职场英语关于设定目标的建议职场英语关于设定目标的建议职场英语关于设定目标的建议 Following is our list of 6 tips on goals setting1 which shouldhelp you to succeed. We hope that these tips are helpful to you todayand that you enjoy reading them. Tip 1 Write goals that align2 with your values. 写下和你的价值观相一致的目标。 If you set yourself goals that youre interested in completely,then you may struggle to complete them. It can be difficult toachieve our goals anyway, but when your heart isnt in it, it willbe that much harder to achieve your goals. You want to set goals that youre interested in so that you willenjoy trying to achieve them, and will get something great out ofthem at the end when you do achieve them. If you set yourself boringor uninteresting goals, then you are not going to be able to find themotivation to achieve them. Setting goals can give your life meaning, so you want those goalsto be in line with the way you wish for your life to go. We all onlylive once, and so we should all enjoy life. Set yourself some goalsthat youre going to enjoy. Tip 2 Set goals that you can control. 制定你能控制的目标 There are many things in life that are beyond our control. For e某 ample, if you set yourself a goal of getting married and havingchildren before youre 30, you might find that you feel overwhelmed3with press to find the right person in a short space of time.However, the reality of life is that it simply just happens to us.You cant force a meaningful relationship, and you can force someoneto want the same things as you. Some things such as this are beyond第 1页 共 4页our control, and so it would be impossible to set yourself realisticgoals based on those uncontrollable aspects of life. What you need to do instead, is think about setting goals thatyou yourself can control. For e 某 ample, if you want to travel to acertain place, you can more than likely realistically make thathappen and complete that goal fairly easily. When setting goals, be sure to set realistic goals, otherwise youwill find yourself being disappointed every day, and that is no wayto live. You will find that you have less quality of life and may bemore prone4 to stress, depression and an 某 iety if you find yourselfconstantly setting unrealistic and unattainable goals. Tip 3 Think big. 想的远一些lthough its important to avoid setting yourself impossiblegoals, it is also equally as important to set yourself big goals. Thebigger the goal you set, the more accomplishment5 you are going tofeel after you smash6 that goal. It is important to believe in yourself and believe that you canachieve the things that you want out of life. Sit down today and setyourself a number of goals, both big and small. Some will be easierto achieve than others. However, if you put your mind to it, youreally can accomplish anything. There should be no goal too high that you feel you cantachieve. If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything that youwant to. So with that in mind, set yourself some goals today and thenwork hard as of today to achieve all of those goals. Tip 4 Give yourself time. 给你自己时间Great things take time and it is a known fact that good thingscome to those who wait. With that in mind, you should never rush to第 2页 共 4页achieve your goals. Be a believer that whatever happens in lifehappens for a reason. With this mindset, you will find that yourgoals become even easier to achieve. Of course, it is still important to take steps every single daytowards achieving your goals. However, there is no need to rushthrough your life in order to achieve all of those goals. Dont loseyour life by trying to achieve your goals. Allow yourself to live inthe process of working towards your goals. Set yourself a plot in your head of how you want your life to goand chances are, things will fall that way. If you allow yourself tovisualise where you want to be in life, then you will find it mucheasier to achieve those goals naturally. Tip 5 Plan for success. 为成功做计划 Try to avoid thinking about the possibility of failure andinstead prepare yourself for success. There are always things thatwill get in your way along the journey to achieving your dreams,however, it is important to always try to focus on the positives andfocus on the fact that success is a great possibility. Worrying about not achieving your goals is pointless and acomplete waste of your time. The time spent worrying about notachieving your goals is time that could be spent getting out thereand working hard to ensure that you do achieve all of your goals. Focus on the positives of every situation and be sure to alwayskeep your eyes on the prize. Stay focussed on what it is that youreaiming for and what you want to achieve. That way, you avoid the needfor worry and can focus on achieving the goal at hand instead ofworrying about the chances of failure. Tip 6 Manage your risks. 管理你的风险第 3页 共 4页 There will always be risks in everything that you do and it isimportant to remember that. No matter what the goal is that youresetting, there will be some level of risk to consider, and you willneed to plan for the possibility of those risks getting in the way ofyou achieving your goals. Once you create a goal for yourself, you want to plan out howyoure going to go about achieving it. This is where risk managementwill come in handy7. You should plan out ways to achieve your goalswhilst8 keeping those potential risks in mind. With every goal that you set yourself, be sure to evaluate therisks before creating a plan of how youre going to achieve it. Thiswill make it easier to come up with a productive9 solution toachieving that goal, as well as keep your focus away from worries.第 4页 共 4页