2022年外贸业务开发技巧实用 .pdf
外贸业务开发技巧一 、外贸业务开发技巧:很多外贸业务员说, 给客户发报价后, 客户就再也没有消息了, 其实外贸里这种情况非常普遍的, 如果发了报价就能成交或者就能进入实际谈判阶段,外贸也未免太简单了。 那那些大部分不能成交或者甚至石沉大海的询盘,咋办呢? 跟踪,骚扰!让客户记着你,这次不合作,至少下次再采购的时候能够想起你,给你一个报价,参与竞争的机会! 大部分的客户都是通过不断地跟踪得来的,至少我的大部分客户都是如此! 关键问题在于箱单的一部分外贸业务员不知道如何跟踪,一旦发出去的价格石沉大海,便束手无策了! 跟踪: 1.报价时,信息比较全面,本身就给客户留下比较专业,比较诚恳的印象,客户会比较愿意跟专业的供应商合作! 2.有效期话题: 例如你的有效期 20 天,在最后的几天,我们可以借有效期为题通知客户,若要下单请在有效期内!再或者,你就通知客户,现在市场价格已经开始上涨,但是我们的有效期还可以适应, 请尽快通知我们! 这样个客户留下了比较守承诺的印象! 有效期内,客户未答复,则可以在有效期结束的第二天,就要通知客户,我们的有效期已经失效, 但是如果再需要, 请来信咨询, 我们还会提供比较合适的价格给您! 3.事件营销: 4.交货期跟踪: 在价格有效期内, 可以利用交货期做文章, 例如询问客户到底什么时候要,是否比较急,如果您不能及时下订,我们其他订单排在前面,可能会影响您的船期! 5.重复报价:这招比较常用,估计很多人都在用。只要价格调整了,就发价格给客户,即便是本身价格未变, 但是由于海运费, 汇率等因素的影响, 还是会变化,告知客户! 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 6.询问需求法,这个方法也可以常用,例如说,不知道你最近是否有订单,请即时通知我,我给你报一个价格,参考一下! 7.同行刺激法, 这个方法不能常用, 但是我曾经用这个方法让客户很感兴趣,最终拿到过订单, 就说是,最近您所在的地区需求量非常大,我们连着发了几批去那边的货,我记着您也是需要这批货的,不知道你最近有没有需求? 还有很多,上面七条都是我常用的,虽然并不是每一个客户都能拿下来,至少,我没有让客户忘记我,对方有需求的同时,至少还会告诉我,寻求报价,经过谈判也曾经拿下了好多客户! 这就是一个好的开始,如果进入不了实际的谈判阶段,你的产品再好,价格再有优势,也是无济于事!二、实例分析:1.Enquiry 12th,Oct 2010 Buyers Message Subject: Im interested in your ramie solid dying fabric,ramie piece dyed fabric,solid dyed ramie fabric Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, were looking for a ramie or linen supplier, because we are having a 100% ramie sample pant here which should be produced. Thank you very much! Best regards, XXX2.从邮件的简单程度来说, 其实第一感觉不是很好, 因为内容非常简单, 简单的让所有的人都想忽略,觉得这家伙肯定没有实单在手 昨天收到了 50% 的订金,我总结一下,还是不要眼高手低,不要想当然,不要以自己简单的过往经验随便断定一个看似初级无意义的询盘 .3.1st feedback on 12th,Oct 2010Dear xxx,Thanks very for your inquiry.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - I am Gavin from Goldentex,a professional ramie,linen fabric and garment factory in China.All our products are excellent in quality and competitive in price. We are annually exporting more than 10 million meters ramie,linen fabric and 2.5 million pcs of garments to the worldwide such as Italy,Germany,France,Turkey,South KoreaSincerely hope to establish business relationship with yr esteemed company in the near future. And I believe both of our business will be blooming after our cooperation.As to the 100% ramie pants,could you pls kindly send that original sample to us for analysing and quotation.Any query,pls feel free to contact me.Best RegardsSales SupervisorGavin4.很常规的一个回复, 目的是套他手里的资料, 看看到底是不是潜在的客户, 手里是否有原样10 月 15号,得到他的第一封回复如下: Dear Gavin,Thanks for your kind message I will send you the ramie sample now to:*Attn: Gavin Please be so kind to send me the quotation incl. sample pant in dark grey and black colour back to my reference.Thank you very much! Best regards, XXX 5.收到这封邮件,我立刻在心里给他打了7 分,有原样在手,寄过来分析,说明潜在性很大,坐等原来过来,然后分析面料规格,再进行服装报价回复如下:Dear xxx,Well noted with tks.Will quote best price to you once received yr original sample. Any query,pls feel free to contact me.Best Regards Sales Supervisor Gavin名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 6.10 月 19 号,得到他的邮件回复如下: Dear GavinOkay thanks, the UPS tracking number is:* Please be so kind to quote in linen and cotton too what kinds of fabric do you offer? Thank you very much!Best regards, XXX 然后立马补充一封邮件回复: Dear xxx,Tks for yr kindly email.Waiting for yr original sample,once received them,will analyze specification and quote best price to you.Goldentex is a professional ramie and linen fabric,garments factory, working with oversea company more than 10 years.Offering greatest products and service plans per clients detailed requests.Any query,pls feel free to contact me.Best Regards Sales Supervisor Gavin7.10 月 21 号,收到客人原样,分析后给客人去邮件: Dear xxx,Confirmed received yr original sample this morning.After analying the specification and measuring the pants measurement with M size,we can only quote approx price to you as below: Pure Ramie Pants USD5.70/Pc FOB Shanghai; MOQ: 5000 pcs/order; 2000 pcs/design(colour),200 pcs/sizeWhenever you propose more detailes,such as total measurement charts,special packing.,Thus exact price can be quoted per detailes.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - You refered to quote linen cotton fabric too in last mail?How to understand?Do you mean use linen cotton fabric to make pants per yr original sample?But hows the specification?Pls kindly advise yr comments.Waiting for yr prompt reply.Best Regards Sales Supervisor Gavin 当天下午就得到他的回复: Dear Gavin,Thanks for your kind message, but 5,70USD is really too expensive - please be so kind to quote the same pant in all over linen fabric and all over cotton fabric.Regarding the sample, it should be exactly the same in size M - size S, L and XL should be arrange proportional to this pant size M EU standard in dark grey and black colour.Please be so kind to get back to me asap!Best regards, XXX立即回复如下: Dear xxx,Tks for yr prompt reply!Compared with linen cotton and pure linen fabric material,making yr pants by ramie fabric is the lowest.M size is the smallest one,so I am afraid the average price wll be USD5.80/Pc.I trust our pirce is very competitive,and you can compare the price with other suppliers.Could you pls kindly advise yr approx order quantity for referrence?Can match our MOQ or not?If there is any other query, pls feel free to let me know.Best Regards Sales Supervisor Gavin 从这里,我可以判断他是个实在的买家,计较价格是商人的天性, 但是实际上我名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 知道,我的价格一点都不高,而且我很后悔价格报低了,好再效期报的不长,我断定肯定还会重新报价的, 因为这时候很多细节都没定现阶段是要再判断一下订单具体有多大, 太小了也不能做. 所以试探性问了一下大概的数量,如果太小,没有再进行的必要名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -