Poverty Drug Abuse Crime Health Care Government and Corporations: The Abuse of powerPoverty Over 24 million people (more than 1 American in 10) are living at or below the poverty line. What does poverty mean in the United states?1 Over 24 million people are living at or below the official poverty.2 Many old people eating dog and cat food to support them.3 Malnutrition and deprivation for thousands of children.4unstable marriages, slum housing ,illiteracy, inadequate medical facilities.Social stratification Upper class Middle class Lower class (underclass) The phenomenon that the society divided into social classes that have varying degrees of access to access to the rewards the society offers called _ stratification Why was poverty not regarded as a significant social problem after World War ? New issues like the cold war ,communism,and Americas new global involvement aroused public concern.The war on poverty 1960s,poverty again attracted national attention due to John Kennedy. 1964,the war on poverty announced by Johnson in a special message to Congress. Publicly recognized and government intervention was accepted as an propriate way to solve it. Johnson failed to solve the problem of poverty. Why problem of poverty in the United states is aggravated? Because the overall distribution of wealth and income is very unequal.The pattern of the distribution of wealth in the US The richest fifth of American individuals and families owns more than three quarters of the wealth in the United States, whereas the lowest fifth owns only 0.2percent of the wealth.Drug abuse Definition Drug is a kind of chemical that is psychoactive, or capable of modifying a persons behavior through its effect on emotions, thinking, or consciousness.Opiumcannabis sativaHeroincocaineDrug abuse as a social problem Drug abuse in the US has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social facing the nation. Drug abuse has wide range of social cost, or dysfunctionssome obvious and measurable, some hidden and difficult to quantify. Drug abuse is certainly associated with the crime. The drug is responsible for half of the annual total of road traffic fatalities. Drug dependence takes a significant toll in terms of personal health and safety.The effect of drug Crime Automobile accidents Economic losses Effects on individualsthe Mafia Mafia(黑手党)一词起源于1282年3月30日复活节前一天的西西里起义。当一个巴勒莫少女在结婚当天被法国士兵强奸后,西西里开始了疯狂的报复,他们袭击见到的每一个法国人,并提出“Morto Alla Francia, Italia Anela”(意大利文“消灭法国是意大利的渴求”),而Mafia就是这个口号的字母缩写。 The Mafia is one of the criminal syndicates in the US. It has been deeply involved in the supply of heroin and cocaine. It established the network that manufactures, smuggles, and distributes these drugs.Crime number one enemy crimeWatergate Affair 水门事件(Watergate scandal),是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻事件之一,其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响,在1972年的总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松竞选班子的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯麦科德(James W. McCord, Jr.)为首的5人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时,当场被捕。由于此事,尼克松于1974年8月8日宣布将于次日辞职,从而成为美国历史上首位辞职的总统。Types of CrimeCharacteristics of arrested people Male Young Racial minority groups City residentsMale Characteristic : Males are arrested about 4 times as often as females. Major reasons : 1. Sex role stereotyping. 2. The tendency of police officers and the courts to deal more leniently with female offenders.The Young Characteristic : Young people appear to commit far more than their share of crime. Reasons : 1. Less skillful in avoiding being arrested. 2. They tend to commit crimes which are highly visible to the police.Racial Minority Groups Characteristic : The arrest rate for the black population is three times higher than for whites. Reasons : 1. A higher proportion of the black population is poor or unemployed. 2.Racial prejudice. BackBackCity Residents Characteristic : 1. Both the rate of reported crime and the arrested rate increase with the size of the community. 2. Arrest rates are substantially lower in more stable, higher-income residential areas.The White-collar Crimes Characteristics: higher-income groups. be overlooked by the crime statistics. higher rate of crime than the lower classes.Crime Statistics Conclusion: The actual rates are substantially higher than the official rates.Reasons1. Many victims do not report crimes to the police.2. The white-collar crimes are not included in the Crime Index and overlooked by the crime statistics.3. Close to 100 percent of all persons have committed some kind of offense,although few have been arrested. 4. The Crime Index is not fully comparable between jurisdictions and it is inconsistent from one year to the next. 5. Crime ststistics are at times manipulated by the plice and public officials.BackBackHealth Care Not having a national health-insurance program or some similar means of making health care freely available High costs. Uneven delivery of medical services. Private business to make profits.The American Health-care System Medical Insurance. Medicare (老年公共医疗保险)and Medicaid(穷人医疗补助).Medical InsuranceDuring the Great Depression, many people were simply unable to pay their hospital bills. to guarantee against any loss of income in the future.Blue Cross to cover doctors fees for medical and surgical expense.Blue ShieldThe Blues purpose: to ensure that hospital bills get paid, however high they are. benifit: about 4/5 of the American population is now covered by some kind of health insurance.Medicare and Medicaid purpose: to make medical care more freely available to people over 65 and the people with very low income. shortcoming: 1. major cause of runaway costs in the medical systems. 2. give rise to a new industrymedifraud.Medifraud Medifraud the business valued at anything between $ 1 billion and $ 5 billion a year. often take place in what are known as Medicaid mills. rampant in the US.Medicaid mills storefront clinics,usually in impovershed ghetto areas. rely on Medicaid to foot the bills. 5 types of swindling ping-ponging 接受不必要的检查 upgrading 收取虚假服务费用 family-ganging 致使全家出动接受检查 steering 相互勾结获取回扣 shorting 少给药物结束结束