Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date供应厂商罚款作业程序Vendor Penalty ProcedureVendor Penalty Procedure廠商罰款作業程序 1.Purpose 目的 The purpose of this procedure is to define the regulations of penalty to vendors for boosting vendors to improve their quality and other performance. 應用合理之罰款辦法,籍以迅速督促協力廠商提升改善品質之意願.2. Scope 范圍 This procedure applies to all vendors, its penalty including the following conducts: vendor poor quality performance, vendor cutting(changing)some processes in PMP , changing the material and disclosing confidential data to others under no authorization, bribing to and poaching Silitek staffs. 適用于旭麗所有協力廠商; 罰款范圍包含: 品質,偷工,減料,泄密,賄賂,挖角.3.Reference 參考 4.Definition 定義LRR: Lot Reject Rate 批退率DPPM: Defect parts per million 每百萬分之不良率QDCST: Quality, Delivery, Cost, Service, Technology 品質,交期,成本,服務,技術VCAR: Vendor Corrective Actions Request 廠商改善需求單PRO: Procurement Section 采購開發部IQC: Incoming Quality Control 進料品質管制PMC: Production /Material Control 生產物料控制SQC: Supplier Quality Control 協力廠商品質管制ENG: Engineering Section 工程部VQM: Vendor Quality Management 協力廠商品質輔導部QRA: Quality & Reliability Assurance 品保部 MFG: Manufacturing Section 制造部 IE: Industry Engineering Section 工業工程 NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密協議 5.Details 罰款詳細程序 5.1 Responsibility 權責 5.1.1 PRO: Integrate the “ Penalty Request” released by the relevant dept, and negotiate with the vendor about its details. PRO may use the request as the term of cost down later or hand it in the Financing Dept as the penalty operation. 負責整合相關部門開出的“協力廠商罰款申請單”並與廠商洽談罰款具體事宜,PRO保留與廠商洽談罰款後之扣款,以作為採購降價之談判手段,如確認必須扣款則將“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給財務部處理協力廠商之扣款作業 5.1.2 IQC: Provide the vendor ranking about LRR and DPPM, and initiate the “ Penalty Request” and transfer it to PRO. 負責統計廠商進料LRR排名及DPPM,並將開出的“協力廠商罰款申請單”交給PRO. 5.1.3 PMC: Calculate the line down time and its charge, and initiate the “Penalty Request” and to transfer it to PRO. 負責統計廠商物料當線工時費用,並將開出的“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給PRO. 5.1.4 SQC: Count the VCAR and the items related to SQC in the penalty rules, and initiate the request and transfer it to PRO. 負責統計廠商VCAR回復及協力廠商罰款細則上相關的罰款項,並將開出的“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給PRO”. 5.1.5 ENG: Add up the items related to ENG in the penalty rules, and initiate the request and transfer it to PRO. 負責統計協力廠商罰款細則上的相關罰款事項,並將開出的“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給PRO. 5.1.6 VQM: Initiate the request of penalty and transfer it to PRO per the vendor ranking for QDCST and the items related to VQM in the penalty rules. 負責統計廠商QDCST排名及協力廠商罰款細則上的相關罰款項,並將開Ver.A 2of 4Ver.A 2of 4 出的“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給PRO. 5.1.7 IE: Calculate the rework and sorting time and their charge, and initiate the penalty request. 負責計算重工與挑選工時費用; 並將開出的“協力廠商罰款通知單”交給PRO. 5.1.8 QRA: Provide the one of MRB sheets about rework and sorting to IE. 負責將重工,挑選之MRB其中一聯交IE. 5.2 Penalty Area 協力廠商罰款原則 5.2.1 Some items are confirmed as the major defects when Silitek audit the vendor, if the same minor defect occurs more than two times, it should be treated as a major defect. 旭基稽核廠商,列為重缺陷的;若列為輕缺陷的,一次保留,二次升級為重缺陷. 5.2.2 That is bottomed up within rank 3rd about LRR for continuous 3 weeks or 3 months. IQC進料檢驗每月每周依LRR列出協力廠商品質排行榜,連續三個月,連續三個周列入后三名的. 5.2.3 That is bottomed up within rank 3rd about QDCST for the consistent 3 months 協力廠商每月QDCST評比連續三個月列入后三名的. 5.2.4 The status of rework, sorting and line down occur in our production line because of defective material or material short. IQC進料檢驗之不良材料上線,重工與挑選費用,協力廠商品質異常導致旭基停線的. 5.2.5 That DPPM is out of Silitek quality goal for continuous 3 months. 協力廠商材料連續三個月總Parts DPPM大于協議目標的. 5.2.6 The same problem of the same part occurs more than one time under the vendors understanding and making it. 協力廠商提供的材料同一Parts同一問題,在知情情況下再犯的. 5.2.7 Changing the raw material under no authorization. 協力廠商擅自使用與旭基圖面或合同不符材料的.德信诚精品培训课程(部分)(按住CTRL并点击课程名称打开课程详细介绍) 内审员系列培训课程 查看详情 A01 ISO9001:2008内审员培训班(ISO9001内审员)A02 ISO14001:2004内审员培训班A03 ISO/TS16949:2009内审员培训A04 OHSAS18001:2007标准理解及内审员培训A05 IECQ-HSPM QC080000内审员培训A06 ISO13485:2003医疗器械质量体系内审员培训A07 SA8000社会责任内审员培训(SA8000内审员)A08 ICTI玩具商业行为守则内审员培训班A09 ISO14064:2006内审员培训班A10 GB/T23331-2009能源管理体系内审员培训A15 量规仪器校验与管理实务(仪校员培训 内校员培训)A16 ISO管理代表及体系推行专员训练营A17 ISO文控员培训/文管员培训实务课程A18 优秀管理者代表训练营 (MR管理代表训练) JIT精益生产现场管理系列课程 查看详情 P01 JIT精益生产与现场改善培训班P02 生产合理化改善-IE工业工程实务训练营P03 PMC生产计划管理实务培训班(生管员培训)P04 高效仓储管理与盘点技巧培训班(仓管员培训)P05 目视管理与5S运动推行实务培训班P06 采购与供应链管理实务 (采购员培训) 中基层管理干部TWI系列训练 查看详情 M01 优秀班组长管理实务公开课(班组长公培训)M02 优秀班组长现场管理实务培训班M03 优秀班组长品质管理实务培训班M04 优秀班组长生产安全管理实务培训班M06 提升团队执行力训练课程 (执行力培训)M07 如何做一名优秀的现场主管培训班M08 中基层现场干部TWI管理技能提升(TWI培训)M09 有效沟通技巧培训班(团队沟通 企业内外部沟通)M10 企业内部讲师培训班(TTT培训)M11 MTP中阶主管管理才能提升培训班(MTP培训)M12 高效能时间管理培训班 TS16949五大工具与QC/QA/QE品质管理类 查看详情 Q05 TS16949五大工具实战训练 (五大工具培训)Q06 APQP&CP先期质量策划及控制计划培训Q07 DFMEA设计潜在失效模式分析培训(DFMEA培训)Q08 PFMEA过程潜在失效模式及效应分析训练营Q09 MSA测量系统分析与仪器校验实务Q10 SPC统计过程控制培训课程(SPC训练)Q11 CPK制程能力分析与SPC统计制程管制应用训练Q12 QC七大手法与SPC实战训练班(QC7 & SPC培训)Q03 品质工程师(QE质量工程师)实务培训班Q02 品质主管训练营(品质经理人训练)Q01 杰出品质检验员QC培训班Q13 品管常用工具QC七大手法培训(旧QC7培训)Q14 新QC七大手法实战培训(新QC7培训)Q04 QCC品管圈活动训练课程 (QCC培训) 节能环保安全EHS公开课程 查看详情 E01 节约能源管理培训(节能降耗培训)E03 GBT23331-2009能源管理体系知识(GBT23331标准理解)A18 ISO50001能源管理体系内审员培训(ISO50001内审员)A12 ISO9000/ISO14000一体化内审员培训班A13 ISO14001/OHSAS18001体系二合一内审员培训班A14 ISO9000/ISO14000/OHSAS18001一体化内审员培训班 德信诚精品企业内训课程 查看详情 M05 优秀班组长管理技能提升内训班(1-3天)P07 年终盘点与库存管理实务内训班( 1-2天课程 )M13 高绩效团队及执行力提升训练营(团队执行力 1-2天)Q15 FMEA失效模式分析实战训练内训(FMEA内训 1-3天)Q16 新旧QC七大手法实战内训(QC7内训 1-2天)A11 ISO内审员审核技巧提高班(ISO内审员提高班)A23 ISO10012测量管理体系内审员培训(ISO10012内审员)A22 C-TPAT体系反恐验厂培训班(精品内训课程)A21 ISO20000 IT服务管理体系标准理解与实施培训A20 ISO27001信息安全管理标准理解及内审员培训A19 ISO10015培训管理体系标准理解与实施培训>>>德信诚深圳培训中心 E-mail:55top 报名表下载>>> 公开课计划表 5.2.8 Sub-contracting Siliteks parts to other vendor( including un-qualified vendor)under no authorization. 協力廠商擅自外發更換協力廠商的(含未認可的新線或新廠). 5.2.9 No response to Silitek SQC for the VCAR about defective material within 3 days. IQC進料檢驗之不良材料發出VCAR,協力廠商在三天內未回復旭基SQC的. 5.2.10 No response to Silitek VQM for the VCAR about QDCST within 3 days. 廠商QDCST品質分低于20分發出VCAR, 協力廠商在三天內未回復旭基VQM 5.2.11 Providing the pretended file to Silitek. 協力廠商提供虛假資料的. 5.2.12 Silitek customer returns products back to Silitek or other loss because of material defects. 協力廠商品質異常造成客戶退貨,重工或無形損失的. 5.2.13 Disclosing the confidential file of Silitek. 協力廠商泄密旭基相關保密文件的. 5.2.14 Poaching Silitek Staffs. 協力廠商對旭基進行挖角的. 5.2.15 Bribing to Silitek Staff. 協力廠商對旭基相關人員進行賄賂的. 5.3 Model of Penalty 罰款方式: 5.3.1Deduct from the payment directly, be counted as the reduction in the finance of ENG,PMC,PRO&QRA.VQM and MFG with its average got from that penalty divided by the five Depts. 直接從貨款中扣除,所扣金額平均轉入ENG/PMC/PRO/QRA/VQM/MFG作為其費用減項 5.3.2 Postpone the payment term. Postponed payment term may be as follows: one months, two month or three month 延期付款.延期付款期間如下:一個月,二個月或三個月6.Attachment 附件 6.1Vendor Penalty Rules 協力廠商罰款細則 6.2 Vendor Penalty Request 協力廠商罰款申請單協力廠商罰款細則序號No.Problem 問 題Amount扣款金額(RMB)1One of the following item that be found out when Silitek audit vendor should charge 1000RMB to the Vendor:旭基稽核廠商,列為重缺陷罰款1000元/項:A: Changing Process and PMP under no authorization 廠商擅自改變制程和PMP;B: Changing the raw material under no authorization 塑膠成型不符旭基要求之原料;C: Not follow PIP and Packing Approval of Silitek in the process; 制程沒有根據旭基PIP和包裝認可進行管制等;D: Certain defect is minor, but it should be counted as major defects if they occur more than two times. 除上述A,B,C項外,其它均列為輕缺陷,一次保留,二次升級為重缺陷.1000yuan/item(1000元/項)2 IQC releases vendor LRR rank for weekly and monthly: IQC進料檢驗每月每周依LRR列出協力廠商品質排行榜:A: Vendor bottomed one for continuous 3 months; 連續三個月被列入最后一名: B: Vendor bottomed one for the month. 當月被列入最后一名: 500020003Vendor bottomed one in QDCST ranking for continuous 3 months;協力廠商每月QDCST評比連續三個月列入最后一名100004Rework and sorting or line down should charge to the vendor because of its material defects,The charge should be counted in the terms of 4.67$US per operator and hour.IQC進料檢驗之不良材料上線,重工與挑選費用旭基Charge給協力廠商:員工每小時4.67美元,工程師每小時7美元;協力廠商品質異常導致旭基停線的,費用按實際工時計算Actual charge實際費用5Vendor being out of the Silitek Production I/R DPPM goal for continuous 3 months.協力廠商材料連續三個月總Production I/R DPPM大于3000DPPM.100006Vendor existing the problem: the same problem of the same part occurs more than 1 times,SQC or VQM coaching fee should charge to the vendor.協力廠商提供材料同一Parts同一問題, 在知情情況下再犯的,SQC工程輔導費用Charge廠商10000+ coaching fee10000+輔導費用7Vendor changing the raw material under no authorization, 10,000RMB per one time, if the Material cause a severe result, the penalty should be confirmed through the bilateral negotiation.協力廠商擅自使用與旭基圖面或合同不符材料每次罰款一萬元,重犯加倍處罰,造成嚴重后果者,由雙方公司洽談100008Vendor sub-contracting the parts to other vendor under no authorization協力廠商擅自外發更換協力廠商100009Response time of any VCAR is within 3 work days, but the penalty of 500RMB should be released per a piece of overdue VCAR.IQC進料檢驗之不良材料發出VCAR,協力廠商須在三天內回復旭基SQC;廠商QDCST品質分低于20分發出VCAR,協力廠商在三天內回復旭基VQM,否則一張VCAR扣人民幣500RMB再犯加倍處罰20010Vendor providing the pretended files to Silitek should be penalized for 2000RMB,double punishment for serious issues.協力廠商提供虛假資料,罰款2000RMB,重犯加倍處罰200011Vendor spilling out the confidential should be punish as NDA states協力廠商泄密旭基相關保密文件的按雙方保密協定進行處罰Actual Penalty實際處罰金額12Vendor hunting Silitek Staffs, the penalty is equal to the total salary of the staff working for half a year;協力廠商對旭基進行挖角的, 處罰金額為該員工在旭基的半年薪水Actual Penalty實際處罰金額13Vendor bribing to Silitek staffs, the penalty is equal to the bribery.協力廠商對旭基相關工程師進行賄賂的, 處罰金額為賄賂的金額Actual Penalty實際處罰金額Remarks: The charge divided by 5 depts should be counted as the reduction in the finance of ENG, VQM, PRO,MFG and QRA.備注: 所扣金額平均轉入ENG/PMC/PRO/QRA/VQM/MFG作為其費用減項.Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:制定: 審核: 批准: Approval核準Site1一(廠)Con-Sign會簽PMOQRAENGPMCPROVQMFINMFGITSSite2二(廠)協力廠商罰款申請單 協力廠商: 提出單位: 日期: 編號:共計四聯: 一財務 二采購 三提出單位 四協力廠商罰款原因Audit LRR&DPPM Management Loss QDCST Coaching FeesVCAR Rework RMA Other不良狀況: 罰款方式扣款計算計算公式合 計(RMB)罰款總額(RMB)延期付款 一個月 二個月 三個月 其它提出單位制定審核核準相關單位會簽PMCMFGENGQRAPRO廠長核決廠商確認備注:請在三天內簽回,否則被視為默認.簽名日期部門裁決(采購確認)扣款總金額(RMB)采購簽名延期付款期間扣款用於製造費用的減項財務簽名-