2022年银行信贷风险的分析与管理 .pdf
当前,我国银行业务正在向着多元化的方向发展,但信贷业务已绝对的优势在整个银行业务中仍然占据着不可忽视的比重。然而基础设施建设不足、市场监管不力、 国民信誉度较低以及金融危机等问题阻碍着银行信贷业务的进一步发展。要想有效降低信贷风险,使信贷业务增加银行效益、促进银行的进一步发展,就必须及时、 有效地解决银行信贷风险管理中发现的问题。一、浅析银行信贷风险所谓银行信贷风险是指银行债务人由于无力清偿银行债务而出现的风险,是银行信贷资产经营上的一种主要风险。表面看来, 银行出现信贷风险好像大部分的责任在于债务人,没错,但是银行信贷风险管理水平不高也是银行信贷高风险的一大原因。如果银行能够充分的利用合理、科学的方法和技术手段对有可能成为导致贷款损失的因素进行准确、合理的整理、分析和控制, 那么银行的信贷质量将会大大提高,同时贷款的风险和损失也会降低并且提高银行信贷风险管理水平及其损失补偿的能力。其实,银行信贷风险管理并不是一种具体的方法手段,而是一种深入银行行业骨髓的理论思想和风险意识,只有把这种思想和意识在心中留下深深的烙印,才能把信贷风险管理纳入到银行管理项目中,才能自觉地提高有关管理技术并完善相关的管理制度,从而把信贷风险管理落到实处,真正的发挥信贷风险管理的作用,否则的话, 信贷风险管理也只能流于表面,不能为控制银行信贷风险管理做出贡献。二、当前我国银行信贷风险管理中存在的问题1.信贷投放领域集中,信贷结构不合理现阶段, 我国经济建设中产业结构相对不合理,使得经济发展不平衡,从而导致了银行信贷投放领域比较集中,加大了银行信贷风险。如近几年,房地产行业发展迅速,而且它回报率快且高,使得许多银行把大部分的信贷都投放在房地产领域中以获得更多的贷款利息,其实银行的这种做法是无可厚非的,因为只有在同样的时间内提供更高的利息才能获得更多的贷款, 但是从经济发展的全局来看,这是一种非常危险的信贷行为,因为它极有可能发生“把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里”的问题,使银行信贷成为房地产领域这条线上的一只蚂蚱,一旦房地产行业发展不景气或是遇到了其他的问题,那么与之密切相关的银行信贷就会出现资金链断裂和大量坏账的问题,极易使银行信贷体系崩溃。再一个,在信贷业务中,目前我国许多银行的前台操作和后台管理仍然有着千丝万缕的关系,导致风险管理和风险决策要受到上级领导和营销指标的双重干扰。在兼顾风险管理和营销业绩的同时,各级银行行长往往会重视营销指标而忽视信贷风险的管理,这也在一定程度上影响了银行信贷风险的管理质量。同时很多银行在经济上升和繁荣时期会放宽贷款的条件,如此一来企业很容易就可以获得贷款,同样的他们的资产也会有很大的价值,从而企业会加大对固定资产的投资,银行利润也会从中相应增加;相反的当经济发展速度相对减缓时,企业会很难获得贷款,随之资产价值也会不断下降, 作为抵押品的资产会不同程度的贬值,从而导致银行利润相对降低、风险抵偿能力相对减弱。 这种放贷模式会使银行存在很大的潜在风险,这些风险会在经济低迷时集中爆发,对银行的经营和整个经济的运行产生极大的影响甚至使之崩溃。2.风险管理制度有待提高名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 改革开放以来, 我国经济就进入了快速发展的阶段,但是国家基础设施的建设并没有跟得上经济发展的步伐,从而满足经济发展的需求。体现在银行信贷业就是其风险管理制度不完善。 制度不完善, 首先使很多的信贷人专门寻找其工作程序和有关文件中的漏洞,从而钻管理制度不完善的空子;很多银行在制定风险管理制度的时候,并没有根据当前我国的国家情况以及本单位的实际情况,使得管理制度没有很强的可行性,只是成为了一种象征意义的存在。 其次目前我国的信贷业务具有很长的政策链条,操作环节复杂、繁多, 管理结构呈现出多层次的状况, 导致风险管理模式僵化且不合理,例如并没有把信贷风险管理项目列入且落实到银行的日常管理活动中,贷款的操作流程以及前、中、后三个环节没有得到有效地梳理和衔接, 而且贷款后的管理制度不科学,使得信贷人逾期还款的现象司空见惯,最重要的是很多银行大多都只重视贷款前对资产规模的调查,很少有人去注重贷款后的监控工作以及信贷质量。不完善的信贷风险管理制度让工作人员很难去识别银行营销项目和风险管理项目,这也就导致工作人员不能及时有效地对信贷风险进行防范和处理,也不能合理测量和全面把握信贷风险状况。 同时不完善的管理制度在一定程度上也阻碍了银行对信贷政策的及时调整。经济繁荣时不需细表,对信贷政策一年一检就可以了。但是在经济低迷时它的形势和信贷风险是千变万化的, 如果银行对信贷政策没有足够的灵敏度并对其进行及时调整,那么银行未来的生存和经营发展将会遭受很大的威胁和影响。3.管理人员能力欠缺,管理手段较落后在银行信贷风险管理中,管理人员的综合素质是影响风险管理水平的一个重要因素。目前,我国银行大多使用AAA、AA、 A、BBB四个等级来对信贷客户进行信誉等级评价,并没有根据具体的情况对评价方法进行细致的划分,使得因评级方法太过宽泛而不能准确的估算信贷客户的违约概率。同时, 国内的贷款评估机制不健全,导致很多抵押贷款的物品都被严重高估了其价值, 而且许多的信贷人在得知抵押物品贬值后都拒绝清偿贷款,这种情况在无形中导致了银行资产的外流。再一个, 很多银行中的信贷工作人员的专业能力不够过硬,而且他们也不了解和熟悉相关的法律法规,也没有很好的沟通交际能力,以上种种都导致风险管理人员不能及时有效地防范和处理信贷风险,降低了银行信贷服务质量。同时多年来的经济上升使银行的很多工作人员只注重放贷、也只知道如何放贷,而不知道退出信贷,其中包括如何退、什么时间退、 退额多少等等。 因此当经济下行低迷时只能眼睁睁的看着风险形成、累积, 最终爆发而无计可施。并且由于长期形成的传统押品文化,使很多银行的工作人员对押品过度的信任和依赖,导致他们忽视了对贷款企业经营情况的监管和掌控,以至于他们错误地判断银行信贷风险,无形中为银行带来了经济损失。三、提高银行信贷风险管理水平的措施1.优化信贷组织结构加大对信贷风险管理重要性的宣传教育,使银行管理层在思想认识上有一个根本的转变,从而起到领导带头的作用,联系本银行的实际情况,优化银行信贷业务结构,从而避免“篮子毁了,所有鸡蛋也毁了”问题的发生。其次,可以建立合理的激励机制,让信贷工作者不再都青睐于某一行业的信贷业务,从而为优化信贷组织结构做出贡献。同时做好贯彻落实工作,把信贷风险管理的职责明确到每一个部门、每一岗位、每一位工作人员身上,做到分工明确、各司其职,以提高信贷管理工作效率,同时注意并重视把贷款和审计分离开来,以保证审计不受太多因素的干扰,从而提高审计的公正性以使其真正的发挥作用。如果银行规名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - 模比较大,最好设立专门的信贷风险管理部门,使银行信贷风险更好地被评估、防范和处理,以更好地提高信贷风险管理水平。2.完善风险管理制度完善风险管理制度可以通过贷前调查、贷中审查以及贷后检查三个方面来开展完善工作。首先, 根据我国国情和银行的实际情况制定科学、可行的信贷风险管理制度,包括信贷操作手册、 管理人员的行为规则以及纪律守则,使工作人员在开展信贷工作时有据可依,从而达到规范信贷工作程序的目的。根据客户以往的失信情况以及工作经验,建立健全客户失信的惩罚机制以及追究机制,使客户具有失信危机意识,从而促使其提高信誉水平。在贷前,对传统工作方式方法进行创新,及时有效地调查、收集信贷人的信誉状况及其资产经营情况,并表明和确认信贷的各种事由,从而决定是否对其发放贷款。其次,在发放信贷时,一定要严格按照有关的制度和工作流程来开展信贷工作,落实审贷分离, 把申带责任具体落实到个人,以防止信贷风险发生后的追还。同时重视信贷风险的检查和监督,把前台的业务经营和后台的业务符合作为风险防范的第一、第二线, 把具有独立性的审计部门的审计职能作为第三道防线, 从而有效避免操作程序不当和徇私舞弊现象的发生。总之在发放信贷时,一定要有合理、严格的模式和严肃、认真的态度。最后,在信贷发放后,对信贷人的具体情况进行及时的跟踪和调查,包括其资产经营情况、账户往来变动以及关键人物调动等问题,从而使信贷人的具体情况处于全程的监督和控制之下,以便检查其是否有无法按期清偿贷款以及违约征兆等情况, 好以此为依据做好准备工作,尽可能的把信贷风险和其带来的损失降到最低。与此同时, 充分利用现代化信息技术,完善信贷信息管理体系和构建风险度量模型,以提高信贷损失率的准确度和贷款定价的合理性,同时建立贷款损失、赔付率以及预期违约概率之间的相关关系,以分析、判断非预期损失,从而做到及时发现并及时防范信贷风险。3.提高管理人员的综合素质,创新管理方式方法根据客户的具体情况以及银行的实际情况引入并逐渐完善十级风险评级系统,把信贷人的信誉情况进行细致的划分,从而准确的估算出客户的违约概率。同时银行的发展计划招募高素质的专业人员或定期对在岗的工作人员进行继续教育,使他们拥有过硬的专业技术和专业技能,从而让他们能及时、准确、有效地识别、发现、防范和处理信贷风险。在提高管理人员专业素养的同时,也要让他们学习和了解信贷方面的法律法规并提高其沟通交际能力,以便更好地为信贷客户服务。四、结语综上所述,信贷风险管理对于银行来说是一项最常规、也是最重要的管理工作之一,高水平的风险管理工作可以有效提高整个银行的运行效率并增强其综合竞争实力。因此, 我们一定要克服当前银行信贷风险管理中存在的问题,根据目前我国经济发展的形势以及银行的实际情况, 优化信贷组织结构、完善信贷管理制度并提高管理人员的综合素质,不断地提高银行信贷风险管理工作效率,从而有效地降低信贷风险,促进我国银行业的蓬勃发展。At present, Chinas banking business is developing towards the direction of diversification, but the credit business has the absolute advantage in the entire banking business is still occupying the proportion of non negligible. However, problems such as inadequate infrastructure, 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - inadequate market supervision, low national reputation and financial crisis hinder the further development of bank credit business. In order to effectively reduce the credit risk, so that the credit business to increase bank efficiency and promote the further development of the bank, it is necessary to solve the problem of bank credit risk management in a timely and effective way. First, the analysis of bank credit risk The so-called bank credit risk refers to the risk that a bank debtor can not pay off the bank debt, which is a major risk of bank credit asset management. On the face of it, the bank credit risk appears to be most of the responsibility lies in the debtor, yes, but the bank credit risk management level is not high is also a major cause of bank credit risk. If banks can make full use of reasonable and scientific methods and techniques may be lead to accurate and reasonable arrangement, analysis and control of factors of loan losses, so bank credit quality will be greatly improved, also loan risks and losses will reduce and improve the ability of bank credit risk management level and loss compensation. Actually, the bank credit risk management and not a specific methods, but a bone marrow bank industry in depth theory and risk awareness, only to the idea and consciousness in the heart left deep imprint, in order to credit risk management into the bank project management to consciously improve relevant management technology and perfect the management system of the related, so as to implement the management of credit risk, real play the role of credit risk management, otherwise, credit risk management is only superficial, not to contribute to the control of bank credit risk management. Two, the current problems in the management of bank credit risk in our country 1 focus on the field of credit, credit structure is not reasonable At this stage, Chinas economic construction in the industrial structure is relatively unreasonable, making economic development is not balanced, which led to the field of bank credit is relatively concentrated, increasing the risk of bank credit. As in recent years, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, and it is fast and high rate of return, so many banks put most of the credit are put in the field of real estate to get more bank loan interest, actually this kind of practice is the only available because no ground for blame, higher interest rates at the same time can get more the loan, but from the view of the development of global economy, this is a very dangerous credit behavior, because it is likely to happen all the egg in one basket , the bank credit has become a grasshopper in real estate this line, once the development of the real estate industry downturn or encounter other problems, so closely related to the bank credit will appear capital chain and a large number of bad debt problems, easily lead to the collapse of the bank credit system. Again, in the credit business, at present many of our bank onstage operation and the backstage management still has a complicated relationship, resulting in risk management and risk decision by superior leadership and marketing metrics double interference. While taking into account the risk management and marketing performance at the same time, the bank governors often pay attention to the marketing target and ignore the credit risk management, which also to a certain extent, affected the quality of bank credit risk management. At the same time, many banks in economic growth and prosperity will relax loan conditions, so way companies easily can get loans, the same of their assets will have great value. Thus, the enterprise will increase the investment in fixed assets, bank profits will from a corresponding increase; the opposite when the speed of economic development is relatively slow, the enterprise will be difficult to get loans, along with the asset 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - value will continue to decline, as collateral assets will be different degree of depreciation of the, which leads to relatively lower bank profits, risk compensation ability is relatively weak. This lending model will make the banks have a lot of potential risks, these risks will be concentrated in the economic downturn, the operation of the bank and the entire economic operation has a great impact and even collapse. 2 risk management system needs to be improved Since the reform and opening up, Chinas economy has entered a stage of rapid development, but the construction of national infrastructure has not followed the pace of economic development, so as to meet the needs of economic development. Reflected in the bank credit industry is the risk management system is not perfect. System is not perfect, first of all to make many people of the credit specifically looking for loopholes in its work program and the relevant documents, and drilled loopholes of management system is not perfect; many banks in the development of risk management system, and no according to the current state of our country and the actual situation of the unit, making management system without a strong feasibility, just become a symbolic meaning of existence. Then at present of our country credit business with a long chain of policy, operation link is complex, different management structure showing a multi-level, lead to risk management model is rigid and unreasonable, for example, and not the project credit risk management included and implemented into the banks daily management activities, loan procedures and before, during and after the three link has not been effectively sort out and cohesion, and post loan management system is not scientific, the credit overdue repayment of the phenomenon commonplace. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - -