22年项目管理师模拟试题7节22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第1节 60 "Fast-tracked" projects awarded and begun before all planning and risk assessment information is complete and available may _ .A. be completed in reduced overall time than other projects.B. be in a higher risk category than other projects.C. not be compatible with project risk and assessmentD. A and BE. All of the above正确答案:D 以下哪项是满足客户实际需求的质量特征?( )A符合规范B适合使用C安全性和环境D高等级正确答案:B 过去,你在提交项目进展状况报告的时候喜欢甘特图 ,以为这种表比较容易看懂,即使是高级管理机构也不例外。项目办公室今天发布了一个新的程序要求项目经理准备里程碑表示每两个星期更新一次。里程碑表与条形表不一样,它显示了( )A主要事件的开始和完成时间B行为开始和结束日期C活动预期的持续时间D活动之间的依附性正确答案:A 11 Job continuity would be an example of _ in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.A. Self-actualizationB. EsteemC. PhysiologicalD. BelongingE. Safety正确答案:E 76 Risk classified as unknown unknowns (i.e., those which cannot be identified or evaluated): A. should be deflected to the contracting officerB. should be handled via contingency allowancesC. should be ignored, since they cannot be identifiedD. should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Project Risk AssessmentE. C and D正确答案:B Which of the following is an element of procurement management:A. inspectionB. purchasingC. estimatingD. expeditingE. A, B and D only正确答案:E22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第2节 你负责管理一个生产项目,基于对产品的质量控制进行的检查,上层领导认为:为了防止在未来其他项目上出现问题,同时要将返工率降到最低,有必要对原料需求计划(MRP)系统采取必要的改正措施。要执行这些必要的变更,你应该遵循A公司的质量政策B质量管理计划C确立的操作定义和程序D全面变更管理控制的程序正确答案:D 57 Quality assuranceA. refers to the prevention of product defectsB. is an auditing function that provides feedback to the project team and client about the quality of output being produced.C. is the technical process that include the construction of control charts which specify acceptability limits for conforming output.D. A and B.E. B and C正确答案:B 你的团队正在一个多山的小国家从事一个地区性的小型网络建设的国际项目。在工作了10天之后,一贯饿重要的郑坛人物在乘坐滑翔机的时候不幸遇难身亡。他的遇难在这个国家引发了全国性的群众暴动,项目无法继续进行下去,你的团队也回国了。像社会动荡这样的更新风险一般要求A、要在整个项目生命周期中根据实际情况不断更新风险管理计划B、用灾难补救的行为来替代风险管理C、定期地进行风险审查和项目风险评估D、建立一个有关风险信息的数据库,以次作为从项目中吸取的有关风险的管理的经验教训正确答案:B A plan has budgeted three weeks of effort for consultants, but the job was done in only two weeks. Calculate the variance:A 1.50%B 33.00%C 75%D 67%E None of the above.正确答案:B 要起到效果,风险管理过程应该是A、 主要应用于概念和收尾阶段,在一定程度上用于执行和计划编制阶段B、 贯穿整个项目,适用于系统分解和项目组织的各个级别C、 包括集中某些项目干系人识别风险和制定降低风险战略D、 注意高层管理认为中关键的风险正确答案:B Which is not an element of procurement management?A PurchasingB ExpenditureC MarketingD InspectionE B and D正确答案:C22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第3节 4 In general, groups will _ the average individual problem solver on problems with multiple stages. A. Perform. better thanB. Perform. worse thanC. Take less time thanD. Do about as well as正确答案:A 184 Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigationA. risk identificationB. purchasing insuranceC. assessment of outcomesD. assessment of probabilitiesE. C and D only正确答案:B 73 Fixed Price contracts place more risk on the:A. ownerB. buyerC. sellerD. contractorE. C or D正确答案:E 140 All of the following may hinder a person's ability to transmit/receive a message except: A. Unfamiliarity with topicB. Withholding informationC. AssumingD. NoiseE. Preoccupation正确答案:A 168 A work breakdown structure:A. assures all work is identified.B. subdivides the project into manageable segments.C. provides the project sponsor with a time-phase task summary.D. both A and B.E. All of the above.正确答案:D 147 When working in an environment that uses learning curves, the most effective plan for creating the perception that pay is related to performance is to provide the team members with an individual salary plus bonus based uponA. Individual productivityB. Cost effectivenessC. Group or team productivityD. Rating system developed by the project managerE. All of the above正确答案:A22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第4节 Formal written communication is mandated for which of the following?A scope changes not part of the original projectB taking exception to a specificationC procurement of raw materialsD All of the above.E A and B only正确答案:D 你认识到了质量控制对于你的项目的重要性。然而,你同时也知道质量控制有相关的成本而项目的预算是有限的。一个降低质量控制成本的方法是A争取全部质量进程通过ISO认证B使用统计样本C对全过程进行监督D使用趋势分析正确答案:B 自从你引入年代测定服务联盟以来,你的保龄球道业务有了很大的发展。因此,你需要再建造一套设施,并已经准备好了一套包括你所需的全部必要补给、设备和服务描述在内的投标邀请(IFB)会为所有供应商提供公平的竞争机会。你接下来的工作中你想要避免任何的混乱,因为你可能不能控制和供应商的谈判。然而你既可以把这份合同交给报价最低的投标供应商来做,也可以不交给他们做,这些也都在投票邀请 IFB 中交待清楚了。在这种情况下,你应该在下列哪个方面做好准备。a. 因为你需要时间考虑把合同交给哪个供应商做,所以要阻止供应商参加公开的投标b. 向所有的供应商尽可能全面地说明你的合同授予决定c. 通知赢得合同的供应商并向其他供应商说明在这个没有再进一步讨论的余地了d. 向有限的供应商发放IFB 以冲突正确答案:Bb. 向所有的供应商尽可能全面地说明你的合同授予决定 在一个投标邀请(IFB)中,在特定时间所有的投标都是公开的,所有的供应商也都允许公开参加投标。大多数情况下,投标都是公开的并且会向出席者大声宣读这些投标。通常都会把合同交给报价最低的供应商,这也是出于从财务方面的考虑。但有的时候,买方在选择卖方的时候也会考虑质量和时间等因素。这时专业的判断是非常关键的。如果合同并不是授予报价最低的供应商,那么详细地说明原因就非常重要。这种类型的交易方式很可能会出现期诈、勾结或其他不诚实的行为。因此,项目经理和合同交易人员就必须按照规定明确、严守道德的商业程序进行操作。 The compromise conflict resolution techniqueA . is necessary when both participants must win.B . results in both sides losingC . is used when resolution is more important than relationshipsD . B and CE . All of the above.正确答案:B 最高风险影响通常发生在项目生命周期的哪些阶段? ( )A概念和计划编制B计划编制和执行C执行和收尾D概念和收尾正确答案:C 在当今的高科技环境中,要成功的激励一个团队,项目经理要使用哪些激励理论才能保持一个快乐高效的团队?A、 期待、X理论B、 Y理论和Masolw等级制度C、 Y理论,期待、Herzberg保健因素D、 Herzberg保健因素、期待正确答案:C22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第5节 进行活动历时压缩时,你可以在关键路径活动上增加资源。这时必须进一步考虑什么?A、 其他活动的延迟B、 出现新的关键活动C、 分配给关键路径上其他任务的资源D、 进度计划中历时最长的任务正确答案:B 44 A plan has budgeted three weeks of effort for consultants, but the job was done in only two weeks. Calculate the variance:A. 1.50%B. 33%C. 75%D. 67%E. None of the above正确答案:B 131 Using the table in the Special window, Which task is completed?A. dig holeB. remove debrisC. surveyD. set formsE. place concrete正确答案:B 42 Which of the following organizations has the best technical project control?A. matrixB. functionalC. projectizedD. B and CE. A and B正确答案:D 书面变更命令应该在什么时候需要A、 所有的项目,无论大小B、 只有大的项目才需要C、 那些有一个合适的、正式的、范围变更管理系统的项目D、 那些变更控制系统的成本可以调节的项目正确答案:A 矩阵组织中,团队建设的一个障碍是:( )A团队的组建以技术为中心B团队成员是借用资源因此难以激励C团队过度集中D团队太大,难以操作正确答案:B22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第6节 高层管理在什么时候应该执行定期项目审查?( )A完成里程碑时B每一个生命周期阶段结束时C客户严重索赔时D项目经理因成本超支汇报时正确答案:B 你是一个项目经理,管理着一个分布于全世界5个不同国家的虚拟团队。根据以往的经验, 你知道:这些团队成员对于他们的职能经理的要求回应得要比对你的回应要积极得多。考虑到这个问题, 你决定要准备一个A、针对团队成员的备忘录,以提醒他们现在是为项目经理工作B、 项目章程C、 针对职能经理的备忘录,以提醒他们你有权支配他们的员工D、人力资源管理计划正确答案:B 通过使用保险可以转移风险。如果估计的伤害发生的可能性是资产的 2%,保费是$5,000,全部资产价值$300,000,此保险是否值得?a. 没有优势因为保险费同可能发生的资产损失的成本一样b. 保费低于期望的损失值,因此最好执行c. 没有意义因为保费比期望的损失值高d. 从提供的数据中无法判断正确答案:Bb Kimmons 和 Loweree, 286 页. 可能的损失= 资产价值 成以 可能性 = 预期价值 $300,000×0.02 = $6,000 是潜在损失 同 $5,000 保险比较。 因为保险比可能的损失小,应该买保险。 138 The future value of an annual income flow of $1000 for 2 years at 10% is:A. $2,200B. $2,280C. $2,300D. $2,310E. None of the above正确答案:D The _ specification delineates specific end use capabilities which can be tested in the acceptance procedure.A performanceB functionalC technicalD base lineE operational正确答案:B 27 The "rolling wave" or "moving window" concept is used most frequently on projects where:A. The baseline is frozen for the duration of the project and no scope changes are permittedB. Marketing is unsure of what the customer actually wants and reserves the right to make major scope changesC. The low levels of the work breakdown structure are known with certainty for the next three to six months, but the remaining tasks are based upon the results of the first three to six months of work D. Networking techniques are not appropriateE. All of the above正确答案:C22年项目管理师模拟试题7节 第7节 组织计划编制在何时执行?( )A贯穿于项目B在早期的项目阶段C在每个阶段的早期阶段D在项目启动之后正确答案:A 109 Monte Carlo simulation:A. Was originally developed by Dr. CarloB. Is a European technique for assessing project risksC. assumes the future risk events will occur at random according to predetermined probability distributionsD. is a technique to stimulate create risk event resolutionE. A, B and C only正确答案:C 63 When planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling a project an important human resources skill or ability would beA. Building multi-disciplinary teamsB. Managing conflictC. Communicating orally and in writing with all levels of personnelD. Involving senior managementE. All are important正确答案:E 147 When working in an environment that uses learning curves, the most effective plan for creating the perception that pay is related to performance is to provide the team members with an individual salary plus bonus based uponA. Individual productivityB. Cost effectivenessC. Group or team productivityD. Rating system developed by the project managerE. All of the above正确答案:A 如果一个工作包的估算成本为1500美元且完成日期为今天,但今天已花费成本为1350美元却只完成三分之二的工作,这时成本偏差为:( )A150美元B-150美元C-350美元D-500美元正确答案:C 88 Typically, during which phase in a project life cycle are most of the project expenses incurred. A. Concept phaseB. Development of design phaseC. Execution phase.D. Termination phase.E. None of the above正确答案:C