Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateComparative-study-on-similarities-and-differencesbetween-Chinese-and-American-hero-in-movieComparative-study-on-similarities-and-differencesbetween-Chinese-and-American-hero-in-movieComparative study on similarities and differencesbetween Chinese and American hero in movieUpdated: 2013-10-09 15:19By Wanying Zheng ( )This summer, I have a chance to take the class of learning America culture from movie. Afterwatching the movies in the class I, I discovered that heroes in American movies are apparentlydifferent from that in Chinese movies. This is due to the different definitions of hero in the twocultures. Therefore, this essay focuses on the similarities and differences between Chineseand American heroes in movies. At the same time, the essay also dwells on culturalbackgrounds of heroes in both countries.IntroductionEvery culture has its own definition of hero, which results in different characteristics of hero inits movie. Meanwhile, movie, as a shallow culture, will also reflect the definition of hero of thatcountry, which relates with its social idea, geography, and history. Different kinds of hero inChinese and American movies prove this exactly. While the hero images of China and the UShave some similarities, they also have great differences because of different culturalbackgrounds.The similarities between Chinese heroism and American heroism in movieIn my point of view, hero is the person people dream to be. People from all over the world hassome same pursuance, thus there are some similarities between Chinese and American heroes.Firstly, heroes from both countries have characteristics superior to ordinary people, bothphysically and psychologically. They always have strong body with perfect skills, and greatwisdom that can help them escape from dangers. We can see these characteristics clearly incountless movies. In America, we have 007, Spider Man, and Captain Jack Sparrow. In China,we have Dayu in ancient China, Jinke in the Qin dynasty, and also Jacky Chen in modern time.Secondly, heroes from both countries have noble qualities. The person portrayed as a hero inmovies both in China and the US always has unbelievable courage, unswerving pursuance,and is highly compassionate. For example, in The Shaw Shank Redemption, Shaw Shank usedhis wisdom and deep faith defeating the evil people, and eventually escaping from the prison.In Chinese movie Hero, directed by Yimou Zhang, the character Wu Ming got a chance toapproach and murder the King, by his uncommon kungfu, and remarkable Chinese philosophy.The differences between Chinese and American heroism in movieEvery society creates its own hero. The characteristics in one culture can't be duplicated inanother. Such a divergence comes from the different definitions of hero in different cultures.What kind of person can be seen as a hero? The answers arevarious in different cultures.In American movies, firstly, heroes have all kinds of personality, with both advantage anddisadvantage. In Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow can defeat the canningmerchant, savage killers, and use his wisdom to protect his lover. However, he can't resist thetemptation from neither money nor beauty. Heroes in American movies are not totally perfect,and are not identical with each other. They have their own personality.Secondly, heroes in American movies always have intense emotion. They love their families and have strong responsibility to them. Also, the humors they expressed in dangerous situationoften leave deep impression on the audience. In Kungfu panda, the panda, Abao, not onlyhave perfect Kungfu, but also have a deep love to his father, master, and friends. His sense ofhumor and a little bit silly is one of the most attractive elements in this movie.Thirdly, before their success, heroes in American movies always experience lots of difficulties.This is because that fighting with failure is always considered as a capability to become a hero.In Cowboy and Alien, before defeating the aliens, Jake Lonergan has experienced lots ofmisfortunes, such as losing memory, misunderstood by the people in the country, betrayed byhis fellows. But finally he overcomes all these difficulties and earns the trust from people in thatvillage.However, affected by different cultural backgrounds between China and the US, theCharacteristics of hero in American movies can't be duplicated in Chinese movies. In theChinese movies, firstly, heroes always have greater responsibility of the whole country andnation. Whenever there is a contradiction between the interest of nation and their own, theyalways choose to sacrifice themselves. In the movie The Hero, directed by Yimou Zhang, inorder to revenge for his nation, Wuming sacrificed his friends and also herself.Secondly, heroes in Chinese movies seems to be perfect in their personalities. The image ofthe hero is more extraordinary, can be hardly found in the real world. For example, in ChineseKungfu movie, heroes always have unbelievable Kungfu, while also have an extraordinarypeaceful and powerful heart. Chinese are more fond of prettifying their hero, so that the imageof the hero can be remembered forever.Thirdly, heroes in Chinese movies are always tragic and unlucky figures. In order to pursuetheir goals, they have to sacrifice themselves. Thus the ending for them is usually dying for theglory. It can be seen in lots of examples. In the movie The Flower of War, the 12 hookers andthe little boy destroyed themselves so that the other 13 girls can protect their virginity in thewar. By doing this, they become heroes in peoples mind. In contrast, in American movies, afteraccomplishing their tasks, hero can always return to their home and back to normal life. The analysis of the differences between American and Chinese heroism in the movieThe different cultural background is the key to decide the different fates of Chinese andAmerican heroes. With one come from western culture and the other come from the easternculture, the definition of social value of hero is different from each other. In this thesis, theorigins and cultural backgrounds of hero in both countries will be analyzed.In American culture, firstly, American society values individualism. They stressed pursuingone's goal and desires while opposing to the sacrifice of individual interest. The uniqueness ofevery person is also considered as an important thing. Thus, hero images coming from thissociety always have their own characteristics which are apparently different from others.Secondly, in American history, people came from different corners of the world. In order to establish their newhometowns, they should conquer the harshest natural conditions. Thus, people in America has acquired agreat tradition that they are used to face and defeat challenges in their lives and keep their curiosities toexplore the unknown world. In addition, the legend of cowboy also helps shape the American cultural value,constantly and unconsciously. In this thesis, it is not surprised that to defeating failure is a kind ofcharacteristics that would not be absent in heroes.Meanwhile, things cannot be duplicated in China apparently.While for china, it is a society that values collectivism and stresses putting the interest of wholenation in first place. In the Chinese history, people defeated natural disasters frequently andhardly, thus whoever can help a whole village escaping from a disaster is seen as a hero. Inmodern times, China suffers from lots of invasion from other countries, which brought greatpains to the Chinese people, therefore a person who can protect the country and nation isseen as a hero. In the Chinese cultural value, hero is someone who sacrifices himself and putthe interest of whole nation in the first place.Secondly, with the development of thousands of years, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhismhave had a great implication on Chinese cultural value. All these three religions stress the highstandard of inner soul, and have strict requirements for people. Among the three religions,Confucianism made a deeper impression, and became Chinese ethical and philosophicalsystem. The corn of Confucianism can be seen as altruism, propriety, and upholding ofrighteousness, believing that human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible. In thisthesis, in Chinese people's mind, a qualified hero must be a perfect person with powerful innerpeace and also insisting altruism.ConclusionWith the comparison of heroes in Chinese and American movie, and the analysis of hero'sorigins in the two countries, the cultural differences can be found. The various culture valuescreate different standards for heroes, therefore turning up different types of heroes, andreflected in the movies. Even so, heroes all over the world share the same moral that is to bebrave, to pursue, and to love.-