Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateCNC-机床说明书及维护手册6-2操作面板功能說明6-2操作面板功能說明本節說明機械操作面板上各按鍵與開關之功能,按鍵與開關之位置如圖所示:模式模式說明功能說明圖例備註DNC個人電腦聯線模式機台可以一方面與個人電腦執行程式傳輸,另一方面可以同時加工 按CYCLESTART啟動 按FEEDHOLD暫停EDIT內部記憶體程式編輯模式可以編輯新的加工程式,也可以修改記憶體中舊的加工程式.(三菱系統在所有模式下都可以編輯修改)AUTO記憶體模式機台可以執行體中的加工程式.(應先在MONITOR書面下將程式號碼呼叫了來) 按CYCLESTART啟動 按FEEDHOLD暫停MDI手動操作模式可在MDI書面下,輸入簡易加工程式,並加以執行 按CYCLESTART啟動 按FEEDHOLD暫停HANDLE手輪操作模式機台各軸的移動可借手輪操作盒上的軸選擇開關及倍率加以控制JOG寸動模式機台各軸的寸動移動,可籍軸選擇開關、移動方向選擇開關及移動速率選擇開關加以控制RAPID快速移動模式機台執行各軸的快速移動,可借軸選擇開關、移動方向選擇開關及快速移動速率選擇開關加以控制. 各軸原點複歸完成 前,請勿以50%或100% 快速移動速率操作ZRN原點複歸模式機台各軸執行原點複歸功能,(可選擇Z軸先原點複歸後,其他軸才能執行原點複歸功能) 務必考慮各軸的原點複 歸順序,避免撞機危險 軸的移動方向移動速率選擇開關名稱功能說明圖例有效模式JOG/FEEDRATEOVERRIDE 各軸的寸動及切削移動速率選 擇開關,JOG模式下各軸的移動 速率 mm/min為單位, DNC/AUTOMDI 等模式以%為單位JOG/DNC/AUTO/MDIRAPID OVERRIDE 快速移動速率選擇開關RAPID/ZRN/DNC/AUTO/MDI+X +X 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN-X -X 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN+Y +Y 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN-Y -Y 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN軸的移動方向移動速率選擇開關名稱功能說明圖例有效模式+Z +Z 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關 JOG/RAPID/ZRN-Z -Z 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN+4 +4 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN-4 -4 軸的移動方向選擇按鈕開關JOG/RAPID/ZRN主軸控制功能 開關名稱功能說明圖例有效模式SPENDLE OVERRIDE主軸旋轉轉速調整DNC/AUTO/MDTSPINDLE CW主軸CW旋轉HANDLE/JOG/RAPID/ZRNSPINDLE STOP主軸停止旋轉HANDLE/JOG/RAPID/ZRNSPINDLE CCW主軸CCW旋轉HANDLE/JOG/RAPID/ZRNSPINDLE ORT主軸定位HANDLE/JOG/RAPID/ZRN 自動操作功能開關名稱開關說明功能說明圖例CYCLE START程式啟動啟動程式的執行.(應先在MONITOR書面下將程式號碼呼叫出來)。FEED HOLD程式暫停暫停程式的執行.SINGLE BLOCK單節執行每按"CYCLE START"一次,程式執行一個單節。(滑道油不足ALARM時,也會進入單切執行狀態下.)M01選擇性程式停止程式執行到有"M01"的單節時會暫停,按"CYCLESTART"可繼續執行程式DRY BUN外部數控程式中軸的切削速度由面板上JOG OVERRIDE 開關控制MACHINE LOCK機械鎖定所有軸不移動,但CRT上工件座標會變化Z AXIS LOCKZ軸鎖定Z軸不移動,但CRT上工件座標會變化自動操作功能M.S.T LOCK M.S.T無效M碼/S碼/T碼功能無效BLOCK SKIP單節忽略程式執行能開頭有"/"的單節時會不執行此單切,而繼續執行下一個單節MANUALABSOLUTE手動絕對值程式執行中以手動模式造成的移動量,程式坐標系統會予以更新DOOR LOCK門開關程式執行時避免事故發生,將門關閉操作運行手輪(MPG)操作說明開關名稱開關說明功能說明圖例 1/10/100倍率選擇MPG每一旋轉刻度時,軸的移動距離"1" 表示1um "10"表示10um "100"表示0.1mm X/Y/Z軸選擇選擇MPG所要控制的軸 特殊功能(OPTION)開關名稱開關說明功能說明圖例COOLANT MANUAL切削液手動手動啟動/關閉切削液COOLANT AUTO切削液自動M08啟動切削液有效CHIP CONVEYOR FOR除屑機CW啟動螺旋除屑機CWCHIP CONVEYOR STOP除屑機停止關閉螺旋除屑機CHIP CONVEYOR BACK除屑機CCW寸動螺旋除屑機CCWAIR BLOWING切削吹氣啟動/開關切削吹氣AUTO POWER OFF自動斷電程式執行 M30 結束,若"AUTO POWER OFF" 開關為"ON"狀態,則約10秒後,機台進入緊急停止狀態,再約10秒後,總電源將關閉,如欲重新開機,則須先將總電源開關切換至"RESET"位置,才能重新開機LIGHT工作燈啟動/關閉工作照明燈MAG.CW刀庫CW於手輪模式(HANDLE)下,按此開關可使刀庫CW旋轉MAG.CCW刀庫CCW於手動模式(HANDLE)下,按此開關可使刀庫CCW旋轉EDIT KEY編輯開關"EDITKEY"在"1"的位置時,系統才允許使用者修改程式、參數、工件座標及刀具補正資料特殊功能(OPTION)開關名稱開關說明功能說明圖例 1/10/100倍率選擇MPG每一旋轉刻度時,軸的移動距離"1" 表示1um "10"表示10um "100"表示0.1mm X/Y/Z軸選擇選擇MPG所要控制的軸 6-3操作面板功能單項說明手動模式(Manual Pulse Generator mode)1.在本模式下,可用手輪(MPG)作手動進給,移動各軸.2.欲移動軸向,可由手動操作盒上的軸向選擇鈕選擇.3.各軸移動速度可由手動操作盒上的進給倍率旋鈕決定.1.In this mode,can use the MPG(manual pulse generator)tk movement all axes.2.In the MPG box,you can select the axis direction to movement the axis.3.All axes move speed,you can select handle feed rate rotation switch of the MPG box.慢速進給模式(JOG mode):1.在本模式下,欲移動各軸,請按各軸軸向鍵及選擇慢速進給率.2.移動進給速率,依慢速進給率作移動之速度依據.速率調整可由0mm/min10000mm/min.3.按軸各鍵時,手指不可離開(離開後即停止稱動),其指定軸向即可移動.1.In this mode,if want to move whichever axis.Please press the axis direction push button and select jog feed rate.2.The axis move feed rate according to jog feed rate overrinde.The feed rate from 0mm/min10000mm/min.3.Press the axis direction push button,the finger don't leave the push brtton (If not the axis stop movement),the axis will be movement.快進給模式(RAPID mode): 當按此鍵,軸向移動是屬於快速進給速度.Press this push button,the axis can be moved at rapid speed.機械原點複歸模式(ZRN mode): 1.本模式為進給軸機械原點手動複歸時使用.2.第一次開機作原點複歸時,若各軸位置在原點附近,請將各軸移動至中間位置,再做原點複歸動作.3.機械原點複歸速率由快速進給百分比率之速度(F0%,F25%,F50%,F100%)作控制1.The mode is use for machine return to reference point.2.First time return to reference point.If the axis near the reference point. Please nove the axis to mijddle position,then return the all axes to reference point.3.The feed rate control by the rapid feed rate override(F0%,F25%,F50%,F100%). 手動資料輸入(Manual date input mode):此模式為程式暫時性執行及輸入,可作單一動作執行.The mode is manual data input mode,can do M code for single block.自動模式(AUTO mode):此模式為程式自動執行模式,當程式編輯完成後,切至此模式,再配合"程式啟動"鍵來使用.The mode is auto.mode,when the program edit complete.Turn then press"cycle start"button.連續運行模式(Internet DNC mode):此模式為程式運行模式,當程式編輯完成後,切至此模式,再配合"電腦傳輸"來使用.The mode is dnc.mode,when the program edit complete.Turn to the mode then press"computer tansmit".編輯模式(EDIT mode):此模式為"程式編輯"時使用的模式.The mode is program edit mode.手動絕對值(Manual absolute signal):1.本功能鍵燈亮時,此功能有效,程式座標不會因手動操作而改變,操作時有效.2.本功能鍵燈不亮時,此功能無效,程式座標會隨手動操作而改變,易產生撞機.1.If this button LED"ON",the function is effective.The program coordingation will not be manual operator for vary.When the manual operator,the push button must be opened.2.If this button LED"OFF",the function is ineffective.The program coordingation will be manual operator for vary.It is very damage for the machine.單節跳躍(Block skip):當程式自動執行時,程式中有"/"符號,此開關被打開後,則此單節跳過不執行,若開關沒有打開時,則照常執行.When the block skip button be opened,the program run to"/".this block will be skipped.If it is not opened the program is still running. 選擇性停止(Optional stop)當此按鍵被打開時,則程式中遇到(M01)時程式會停止在此單節,若此按鍵沒有打開,時,則繼續執行When the optional stop button be opened,the program run to"M01"will stop atsingle block.If it is not opened,the program is still running.Z軸鎖定模式(Z axis lock mode):當此按鍵被打開時,機械Z軸不能移動,但在自動程式執行時,程式仍繼續執行,僅是Z軸沒有移動When this button be opened,the axes Z will be prohibited,but the program is still running,the axes Z be prohibited only.機械鎖定(Machine lock):當此按鍵被打開時,機械各軸都不能移動,但在自動程式執行時,程式仍繼續執行,僅是機械沒有移動.When this button be opened,the axes motion will be prohibited,but the program is still running,the axes be prohibited only.程式空跑(DRY run):當此按鍵被打開,則程式中的(F)碼,改由手動選擇進給切削倍率值取代.When this button be opened,the "F"code depend on the feed rate override inthe program.輔助功能鎖定(Auxiliary function lock):當此按鍵被打開時,則程式中凡遇到M,S,T碼都會忽略不執行.When this button be opened,the Program running,the M,S,T code will de skipped.單節執行(Single block):當此按鍵被按下後,程式自動執行到一個單節結束就會停止,欲繼續執行下一個單節,必須再按下"程式啟動"鍵,所以程式是以一個單節一個單節執行.When this button be opened,the program will be run at single block.If you wantto run next block,have to push"the cycle start"button. 門鎖開關(Door SW ingore):當此鍵按下後,門會自動開或關上When this button be pushed,the door will be open or close.主軸定位鎖定(Spindle lock):當按下此按鍵後,主軸被定位到指定的角度,一般用在刀庫自動換刀When this button be pushed,the spindle is locked to angle,it is use to the magazine auto turn.工作燈故動按鍵(Work light push button):當按此鍵工作燈打開,再按一次此鍵工作燈開關Press this push button the work light"ON",press again the work light"OFF".刀庫正轉按鍵(The magazine clockwise push button):1.本鍵在手動刀庫確認燈亮且於手動模式下有效。2.按下本鍵,刀庫上的刀套號碼速增,放開本鍵刀庫停止.1.At manual mode or"manual magazine confirm push button"is"ON",priss this push button is effective.2.Press this push button,the pots number will be increment of the magazine. Release the push button,the magazine will be stopped.鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋前進(Chip conveyor chip scraper):1.三個排屑輸送控制按鍵在任何模式下操作皆有效.2.鐵屑輸送機和切屑機螺旋同時動作.3.當按下本鍵或於自動模式下按程式啟動鍵後,鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋連續運轉, 若欲於自動模式下作間歇運轉,須設定PCL參數.1.Three chip conveyor control push button,at qny mode is effective.2.The chip conveyor and chip scraper is siimultaneous.3.Press this push button or at auto.mode press"cycle start"push button, the chip conveyor and chip scraper is running.If want to at auto.mode do intermission motion,must setting at PLC switch.主軸正轉按鍵(Spindle clockwise push button):在手動模式下按此鍵,則主軸以順時針方向旋轉At manual mode,press this button the spindle rotate forward.切削液自動按鍵(Coolant auto push button):在任何模式下按鍵,切削液自動操作有效,程式執行M08時切削液會自動噴出程式執行到M09時會自動停止。At any mode,press this button the coolant auto.Effective.When the program running at M08,the coolant will be"ON".When the program running at M09,the coolant will be"OFF".刀庫反轉按鍵1.本鍵在手動刀庫確認燈亮且於手動模式下有效。2.按下本鍵,刀庫上的刀套號碼速減,放開本鍵刀庫停止.1.At manual mode or"manual magazine confirm push button"is"ON",priss this push button is effective.2.Press this push button,the pots number will be decelerate of the magazine. Release the push button,the magazine will be stopped.鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋停止.(Chip conveyor chip scraper stop):1.按本鍵鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋停止.2.若欲鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋作正反轉控制進,必須先按停止鍵.1.Press this button,the chip conveyor and scraper will be stopped.2.The chip conveyor and chip scraper doing the clockwise or counter-clockwise,first have to press this button.主軸停止按鍵(Spindle stop push button):在手動模式在按此鍵,則主軸停止旋轉.At manual mode,press this button the spindle rotate reverse.冷吹氣按扭(Blow button):在任何模式下按此鍵,冷吹氣自動操作有效.At any mode,press this button the blow auto effective. 自動開機按鈕(Auto power off):當在程式執行完成後,遇到M30和按下此按鈕,機床自動開機.When the program completed,it run to M30 and press this push button,the machine will auto close.鐵屑輸送機及切屑螺旋反轉(Chip conveyor chip scraper reverse):按本鍵則鐵屑輸送機切屑螺旋後退但只持續幾秒鐘即停止.Press the button,the chip conveyor and chip scraper will be reverse.But only a few second is stop.程式、參數保護開關(Program protect):若此開關切至(1)的位置,將保護參數及程式等相關資料不能被任意修改.If the switch turn to(1)position,the parameter and part program will be protected.JOG+4控制按鍵(JOG+4 push button):按此鍵則第4軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向""方向移動.Press this push button,the Z axis will according to rate override speed toward positive direction movement.JOG-Y控制按鍵(JOG-Y push butnon):按此鍵Y軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向""方向移動.Press this push button,the Y axis will according to rate override speedtoward negative direction movement.JOG+Z控制按鍵(JOG+Z push button):按此鍵則Z軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向"+"方向移動.Press this push button,the Z axis will according to rate override speedtoward negative direction movement. JOG+X控制按鍵(JOG+X push button):按此鍵則X軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向"+"方向移動.Press this push button,the X axis will according to rate override speed toward positive direction movement.JOG-X控制按鍵(JOG-X push button):按此鍵則X軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向""方向移動.Press this push button,the X axis will according to rate override speed toward negative direction movement.JOG-4控制按鍵(JOG-4 push button):按此鍵則第4軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向""方向移動.In JOG mode,press this push button,the 4 axis will according to feed rate override speed toward ega-tive direction movement.JOG-Y控制按鍵(JOG+Y push butnon):按此鍵Y軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向"+"方向移動.Press this push button,the Y axis will according to rate override speedtoward positive direction movement.JOG-Z控制按鍵(JOG-Z push button):按此鍵則Z軸依調整率(Rate override)之速度向"-"方向移動.In JOG mode,press this push button,the Z axis will according to rate override speed toward negative direction movement.行程解除按鈕(Path releaxe button):當機械運行超過規定行程時,按下此按鈕可自動解除,(功能選用,只在OMD系統執行)When the machine running past to the path,push it will be auto release. 原點指示燈(The refernce point LED):1.當指示燈若亮起來則表示軸在機械原點上.2.當指示燈若一閃一閃,則表示軸正在進行歸原點。1.When the indication LED is "ON",the mean is that the axis at reference point.2.When the indication LED is "flash",the mean is that the axis is running to the point.空氣系統警示顯示(Air pressure systerm alarm LED):1.氣壓低於5公斤/平方公分.2.若程式執行中,如果氣壓不足,本訊息出現,則進入單節執行狀態.3.ATC刀具交換時,如果氣壓不足,所有動作靜止不動,壓力達到時,以手動方式將刀庫回復至原位.4.氣壓足夠後,按"Reset"鍵或程式敞動鍵,皆可解除此燈號.1.The air pressure lower than 5kg/cm22.If the machine is running program.The LED "ON",the machine will be entry single block situation.3.During the automatic tool change,the air pressure is not enough,all action stop. When the air press-ure is enough,please move the arm to proper position by handle,4.The air pressure is enough,press "Reset" key or "cycle stare" push button to release the situation.潤滑系統警示顯示(Lubricating system alarm LED):1.潤滑油低於標準量.2.若機器正在執行程式時,本訊息出現,則進入單節執行狀態.3.油量足夠時,單節執行及訊息消失,按程式故動鍵仍可繼續執行程式.1.The lubrication oil is not enough.2.If the machine is running program.The LED"ON",the machine will be entry single block situation.3.When the lubrication oil is enough,the single block situation and the LED will be "OFF".Press the cycle start push button them the program will run again.換刀指示燈叫(ATC ready LED):當燈亮時表示換刀臂正確位置.The LED "ON",the mean is arm at proper position.NC預警指示燈(light):當緊急停止沒有拉起或系統發生錯誤時,指示燈亮.When the emergency stop don't push or the systerm is wrong,the light will be "ON" .M02 M30 指示燈(M02 M30 light)當執行M02 M30指令時,此燈亮.When the program run to M02M30,the light will be "ON ".緊急停止鍵(Emergency stop push button):緊急停止鍵為黃色底,紅色按鈕的特殊按鍵,主要是用來當機械操作中有緊急事件發生時,以至造成撞機或傷害到操作員,或種種之意外,緊急停止之按鈕,正常情況下,此按鍵是處於旋松解除狀況It is a special button,red button and yellow background,to prevent operator's or M/C from damaged,push the emergency stop button to stop allmotions,servo、spindle、devivesetc,release button to resume normal statement,operation will be accepted.程式啟動(C