Local CultureLocal Cultureandandurban public libraryurban public libraryWu XiWu XNov 19Nov 19thth,20122012 HangzhouHangzhouHangzhou Public Library & US Evergreen Education FoundationHangzhou Public Library & US Evergreen Education FoundationInternational Seminar of Public Library Service and Social EducationInternational Seminar of Public Library Service and Social Education,201220129地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 18521852年,英国曼彻斯特公共图书馆开创的公共年,英国曼彻斯特公共图书馆开创的公共图书馆基本制度图书馆基本制度 o 19021902年,古越藏书楼开放年,古越藏书楼开放o 19491949年,年,公共图书馆宣言公共图书馆宣言问世问世 o 基本精神:人文关怀、人本主义、以人为核心基本精神:人文关怀、人本主义、以人为核心的现代民主社会价值观的现代民主社会价值观 10Local culture and urban public library o Manchester Library in England created the basic system of public library in 1852o Gu-yue Library was opened to public since 1902Gu-yue Library was opened to public since 1902o Public Library Manifesto was released in 1949Public Library Manifesto was released in 1949 o The basic spriteThe basic sprite:humanistic concernhumanistic concern, , HumanismHumanism and human-oriented modern democratic society and human-oriented modern democratic society valuesvalues11地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 从社会的角度看,其它类型的图书馆只是一 种社会机构,而公共图书馆不仅是一种社会机构,还是一种社会制度。 12Local culture and urban public library o From the point of view of society, other types of libraries are just social institutions, while the public library is not only a social institution, but also a social system. 13地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 消除“数字鸿沟” o 建设“和谐社会” 14Local culture and urban public library o Eliminate the digital divideo Build a harmonious society15地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 公共图书馆的理论和实践,是21世纪中国图书馆界最为重要的成果o “天下之公器” o “开放、平等、免费”的办馆方针16Local culture and urban public library o The theory and practice of public library are the most important results of library world in China in 21st centuryo A public tool for everyoneo Open, Equal and Free is the guideline of public library 17地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 二、公共图书馆是社会阅读的需要o 图书馆在阅读上不可替代的作用 18Local culture and urban public library o 2)Public library is the need of social reading o Library plays an irreplaceable role in reading19地方文化与城市公共图书馆 书山有径斯为径书山有径斯为径 学海无舟是乃舟学海无舟是乃舟 20Local culture and urban public library 书山有径斯为径书山有径斯为径 学海无舟是乃舟学海无舟是乃舟 Just like a road on a mountain, Just like a road on a mountain, and a ship in the sea, library is and a ship in the sea, library is the helpful tool for learning.the helpful tool for learning.21地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 阅读的不同层次 o 深阅读,应该是学习型的阅读,是指深入、系统、以全面掌握某一学科或门类知识为目的的阅读o 浅阅读,属于快餐式的阅读,是指浮光掠影、浅尝辄止、碎片化的阅读。 22Local culture and urban public library o Different levels of reading o Deep-reading is reading for learning, with the intent to systematically and fully master one subject or knowledge in deptho Shallow reading is a fast reading, with the intent to understand the outline or just a part of reading material 23地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 提倡深入阅读,引导读者、尤其是青少年读者多读书、会读书、读好书,通过阅读全面系统地掌握知识 24Local culture and urban public library o Encourage deep-reading, lead readers especially the youth to read more books, master reading skills and read good books. Fully and systematically master the knowledge through reading25地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 怎样才能深入阅读?o 回答是:要到图书馆 26Local culture and urban public library o How to deep-reading?o The answer is going to library 27地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 图书馆的社会职能:传承文明,服务社会o 具有完备的文献资源保障体系 o 为读书人提供全面系统的文献服务 o 领略到完整的科学知识体系和全部的人类文化遗产,从而站在巨人的肩膀上来看这个世界 28Local culture and urban public library o Social responsibility of library:spread and inherit civilization, service societyo With a perfect literature resources supporting system o Provide literature service to readers in comprehensive and systematical mannero Have a taste of the whole science knowledge systems and cultural heritage of mankind, then stand on the giants shoulder and take a look at the world29地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 目前还没有任何社会机构在这一功能上可以取代图书馆o “克昌厥后,斯文在兹”(尚书),恰是图书馆之谓 o 书店不行,个人收藏也不行30Local culture and urban public library o From the point of view of the function, non of other social institutions can replace library.o “克昌厥后,斯文在兹”(尚书),It was talking about the library. o Neither bookstores nor personal collection could do that. 31地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 进入网络化、数字化时代,图书馆的数字资源也是其它机构所不能代替的 o 图书馆收藏和提供各种的数据库,如同图书馆的藏书一样,是经过精挑细选和专业化整理揭示的,因此是最重要、最实用、最具价值的信息资源,还是免费提供使用的。 32Local culture and urban public library o In the century of internet and digit, library can provide various digital resources. It cant be replaced by other institutionso Just like the books, the databases that the library collected and provided are carefully selected and professionally systemize, which makes it the most important, practical and valuable information resource. In addition it is free for use.33地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 三、图书馆是城市文明的收藏者、继承者和传播者 o 图书馆及其文献存有我们文化和传统的DNA。 34Local culture and urban public library o 3)Public library is a place to collect, inherit and spread urban culture o The library and collected literatures inherit the DNA of our culture and tradition.35地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 当代哲学大师卡尔波普尔(Karl Popper) 曾提出“世界三”的理论,这一理论被称为二十世纪最伟大的哲学成就之一 o “世界一”是物理的世界,“世界二”是精神的世界,“世界三”是客观知识的世界;“世界三”包括人类思想的各种产品,其主体就是图书馆的文献。 36Local culture and urban public library o The contemporary philosopher Karl Popper advanced the Theory of Three Worlds which is known as one of the greatest Philosophical achievements in 20th century. o The First World is world of Physics, The Second World is world of sprite, and The Third World is world of objective knowledge. The Third World contains various products of human thought, and its body is the literatures in library. 37地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 四、图书馆是城市可持续发展的资源保障图书馆是城市可持续发展的资源保障 o “兵马未动,粮草先行” ,图书馆是社会发展、经济发展、科技进步、文化昌盛的先决条件。38Local culture and urban public library o 4)Public library is a resource support of sustainable urban developmento Grain and fodder must be prepared in advance for the soldiers and horses. Library is the prior condition of social development, economic development, technical improvement and prosperous culture. 39地方文化与城市公共图书馆 o 五、图书馆是都市人终身教育的场所。o 抛开各种世俗的功利,徜徉于知识的海洋,享受阅读的快乐。 40Local culture and urban public library o 5)Public library is a place of receiving life-long education for citizenso Forget utility, learn knowledge and enjoy reading.41结论结论 o 城市需要图书馆,公民需要图书馆,地方文化需要图书馆,图书馆是不可替代的。 o 阅读,要到图书馆;天下读书人,要学会利用图书馆;我们要让市民了解图书馆,利用图书馆的良好条件和丰富资源,汲取知识的力量,实现其人生目标。 42Conclusion o Library is irreplaceable. It is not only needed by cities and citizens, but also needed by local culture. o Read in library; Readers should know how to use a library; We shall lead citizens to know library, use the good environment and various resources, acquire knowledge and realize their life goals43为深圳“图书馆之城”题词 o 文明沃土,知识津梁。琳琅册府,锦绣缥缃。裨益黎众,普惠城乡。斯文鼎盛,都市书香。卿云璀璨,日月华光。An inscription for Shenzhenthe City of LibraryTHANK YOUWu X45 结束语结束语