Ordinal Numbers fourth 4th, fifth, 5th, ninth, 9th, twelfth ,12th twentieth, 20thNumbers 在英式英语中,一个数的最后两位(十位和个位)得用and,但美式英语中则不用。e.g. 3,077 BrE: three thousand and seventy-seven AmE:three thousand seventy-sevenNumbers 146 a/one hundred(and)forty-six 1,031 a thousand,(and)thirty-one eleven hundred 1,100 twelve hundred 1,200Rules of reading numbers eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty-four one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-one six million one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand and seven hundred and two twenty-six million and eight 11,234 155,721 6,155,702 26,000,008Rules of reading numbers :three hundred(and)twenty-six mil-lion,four hundred(and)fourteen thousand and,seven hundred(and)eigh-teen four billion three hundred(and)two million 326,414,718 4,302,000,000Rules of reading numbers 11,234读作:读作:eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty-four 155,721读作:读作:one hundred(and)fifly-fivethous and seven hundred(and)twenty-one 6,155,702读作:读作:six million one hundred(and)fifly-five thous and seven hundred and two 26,000,008读作:读作:twenty-six million and eight 326,414,718读作:读作:three hundred(and)twenty-six mil-lion,four hundred(and)four teen thous and,seven hundred(and)eigh-teen 4,302,000,000读作:读作:four billion three hundred(and)two millionRules of reading numbers 英 语 中 数 字 超 过 千 以 后 , 用 千 (英 语 中 数 字 超 过 千 以 后 , 用 千 (thousand) 的倍数来表达的倍数来表达 (million),如),如一万是一万是 ten thousand, 十万是十万是hundred thousand,直至百万直至百万million; 百万以上的数字用百万的倍数来表达,百万以上的数字用百万的倍数来表达, 如千万是如千万是 ten million, 亿是亿是hundred million, 直至十亿直至十亿billion。Rules of reading numbers 1万万= 10万万= 100万万= 1000万万= 1亿亿= 10亿亿=ten thousandone hundred thousandone millionten millionone hundred millionone billionRules of reading numbers 4,021,907,650,301 兆兆, 亿,亿, 百万,百万, 千,千, four trillion/twenty one billion/ nine hundred and seven million/ six hundred and fifty thousand/ three hundred and one The peoples living standards continue to improve. Retail sales of consumer goods of the country totaled 2684.3 billion yuan, us$ 323.4billion, representing an actual increase of 10.2%. The per capita of disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4% and the per capita of net income of rural residents by 4.6%. Last year, 7 million people in cities and towns found their first jobs, and 2.45 million laid off workers were reemployed and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1%. The natural population growth rate was 10.06. A g r i c u l t u re w a s f u r t h e r strengthened. Despite droughts in a large part of northern china, green output reached 492.5 million tons. The state green reserves hit a record high. Cotton output was 4.3 million tons. The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons. A n i m a l h u s b a n d r y a n d aquaculture have become significant points for rural economic growth and a major source of being increase in farmers income. The added value of township enterprises reached 1800 billion Yuan, us $216.87 billion.结束结束