2022年压载水管理计划分享 .pdf
BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 压载水管理计划SHIP NAME 船名 ZHEN HUA 15 IMO No. 国际海事组织编号8714970 上海蓝捷海上安全技术咨询服务公司Shanghai Lanjie Maritime Technical Consultation Services Ltd. 2 March 2010 1 CONTENTS (目录)Section Title Page No. Preamble 序言 3 Introduction 前言 4 Ship Particulars 船舶主要参数5 RECORD OF AMENDMENTS 内容修订记录6 Section 1 Purpose 目的 7 Section 2 Plans/Drawings of the Ballast System 压载系统图8 Section 3 Description of the Ballast System 压载系统介绍9 Section 4 Ballast Water Sampling Points 压载水取样点11 Section 5 Operation of the Ballast Water Management System 压载水管理系统操作12 Section 6 Safety Procedures for the Ship and the Crew 船及船员安全程序16 Section 7 Operational or Safety Restrictions 操作及安全注意事项20 Section 8 Description of the Method(s) used on board for Ballast 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - Water Management and Sediment Control 压载水管理及沉积物处理方法说明21 Section 9 Procedures for the Disposal of Sediments 沉积物处理程序23 Section 10 Methods of Communication 沟通方法24 Section 11 Duties of the Ballast Water Management Officer 压载水管理高级船员的职责26 Section 12 Recording Requirements 记录要求27 Section 13 Crew Training and Familiarisation 船员培训和熟悉29 2 APPENDICES (附录)Page Appendix 1 Plans 图纸 32 Appendix 2 Format for ballast water reporting form 压载水管理报告表38 Appendix 3 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH 总纵强度42 Appendix 4 STABILITY 稳性 43 Appendix 5 PROPELLER IMMERSION 螺旋桨浸没45 Appendix 6 BRIDGE VISIBILITY FORWARD 可视范围46 Appendix 7 DEFINITION OF SEA STATE ACCORDING TO WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANISATION 世界气象组织海况定义47 3 PREMEABLE 序 言名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - Regulation B-1 of the Convention requires that each ship shall have on board and implement a Ballast Water Management Plan. The Plan must be approved by the Administration, taking into account Guidelines developed by IMO. The Plan should be carefully tailored to the particular ship for which it is intended. 压载水公约 B-1 条规定:每艘船舶应在船上携带并实施压载水管理计划。此计划应结合国际海事组织制定的导则由主管机关批准。压载水管理计划应根据实船制定。The Plan is developed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation B-1 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships? Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 and the Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and the Development of Ballast Water Management Plans(Resolution MEPC.127(53). 本计划按照 2004 年国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约B-1 条和压载水管理及压载水管理计划编制导则(MEPC.127(53))编制。4 INTRODUCTION 前 言1. This Plan is written in accordance with the requirements of regulation B-1 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships? Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004(the convention) and the IMO ,Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water management Plans? Resolution MEPC 127 (53). 该计划依据2004 年船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理国际公约B-1部分和国际海事组织MEPC.127 (53)决议压载水管理和制定压载水管理计划导则进行编制。2. The purpose of the Plan is to meet the requirements for the control and management of ship?s ballast water and sediments in accordance with the Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and the Development of Ballast Water Management Plans resolution MEPC 127(53) (The Guidelines). It provides standard operational guidance for the planning and management of ships? ballast water and sediments and describes safety procedures to be followed. 编制该计划的目的在于使压载水及沉积物控制和管理满足压载水管理和制定压载水管名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - 理计划指南( MPEC.127(53)要求。该计划提供标准的压载水置换及沉积处理操作指导和需要遵循的安全操作程序。3. This Plan has been examined by American Bureau of Shipping(ABS) and no alteration or revision shall be made to any mandatory part of it without the prior approval of ABS. 该计划已获美国船级社( ABS)批准。未经 ABS同意不得对任何强制性内容进行变更或修改。4. Changes to non mandatory information in Appendices will not be required to be approved. 对附录中非强制性内容的修改不必获得批准。5. This plan may be inspected on request by an authorized authority. 本计划可按授权机关要求接受检查。6. It is the owners/operators or master?s responsibility to regularly review the plan andensure that the information contained therein is accurate and updated. 船东/营运方或船长负责定期审阅该计划,确保该计划包含的内容的正确性和适时性。5 SHIP PARTICULARS (船舶主要参数)Ship Name 船名 ZHEN HUA 15 Ship Type 船型 Heavy Equipment Carrier Flag Sate 船旗国 HONG KONG, P.R.CHINA Port of Registry 船籍港Hongkong International Call Sign 船舶呼号VRFE7 Gross Tonnage 总吨位 39771 IMO No 国际海事组织编号8714970 Classification society 船级社 American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Class No. 船级登记号89214086 Length Overal 总长 233.3 m Length(BP) 垂线间长222.0 m Moulded Breadth 型宽 42.0 m Moulded Depth 型深 13.5 m Summer Load Line Draft 夏季载重线吃水9.2 m Deepest Ballast Draft Extreme 最深压载吃水9.095 m Total Ballast Capacity 压载水总容积99300.4 m3 Ballast Water Management Method(s) Used 压载水管理方法SEQUENTIAL METHOD Identification (Rank) of Ballast 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - Water Management Officer 负责压载水管理的高级船员职位C/O 6 RECORD OF AMENDMENTS (内容修订记录)No 序号Date 日期Revised Part 修改部分Revision details/description 修改内容Signature 签字7 SECTION 1 PURPOSE 第1节 目的1.1 Studies carried out in several countries indicated that many species of bacteria, plants, and animals can survive in a viable form in the ballast water and sediments carried in ships, even after journeys of several months? duration. Subsequent discharge of ballast water or sediment into the water of port States may result in the establishment of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens which may pose threats to indigenous human , animal and plants life, and the marine environment. 经研究表明, 许多种细菌、 植物、动物能以多种形式在船舶压载水和沉积物种生存,甚至在几个月的航行后仍然保持生命力。而随后当压载水及沉积物被排入到港口国水域后,造成有害水生物和病原体的滋生,对当地的人体健康、动物、植物生存和海洋环境造成严重威胁。1.2 Today, ballast water has been identified as the principal vector responsible for the transfer of different species globally. Nonrestrictive discharge of ballast water and sediment has been caused major damage to environment, human health, property and resources, therefore ballast water control and management measures must be taken to reduce and ultimately eliminate the risk of introducing harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - from ships? ballast water and sediments.当今,船舶压载水已经被确定为水生物种在全球范围内传播的主要载体,压载水和沉积物的无控制排放已经造成对环境、人体健康、 财产和资源的损害, 因此必须采取压载水控制和管理措施,以减少和最终消除有害水生物和病原体的转移所带来的风险。1.3 As a result IMO has developed the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships? Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 and relevant Guidelines, to assist Governments, appropriate authorities, as well as other interested parties, in preventing and minimizing the risk of introducing harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens from ships?ballast water and sediments while protecting ships? safety.国际海事组织因此制定了2004 年船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理国际公约以及相关实施导则,以致力于帮助政府、有关当局及其他相关方在保护船舶安全的同时,最大程度地降低从船舶压载水及沉积物中引入有害水生物和病原体的风险。1.4 Regulation B-1 of the Convention requires that each ship shall have on board and implement a Ballast Water Management Plan. Meanwhile in order to indicate that ships calling to the port have fully fulfilled ballast water management measures correctly, it is necessary to record and keep on board uptake and discharge of ships? ballast water. Therefore regulation B-2 of the Convention also has the detailed requirements of the Ballast Water Record Book. 压载水公约 B-1 条要求, 每艘船舶应在船上携带并实施压载水管理计划。同时为证明到港船舶完全履行了正确的压载水管理措施,有必要对船舶压载水的加装和排放作业予以记录和保存,因此公约B-2 条亦对压载水记录簿提出具体要求。1.5 The function of the Ballast Water Management Plan is to assist in complying with IMO guidelines when carrying out ballast water exchange, while maintaining ship safety. The Plan also provides information to port State control and other interested parities about ship?s ballastwater management system, and should not be used or regarded as a guide to ballasting. 压载水管理计划的作用在于, 船舶进行压载水置换时, 在保证船舶安全的情况下,名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - 压载水操作的整个过程遵守国际海事组织制定的导则。计划为港口及有关方提供压载水管理系统信息,而不能视为船舶压载指南。8 SECTION 2 PLANS/DRAWINGS OF THE BALLAST SYSTEM 第2 节 压载系统图The following plans are located in Appendix 1: 以下图纸包含在附录 1 中:1. Capacity Plan( 舱容图)2. Air And Sounding System(空气、测深管系布置图)3. Ballast pipping diagram (压载系统原理图)4. List indicating the location of sampling and access points in ballast water tanks. (压载水取样点位置分布表)9 SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE BALLAST SYSTEM 第3 节 压载系统描述The following is a description of the ballast system used on board. Referenced plans can be found in Appendix 1. 该部分主要介绍本船压载系统,相关图纸请参照附录1。Ballast tank data(压载舱)No Comp. Frame Capacity m3 1 No.1 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 71 - F 76 2476.7 2 No.1 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 71 - F 76 2283.3 3 No.2 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 66 - F 71 2904.9 4 No.2 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 66 - F 71 2773.9 5 No.3 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 61 - F 66 2904.9 6 No.3 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 61 - F 66 2773.9 7 No.4 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 56 - F 61 2904.9 8 No.4 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 56 - F 61 2773.9 9 No.5 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 51 - F 56 2904.9 10 No.5 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 51 - F 56 2773.9 11 No.6 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 46 - F 51 2904.9 12 No.6 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 46 - F 51 2773.9 13 No.7 A.P.W.B.T.(CP) F 43 - F 46 1732.3 14 No.7 A.P.W.B.T.(CS) F 43 - F 46 1738.7 15 No.1 A.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 71 - F 76 21288.7 16 No.2 A.P.W.B.T.( P&S) F 61 - F 71 23450.2 17 No.3 A.P.W.B.T.( P&S) F 56 - F 61 21744.7 18 No.4 A.P.W.B.T.( P&S) F 46 - F 56 23481.9 19 No.5 A.P.W.B.T.( P&S) F 41 - F 46 21427.4 20 No.6 W.B.T.(P) F 28 - F 41 696.0 21 No.6 W.B.T.(S) F 28 - F 41 591.2 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - 22 No.1 W.B.T.(S-S,P) F 74 - F 76 1056.5 23 No.1 W.B.T.(S-S,S) F 74 - F 76 994.0 24 No.2 W.B.T.(S-S, P&S) F 41 - F 43 2 577.6 25 No.2A W.B.T.(S-S,S) F 28 - F 40+1.800 188.4 26 No.3 W.B.T.(S-S,P) F 13 - F 25 478.5 27 No.3 W.B.T.(S-S,S) F 13 - F 25 749.2 28 No.4 W.B.T.(S-S,P) F-7 +0.700 - F 13 948.4 29 No.4 W.B.T.(S-S,S) F-7 +0.700 - F 13 969.4 30 A.P.W.B.T. F-7 +0.700 - F 13 1867.4 31 F.P.W.B.T. F 76 - F 80 2320.4 32 No.1 U.P.W.B.T.(CP&CS) F 71 - F 75 2 1060.1 33 No.2 U.P.W.B.T.(CP&CS) F 66 - F 71 2 1447.6 34 No.3 U.P.W.B.T.( CP&CS) F 61 - F 66 21447.6 10 35 No.4 U.P.W.B.T.( CP&CS) F 56 - F 61 21447.6 36 No.5 U.P.W.B.T.( CP&CS) F 51 - F 56 21447.6 37 No.6 U.P.W.B.T.( CP&CS) F 46 - F 51 21447.2 38 No.7 U.P.W.B.T.( CP&CS) F 43 - F 46 2848.5 39 No.1 U.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 71 - F 76 2379.0 40 No.2 U.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 61 - F 71 21651.1 41 No.3 U.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 56 - F 61 2848.3 42 No.4 U.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 46 - F 56 21601.2 43 No.5 U.P.W.B.T.(P&S) F 41 - F 46 2311.7 99300.4 Pump data(泵)Pump Rated Capacity (m3 /h) BALLAST PUMP No.1 2000.0 BALLAST PUMP No.2 2000.0 BALLAST PUMP No.3 2000.0 BALLAST PUMP No.4 1500.0 BALLAST PUMP No.5 1500.0 11 SECTION 4 BALLAST WATER SAMPLING POINTS 第4节 压载水取样点Information regarding the location of the ballast water sampling points is contained in Appendix 1. 压载水取样点位置分布请参照附录1。Compliance monitoring may be undertaken by authorized officers (e.g. Port State Control), by taking and analyzing ballast water and sediment samples from ships. 符合性监测由港口国官员通过采集、分析压载水和沉积物样本进行。There is unlikely to be any need for crewmembers to take samples except at the express 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - request, and under the supervision, of an authorized officer. 船员不大可能需要采集样本,但在相关官员明确要求并在其监督情况下除外。Authorized officers must be advised of all safety procedures to be observed when entering enclosed spaces. 当进入封闭区域时,有关官员必须被告知安全操作程序。Where ballast water or sediment sampling for compliance or effectiveness monitoring is being undertaken, the time required to analyze the samples shall not be used as a basis for unduly delaying the operation movement or departure of the ship. 对压载水和沉积物的符合性或有效性检查的取样及进行样品分析所需的时间不应作为不当延误船舶作业或离港的理由。When sampling for research or compliance monitoring, authorized officers (e.g. Port State Control) should give as much notice to the Master as possible that sampling will occur, to assist the Master in planning staffing and operational resources to assist. 当进行采样分析或符合性检查时,官员(如港口国控制) 应向船长提出尽可能多的注意事项,以帮助船长配置船员与操作资源。The Master has a general obligation to provide reasonable assistance for the above monitoring and information pertaining to ballast arrangements and sampling points. 船长有责任为监测提供合理的帮助和压载舱布置与采样点信息。Port State Authorities should indicate to the master or responsible officer the purpose for which the sample is taken (i.e. monitoring, research or enforcement). 港口国当局应当告知负责的高级船员采样的目的(比如监测、研究或执行)。Port State Authorities may sample or require samples to analyze ballast water and sediment, before permitting a ship to discharge its ballast water. 港口国当局可能要求在允许船舶排放压载水前对压载水和沉积物进行采样分析。12 SECTION 5 OPERATION OF THE BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 第5节 压载水管理系统操作The necessity of pre-planning is to ensure that all safety considerations as addressed in Sections 6 and 7 are in compliance with ballast exchange, ballast water treatment or other control options. 有必要预先做好压载水置换的预案,以保证第 6、7节中所包括的安全考虑满足压名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - 载水置换、压载水处理或其它控制手段的要求。1. Ballast Water Exchange (压载水置换)Ballast water exchange in open water and the need to for exchange should be carefully examined and prepared in advance, in a similar manner to the preparation of a cargo plan for a loaded voyage, and with the same degree of thoroughness. 应预先对在开敞水域进行压载水置换以及置换的必要性进行仔细检查和和精心准备,这种准备工作类似于编制货船装载手册,并具有同等的全面性。The Convention requires that vessels should conduct ballast water exchange: 公约要求按下列规定进行压载水置换: At least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 m in depth; if this is not possible 距离最近陆地至少 200海里、水深至少 200米;如果条件不满足,则 As far from the nearest land as possible, and in all cases at least 50 nm from the nearest land and in water at least 200 m in depth or 尽可能远离最近陆地, 在任何情况下距离最近陆地至少50海里、 水深至少 200 米;或 In sea areas designated by the Port State 在港口国指定的海域All local and/or national regulations should be taken into consideration as they may specify other depths and distances from land. 应考虑所有地方和 /或国家的规定,因为他们可能指定其它的海水深度和离岸距离。A ship will not be required to deviate from its intended voyage or delay the voyage in order to comply with any particular requirement as stated above. In addition if the master decides reasonably that an exchange would threaten the safety or stability of the ship, its crew or its passengers because of adverse weather, ship design or stress, equipment failure, or any other extraordinary condition he is not required to comply with above paragraphs. 船舶不需要为了满足特殊要求而偏离航向或延误航程。另外,如果船长认为进行压载水置换会威胁船的安全航行、 稳性不满足要求、 危及船员及乘客的安全、 超过许用应力、名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 44 页 - - - - - - - - - 设备无法运转或其它不可抗拒因素,则可不遵守上述要求。1.1 Sequential Method (顺序法)The ,Sequential Method? is a process by which a ballast tank intended for the carriage of ballast water is first emptied and then refilled with replacement ballast water to achieve at least a 95 per cent volumetric exchange. 顺序法就是先从压载舱泵出压载水后再打入替换压载水,置换需达到