如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流佣金协议书-中英文【精品文档】第 3 页佣 金 协 议 书COMMISSION AGREEMENTS 编号Serial Number:HX6807 日期Date:2013 ,6,15 (以下简称甲方)与 (以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。 (hereinafter referred to as Party A)and (hereinafter referred to Party B),the two sides through friendly consultations,specific set of this agreement, to abide by.乙方负责介绍 购买甲方产品,并协调甲方和第三方客户间的贸易关系。在甲乙双方签订该协议前,乙方需向甲方提供乙方公司的公司性质、注册地、工商登记等基本资料,并保证所提供的信息真实有效;乙方须保证乙方是在中华人民共和国相关法律条款下允许操作此类中间业务的公司,否则由此引起的一切后果均由乙方自行负责。Party B shall be responsible for introducing to purchase of Party A's products, and coordinate of trade relations between the party and the third party customers.Before the A and B sides signed the agreement, Party B shall provide the nature of the company, company registration, business registration and other basic information to Party A, and ensure the information provided is true and effective; Party B shall ensure that Party B is allowed to operate such business in the people's Republic of China, the provisions of relevant laws and the company, otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for all the consequences.乙方所介绍的客户与甲方合作须遵守甲方的 “销售合同”条款。乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 %佣金与客户磋商业务。甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。甲方和第三方客户业务正式成交完成后,乙方提供以乙方公司名义开据的全额佣金服务发票(合计:人民币×××元整),甲方在收到该发票后两周内将佣金汇往乙方指定的银行帐户。Party B shall introduce customer and partner, which should observe Party A's "sales contract" clause.Party B plus % commission based on Party As the price and negotiate business according to Party As information. Party A singed the contract according to agreement between Party B and the customer, and responsible for the execution of the contract and other related matters.Once party A and the third party client formal contract is completed, Party B shall provide the full commission services invoice to Party B, the company name in the invoice should Party B (total: RMB * * * the whole), the party A should remit the commission to Party Bs designated bank account within two weeks after receipt of the invoice.如果乙方未能促成甲方与客户之间的合同成立,并业务正式成交的,不得要求甲方支付报酬(佣金)。乙方应及时将市场信息反馈给甲方。本协议在履行过程发生争议,由甲乙双方协商解决。本协议有效期至 2013年 月 日止。If Party B fails to contribute to the establishment of the contract between Party A and the customer, and official business transactions, Party A shall not be required the payment (Commission).Party B shall timely feedback market information to Party A.If this agreement happened the dispute in performing process, then should solve it through both partys consultation.This agreement is valid until 2013 month date.本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。This agreement is in two copies, Party A, Party B, both sides hold one counterpart, contract then into force after both parties signed and sealed, facsimile has the same force and effect.甲方确认: 乙方确认;,Party A: Party B: