如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流专科电子商务英语_试卷_答案【精品文档】第 3 页网络教育专科电子商务英语模拟试题一、 (共七大题,共150分)一、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1.( )E-commerce is just having a web site and doing business on it. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误2. ( )The payment system, which used to be considered as one of the fatal factors hindering E-commerce development in the country, is now improved. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确3. ( )The Internet was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA) of theU.S.government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANETA. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确4. ( ) E-commerce involves the electronically-facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party without any troubles. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误5. ( )Third party institutions include the schools, books, stores, professional organizations, research labs and companies with whom the authors are affiliated. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确6. ( )E-government is “online government” and “Internet-based government”. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误7. ( )Due to the volume of spam E-mail on the Internet, spam filters are essential to most users. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确8. ( )There are two types of encryption: secret key and public key encryption. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确9. ( )The search engines can help visitors get the information pages inside easily. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确10.The buying and selling in an online auction is made possible through auction softwares. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确二、Answer the following questions.1.Please list the difference between Internet and World Wide Web. (5分)标准答案:The terms Internet and World Wide Web, as a matter of fact, are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. World Wide Web is just one of the way that information can be circulated over the Internet.2. Please give out the definition of E-commerce according to business process perspective. (5分)标准答案:From a business process perspective, E-commerce is doing business electronically by completing business processes over electronic networks.3. What is the general idea of the B2C model? (5分)标准答案:If you could reach more customers, service them better, make more sales while spending less to do it, which would the formula of success for implementing a B2C E-commerce infrastructure.4. Please list the essential security requirements for sale electronic payments. (5分)标准答案:Four essential security requirements for safe electronic payments are:·Authentication: a method to verify the buyers identity before payment is authorized.·Encryption: a process of making messages indecipherable except by those who have authorized decryption keys.·Integrity: ensuring that information will not be accidentally or maliciously altered or destroyed during transmission.·Nonrepudiation: protection against customers denial of orders placed and against merchants denial of payments made.三、Fill in the blanks with right answers and translate the sentences into Chinese.(20分) A. outweigh B. clicked to C. rather than asking a question to a real life person D. they can get an automatic price-quote through a form 1. There have been many warnings of the dangers of the Internet, but its power and benefits _its dark side.译文_ (5分)标准答案:A,关于互联网的危害有很多警示,但它的魅力和带来的利益远远大于其不足的一面。2. Apart from “pop-ups and pop-unders”, many possible clients will find its “safer” to look around on a website anonymously,_.译文_ (5分)标准答案:C,除了“弹出窗口和隐性弹出式广告”,许多潜在客户会发现可以匿名地浏览网站上的内容而不用向现实生活中的人询问显得更安全。四、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1.( )One of the major problems of B2C growth is the perception about poor security and privacy, and lack of trust. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确2. ( )If the E-commerce websites want to win the confidence of the potential buyers, they should invest more money to build the websites. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误3. ( )The most widely accepted algorithm for secret key encryption is the Data Encryption Standard(DES). (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确4. ( )The security on the Internet is higher than that of the VAN. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误5. ( )It is somewhat less common for E-mail users to complain that spam filters block legitimate mail. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确6. ( )Spamming is not one of the online advertising. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误7. ( )Nowadays, the government pays more attention to the transformation of the sectors rather than E-government this phrase. (2分) ( ).标准答案:正确8. ( )Netscape provides services that are an example of the new medium approach. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误9. ( )It is very difficult for law enforcement organizations to find stolen goods offered online. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误10. ( )The Internet refers to the World Wide Web. (2分) ( ).标准答案:错误五、Choose from Column B an appropriate object for each of the words in Column A. AB1.( )fatal factors时间约束2.( )measurable数字媒体3.( )customer segment致命因素4( ) time constraints可衡量性5.( )digital media.客户群6.( )adding animation to web pages. 销售和谈判7.( )spam向网页添加动画8( )Nonrepudiation信贷和消费习惯9.( )selling and negotiation垃圾邮件10.( ) Credit and consumption habits不可否认性.标准答案:1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B 6.G 7.I 8.J 9.F 10.H六、Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1.( )E-commerce is just having a web site and doing business on it.2.( )The payment system, which used to be considered as one of the fatal factors hindering E-commerce development in the country, is now improved.3.( )The Internet was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANETA.4.( ) E-commerce involves the electronically-facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party without any troubles.5.( )The buying and selling in an online auction is made possible through auction softwares.6.( )Third party institutions include the schools, books, stores, professional organizations, research labs and companies with whom the authors are affiliated.7.( )E-government is “online government” and “Internet-based government”.8.( )Due to the volume of spam E-mail on the Internet, spam filters are essential to most users.9.( )There are two types of encryption: secret key and public key encryption.10.( )The search engines can help visitors get the information pages inside easily.标准答案:1.× 2. 3. 4.× 5. 6. 7.× 8. 9. 10.七 Answer the following questions. 1. Please list the difference between Internet and World Wide Web.标准答案:The terms Internet and World Wide Web, as a matter of fact, are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. World Wide Web is just one of the way that information can be circulated over the Internet.2. Please give out the definition of E-commerce according to business process perspective.标准答案:From a business process perspective, E-commerce is doing business electronically by completing business processes over electronic networks.人过四十,已然不惑。我们听过别人的歌,也唱过自己的曲,但谁也逃不过岁月的审视,逃不过现实的残酷。如若,把心中的杂念抛开,苟且的日子里,其实也能无比诗意。借一些时光,寻一处宁静,听听花开,看看花落,翻一本爱读的书,悟一段哲人的赠言,原来,日升月落,一切还是那么美。洗不净的浮沉,留给雨天;悟不透的凡事,交给时间。很多时候,人生的遗憾,不是因为没有实现,而是沉于悲伤,错过了打开心结的时机。有人说工作忙、应酬多,哪有那么多的闲情逸致啊?记得鲁迅有句话:“时间就像海绵里的水,只要挤总是有的。”不明花语,却逢花季。一路行走,在渐行渐远的时光中,命运会给你一次次洗牌,但玩牌的始终是你自己。坦白的说,我们遇到困扰,经常会放大自己的苦,虐待自己,然后落个遍体鳞伤,可怜兮兮地向世界宣告:自己没救了!可是,那又怎样?因为,大多数人关心的都是自己。一个人在成年后,最畅快的事,莫过于经过一番努力后,重新认识自己,改变自己。学会了独自、沉默,不轻易诉说。因为,更多的时候,诉说毫无意义。伤心也好,开心也好,过去了,都是曾经。每个人都要追寻活下去的理由,心怀美好,期待美好,这个世界,就没有那么糟糕。或许,你也会有这样的情节,两个人坐在一起,杂乱无章的聊天,突然你感到无聊,你渴望安静,你想一个人咀嚼内心的悲与喜。透过窗格,发着呆,走着神,搜索不到要附和的词。那一刻,你明白了,这世间不缺一起品茗的人,缺的是一个与你同步的灵魂。没有了期望的懂,还是把故事留给自己吧!每个人都是一座孤岛,颠沛流离,浪迹天涯。有时候,你以为找到了知己,其实,你们根本就是两个世界的人。花,只有在凋零的时候,才懂得永恒就是在落红中重生;人,只有在落魄的时候,才明白力量就是在破土中崛起?.因为防备,因为经历,我们学会了掩饰,掩饰自己内心的某些真实,也在真实中,扬起无懈可击的微笑,解决一个又一个的困扰。人生最容易犯的一个错误,就是把逝去的当作最美的风景。所以,不要活在虚妄的世界,不要对曾经存在假设,不要指望别人太多。有些情,只可随缘,不可勉强;有些人,只可浅交,不可入深;有些话,只可会意,不可说穿。或许,有这么一段情,陪你度过漫长冰冷的寒冬;有那样一个人,给你抑郁的天空画上了温暖的春阳。但时光,总会吹散很多往事,把过去一片片分割,移植到不同区域,并贴上标签,印着不同的定义,也定义着自己的人生态度。正如庄子所说:“唯至人乃能游于世不避,顺人而不失己。”外在的世界,只是一个形式,而你内在的世界,才是真正的江山。