如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流采矿英语术语【精品文档】第 32 页abandoned drives 'bændnd draivs 废巷道abrasion resistance 'brein ri'zistns 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 'breisiv 磨料absorbent b's:bnt 吸收剂access ramp 'ækses ræmp 出入沟,出入引道accessory minerals k'sesri 'minrls 副矿物accidental explosion ,æksi'dentl ik'splun 意外爆炸Accumulated losses 累计亏损Acid Mine Drainage 矿山酸性废水Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines.acid mine water 'æsid main 'w:t 酸性矿水acid resistant 'æsid ri'zistnt 耐酸的acid rock 'æsid rk 酸性岩acidite 'æsidait 酸性岩acidulation 酸化 acquirer投资主体Acquisition premium 收购溢价activated charcoal 'æktiveitid 't:kul 活性煤activator 'æktiveit 活化剂adamic earth 'ædmik : 红粘土additive 'æditiv 添加剂adhere d'hi 粘着adhesion force d'hi:n f:s 粘附力Adit 'ædit 平硐An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill for providing access to a mineral deposit.adit collar 'ædit 'kl 平硐口adit cut mining 'ædit kt 'maini 平硐开采 adjustable prop 'dstbl prp 伸缩式支柱 Administration and Corporate expenses行政管理及公司费用Administrative expenses 管理费用adobe blasting 'dubi 'bl:sti 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 'dubi t 裸露装药爆破advancement d'v:nsmnt, d'væns- 掘进advancing along the strike d'v:nsi 'l straik 沿走向掘进Aeromagnetic survey 航磁测绘 A geophysical survey using a magnetometer aboard, or towed behind, an aircraft.AFC-The armored face conveyor.工作面皮带输送机 Used on the coal face of an underground mine to protect the workers and convey the coal to the crusherAgate 'æt 玛瑙Agglomerate 'lmrt, -reit, 'lmreit 集块岩aggregate thickness 'ærit, 'ærieit 'iknis 总厚度Agitation .搅动,搅拌 In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shaken mechanically, sometimes accomplished by the introduction of compressed air.Air Crossing- 'kr:si 气流交汇点A place where return air and fresh cross over but are still divided.air flow flu 气流air intake 'inteik 进气口air vent vent 气孔,排气口Airborne survey 航测 A survey made from an aircraft to obtain photographs, or measure magnetic properties, radioactivity, etc.airleg le 气腿式钻机,风动钻架 Alloy 合金 A compound of two or more metals.Alluvium 冲积层;冲积土 Relatively recent deposits of sedimentary material laid down in river beds, flood plains, lakes, or at the base of mountain slopes. (adj. alluvial).Alteration 蚀变 Any physical or chemical change in a rock or mineral subsequent to its formation.Milder and more localised than metamorphism.Alunite 'æljunait 明矾石anchor bolts 固定螺栓Ancillary Equipment k'sesri i'kwipmnt 辅助设备ANFO 氨油炸药 Acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as a blasting agent in many mines.angle of dip 'æl dip 倾角 anisotropic ,naisu'trpik .各向异性的 Anomaly 异常状态 Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence of mineralisation in the underlying bedrock.anthracite 'ænrsait 无烟煤 A hard, black coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter.anticline 'æntiklain 背斜 An arch or fold in layers of rock shaped like the crest of a wave.anticlinorium ,æntiklai'n:rim 复背斜asbestos æz'bests 石棉asphalt 'æsfælt 沥青asphyxia æs'fiksi, suffocation ,sf'kein, gassing 'æsi 窒息Assay 化验;分析;鉴定,测定A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained.Assay Foot 化验尺度(metre, inch,centimetre)Assessment Work 例行评估工作 The amount of work, specified by mining law that must be performed each year in order to retain legal control of mining claims.Asset classified as held for sale供出售资产associate bed 'sui,eitid bed 伴生层attributable to the owners of the parent entity归属母公司的auger drill ': dril 螺旋钻auger mining ': 'maini 螺旋钻采矿法augite ':dait 辉石autoclave ':tkleiv: 高压灭菌器a closed strong vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure and temperature.Autogenous Grinding 自磨 The process of grinding ore in a rotating cylinder using large pieces of the ore instead of conventional steel balls or rods.Back bæk 巷道顶部The back is the roof or overhead surface of an underground opening.back fill bæk fil : 采空区充填Waste material used to fill the void created by mining an orebodybackfill cure 'bækfil kju 回填物凝固Backhoe bækhu 反铲挖土机Backwardation (证券)交割延期(费)。A situation when the cash or spot price of a metal stands at a premium over the price of the metal for delivery at a forward date.Balance sheet资产负债表ball mill b:l mil 球磨厂: a rotating horizontal cylinder in which ore is ground using various types of grinding media including iron balls.Basalt 'bæs:lt 玄武岩An extrusive volcanic rock composed primarily of plagioclase, pyroxene and some olivine.Base metal 基本金属,贱金属(铜、铅、锌、镍等) Any non-precious metal (e.g. copper, lead, zinc and nickel etc).Basement rocks 基岩 The underlying or older rock mass. Often refers to rocks of Precambrian age which may be covered by younger rocks.Basic earnings (loss) per share 每股收益(亏损)basset 'bæsit 矿层露头batch testwork 批量试验,小试 Batholith 岩基 A large mass of igneous rock extending to great depth with its upper portion domelike in shape. Similar, smaller masses of igneous rocks are known as bosses or plugs.Batter 'bæt 平台坡面Baulk- b:k 方形木材支柱Squared, round or half round timber beam set across roadway for roof support.bauxite 'b:ksait 铝土矿BCM-bank cubic meter 实立方米数BCMs Mined 开采的实立方米数BCM实立方米'kr:s bank cubic metersBed bed ,deposit di'pzit, field 'fi:ld 矿床Bedding 'bedi 层理bedrock ,bed'rk 基岩Beginning equity 期初权益Bench crest bent krest 台阶坡顶Bench height bent hait 台阶高度Bench slope bent slup 台阶坡面角Bench toe bent tu 台阶坡底Benching 'benti 切割巷道底部Stripping the floor. Mining the floor of a drive to lower its level/elevation.Beneficiate选矿,富集 To concentrate or enrich; often applied to the preparation of iron ore for smelting.beneficiation beni,fii'ein 选矿beneficiation machinery beni,fii'ein m'i:nri 选矿机械beneficiation method beni,fii'ein 'med 选矿方法beneficiation reagent beni,fii'ein ri:'eidnt 选矿试剂benefits packaging 津贴方案Berm interval b:m 'intvl 平台高度Berms b:ms 平台Berryman- 'berimæn 电瓶车司机 The troop transport that ferries the workers from the surface to the coal face or around the mine.BFS 银行可贷款程度的可行性研究bankable feasibility study bio-concentration 'baiu-,knsn'trein 生物浸出Bio-leaching 生物淋滤,湿法冶金 A process for recovering metals from low-grade ores by dissolving them in solution,the dissolution being aided by bacterial action.biotite 'baitait 黑云母 A platy magnesium-iron mica, common in igneous rocks.Blast Engineering 'blæst ,endi'niri 爆破工程blast hole 'blæst hul 爆破钻孔 A drill hole in a mine that is filled with explosives in order to blast loose a quantity of rock.Blasting 'bl:sti 爆破Blasting Patterns 'bl:sti 'pætns 布孔方式block cave method blk keiv 'med 崩落采矿法 An inexpensive method of mining in which large blocks of ore are undercut,causing the ore to break or cave under its own weight.Block Model blk 'mdl 块段模型Geology Block model, The tonnes, grade and metal generate by software package. a three dimensional mathematical representation of a volume of mineralisation used to estimate tonnage and grade of a deposit.Boot End bu:t end 受料漏斗- The receiving hopper situated at the end of the panel conveyor. It accepts the coal from the shuttle carBord-b:d Bord(矿房), from bord and pillar mining.bore plug 'b:rpl 钻孔岩样Borer 'b:r, drill dril, drilling machine 'drili m'i:n 钻机boring 'b:ri , drilling 'drili 钻探、钻进boundary 'baundri 分界线Box cut bks kt ,开段沟,井口区Brattice 'brætis 防火服A fire resistant fabric or clothBrattice 'brætis 屏蔽墙A temporary wall of light construction, usually made from Hessian or loose weave fabric. Brattices are usually installed to separate intake (fresh) and exhaust airflows.Break Loosely 断裂充填带 used to describe a large-scale regional shear zone or structural fault.Breccia 'breti 角砾岩: A rock in which angular fragments are surrounded by a mass of fine-grained minerals.Broken Reserves 破碎储量 The ore in a mine which has been broken by blasting but which has not yet been transported to surface.brow brau 巷道与采空区衔接处brown coal braun kul 褐煤Brushing 'bri 扩大巷道Digging up the bottom or taking out the top to make more headroom in roadwaysBSL- Beam Stage Loader bi:m steid 'lud 皮带卸料机. Connects the AFC to the main gate conveyorBucket fill factor 'bkit fil 'fækt 满斗系数Bucket wheel excavators 'bkit hwi:l 'eksk,veits斗轮挖掘机Bulk Mining 大规模开采 Any large-scale, mechanised method of mining involving many thousands of tonnes of ore being brought to surface per day.Bulkhead-'bkhed 牛鼻楔A tight partition of wood, rock, and mud or concrete in mines for protection against gas, fire, and water.Burden 'b:dn负担,(爆破)台阶抵抗线宽度By-Product Credits副产品收入抵扣Byproduct 副产品 A secondary metal or mineral product recovered in the milling process.C1 Cash Cost C1现金成本C1 Cash Margin C1现金毛利C2 Production Cost C2 生产成本C3 Total Costs C3总成本Cablebolt 'keiblbult 钢索锚杆Calcite 'kælsait 方解石Capex as % of sales 资本支出占销售收入比例Capex- Capital expenses资本性开支Capital and operating costs 'kæpitl 'preiti ksts 投资和作业成本capital gain tax资本利得税Capitalised mining costs 资本化的采矿成本carbon circuit 'k:bn 's:kit 炭回路 activated carbon is used to collect gold from the leach dump solution and a chemical process is subsequently used to recover gold from the carbon.Carbonaceous ,k:bu'neis: 碳的,碳质的,含碳的containing carbon or coal, especially shale or other rock containing small particles of carbon distributed throughout the whole mass.carbon-in-leach ("CIL")'k:bn li:t 碳浸法 A method of recovering gold and silver, in which a slurry of gold/silver-bearing ore, carbon, and cyanide are mixed together. The cyanide dissolves the gold, which is subsequently absorbed by the activated carbon whose base is usually ground coconut shells.recoveries.carbon-in-pulp ("CIP")'k:bn plp 碳浆法 process: this process is used to recover gold that has been dissolved after cyanide leach agitation. Pulp, after cyanidation, is mixed in a series of agitators with coarse activated carbon particles. Carbon is moved counter-current to the pulp, absorbing gold as it passes through the circuit. Loaded carbon is removed by screening from the lead agitated tank. Gold is recovered from the loaded carbon by stripping at elevated temperature and pressure in a caustic cyanide solution. This high-grade solution is then passed through an electrolytic cell, where gold powder is deposited on a stainless steel woven wire cathode. The gold powder is washed from the loaded cathodes and then smelted to produce dor.Carlin-type 'ka:lin taip 卡林型矿床: a deposit having characteristics similar to the Carlin Gold Mine, Nevada, USA.carry forward capital losses递延资本亏损Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year期初现金及现金等价物余额 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year期末现金及现金等价物余额Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物Cash collateral for security deposit保证押金cash flow from financing 融资活动现金流量cash flow from investing 投资活动现金流量cash flow from operations 经营活动现金流量Cash flows from financing activities财务活动现金流Cash Margin 现金毛利Cashflow statement现金流量表cave-in keiv 陷落Caving methods 'keivi 'medz 崩落法Cavity Monitoring System (CMS) 'kævti 'mnitri 'sistm :空穴监测系统,空穴体This system is a laser surveying system commonly used to survey large openings such as stopes in underground mines. The volume measurements are accurate and are able to provide the volume of openings in order to calculate the tonnage of material mined.chalk t:k 白垩Change in NWC 净流动资金变动charge t:d 装炸药chemical mineral processing 'kemikl 'minrl pru'sesi 化学选矿Chip Sample 破碎样本A method of sampling a rock exposure whereby a regular series of small chips of rock is broken off along a line across the face.Chitter-'tit 夹矸 Waste rock broken during mining and picked or washed out from the coal.Chock tk 巷道支柱-Timber-A roof support unit for use in large openings which consists of wooden or steel blocks stacked between the floor and the roof often filled with stone for added stability Chromite 'krumait 铬铁矿Chute u:t 溜井A chute is a loading arrangement that utilizes gravity flow to move material from a higher level to a lower level.CIM 加拿大矿业冶金石油学会 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.CIMVAL 加拿大矿业冶金石油学会评估标准 CIM standards and guidelines for valuation of mineral properties.Classifier .【矿物】分级机 A mineral-processing machine which separates minerals according to size and density.clay klei 粘土clay pit klei pit 粘土矿坑Cleat-kli:t 夹板 Parallel cleavage planes or partings crossing the bedding and along which the coal breaks more easily than in any other directionCleavage-'kli:vid 解理The cracks in a material along which the material usually breaks or fractures. The planes along which the material fractures.coal kul 煤,烟煤coal bedkul bed 煤层 coal field kul'fi:ld 煤田coal mine kul main煤矿矿井cobalt 钴coke kuk 焦,焦炭Collar 井口,孔口,入口 The term applied to the timbering or concrete around the mouth of a shaft; also used to describe the top of a mill hole.Column Flotation 浮选柱 A milling process, carried out in a tall cylindrical column, whereby valuable minerals are separated from gangue minerals based on their wetability properties.Commercial / OHSE 商务/职业健康安全Complex Ore 混合矿物 An ore containing a number of minerals of economic value. The term often implies that there are metallurgical difficulties in liberating and separating the valuable metals.Competent Person (或qualified person)(任务)有资质人,胜任人,Means a person who is appointed or designated by the employer to perform specified duties that the person is qualified to perform by knowledge, training and experience.comprehensive income (loss) for the year本年度综合收入(亏损)Comprehensive income综合收入comprehensive loss for the year 年度综合亏损concentrate 'knsntreit : 精矿a product containing the valuable metal and from which most of the waste material in the ore has been eliminated.concentration ,knsn'trein 富集,精矿concentrator 'knsntreit 浓缩器,浓密机: a plant for recovery of valuable minerals from ore in the form of concentrate. The concentrate must then be treated in some other type of plant, such as a smelter, to effect recovery of the pure metal.Conceptual Study 概念研究See: Preliminary Assessmentconduit 过境,导管,水管cone crusher kun 'kr 圆锥破碎机consolidate合并Contact 接触面 A geological term used to describe the line or