如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流新课标对小学语文阅读教学的要求与对策【精品文档】第 8 页一、语文阅读教学的重要性小学生阅读教学是小学语文教学中一个重要的教学环节,它能够提高小学生的文学素养,使小学生的听说读写能力得到锻炼和提升的同时,还使小学生的知识面变得更宽广,拓展了小学生语文知识积累量,使小学生的思维发生扩散,提升小学生的语文知识和认知能力。教师的阅读教学方法的科学与否直接关系到小学生语文成绩的好坏,因此,教师应运用科学的阅读教学方法,并且根据小学生的年龄特征和现有认知水平进行合理教学,正确引导学生,使学生形成良好的教学习惯,实现教学目的,完成教学任务。1二、语文课程标准对小学语文阅读教学的相关规定1.阅读理念课程标准指出,教师在阅读教学中使学生获得一定的情感体验,即要求教师应引导学生有感情地阅读课文内容。在阅读中,教师不应把自己的思维方式强加给学生,限制住学生的想象力,而应该让学生自由发挥想象,对课文的内容形成独特的理解和感悟。另外,应教导学生注重积累,培养学生对语言文字的感知能力。并将多种阅读方法教给学生,让学生使用探究性的阅读方式进行阅读,摒弃接受型阅读方式,增强学生独立阅读的欲望。2.阅读目标与内容教学的目标是使学生能够实现自主阅读,即老师没有教,学生就已经阅读过了。我们知道,在具体的实践教学中,无论老师教得多么好,学生如果不自觉,阅读教学的效果永远不会提高。相反,一旦学生发挥出自主性,教学的效果就会事半功倍。3.突出多读,重视积累(1)遍数多。“书读百遍,其意自见”这句话不无道理,多读才能使印象加深。阅读遍数越多,对文章的理解就会越深刻,读的多了,自然就记住了,根本不必一字一句地死记硬背。“多读”,还指多多地朗读,同时也强调了诵读。我国古代语文学习的最基本的方法就是诵读,诵读相较于朗读来说更强调个人的体验。(2)数量多。语文课程标准中指出,学生9年间的阅读总量应在400万字以上,其中,小学时期阅读量标准是145万字以上。具体分为三个阶段,第一阶段5万字以上,第二阶段40万字以上,第三阶段100万字以上。(3)品种多。多读除了要求遍数多、数量多以外,还要品种多。教师在阅读教学中应当丰富阅读内容,读物的种类应当既包括科技、历史方面的书,又包括文学方面的书。不仅要读诗歌、散文、剧本,还要读故事、童话、寓言等,现代、古代的作品都应让学生有所接触。4.重视能力的培养阅读能力是指学生接受和理解书面材料的内容和意义的能力,这种能力可以帮助学生获取知识,增加才干。可以说,根据一个人阅读能力的高低可以判断这个人语文素质的高低。阅读能力包括认读、理解、记忆和速度等要素,只有掌握这些要素,才能使自己的阅读能力得到提升,才能更轻松地学习中学、大学的知识。三、小学语文阅读教学的策略1.培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯良好的阅读习惯可以大大地提高阅读的效果,如果学生没有养成专心思考习惯和自主阅读习惯,将会使阅读效果大打折扣。因此,在阅读教学中,应该重点培养小学生的阅读习惯,告知学生专心阅读,不可心不在焉地东张西望;在阅读过程中,启发学生多发现问题,多思考;不断丰富阅读内容,增添阅读环节,加强学生字词积累,多给学生留一些自由阅读的时间,引导学生自主阅读。阅读时还应该注重掌握作者的情感变化,与作家进行情感交流;培养学生每天阅读,做好字词积累,并且让学生长期坚持下去,让阅读真正地成为一种习惯。2.教给学生阅读方法(1)目标阅读法。目标阅读法就是在阅读前提出一个明确的目标,然后让学生根据这个目标来阅读。目标注入情感,指向性强,学生在有针对性的阅读过程中,通过自主探究产生爱憎。(2)快速阅读法。在教学过程中,我们发现有些小学生总是用手指着文字进行阅读,这样会使阅读的速度变慢,而且阅读的内容断断续续,不够连贯。针对这个问题,教师应当训练小学生快速阅读能力,比如,要求小学生在规定的时间内完成阅读。这样,学生能在快速的阅读过程中集中精力,快速地消化和处理信息。对于篇幅较长的文章,这种方法能够在短时间内获取较多的信息,在潜移默化中促进了学生对信息的加工处理能力,提高小学生阅读速度。(3)精读法。朱熹认为,读书不仅要熟读,还要熟读成诵,不仅要思考,还要发散思维。对于认知能力有限的小学生来说,只有阅读足够的遍数,才能理解文章。培养学生基本阅读能力的一个重要手段就是精读法,它要求学生对文章中的重点内容集中精力、逐字逐句地仔细阅读,并进行认真思考。教师应当选择一些情节生动的段落指导学生进行精读,在精读时,要求学生调动多种感官,一边读,一边想,一边写,引导学生养成认真读书的好习惯,并且让小学生背诵一些句子、段落和文章。3.教师要引导学生多朗读朗读是一种基本的阅读方法,教师应该教导学生多进行朗读,帮助小学生集中注意力,使学生更好地品味重点词句,发现文章内涵所在。在阅读教学中,与学生多进行沟通交流,提升小学生的想象力,培养其对语文的感悟。朗读还可以使小学生在头脑中储存一些印象深刻的文字,这样,在小学生写作文的过程中其语言用词更准确,语句更连贯,写作水平同时得到了提升。阅读课上,教师可以指导学生进行课前朗诵,使学生快速进入到语文阅读学习状态中。还可以根据课文主题指定重复朗读的部分,使学生深刻理解课文境界。4.注重学生在阅读中发挥想象力,发散思维在阅读教学中,教师应注意选择适合小学生认知水平的文本教材,创设愉悦轻松的情境,在入情入境的阅读中快乐地学习。激发小学生的阅读兴趣,增强其学习主动性,引发探究意向和动力,使学生兴趣盎然地享受阅读,乐于阅读,领会到语文阅读的乐趣,读出作者的情感变化,感受到文章内在的感情,与作家进行情感交流,产生共鸣,真正做到激励、唤醒、鼓舞。在教学过程中恰当运用现代化设备进行辅助教学,将课文内容所要表达的情境通过声情并茂的动感形式直观地展现出来,更好地引导学生在情境感染下发散思维,发挥想象,锻炼和培养创新能力。5.训练学生多思多问要想使学生的语文阅读能力得到提升,必须教导学生多读多问,学生只有敢于提出问题,善于解决问题,才能取得进步。在阅读教学中,教师应当引导学生勤于动脑,启发学生多思多问,告知学生发现的技巧,使学生提出的问题具有一定的意义和针对性。通过这种方式,教师可以判断学生在阅读学习中是否理解了阅读内容,掌握了学习的重点。若是学生提出的疑问一直停留在表面,就说明学生没有领会到教学的主旨。教师应当有意识地增加与学生的互动,通过相互沟通,促进学生加深对写作背景和动机的理解,使学生透过现象看本质,让课堂“活”起来,让语言“活”起来,实现阅读教学的目标。First, the importance of the Chinese reading teachingPrimary school reading teaching is an important teaching link in primary school Chinese teaching, it can improve the elementary student's literary attainments, the elementary student's listening, speaking, reading and writing ability to get exercise and improve at the same time, also make elementary student's knowledge more wide, expand the elementary student the language knowledge accumulation, diffusion in the elementary student's thinking, enhance the language knowledge and cognitive ability of students.Teachers' reading teaching method is scientific or not directly related to the primary school language result is good or bad, therefore, teachers should use scientific reading teaching method, and according to the elementary student's age characteristic and the existing cognitive level on reasonable teaching, guide students to correctly, make students form good habits of teaching, realize the teaching purpose, complete the teaching mission. 1Second, the "Chinese curriculum standard" regulations for primary school Chinese reading teaching1. The concept of readingCourse standard points out that teachers in the reading teaching to make students get emotional experience, which requires teachers should guide students to read texts have feelings. In reading, the teacher should not impose their own way of thinking on students, restrict the student's imagination, but should let the students free play imagination, content to form a unique understanding and comprehension of the text. In addition, should teach students pay attention to accumulation, training students' perception of language. And a variety of reading methods to teach students, let students use the explorative way of reading for reading, abandon receptive reading way, strengthen students' independent reading desire.2. Read the goal and contentTeaching goal is to make students can realize the independent reading, the teacher did not teach, students will have read. As we know, in the practice teaching, no matter how well, the teacher teaches students if not consciously, the effect of the reading teaching will never improve. Instead, once students perform autonomy, will get twice the result with half the effort teaching effect.3. Highlight read, pay attention to accumulate(1) more times. "Books read hundreds of times, its meaning from the see" this sentence makes sense, read to make impression deepened. Reading times, the more the more profound understanding of the article will become, read more, naturally remember, don't have to word memorizing. "Read more", also refers to read a lot, but also emphasize the reading. Ancient Chinese language learning the most basic way is to read, read it is more of an emphasis on personal experience compared to read aloud.(2). Chinese course standard points out that the students to read the total 9 years should be in more than 4 million words, among them, the primary school reading standard is more than 1.45 million words. Concrete is divided into three phases, the first phase of 50000 words above, more than 400000 words in the second stage, the third stage more than 1 million words.(3) the variety. Read more besides request times, quantity, and many varieties. Teachers should be enriched the contents of the reading in the reading teaching, reading should include both the kinds of science and technology, history books, including literature books again. Should not only read poetry, prose, scripts, but also read a story, fairy tales, fables, etc., modern and ancient works should let the students contact.4. Attention to the cultivation of abilityReading ability refers to the students accept and understand the content of the written materials and the ability to sense, this ability can help students acquire knowledge, increase the ability. According to one level of the ability of reading, as it were, people can be judged by the Chinese quality of high and low. Reading skills including reading, understanding, memory and elements such as speed, only to master these elements, to make improve their reading ability, learn the knowledge of middle school and university can be more easily.Three, the strategy of primary school Chinese reading teaching1. To cultivate students develop good reading habitsGood reading habits can greatly improve the effect of reading, if students are not absorbed in thinking habit and independent reading habit, will make the reading effect. In the reading teaching, therefore, should focus on cultivating pupils' reading habits, told the students to concentrate on reading, do not absently look in all directions; In the process of reading, inspire the student to find more problems, more thinking; Enrich the reading content, add reading link, strengthen students accumulate words, to give students more free time to read, guide students to read independently. When reading should also pay attention to grasp the emotional change of the author, with the writer for emotional communication; Trains the student to read every day, completes the accumulation of words, and let the students hold on for a long time, make reading really become a habit.2. Teach students reading methods(1) the goal reading method. Target reading method is put forward a clear goal before reading, and then let the students read according to this goal. Target into the emotion, strong directivity, students in the process of targeted reading, produce hate through independent inquiry.(2) the method of fast reading. In the teaching process, we found some pupils always pointing to read text, this will make reading speed is slow, and read the contents of the intermittent, not coherent enough. Aiming at this problem, teachers should train students ability of rapid reading, for example, pupils within the prescribed period of time required for reading. In this way, students can focus on in the process of fast reading, digestion and process information quickly. For much longer articles, this method can get more information in a short period of time, in imperceptible to promote the students' ability of information processing, improve the students reading speed.(3) the intensive reading method. Zhu believed that reading books is not only to read, and read up on a recitation, not only to thinking, and divergent thinking. For elementary school students cognitive ability is limited, only read enough times, to understand the article. Cultivate students' basic reading ability is an important means of intensive reading method, it requires the students to the main points of the article focus on, word for word, read it carefully, and think seriously about. Teachers should select some vivid plot paragraphs to guide students to intensive reading, in intensive reading, students are required to mobilize various senses, read, he thought, side to write, guides the student to form the good habit of reading carefully, and let students to recite some sentences, paragraphs and articles.3. Teachers should guide students to read moreReading is a basic method of reading, teachers should teach students how to read, help students concentrate, key words and sentences to make the students better taste, see the article content. In reading teaching, communicate more with the students, improve pupils' imagination, to cultivate their comprehension of the language. Reading can also make pupils to store some impressive words in your mind, so, in the primary school students write a composition in the process of its language more accurate words, statement more coherent, writing level has improved at the same time. Reading class, the teacher can guide the students to read before class, students quickly into the state of Chinese reading learning. Can also according to the text theme to specify repeat part, make the students understand the text.4. Pay attention to the students in reading imagination, divergent thinkingIn the reading teaching, teachers should pay attention to the text teaching material choice is suitable for primary school students cognitive level, create happy relaxed situation, in the feeling of reading study happily. Stimulate the elementary student's reading interest, enhance their learning initiative, to explore the intention and motivation, make the students enjoy reading interest, to read, appreciate the fun of Chinese reading, read the author's emotional change, feel the inner feelings, the emotional communication with the writer, resonate, truly inspire, awaken and inspire. In the process of teaching the appropriate auxiliary teaching, the use of modern equipment to the text content to the situation of displayed visually through the musical form of dynamic, to better guide the student to divergent thinking, under the situation infection play imagination, exercise and cultivate the innovative ability.5. Training students to think more than to askTo make the Chinese reading ability of students get promoted, must teach students to read much ask, only dare to ask questions, student is good at solving problems, to make progress. In reading teaching, the teacher should guide students to follow the brain, inspire the student more, ask more, told students find skill, causes the student to question has a certain meaning and pertinence.In this way, teachers can judge whether students in learning to read to understand the reading content, mastered the focus of the study.If the question has been raised by one of the students to stay on the surface, is the subject of the students failed to comprehend to the teaching. Interaction between students and teacher should consciously increase, through mutual communication, promote the students to deepen the understanding of the writing background and motivation, causes the student to see the essence through the phenomenon, let the classroom "live", "live" for language, realize the goal of reading teaching.