精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除大连理工大学复试之灯下漫笔1. 说在前面的话对于大多数认真对待考研的学生来说,其实在初试结束那一刻起复试就应该着手准备了。但是,又有太多的人不自信,总想着等分数下来再说吧,更有甚者想等排名和复试名单下来再准备(比如当年的我),那时候一般离复试就只剩十几天了,太紧张了。复试名单估计在近几天内就会下来,我觉得对于大多数专业的考生,只要分数在330以上的就赶紧开始准备(准备什么,下面会详述)吧,因为你们进复试的可能性很大;对于在310330之间的,做两手打算,要不等你放弃了以后,发现自己最终却进复试了,但是你的初试分数占劣势,而你又没提前准备,那岂不2. 复试需要准备什么今年的复试要求还没下来,但是参照近几年,变化不会很大,要考察的东西不变,但整体复试流程可能局部调整。那么咱们先参照往年的把要考察的先准备一下:a. 外语听力这个占分不多,但必须及格,考试时一般都是20个选择题,跟老四六级的格式一样,难度比四级稍难,低于六级水平,建议大家随便挑几年的六级听力练练手,拿下听力这一关应该没问题。b. 外语口语外语口语一般围绕自我介绍展开,当然每个系都不尽相同。我们当年是以对话的形式进行的,我们系考官问了10个问题,都是自我介绍和兴趣爱好之类的,还叫我把几个专业课的名称用英语表达出来。对于这个问题,只要学过本科专业外语课就能对付的了,对于自我介绍,大家尽量用简单句,我在下面给大家列几个范文。1.A brief introduction to myselfWell, Thank you for your question. Well first I will say I am very glad to be here for this interview. My Chinese name is Wang XiaoFeng, and I also have an English name is Vicky, which means victory. I came from China Three Gorges University, a young university in the city of Yi Chang, in Hu Bei province. I major in biotechnology , and during my four years university life, I have not only learnt the subjects of my major, but also been well seasoned in many activities. It were these experience that let me become a mulriple character boy, having a sober feature as a boy while a exquisite feature like a girl. I like reading ,and I am good at collecting information. When I am free, I always arrange myself to being in the laboratory, following some teachers and senior students to do some experiments that I am interested in.Okay that is all, thank you for your attention!2. Where are you from? Tell us something about your hometown and you university.Well, thank you for your question. My hometown is in the city of Yi Chang, in Hu Bei province. As you know, Yi Chang is a very beautiful city, where the world famous project -San Xia da dam and Ge Zhou Ba(as we call it in Chinese) locate in. Besides the Three Gorges project and Ge Zhou dam ,Yi Chang also known for its tourism attractions and cultural history.One of the worlds greatest poet Qu Yuang and the peaceful emissary in the history of China Wang ZhaoJun were both born in Yi Chang. If you want to go there ,do not forget to tell me in advance, because maybe I can be your free guide ,exactly the excellent one. Thank you! Well ,for my university, I want to tell you its locations exactly first because most people often think that my university is in Si Chuan province or in the city of Chong Qing . Actually China Three Gorges university also locates in Yi Chang. Two universities merged to form China Three Gorges University (CTGU ) in 2000. Among its colleges, the history of the Normal College can be traced back to 1946. CTGU is a comprehensive university, which teaches a wide range of disciplines, enrolls students from all over the country as well as international abroad students, and puts lots of efforts to improve and develop the hydroelectric field of study. Through my university is very young ,perhaps It does have a long distance from some famous universities, but I really love my university. Its beautiful campus ,the comfortable scholarly atmosphere here and other aspects ,etc. are really let me benefit a lot from her during this four years. I think if I learn something more in the future, I will go back to CTGU to devote myself to my major there .Thank you for your attention! 3. what is your plan if you become a post graduate students in DLUT? Well ,Thank you for your question. If I am lucky enough to get the chance for being a post graduate in Da Lian University of Technology, I will concentrate on the study during the following three years and try my best to research in the special field that my major is in. First, I want to learn the theoritical knowledge ,constructing a solid base for my future work.Second I would like to do some practical work with the help of my supervisor and other classmates .last but the most important, I want to cultivate myself to be a earnest, surefooted graduate student and accomplish my graduate study favorably. Thank you !4.why did you change your major? Well, Thank You for your question. My undergraduate major is biotechnology while when I took part in the entrance examination for the post graduate students I changed my major into the industry ecology& environment layout. There are two reasons for myself doing this. First I take more interesting in the environment and the relations between it and human beings. I want to through my post graduate study I can enrich my knowledge of the behaviours for human beings influence to the environment and the ecology. The second reason is that in my hometown ,for the construction of the Three Gorges Project, many people have to leave their hometown to be immigrants. And along with this, many rare plants and animals are on the verge of dying out and the ecological environment pollution is becoming more and more seriously. As a local boy, I love my hometown and I can not help enduring someday Yi Chang has no longer being beautiful again .So I changed my major and want to learn something for the environment of my hometown ,possibly also for the whole china. I think its also the responsibility for nowadays college students, only if we all realize the importance for the environment protection and do something we can for it , our city ,our home can be beautiful forever! Thank You!c. 专业课笔试专业课笔试这一块一般都占100分,考试时间在1个半到2个小时之间。科目要求已经在大工研究生招生网站给出了。其考试难度跟大工期末考试难度相当,所以大家不要太担心,认真复习指定教材内容,把握住重点,对于一些边缘知识点尽量不要细究,特别是复试要求考好几门的。大家也不能掉以轻心,笔试一定要及格,不及格没有面试资格,每年在这个环节上都要刷一部分人。 d. 面试面试这一块很重要,一般占100分或200分,有的专业还有抽题环节(规定时间把随机抽到的题目做出来,有时候还要讲解做题思路)。面试的时候考官门问的很广,都是围绕你本科的主干课程提问的,都是概念性的,没有复杂的计算。所以大家一定要做的面面俱到。另外面试时的形象和表达能力也很重要。面试时,要穿戴整洁,精神一点,不要胆怯,大工老师都很和蔼;自信一点,表达时,思路清晰,言谈简洁,不会不要紧,把沾边的都谈谈,但切忌瞎编乱造,那样会让很多老师反感的。e. 其他复试环节证件:复试时会要求大家带一些证件,大家到时候关注一下,记得带全。体检:这个一般都是走过程,只要没什么大的毛病就没问题。主要是抽血和胸透吧。调剂:对于那些被刷下来的,感觉联系校内调剂,因为名额都有限,所以动手晚了就很吃亏。f. 其他相关问题找导师找导师很重要,因为现在是双向选择,所以必须提前让老师知道你是谁,给老师留个印象。现在就可以动手了,如果你要是等到复试开始时再找就迟了。本校的本学期来了就联系好了,一些近一点学校的学生也提前来过了。大家可以先给导师发邮件,导师一般都不会给你准确的答复,不过大家不要担心,因为你还没复试,大多数老师会看你的复试表现来选择的,当然有关系的就不说了。然后提前35天就过来,先联系自己的师兄师姐,让他们帮你介绍一下导师的具体信息,没有师兄师姐的也可以拖朋友介绍一个,大工的研究生大部分都挺乐于助人的,大家别担心。然后就赶紧找导师面谈,面谈很重要,你必须先把导师的研究方向了解一下,对于一些比较牛的导师,他会问你一些问题,所以基础很重要啊,在这里也表现出了。记住,一定要提前来,不来,黄瓜菜都凉了。带礼品一般不要带礼品,大工老师都很朴实,也很正直。他们不在乎这些的,有些甚至反感。所以最好别带,交出一份漂亮的成绩单比什么礼品都强。四六级的影响大工对四六级不要求,我们班现在还有至今没过四级的硕士。出身院校的影响有些老师看这个,但是只要你各方面都突出,影响不是很大。但是找工作有影响,二本院校出身的兄弟真命苦啊!【精品文档】第 3 页