专升本英语词汇课件ppt-Unit 1(初识词汇&应用拓展).pdf
Unit 1Unit 1A. 单单词词识识记记state 【n】状状态态;情情况况;国国;州州 【v】陈陈述述;说说明明;规规定定形形近近词词statute n. 法法令令;法法规规manifestation n. 显显示示,表表现现;示示威威运运动动statistic n. 统统计计数数值值 adj. 统统计计的的;统统计计学学的的statistical adj. 统统计计的的;统统计计学学的的形形近近词词stationary adj. 固固定定的的;静静止止的的;不不动动的的statement n. ( 正正式式明明确确的的口口头头或或书书面面 ) 陈陈述述,声声明明;( 意意见见或或观观点点的的 ) 表表现现,表表达达understatement n. 保保守守陈陈述述;不不充充分分的的陈陈述述;轻轻描描淡淡写写overstate v. 夸夸张张,夸夸大大地地叙叙述述statesman n. 政政治治家家estate n. 房房地地产产;身身份份;财财产产形形近近词词devastate v. 毁毁灭灭,毁毁坏坏devastating adj. 毁毁灭灭性性的的;极极具具破破坏坏力力的的workstation n.工工作作台台status n. 地地位位;情情形形;状状态态近近义义词词assert v. 坚坚称称;断断言言;表表明明affirm v. 断断言言;肯肯定定;证证实实public 【adj 】公公众众的的;公公共共的的;公公开开的的 【n】 公公众众,民民众众形形近近词词publication n. 出出版版;发发行行;出出版版物物;发发行行物物;公公布布;发发布布republican adj. 共共和和国国的的;共共和和政政体体的的;(美美国国)共共和和党党的的;支支持持共共和和党党的的 n. 拥拥护护共共和和政政体体者者;共共和和主主义义者者publicity n. 公公众众信信息息;宣宣传传;公公之之于于众众的的状状况况形形近近词词publicize v. 公公开开publicized adj. 公公开开的的publicly adv. 公公共共地地;公公开开地地;公公众众地地词词组组in public:公公开开地地,当当众众近近义义词词mass n. 民民众众;大大量量civil adj. 公公民民的的law 【n 】 法法律律;法法令令;法法规规;规规律律;定定律律形形近近词词claw n. 爪爪;螯螯;钳钳;爪爪形形器器具具 v. 用用爪爪抓抓(或或挖挖)lawful adj. 合合法法的的;法法定定的的;法法律律许许可可的的lawsuit n. 诉诉讼讼;诉诉讼讼案案件件形形近近词词flaw n. 瑕瑕疵疵;裂裂纹纹;缺缺点点 v. 使使破破裂裂;使使有有缺缺陷陷lawyer n. 律律师师;法法学学家家近近义义词词legislation n. 法法律律;法法规规mean 【v】 意意味味着着,即即是是;意意指指,意意思思是是说说;打打算算,意意欲欲;意意义义重重大大 【adj.】吝吝啬啬的的;刻刻薄薄的的;破破旧旧的的 【n】平平均均值值;平平均均数数形形近近词词meaning n. 意意义义,含含义义well-meaning adj. 善善意意的的;好好心心的的meaningless adj. 没没有有意意义义的的;不不重重要要的的;无无价价值值的的meaningfully adv.有有意意图图地地;有有意意义义地地;重重要要地地形形近近词词means n. 方方法法;手手段段meanwhile adv. 同同时时;其其间间词词组组 by means of:用用;依依靠靠by no means:绝绝不不;一一点点也也不不同同义义词词 indicate v. 表表明明;暗暗示示;象象征征;反反映映implication n. 可可能能引引发发的的后后果果;暗暗示示;含含意意influence【n】影影响响;感感化化;势势力力,权权势势【v】影影响响;感感化化形形近近词词influential adj. 有有影影响响力力的的;有有势势力力的的 n. 影影响响者者;有有势势力力的的人人近近义义词词 impact n.碰碰撞撞;撞撞击击;影影响响 v.撞撞击击;碰碰撞撞;(对对)产产生生影影响响Live 【v】居居住住;生生活活;生生存存;以以为为生生;留留存存;铭铭记记 【n】生生命命;生生活活 【adj】活活的的;有有生生命命的的;现现场场演演出出的的形形近近词词alive a.活活着着的的deliver v. 发发表表 ( 讲讲话话);递递送送;接接生生 ( 婴婴儿儿 )delivery n. 分分娩娩;投投递递;讲讲话话方方式式outlive v.比比活活得得长长;比比经经久久形形近近词词liveliness n. 活活力力livelihood n. 生生计计;生生活活词词组组live off 依依赖赖生生活活,依依赖赖近近义义词词dwell v. 居居住住于于;存存在在于于reside v. 定定居居于于;属属于于近近义义词词survive v. 幸幸存存;比比活活得得长长 survival n. 生生存存;幸幸存存inhabit v. 居居住住于于settle v. 使使定定居居federal 【adj】联联邦邦的的形形近近词词federation n. 联邦制国家;联邦;(社社团或组织的)同同盟盟;联盟;联合会词词组组FBI:联邦调查局 (Federal Bureau of Investigation)CIA:中中央央情情报局 (Central Intelligence Agency)large 【adj】大大的的; 广广大大的的;大大量量的的形形近近词词largely adv. 主主要要地地;大大体体上上地地;大大量量地地enlarge v. 扩大;放大;扩充词词组组at large 一一般般;全全体体地地;普普遍遍地地large 【adj】大大的的; 广广大大的的;大大量量的的近近义义词词bulky adj. 庞大的;体积大的outsize adj. 特特大大的的 huge adj. 庞大的mark 【v】 做做标标记记;指指出出;标标明明;在在( 商商品品 ) 上上贴贴价价格格 ( 或或质质量量等等) 的的标标签签、【n】 痕痕迹迹;斑斑点点;污污点点;记记号号;符符号号;( 考考试试等等 ) 分分数数形形近近词词market n. 市市场;行情 v. 推推销;营销marketplace n.市市集集;商商场;市场marked adj. 显著的,明显的;有记号的形形近近词词marketer n. 市市场商人;市场营销人员remark v.评论;谈到 n.评论;话语;注意;观察remarkable adj. 卓卓越越的的;非非凡凡的的;辉煌的landmark n. 地地标;里程碑;转折点 adj. 有有重重大大意意义或影响的近近义义词词blot n. 污点 spot n. 点点;斑斑点点 stain n. 污迹;污渍 v. 玷玷污;污染symbol n. 象象征征;标志mark 【v】 做做标标记记;指指出出;标标明明;在在( 商商品品 ) 上上贴贴价价格格 ( 或或质质量量等等) 的的标标签签、【n】 痕痕迹迹;斑斑点点;污污点点;记记号号;符符号号;( 考考试试等等 ) 分分数数形形近近词词market n. 市市场;行情 v. 推推销;营销marketplace n.市市集集;商商场;市场marked adj. 显著的,明显的;有记号的system 【n】系系统统;体体制制形形近近词词systematic adj.有有系系统的;系统化的systematically adv. 系系统地;有条理地近近义义词词regime n. 政政权;政体( 指指非非民民主主且且统治手段不被认可可的的政政府府或或政政权体系 );管管理理制制度度;组织方法;养生生法法organization n.组织;机构;团体 structure n. 结构;构造;组织stress 【v】 强强调调;着着重重 【n】压压力力;强强调调;重重点点;着着重重;重重音音;( 物物 )应应力力词词组组stressed-out 因因心心理理紧张而被压垮的近近义义词词highlight v. 强调;突出emphasize v. 强调strain v. 使使不不堪堪承承受受;使使紧张;拉伤;扭伤 n. 压力;负担;重负 Unit 1Unit 1C. 单单词词应应用用state n 状状态态,情情况况 2007 年年阅阅读读 Text 4The current state of affairs may have been encouragedthough not justifiedby the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage.statistical adj. 统统计计的的;统统计计学学的的2007 年年阅阅读读 Text 2Superhigh scores like vos Savants are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers. statement n. ( 正正式式的的口口头头或或书书面面 ) 陈陈述述,声声明明;( 意意见见或或观观点点的的 ) 表表现现,表表达达2012 年年阅阅读读 text 2A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont Yankees safety and Entergys management especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe.overstate v. 夸夸张张,夸夸大大地地叙叙述述2010年年阅阅读读 Text 4It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts.status n地地位位 2013年年阅阅读读 Text 4However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement.assert v. 坚坚称称;断断言言;表表明明2013年年阅阅读读 Text 4The administration was in essence asserting that because it didnt want to carry out Congresss immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. publication n. 出出版版;发发行行;出出版版物物;公公布布 2013 年年阅阅读读 Text 3Thats one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future. Republican adj ( 美美国国 ) 共共和和党党的的 2012 年年阅阅读读 Text 4In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hard-line Republican governor.flaw n. 瑕瑕疵疵;缺缺点点2006年年阅阅读读新新题题型型Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.meaningless adj. 没没有有意意义义的的;不不重重要要的的2006年年阅阅读读 Text 4But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworths daffodils to Baudelaires flowers of evil.meaningfully adv. 有有意意图图地地;有有意意义义地地;重重要要地地2007年年阅阅读读 Text 1And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.live adj 现现场场演演出出的的 2011年年阅阅读读 Text 1These recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher inartistic quality than todays live performances; moreover, they can be “consumed” at a time and place of the listeners choosing.live off:依依赖赖生生活活,依依赖赖2006年年阅阅读读 Text 2And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaways Cottage, Shakespeares birthplace and the other sights.federal 联联邦邦的的 2013 年年阅阅读读 Text 4In Arizona v. United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizonas controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law. mark v 在在(商商品品)上上贴贴价价格格(或或质质量量等等)标标签签2010 年年阅阅读读 Text 4Americas new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive.marked adj. 显显著著的的,明明显显的的;有有记记号号的的2014年年翻翻译译There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young.systematically adv. 系系统统地地;有有条条理理地地2009年年阅阅读读 Text 2Databases used by some companies dont rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects.stress v 强强调调 2014 年年阅阅读读 Text 4Because representative government presupposes an informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies. stressed-out:因因心心理理紧紧张张而而被被压压垮垮的的2008年年阅阅读读 Text 1In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.