如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流办公区十项准则(中英文翻译)【精品文档】第 4 页办公区十项准则Ten guidelines for the office area 1. 保持桌面整洁。办公桌上不得随意摆放杂物,与办公无关的物品请合理放置于抽屉内。Please keep your desk tidy and make sure no messy items be placed on the desk. Items that are not related to the office should be placed in the drawer.2. 统一桌面收纳。请统一使用黑色竖版文件收纳架,并保持文件架内的文件始终摆放整齐 (请参考图1)。Please use the same black file storage rack and keep all files always neat (please refer to picture 1).3. 确保办公区无杂物。私人物品不得随意摆放在公共办公区内,随身包、雨伞、衣服、鞋子、化妆品等请放置在柜子里。纸箱、快递等杂物及时处理,切勿堆放在办公桌下方。Make sure there is no personal items randomly place in the office area. Personal bags, umbrellas, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc. should place in the cabinet. Box, courier and other items are handled in time and must not be stacked under the desk.4. 注意维护办公区卫生。公共办公区内不得进食、乱扔垃圾等现象出现。Pay attention to maintaining the health of the office area. No eating or littering in public office areas.5. 强化职业形象。办公期间需着正装,请勿穿拖鞋等过于休闲的服装,做到服装整洁、仪表大方,彰显国际学校教职工的风范。Strengthen professional image. During the workday, formal dress is required. Do not wear slippers or other overly casual clothing. Please make sure clothes are clean and demonstrate our international school facultys image.6. 坚持文明办公。办公区内请勿大声喧哗,举止文明、礼貌待人、勤奋工作。 Create a harmonious office. Do not make loud noises in the office area and please behave in a civilized, polite, and hardworking manner.7. 爱护集体财物。不准损坏公共物品、用具,各种用品要合理摆放,妥善保管。Care for schoolproperty . Do not damage public goods and utensils, and all kinds of products must be properly placed and kept.8. 厉行勤俭节约。避免随意浪费办公文具、纸张、水电,禁止学校电话私用,下班后要切断电器电源。Economic Saving. Avoid wasting office stationery, paper, water and electricity, prohibiting use school telephones to call personal issue. Please turn off the power of electrical appliances after work.9. 加强安全防范。不准带无关人士进入学校办公场所,如有嘉宾到访需提前报备行政部。下班后,门窗、桌柜要锁好,贵重物品请加强管护。Strengthen safety precautions. It is forbidden to bring non-school persons into the school. If there is a guest visitor, please report to the administrative department in advance. After work, doors and windows, table cabinets should be locked, and valuable items should strengthen management.10. 遵守学校时间制度。不准迟到、早退、无故旷工,请严格遵守学校考勤管理制度。Please strictly following school working time and attendance policy. Late arrivals, early departures, and absenteeism are not allowed.图1:规范的办公桌摆放Standardized desk placement图2:不规范的办公桌摆放Non-standard desk placement图3:不规范的办公桌摆放Non-standard desk placement图4:不规范的办公桌摆放Non-standard desk placement