ylabel(Amplitude)14绘制长度为 10点的矩形序列的 16点离散傅立叶变换样本的幅度名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 和相位。xn=ones(10,1);Xk=fft(xn,16);Xkf=abs(Xk);Xkp=angle(Xk);subplot(211);stem(0:15,Xkf,filled);xlabel(Time index/n);ylabel(Magnitude);subplot(212);stem(0:15,Xkp,filled);xlabel(Time index/n);ylabel(Phase)15已知系统的系统函数为:12123410.20.5( ) zzzzz用 MATLAB 的 filter 函数求 hn的前 20 个样本值。num=1,-0.2,0.5;den=1,3.2,1.5,-0.8,1.4;x=1 zeros(1,20-1);y=filter(num, den, x);disp(Coefficients of the power series expansion);disp(y)stem(y)16利用 Hermann 公式估计 FIR 低通滤波器的阶数。该滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率为1500Hz,阻带截止频率为1800Hz,通带波纹为p0.015,阻带波纹为s0.021,抽样频率为5000Hz。% Program 10_1% Estimation of FIR Filter Order Using remezord%clear; fedge = 1500 1800 ;% input(Type in the bandedges = ); mval = 1 0;%input(Desired magnitude values in each band = ); dev = 0.015 0.021;%input(Allowable deviation in each band = ); FT = 5000;%input(Type in the sampling frequency = ); 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - N, fpts, mag, wt = remezord(fedge, mval, dev, FT); d = fdesign.lowpass(n,fp,fst,N,0.6,0.72); design(d); fprintf(Filter order is %d n,N); 17编写长度为5 的中值滤波器程序。原始未受干扰的序列为:sn=3n(0.8)n,加性噪声信号 dn为随机序列,幅度0.6,分别绘制长度为 40 的受干扰序列,以及中值滤波器的输出。% Program 2_5% Illustration of Median Filtering%N = 5;R = 40; b = 6/5*(rand(1,R)-0.5); % Generate impulse noisem = 0:R-1;s = 3*m.*(0.8.m); % Generate signalx = s + b; % Impulse noise corrupted signaly = medfilt1(x,N); % Median filteringsubplot(2,1,1)stem(m,x);axis(0 50 -1 8);grid on ;xlabel(n);ylabel(Amplitude);title(Impulse Noise Corrupted Signal);subplot(2,1,2)stem(m,y);grid on ;xlabel(n);ylabel(Amplitude);title(Output of Median Filter);18已知 16 点序列 xn的 DFT 为:/16015 0kkX kotherwise绘制序列 xn的实部和虚部。Xk=(0:15)/16;xn=ifft(Xk);xnre=real(xn);xnim=imag(xn);subplot(2,1,1);stem(0:15,xnre,.);grid on ;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - title(The real part of the sequence);subplot(2,1,2);stem(0:15,xnim,.);grid on ;title(The imaginary part of the sequence);19已知系统的系统函数为:12123410.20.5( ) zzzzz用 MATLAB 测试该系统的稳定性。num=1 -0.2 0.5;den=1 3.2 1.5 0.8 1.4;zplane(num,den);grid on ;20. 利用 Remez算法设计一个等波纹线性相位FIR 低通滤波器。 该滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率为1500Hz,阻带截止频率为1800Hz,通带波纹为p0.015,阻带波纹为s0.021,抽样频率为 5000Hz。% Program 10_2% Design of Equiripple Linear-Phase FIR Filters%format longfedge = 1500 1800;FT = 5000;mval = 1 0;dev =0.015 0.021;N,fpts,mag,wt = remezord(fedge,mval,dev,FT);b = remez(N,fpts,mag,wt);disp(FIR Filter Coefficients); disp(b)h,w = freqz(b,1,256);subplot(2,1,1);plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h);grid;xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain, dB);subplot(2,1,2);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - plot(w/pi,20*log10(abs(h);grid;axis(0 0.4 -0.7 0.7);xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain, dB);title(detail in passband)21. 21.已知序列12 2.2,3,1.5,4.2, 1.8, 0.8,1,1.6,0.8x nx n,计算两个序列的卷积12 x nx nx n,并绘制序列 x n。clc;clear;x1=2.2 3 -1.5 4.2 -1.8; x2=0.8 -1 1.6 0.8;x=conv(x1,x2) % 结果在主界面输出stem(x,filled);grid on ;xlabel(Time index/n);ylabel(Amplitude);title(The output convolution);22.已知序列 xn为 cos(/ 2), 015x nnn,绘制序列xn的 DFT 和 DTFT 的幅度。n=0:15;x=cos(pi*n*0.5);X=fft(x);subplot(2,1,1);stem(n,X,.);title(Magnitude of DFT)xlabel(n); ylabel(Magnitude)%circulating DTFTk=0:499;w = pi/500*k;X1=x*(exp(-1i*pi/500).(n*k);magX=abs(X1);subplot(2,1,2);plot(w/pi,magX);title( 幅度响应 );grid;ylabel( 幅度 );xlabel( 以pi为单位的频率 );23. 已知 FIR 滤波器的系统函数为:123456( ) zzzzzzz用 MATLAB 将系统函数分解为二次多项式之积,并写出各二次名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 多项式的表达式。clear P=2.4,3.2,1.5,0.8,1.4,3.6,5.2; r=roots(P);%调用函数计算syms z s1=simple(z-r(1)*(z-r(2); d1=simple(s1./z2) s2=simple(z-r(3)*(z-r(4); d2=simple(s2./z2) s3=simple(z-r(5)*(z-r(6); d3=simple(s3./z2) Q=2.4*d1*d2*d3 24 已知 FIR 数字低通滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率 0.35 ,阻带截止频率 0.45 ,通带和阻带波纹= 0.01。设计满足该滤波器的 Kaiser s 窗函数,绘制出 Kaiser s窗函数的增益响应。clear;fpts=0.35,0.45;mag=1,0;dev=0.01,0.01;N,Wn,beta,ftype=kaiserord(fpts,mag,dev);kw=kaiser(N+1,beta);b=fir1(N,Wn, kw);h,omega=freqz(b,1,512);plot(omega/pi,20*log10(abs(h);grid;xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain, dB);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 25已知系统的频 h 响特性为:23423410.20.520.6() eeeee绘制该系统的幅频特性和相频特性。clear k=500; % number of frequency samples is 500 num=1 -.2 .5 2 -.6; %Numerator coefficients den=1 3.2 1.5 -.8 1.4; %Denominator coefficients w=0:pi/(k-1):pi; h=freqz(num,den,w); %Compute the frequency response subplot(1,2,1) plot(w/pi,abs(h) title(Magnitude Spectrum) xlabel(omega/pi);ylabel(Magnitude) subplot(1,2,2) plot(w/pi,unwrap(angle(h) %unwrapped phase function title(Phase Spectrum) xlabel(omega/pi);ylabel(Phase,radians) sos,g=tf2sos(num,den) 26. 已知序列12 2.2,3,1.5,4.2, 1.8, 0.8,1,1.6,0.8x nx n,基于 DFT 计算两个序列的卷积12 x nx nxn,并绘制基于 DFT计算得到的 x n。clc;clear;x1=2.2 3 -1.5 4.2 -1.8;x2=0.8 -1 1.6 0.8;n=size(x1,2);m=size(x2,2);X1=fft(x1,n+m-1);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - X2=fft(x2,n+m-1);X=X1.*X2;x=ifft(X)stem(x,.);27已知 IIR 滤波器的系统函数为:123451234525346( )135243zzzzzH zzzzzz用 MATLAB将系统函数表示为级联型结构形式,并写出各级联子系统的表达式。( 不确定 )format short;num = 2,5,1,-3,4,6;den = 1,3,-5,2,-4,3;z,p,k=tf2zp(num,den);sos=zp2sos(z,p,k)28用 Kaiser s窗函数设计 FIR 数字高通滤波器, 其滤波器的性能指标为:通带截止频率0.55 ,阻带截止频率0.45 ,通带和阻带波纹 =0.04。绘制出该滤波器的增益响应。% Program 10_5% Lowpass Filter Design Using the Kaiser Windowclc%delta_s=50; %阻带衰 减delta_p=0.04; % 通带衰 减%alpha_s=10(-delta_s/20);alpha_p=1-10(-delta_p/20);fpts = 0.45 0.55; % 截止频率 1,截止频率 2mag = 0 1; % 截止频率 1对应的幅度截止频率 2对应的幅 度dev = alpha_p alpha_p; % 通带衰减阻带衰减(线性)N,Wn,beta,ftype=kaiserord(fpts,mag,dev);b = fir1(N,Wn,high,kaiser(N+1,beta);h,omega = freqz(b,1,512);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - plot(omega/pi,20*log10(abs(h);grid;xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Gain, dB);29绘制 6 点滑动平均滤波器的幅频特性和相频特性。h = ones(1,6)/6; H,w = freqz(h, 1, 256);subplot(211)plot(w/pi, abs(H);ylabel(Magnitude); xlabel(omega/pi);subplot(212)ph = angle(H)*180/pi;plot(w/pi,angle(H)*180/pi);ylabel(Phase, degrees);xlabel(omega/pi);30.原始序列为: sn=3n(0.8)n,加性噪声 dn为随机序列,幅度 0.6,受干扰的序列为: xn= sn+ dn ,使用重叠相加法实现5 点滑动平均滤波器对 xn的处理。绘制未受干扰的序列sn和滤波器输出的有噪序列 (利用 fftfilt 函数)。% Program 2_4% Signal Smoothing by a Moving-Average FilterR = 40;d = 6/5*(rand(1,R)-0.5);m = 0:1:R-1;s =3.*m.*0.8.m;x = s + d;subplot(211);plot(m,d,r-,m,s,b:,m,x,m-)title(The sequence with noise);ylabel(Amplitude)legend(dn, sn, xn);b = ones(5,1)/5;y = fftfilt(b,x);subplot(212);plot(m,s,r-,m,y,b-) title(The original sequence & the output sequence);legend(sn, yn);ylabel(Amplitude)31已知 IIR 滤波器的系统函数为:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 15 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - 123451234525346( )135243zzzzzH zzzzzz用 MATLAB 对系统进行并联结构I 型和并联结构 II 型分解。32. 用海明窗设计多频带FIR 滤波器,该滤波器满足如下条件。在频率范围 0 到 0.32 内幅度为 0.6,在频率范围 0.35 到 0.65 内幅度为 0.2,在频率范围 0.68 到 内幅度为 0.8。绘制出该滤波器的幅频特性。 fpts = 0 0.32 0.35 0.65 0.68 1; mval = 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8; b = fir2(100,fpts,mval); h,omega = freqz(b,1,512);名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 16 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - plot(omega/pi,abs(h);grid; xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Magnitude);34. 已知系统的系统函数为:1234123410.20.520.6( ) zzzzz绘制该系统的零极点分布图。方法一: num=1 -0.2 0.5 2 -0.6; den=1 3.2 1.5 -0.8 1.4; zplane(num,den) 35. 已知全通系统的系统函数为:123451234534253( )135243zzzzzH zzzzzz用 MATLAB 求全通系统进行级联格型结构的乘法器系数。(不确定 )num=1 0.4 0.18 -0.2; k=poly2rc(num) 36.已知有限长序列为: sin(25/ 64),063x nnn,求该序列的64 点离散傅立叶变换Xk ,绘制出Xk 的幅度。N=64;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 17 页,共 19 页 - - - - - - - - - n=0:1:63;x=sin(25*pi*n/N);%k=512;%w = 0:pi/(k-1):pi;%h = freqz(x, 1, w);%subplot(211);%plot(w/pi,abs(h);grid%title(Magnitude Spectrum)%xlabel(omega/pi); ylabel(Magnitude)X=fft(x,64);%subplot(212)stem(n,X,.);grid;设计 4 阶巴特沃兹模拟低通滤波器,其3-dB 截止频率为1,绘制滤波器的增益响应。N = 4; Wn = 1; num,den = butter(N,Wn,s); h,w = freqs(num,den); plot (w,20*log10(abs(h); xlabel(Frequency, Hz); ylabel(Gain, dB); title(The 4th-order IIR Butterworth Lowpass Filter ) grid on 38. 已知系统的零极点分别如下:123412342.2,1,1,1.43.72,3.72,2.1,2.1zzj zj zpjpjpj pj求系统的系统函数H(z) 。format longzr =2.2 -1+i -1-i 1.4;pr =3.7+2*i 3.7-2*i -2.1-i -2.1+i ;% Transpose zero and pole row vectorsz = zr; p = pr;k = 1;num, den = zp2tf(z, p, k);disp(Numerator polynomial coefficients); disp(num);disp(Denominator polynomial coefficients); disp(den);39.设计椭圆IIR 数字低通滤波器,其性能指标为:通带截止频率为1000Hz,阻带截止频率为 1250Hz,通带波纹为0.4dB,最小阻带衰减为45dB,抽样频率为5000Hz。绘制所设计的滤波器增益响应。Fp = 1000%input(passband edge in Khz = ); Fs = 1250%input(stopband edge in Khz = ); 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - -