英语文体学 1.doc
如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流英语文体学 1【精品文档】第 7 页English Stylistics英语文体学Course IntroductionCourse title: English StylisticsCourse hours: 2 per week, 34 in total Assessment: 1. Attendance 2. After-class preparation for related topics 3. In-class performance and involvement 4. Quiz 5. Final examTeaching Objectives:Have a systematic knowledge of the features of different varieties of languageMake appropriate use of language in our communicationFamiliarize ourselves with the stylistic features of the different genres of literatureDeepen our understanding and appreciation of literary worksOffer useful ideas on translation and language teachingTextbook: English Stylistics(英语文体学)Other reference books:Introduction to English Stylistics英语文体学引论(丁往道 王佐良)Essentials of English Stylistics 英语文体学要略 (王守元)Practical English Rhetoric实用英语修辞(吕煦)English Stylistics: A New Course book 新编英语文体学教程(董启明)Course content: 本课程从英语学习的实际要求出发介绍有关英语文体和语体的基础知识,属于普通文体学的范畴。我们讨论的重点是英语中已经形成的各种变体,例如因交际媒介不同而形成的口语语体和书面语体;因语言的使用领域不同而形成的各种功能变体(广告语体、新闻语体、法律语体、会话语体、科技语体等);因交际者双方关系不同而形成的正式语体和非正式语体等。Chapter 1 The Concern of StylisticsDefinition of Style Origin: Style originates from a Latin word stilus, it means: An instrument made of metal, bone, etc., having one end sharp ended for incising letters on a wax tablet, and the other flat and broad for smoothing the tablet and erasing what is written: = stylusDifferent understandings of style nowadays:Style may refer to a persons distinctive language habits. Eg. Shakespeares style, Hemingways style, Lu Xuns style, etc.Style may refer to a set of collective characteristics of language use, i.e. language habits shared by a group of people at a given time, as Elizabethan style, Yankee humor. Style may refer to the effectiveness of a mode of expression. “Saying the right thing in the most effective way”.Style may refer solely to a characteristic of good or beautiful literary writing. Style may be seen as the various characteristic uses of language that a person or group of persons make in various social contexts.文体又可理解为风格,既可指一个作家运用语言的特色,又可指某个时代盛行的文风;既可指某种语篇体裁的语言特征,又可指某篇作品的语言格调和表现风格。狭义的文体指文学文体;广义的文体则指包括文学文体在内的各种语言变体。Definition of StylisticsIt is a discipline that studies the sum of stylistic features characteristic of the different varieties of language. It includes:The situational features that influence variations in language useThe criterion for the classification of language varietyThe description and interpretation of the linguistic features and functions of the main varieties of languageStylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematic way concerning the manners and linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.英语文体学是一门运用现代语言学的理论和方法,结合文学理论知识,研究各种英语变体的学科。Modern stylistics has two subdivisions: general stylistics and literary stylistics. Stylistics in this book, is general stylistics. (普通文体学和文学文体学)The relationship between general stylistics and literary stylistics. (see the figure on page2)Langue and parole(语言和言语):Langue is the system of rules common to speakers of a particular language.Parole is the particular uses of this system, or selections from this system, that a person or group of persons will make on this or that occasion.Style belongs to parole. It consists in choices from the total linguistic repertoire of a particular language.语言:语言是人类重要的交际工具,也是正常人赖以思维的工具,语言是一种符号系统,它包括语音系统、词汇系统、语法系统。 言语:是人们在交际和活动中应用言语的过程和产物。 语言是社会生活的客观现象,有规则性;同时,语言的语音系统、词汇系统和语法系统是从全体社会成员言语交际中抽像概括出来的,一经产生就有较大的稳定性,随社会的发展而发展。 言语是心理物理现象,具有个体性和多变性,不仅每个人都有自己的言语风格,而且同一个人在不同的场合其言语的表达方式也不同。联系: 语言和言语又是密切联系的。言语不可能离开语言而存在。离开语言这种工具,人就无法表达自己的思想或意见,也就无法进行交际活动。语言也离不开言语,因为任何一种语言都必须通过人们的言语活动才能发挥其交际工具的作用;一旦某种语言不再被人们用来进行交际,终究要从社会上消失掉。总之:语言是全民的、概括的、有限的、静态的系统(知识);言语是个人的、具体的、无限的、动态的现象(话语)。More terms defined:Language(言语行为) Actions as carried out through language.Speech events(言语活动/言语事件): Social activities in which language plays an important role such as conversation, discussion, lecture, etc.Aspect of speech events: substance, form and situationText(文本) Verbal communication (either spoken or written) seen as a message coded in a linear pattern of sound waves, or in a linear sequence of visible marks on paper.Language functions:Ideational or referential function(表达说话者经验的概念功能)Interpersonal or expressive/social function(表达说话者态度、评价以及交际角色之间关系的人际功能)Textual function(组句成篇的语篇功能)