深圳福田外语高级中学 吴丽璇 联系电话:13828871162 QQ: 48373025电子邮箱:电子邮箱:2013年7月Vocabulary综合语言综合语言运用能力运用能力情感态度情感态度学习策略学习策略文化意识文化意识语言技能语言技能语言知识语言知识国际视野国际视野祖国意识祖国意识合作精神合作精神自信意志自信意志兴趣动机兴趣动机交际策略交际策略资源策略资源策略调控策略调控策略认知策略认知策略跨文化交际跨文化交际文化理解文化理解文化知识文化知识话题话题功能功能语法语法词汇词汇语音语音写写读读说说听听综合语言综合语言运用能力运用能力课程目标课程目标一、为什么要进行词汇教学一、为什么要进行词汇教学英语语言学家威尔金斯在语言学与语言教学中说:“Withoutgrammarverylittlecanbeconveyed;withoutvocabularynothingcanbeconveyed.”“没有语法,人们不能很好地表达,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。” 词汇量是制约英语学习效率的重要因素。 词汇是语言的三大要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料,其中又属词汇最为重要。词汇掌握的多少,是反映学生英语水平的标志之一。 词汇是学好英语的基础,词汇关过不了,对语句的理解记忆就会很吃力,而不用说文章阅读和语法理解,因此学习英语必须首先突破词汇关。二、学生在词汇学习中遇到的问题二、学生在词汇学习中遇到的问题 1、单词太多,记不住。、单词太多,记不住。 2、不会记单词。、不会记单词。 3、单词记住了,但是不会用。、单词记住了,但是不会用。外语学习反映在中国初中学生身上瓶颈单词记不住 词汇量有限看见单词不会读、不知道词义词性难以掌握 不会遣词造句基本句型和基本语法受母语干扰听、说、听、说、读、写等读、写等障碍障碍新课标对初中毕业词汇量作出了明确规定,要求学生学会使用左右的和。Go for it初中英语教材的词汇量则更大,达2000个左右。这无疑给初中英语教与学带来了一定的困难。对词汇进行分类。高频词,低频词,功能词(如连词、介词等)词汇概况: (对比新课标与2009年贵州省中考英语考试说明(黔南州)新课标1600个Go for it 1980个七上571个(包含短语)七下456个(包含短语)八上546个(包含短语)八下504个(包含短语)九年级770个(包含短语)Form Spoken; Written; Word parts Spoken; Written; Word partsMeaning Form and meaning; concept and Form and meaning; concept and referents; Associationsreferents; AssociationsUse Grammatical functions; Grammatical functions; collocations; constraints on use collocations; constraints on use (register, frequency)(register, frequency)Word knowledge Word knowledge 词汇知识词汇知识Orthographical form Orthographical form 拼写形式拼写形式Phonological form Phonological form 语音形式语音形式Meaning Meaning 词义词义Grammatical behavior Grammatical behavior 语法特征语法特征Associations Associations 联想联想Collocations Collocations 词语搭配词语搭配Frequency Frequency 词频词频Register Register 语域语域1意义概念意义(即词典中所标注的意思)和关联意义。 *理解2词汇信息指词的来源,词类、*记忆3词汇的用法*运用5词汇策略*训练4. 文化含义:*体验体验word词汇信息教学词汇信息教学词汇信息教学词汇信息教学词汇信息例词like词性v.( vt. vi. ) prep.词缀(前缀,后缀)un-; -ly; 词的拼写(形)l-i-k-e; 词的发音(音)laik词法(词形的变化规则)动词的时(过去、现在、将来)动词的时(过去、现在、将来); ;体(完成、进行);体(完成、进行);态(主动、被动);态(主动、被动);名词的数,副词、形容词的级名词的数,副词、形容词的级做动词时是及物动词,其句法结构为like + n/doing 和 like + to do; 四、词汇学习的策略四、词汇学习的策略学习效果=50%学习策略+40%努力程度+10%智商。可见在影响学习效果的三个因素中,智商和努力程度固然重要,但学习策略尤其重要。所以,教师要教会学生记忆单词的方法策略,提高课堂效率,这有助于他们形成自主学习的能力,激发他们学习英语单词的兴趣,为他们的终身学习奠定基础。下面是一些词汇学习的策略: 英语和汉语的相似性:汉字拼音英语音标英语单词的拼写和音标之间有着密切的联系。如果音标掌握得好,根据发音规则就能够大致拼写出对应的单词。学好音标,掌握字母或字母组合的发音。学生学单词:1利用音标2利用“自然拼读法”3掌握拼读规律:例例1:E e shshe e mme e wwe e ththe eseseP Pe en yn ye es ss se et spt spe ell ll 例例2:I i n ni icece f fi iveve n ni ineneh hi is ss si ix thx thi is Engls Engli ish sh 例例3:O ozerzero o ththo ose phse pho oneneclclo ock nck no ot lt lo ostst n na ame cme ca ase erse era aser ser b ba aseball gseball ga ame me (1 1). .发音规则的词发音规则的词例例4:A a a and nd a at bt ba ackpckpa ack ck ththa at grt gra andmotherndmother例例5:U u r ru uler stler stu udent dent excexcu use compse compu uterterb bu us bs bu ut t u us s r ru un mn mu uchch(2 2). .容易念错的词容易念错的词:question, answer, :question, answer, zero, this, excuse, spell, computerzero, this, excuse, spell, computer population ,question , lotion , suggestion ,attention , nation音标:音标: 5kwestFEn 拼读规则:字母组合拼读规则:字母组合 tion tion 发发 FEn 的音;的音;在字母在字母s s后面,后面,tion tion 发音为发音为 tFEn Swim, answer,sweater ,sweep音标:音标: 5a:nsE 拼读规则:字母拼读规则:字母ww不发音。类似的还有不发音。类似的还有two, two, write.write.(3 3). .听读活动举例听读活动举例Activity1:Read and matchABCDEFGHI1. Watch2. Backpack3. Computer4. Dictionary5. Ruler6. Book7. Pencil case8. Eraser9. Pencil sharpenerActivity2: Bingo pencilcaseEraserDictionaryWatchBookPencilsharpenerComputerRulerbackpack读听看示范看电影或录像看图表/图片参与讨论参加角色扮演交流模拟练习/实践实际操作活动活动学习效果学习效果如果人们想记住读过的读过的10%听过的听过的20%看过的看过的30%听和看过的听和看过的50%说过的说过的70%说和做过的说和做过的90%参与水平参与水平文字感受视觉感受感受并参与操作“五到”记忆法:即心到、眼到、耳到、口到、手到。教师指导学生在记忆单词时应专心地边看、边听、边读、边写。 词汇总是存在于一定的语境中。词汇总是存在于一定的语境中。语境就是语境就是,即词、短语、语句,即词、短语、语句和篇章的和篇章的前后关系前后关系。语境制约着语言。语境制约着语言单位的选择,意义的表达和理解,词单位的选择,意义的表达和理解,词汇意义只有在上下文中才能精确,具汇意义只有在上下文中才能精确,具体。体。(三)、语境猜词法例如,在教dangerous、gentle、 scratch 、bite时可以创设以下语境。Miss Liu:A lot of people keep animals at home. What animals do you keep as pets?Students: Cats. DogsMiss Liu:I like dogs, too. They are cute and gentle. They are our friends. But,I dont like cats, because they are a little dangerous. Sometimes they will scratch you. (呈现一只猫在抓东西的相片/做抓的动作)Miss Liu: Do you keep snakes, lions or tigers as pets? Why or why not?Students: No! Because .Miss Liu: Snakes, lions and tigers will bite you. (做咬的动作) They are very dangerous, so we cant keep them as pets.(三)、语境猜词法1.1.He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.2.In the ancient city of Rome , we visited every mansion , church, battle site, theatre and other public halls.3.Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl. But her sister was quite sedate. 沉闷的沉闷的不好看的不好看的大厦大厦You shouldnt have blamed him for that, for it wasnt his fault. All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because he was using the wrong key. 无用的无用的,徒劳的徒劳的责怪责怪定义或释义常用is, or, that is, in other words, be called,或破折号等来表示。 1.A calendar a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.2.The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.日历日历定语从句定语从句牧人牧人Today is my birthday. When I came home with a light heart(adj.轻松的), my parents were busy preparing dinner. The light in the room was poor(n. 光线),so I turned on the lights(n.灯). Now our room was bright with all the lights on. (n. 灯)Soon dinner was ready. My father turned off the lights(n. 灯)and lighted(v.点燃)the candles on the cake which lit up (v.照亮,使明亮)the room. Light music(轻音乐) was played. I prayed for my dream. When I opened my eyes, the lights(n. 灯) were on again. In my mothers hand lay a present which was a light(adj.轻的) silk scarf with a light (adj.浅色的,淡色的) blue flower in the middle. How beautiful it was! How happy I was! stairs 楼梯 楼梯有许多“转弯处”(s),老人上楼梯用“伞”(t)撑着,辛苦地喘着“气” (air)。pilot 飞行员战争开始了,军队“派”(pi)出了“许多”(lot)飞行员参加战斗。disease 疾病疾病到最后就会“死亡”(die),人死了骨灰被洒向“大海”(seas)campus(校园):对学生而言, “我们” (us)的“营地”(camp)就是“校园”。 island(岛):is+land,岛也 “是”( is) “土地”(land)manager (经理): “男人”(man)到了一定“年纪”(age)就可独立处理事情,成为经理。mustache(胡子):干刮胡子,“一定”( must)“疼”(ache)。abridge(缩短):“一座”(a) “桥”(bridge)缩短了两岸的距离。damage (损害):“坝”(dam)“时间长了”(age),很容易遭受损害。 practice(练习):在冰上做练习, pra-act-icecupboard(橱柜):木质的器皿柜(board)中放有许多酒杯(cup)”。cargo(货物):货物装好“车”(car)就“走”(go) carpet (地毯): 地毯上有玩具“小车”(car)和“宠物”(pet)。例例. praise/raise/ fraise/braise/ 从前有个某某某,当别人从前有个某某某,当别人praise他的时候,他的时候,他很飘飘然,于是就他很飘飘然,于是就raise起来了,脑袋都撞起来了,脑袋都撞到天花板那个到天花板那个fraise(障碍物)了,不过人家(障碍物)了,不过人家称赞他可没什么好意,圈套来的,后来他就称赞他可没什么好意,圈套来的,后来他就给人家给人家braise(炖)了。俗话说得好,无事(炖)了。俗话说得好,无事献殷勤,非奸即盗,当人家献殷勤,非奸即盗,当人家praise你的时候你的时候,可要保持冷静啊,千万别随便就,可要保持冷静啊,千万别随便就raise了起了起来,以至于落得个被来,以至于落得个被braise的下场啊!的下场啊!” 当我们大家背单词的时候,如果是零零散散地来背,当我们大家背单词的时候,如果是零零散散地来背,记忆效果是相当差的,遗忘率会很高。如果把某些单词集记忆效果是相当差的,遗忘率会很高。如果把某些单词集合在一个载体上,让他们彼此之间,形成一种逻辑上的关合在一个载体上,让他们彼此之间,形成一种逻辑上的关联联,再在载体上下点文章,记忆效果将会大大地提高,甚再在载体上下点文章,记忆效果将会大大地提高,甚至会形成终生难忘的效果。至会形成终生难忘的效果。大家尝试用以下四个单词编故事:大家尝试用以下四个单词编故事:accept / concept / except / precept / act / fact / pact / tact / advice /device / service / vice age / cage / page / rage / anger / finger / hunger /tiger apple / sample / example /people 规则规则 观念观念公约公约机智机智装置装置恶习恶习 愤怒愤怒 样品样品-代表“重复”的意思,birth是出生的意思,由此可以推断rebirth是“重生” ,retell是“复述”,reuse是“重新使用”,repeat是“再说一次”,refresh是“焕然一新”代表“助手、的人”的意思,如:assistant(助理),servant(仆人),defendant(被告),dependant(依赖他人生活的人)consultant(咨询家,顾问 ) (1)合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。例如:pea(豌豆)nuts(坚果)- peanut(花生) (2)派生,即加前缀或后缀构成另一个词,happy-unhappy(加前缀)happiness(加后缀)(3)转化 例如: picture(n)画-picture(v)描绘 water(N)水-water(v) 浇水按单词的意义分类 例如交通工具及与交通相关的单词:bike, bus, jeep, truck, taxi, train, plane, ship, motor-cycle, sports car, pilot, driver, vehicle, engine, gasoline, traffic jam, rush hour等。 Find outfamily members plant, twins , banana grandmother, grandfather, window, grandparents, mother ring, father, parents, morning, aunt, uncle, clock, brother, sister, color, volleyball, son, daughter, cousin, CD, family member, piano 16Pencil, student, pen, science, book, volleyball, eraser ruler, classmate, backpack, teacher, pencil sharpener, dictionary, English, baseball, ping-pong, notebook, tennis, basketball, bat, P.E. School things:People:Sports:Subjects:PencilpenbookeraserrulerpencilsharpenerdictionarybackpackbatnotebookStudentclassmateteacherVolleyballbaseballping-pongtennisBasketballScienceEnglishP.E Hehaspassaway. Heisnomore. Heisnolongerwithus. Histimehascome. Heisrestinginpeace. Heissleepingwithhisfathers. Hehasgonewest. Hehasnoneoutofthisworld. Hehasgonetothebetterworld.动词词组动词词组 take a rest take a rest take exercise take photostake exercise take photostake a bus take a bus take me to .take me to .Take the third left.Take the third left.take medicine take medicine :in front ofin front of, , across fromacross from, , at homeat home, , at schoolat school :Here you are.Here you are. Have a good tripHave a good trip. . Can I help youCan I help you? ?:a pair ofa pair of, , a bottle ofa bottle of, , a cup ofa cup of, , Chinese foodChinese food pencil box-pencil casepencil box-pencil case , ,cab-taxicab-taxi, , bike-bicyclebike-bicycle , , telephone-phonetelephone-phone, , . .clean-dirty , wet-dry, first-last, go-come , clean-dirty , wet-dry, first-last, go-come , loud-quiet, hard-soft ,slow- fastloud-quiet, hard-soft ,slow- fast, , put onput on- -take off take off .farmhousestreesfarmersanimalsplantshillsriversFarm toolsapple treescowssheepchickensdogsvegetableswheatricetractorsAction movieHorror movieScience fictionComedyCartoonDocumentary超级链接超级链接dangerousmore intelligentstronger BadGoodhomeworkhouseworkplay with melook for peopleunpleasant jobswalk and dancetalk建立概念图buynecessitiesforthefestivalfestivalTVgalasetofffirecrackersclothingdressupfeastluckymoneyholidayplaycomputergamesdayandnightgiftscelebrationgather/gettogether以“festival”为核心建立概念图on the case underthecaseGo straight倒金字塔帮你排忧解难 直观性直观性词汇的直观教具的选用有以下三方面:、实物直观、形象直观、语言、动作直观直观直观教学法教学法tallshortboygirlbigsmallHe is short.He is tall.What does he/she look like?She is of medium height.例:教学例:教学 How do you make a banana milk How do you make a banana milk shakeshake这一单元的生词时,教师准备了香蕉、牛这一单元的生词时,教师准备了香蕉、牛奶、水果刀、榨汁机等,边说边演示。奶、水果刀、榨汁机等,边说边演示。First, First, PeelPeel 3 bananas. 3 bananas.Then, Then, cutcut them them upup. .Next, Next, putput them them intointo the blender. the blender.Next, Next, pourpour the yogurt the yogurt intointo the blender. the blender.Next, Next, turn onturn on the blender. the blender.Finally, drink it. Finally, drink it. peel the bananaCut up the bananasPour the milk into the blenderTurn on the blenderDrink变成另一个词 loot 抢劫;赃物 evil 邪恶的 net 网 trap 陷阱 pets 宠物 (复数) rats 鼠(复数)有些单词可以翻转之后tool 工具 口诀:抢劫是需要工具的。live 居住 口诀:邪恶的人应该住在地狱。ten 十口诀:十张网。 part 部分口诀:部分人掉进了陷阱。step 步口诀:宠物们一步步跟着主人star 星星口诀:老鼠多得像星星。 设计丰富多彩的教学活动,点燃学习热情,激发学生学习词汇的兴趣.通过歌曲、谚语、成语、格言、绕口令、习语、说唱、诗歌、笑话、谜语等辅助词汇教学。Standingonamountain_Lookingatthemoonthroughaclearbluesky.I_goandseesomefriends.Buttheydontreallycomprehend.Dontneedtoomuchtalkingwithoutsayinganything.AllIneedis_whomakesmewannasing.Takemetoyourhearttakemetoyoursoul.GivemeyourhandbeforeImold.Showmewhatloveis-haventgotaclue_methatwonderscanbetrue.Theysaynothinglastsforever.Wereonlyheretoday.Loveis_ornever.Bringmefaraway.highshouldsomeoneShownowEnjoythesongandfillintheblanksEnjoythesongandfillintheblanksIfIwalk,wouldyou_?IfIstop,wouldyou_IfIsayyouretheone,wouldyou_me?IfIaskyouto_,wouldyoushowmetheway?Tellmewhattosaysoyoudont_me.Theworldiscatchinguptoyou.Whileyourerunningawaytochaseyour_.Itstimeforustomakeamovecauseweareaskingoneanothertochange,andmaybeImnotreadybutIll_foryourlove.Wevebeenhidingenough.runcomebelievestayleavedreamtry例:学生初学英语数字时,教师可以选取例:学生初学英语数字时,教师可以选取这首小诗:这首小诗:One, two, three, four,One, two, three, four,Mary at the kitchen door.Mary at the kitchen door.Five, six, seven, eight,Five, six, seven, eight,Mary at the garden gate.Mary at the garden gate.Nine, ten, nine, ten,Nine, ten, nine, ten,Mary finds a big hen.Mary finds a big hen.Everybodys business is Everybodys business is nobodysnobodys business. business. One manOne man s meat iss meat is another another mans poison. mans poison. Good advice is Good advice is beyondbeyond all price. all price. Pride goes Pride goes beforebefore a fall. a fall. Never judge a person Never judge a person byby his looks. his looks. 三个和尚没水吃。三个和尚没水吃。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。忠言无价。忠言无价。骄兵必败。骄兵必败。 切勿以貌取人。切勿以貌取人。 有些单词采用谜语形式来猜测,会达到事半功倍的效果,而且久而久之便也提高了学生的理解力。 例如:(1) What has four legs but only one foot? (2) What fruit is never found singly? (3) What has many many keys, but cannot unlock a single door?(4)I jump into water. Guess a word.还可用特殊的句子来加深学生对单词的印象。例如 :Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(麻烦没来找你,别去自找麻烦。)(麻烦没来找你,别去自找麻烦。) (A bed ) (A pear)(A piano) (waiter) 要求学生根据自己的知识和判断、推理能力,用英语解决现实生活中可能遇到的问题。 例1.在初一下学期7B Unit4 Electricity一课中,有一篇电器说明书的文章。我们可以先通过讨论,然后让学生实践阅读一份真的家用电器使用介绍,然后写一篇“家用电器安全使用说明书”Howcanweusetoasterssafely?Alotofyoungpeoplewouldliketousetoasterstomaketheirbreakfast.However,touseitsafely,youshouldbecarefulofthefollowing:Besurethereissomebreadinthetoaster.Unplugitwhenyouarenotusingit.这样,学生很有可能会运用到safely,unplug,towel,press,button等刚学过的单词。这样又使学生学会了如何运用所学单词。完成完成ID ID cardcard Zhao Ling is a happy girl. She is twelve years old. She is in Class One, Junior One. She likes swimming and singing very much. She has many close friends and they like to hang out on Saturday. Her telephone number is six seven nine one eight five four five. Frank Adams is her American pen pal. Hes thirteen years old. He has a pet dog named Jacky. First name:_Last name:_Telephone number:_First name:_Last name:_Age:_Introduce your family1. 根据照片完成短文根据照片完成短文2. 转述短文内容转述短文内容3. 根据照片介绍自己的家庭根据照片介绍自己的家庭Hi! Here is a photo of my family. You can see _ people in it . The girl is me, Linda. _ last name is Lee. Im a Junior student at Yu Ying Middle School. The man is my father. He _ a teacher. The lady is my _. She is 36 years old. She works as a bank clerk. We love each other and we are happy ! Thats all about my family. What about you? threeMyismother6.6.加大阅读量加大阅读量, ,提高单词重现率提高单词重现率 单词必须经过多次重现,才能记住。阅读是最有效的语言输入途径之一。鼓励学生在课外主动积累词汇“源于课本,超越课本”,要鼓励学生课外通过电视、广播、阅读等方式学习词汇,使学生主动,积极地进行自主学习。阅读阅读除此之外,还可以让学生在生活中收集词汇如国有四大银行:中国银行(Bank of China),中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China),中国建设银行(China Construction Bank),中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)。另外,还有交通银行(Bank of Communications)和招商银行(China Merchants Bank)。 日本丰田旗下的crown(n.皇冠);本田的accord (v./n.一致);韩国现代的sonata(n. 奏鸣曲);以及韩国现代的refine(v. 精炼;精制),还有铃木的swift(adj. 迅速的)系列;大众的golf(n. 高尔夫)系列;菲亚特fiat(n. 命令) 洗发水飘柔rejoice(v. 使高兴);面巾纸清风breeze(n. 微风)。通常,在面巾纸的外包装上,大都可以看到handkerchief(n. 手帕,纸巾);在大多数饮料瓶上,则大都印有nutrition(营养);energy(热量);purified water ;mineral water;calorie(卡路里);vitamin (维生素)等重要单词。积累积累补充活动、游戏补充活动、游戏学生分为两组围坐两圈,里外两圈学生两两相对,轮流说出一个与话题相关的词汇直到其中一人不出了。比如围绕”school”给出词汇:A: teacher B: classroom . 赢了的人为自己那一圈得一分,总分多获胜。难度加大:两组学生分别用句子介绍与话题相关的内容。 比如: A: There are 48 students in our class. B: my favorite subjects are English and math. 规则同上。游戏游戏游戏游戏让学生说出一个单词,下一个重复上一个、二个或三个所说的单词,然后再补充一个,继续下去,在规定时间内未完成或出错者被淘汰,坚持到最后者获胜。如 A: name B: name number C: name number class D: name number class 游戏游戏 以小组为单位,小组的每一个成员依次到黑板上写出一个单词,要求所写单词的首字母与前一个单词的尾字母必须相同,如:hat table eraser ruler ring 不会写的,同组同学可以提醒,在规定的时间内,书写单词多的小组获胜。难度加大:每组写的词必须再一个范畴group/category之内。如:stationery / sports/ movie游戏游戏由教师给出一个单词,再由学生逐步扩展,最后成为一个句子。如:desk