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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateAPQP-和PPAP过程专业术语(1)APQP 和PPAP过程专业术语APQP 和PPAP过程专业术语 (红色重点注释;艳红色评估中;蓝色新增)DELPHI:在流程图的检验栏有以下四种注释: A = Automatic, or machine inspected (i.e. leak tester) A代表自动检测或仪器检测(比如耐压、通断、针高等); M = Manually inspected by the operator (i.e. hand gage) M代表操作工手动检测(比如工人用检测板进行针位检测); V = Visually inspected by the operator V代表操作工目视检测(比如外观检测); Q = Quality Audit, control plan check Q代表品质监控(比如IQC、OQC、IPQC、SPC控制等) AARAppearance Approval Report 外观批准报告ADVAnalysis/Development/Validation 分析/开发/验证ADV-DVADV Design Validation A D V 设计验证A/D/V P&RAnalysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report, This from is used to summarize the plan and results for validation testing. Additional informationCan be found in the GP-11procedure. 分析/开发/验证计划和报告AECAdditional Engineering Changes 附加工程更改ADV-PVADV product Validation A D V产品验证AIAGAutomotive Industries Action Group, an organization formed by General Motors,Ford and Daimler Chrysler to develop common standards and expectations for automotive suppliers.汽车工业行动集团APAdvanced Purchasing 先期采购APO(General Motors) Asian Pacific Operations (通用)亚太分部APQPAdvanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划AQEAdvanced Quality Engineer 先期质量工程师ASQEAdvanced Supplier Quality Engineer 先期供应商质量工程师ANOVAAnalysis of Variance方差分析法ASDEAdvanced Supplier Development Engineer 高级供应商开发工程师BOMBill of Materials 材料清单BOPBill of Process 过程清单CCARConcerned and Corrective Action Report 相关整改报告CARCorrective Action Request 整改需求CFTCross function Team 多方论证小组CMMCoordinate Measuring Machine三坐标测试仪CPVWeekly Production Volume 周产能CPKCapability Index for a Stabile process 过程能力指数CRCustomer Requirements 客户要求CMCommodity Manager 产品经理CCMCorporate Commodity Manager 公司产品经理CSCustomer Satisfaction 客户满意度CS 1/2Level 1/2 Controlled Shipping 1/2级受控发运CTSComponent Technical Specifications 零件技术规范DFM/DFADesign for Manufacturability/Design for Assembly 可制造性/可装配性设计DCPDimension Control Plan (Dynamic Control Plan) 尺寸控制计划(动态控制计划)DOEDesign of Experiment试验设计DPVDaily Production Volume 日产量DVP&RDesign Validation Plan and Report 设计验证计划和报告DVDesign Validation 设计验证DREDesign Release Engineer设计发放工程师DFMEADesign Failure Mode and Effects Analysis设计失效模式及后果分析EWOEngineering Work Order 工程更改指令EDIElectronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换FE1,2,3Functional Evaluations1,2,and 3 功能评估ESEngineering Specification工程规范EPCEarly Production Containment 早期生产遏制FAIFirst Article Inspection 首件检验FCRField Call of RateFEFunction Evaluation 功能评估FTAFailure Tree Analysis 故障树状分析FTCFirst Time Capability 试生产能力FTQFirst Time Quality 直通率(一次合格率)GR&RGage Repeatability and Reproducibility 量具的重复性与再现性GD&TGeometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸&公差GMGeneral Motors 通用汽车公司GMEGeneral Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲部分GPGeneral Procedure 总体步骤GPDSGlobal Product Description System 全球产品描述系统GPSGlobal Purchasing System 全球采购系统GQTSGlobal Quality Tracking System 全球质量跟踪系统GVDPGlobal Vehicle Development Process 全球车辆开发过程ISIRinitial Sample Inspection Report 首次样品检验报告IPTVIncidents per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车缺陷数IAAInterim Approval Authorization 临时批准授权ICALIntegral Corrective Action List 整体整改列表 ICR Interface Change RequestLCLLower Control Limit 控制下限 LSLLower Specification Limit工程规范下限KCCKey Control Characteristic 关键控制特性KCDSKey Characteristics Designation System 关键特性指示系统KPC(GM)Key Product Characteristic关键产品特性LAO(General Motors) Latin American Operations (通用)拉丁美洲分部LCRLean Capacity Rate, It is the GM daily capacity requirement 最低生产能力MCRMaximum Capacity Rate, It is the GM maximum capacity requirement 最大生产能力MPPModified Production Part (Nissan Form) 改良生产零件MOPMake or Purchase 制造/采购MRPManufacturing / Materials Resource Planning 加工/物料资源计划MRRMaterial Reject Report 物料拒收报告MPCMaterial Production Control 物料生产控制MPCE Material Production Control Europe 欧洲物料生产控制MRBMaterial Review Board物料评审MRDMaterial Required Date 物料需求日期MSAMeasurement Systems Analysis 测量系统分析NAO(General Motors) North American Operations (通用)北美分部NCCNon Conformity Cost不良品成本NBHNew Business Hold 停止新业务NDA/ONon Disclosure Agreement/Obligation保密协议/和约N.O.DNotice of Decision 决议通知OEEOperating Equipment Effectiveness 操作装置效率OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商(整车厂)OTSOff Tooling Sample 正式工装/模具生产样品PPAPProduction Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序PADProduction Assembly Documents 生产装配文件PC&LProduction Control & Logistics 生产控制&物流PSWPart Submission Warrant 零件提交保证书PDTProduct Development Team 项目开发组PFMEAProcess Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 过程失效模式及后果分析PPMParts per Million 每百万 PPEI Platform to Powertrain Electrical InterfacePSAPotential Supplier Assessment 潜在供应商评审PPKPerformance index for a stable process 初试过程能力指数PFCProcess Flow Chart 过程流程图PQCProduct Quality Characteristic 产品质量特性PFDProcess Flow Diagram 过程流程图PTCPass Through Characteristic 过程特性PTRProduction Trial Run 生产试行PVP&RProduction Validation Plan and Report 产品验证计划与报告PR/RProblem Reporting & Resolution 问题报告及决策PVProduction Validation 生产产品验证PRRProblem Resolution Report 问题决策报告QSAQuality System Assessment 质量系统评审QSAQuality System Base 质量体系基础QSRQuality System Requirement质量体系要求QTCQuotes Tool Capacity 工装报价能力QFDQuality Function Deployment质量功能展开QOSQuality Operating System 质量运行体系QRQuality Reject/Report 质量拒收/报告RRRun at Rate 产能审核(产能审核指的是按照正常的生产状态进行审核,其中包括人员,设备,工装,材料和工艺。产能审核里其实也包括质量的审核。Rate指的是正常进度,正常的生产状态。也叫“两日试生产”)RASICResponsible, Approve, Support, Inform, Consult负责,批准,支持,通知,讨论RFQRequest For Quotation 报价要求RPNRisk Priority Number related to FMEA development 风险顺序数RCMRegional Commodity Manager 区域产品经理SCIFSpecial Characteristic Identification Form 特殊特性识别表SCSignificant (Special) Characteristic 重要(特殊)特性SCRSupplier Change Request 供应商更改需求SDESupplier Development Engineer 供应商开发工程师SFMEASystem Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 系统失效模式及后果分析SMTSystem Management Team 系统管理小组SOAStart of Acceleration 加速开始SOPStart of Production正式生产SORStatement of Requirements要求声明SOWStatement of Work 样件申明SPRSignificant Production Run 重要产品的运行SPCStatistical Process Control 统计过程控制SPO(General Motors) Service and Part s Operations(通用汽车)零件与服务分部SQSupplier Quality供应商质量SQESQAPSupplier Quality Engineer供应商质量管理工程师 SQAP :Software Quality Assurance Plan 软件质量保证计划SARSample Approval report 样品批准报告STSShip to Store 直接入仓SRPCSupplier Request for Product Change供方产品更改要求SREASupplier Request for Engineering Approval 供方工程批准的要求SQIPSupplier Quality Improvement Process供应商质量改进过程SSFStart of System Fill系统供应开始启动SSTSSub-system Technical Specifications 分系统技术规范TGRThings Gone Right运行情况良好TGWThings Gone Wrong运行情况不良UCLUpper Control Limit控制上限USLUpper Specification Limit工程规范上限VDPVehicle Development Process 车辆开发过程VLEVehicle Line Executive 车辆平台负责人VE/VAValue Engineering/Value Analysis价值工程/价值分析WWPWorldwide Purchasing 全球采购MSA术语NDC:Number of Distinct Data Categories分级数-