22年项目管理师经典例题6篇22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第1篇 148 A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should:A. Change the scope baselineB. Prepare a variance reportC. Call a meeting of the configuration control boardD. Change the project's objectivesE. Postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is funded after this project is completed according to the original baseline正确答案:E 项目经理可以通过下列方法促进项目沟通和团队建设除了( )A有一个作战室B成为一个好的沟通阻碍者C成为一个沟通联络者D主持有效的会议正确答案:B 项目的行政收尾工作不应拖延到项目结束,因为:( )A有用的信息可能丢失B可能要重新任命项目经理C项目小组成员可能在项目结束时已经重新分配到其它的工作岗位了D卖方希望早日付款正确答案:A A An organization oriented family tree of the project.B A task oriented family tree of the project.C A cost centered structure of the project.D Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.E None of the above.正确答案:B 79 Proper implementation of project management will guarantee that:A. Budgets will be met.B. Schedules will be adhered to.C. Quality/performance will be met.D. The project will be a success.E. None of the above正确答案:E 创建工作分解结构的过程可以产生什么?( )A项目进度计划B小组外购C项目完工日期D风险清单正确答案:B22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第2篇 182 Achieving effective upward communications in an organization requires that the sender consider which of the following:A. entropyB. positionC. the mediumD. A and B.E. All of the above正确答案:E 挣值管理使我们可以了解项目绩效的有用信息,相对于其他几项,以下哪项最不可能?A、 项目绩效趋势B、 项目完工预测C、 预期项目预算D、 项目绩效正确答案:B 一个科学家正通知技术人员一个已开始研发的产品以及实验室技术人员将被希望进行的工作那么影响技术人员过滤这些信息的能力的障碍如下除了( )A语言及语义B文化及宗教C文化水平D信誉权威组织状态E实验室及科学家办公室的位置正确答案:E 164 A line manager possesses information which the project team needs, but withholds the information. The results in a(n):A. BlindspotB. FacadeC. region of influenceD. Communication power baseE. None of the above正确答案:B The sequential steps that define the process for successfully completing a project is:A Implementation PlanB a life cycleC Development PlanD a critical pathE Management Plan正确答案:B 本项目中EAC的值是多少?其代表的意义是什么?( )A12500美元;对整个项目成本修正后的估计值(基于当时的绩效)B10000美元;对整个项目成本修正后的估计值(基于当时的绩效)C12500美元;原始的项目预算D10000美元;原始的项目预算正确答案:A22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第3篇 80 原项目办公室主管最近在试图登项珠穆朗玛峰的时候不幸遇难了。你成了这个办公室的新主管。由于公司对项目计划和进度存在很多困惑和混乱,所以你迫切地希望马上开始工作。不幸的是,许多项目经理认为项目计划就是进度时间表。而你知道计划远远不止就是个进度时间表,并决定发布包含项目计划在内的数条项目指导方针。你的指导方针指出,工作分解结构(WBS):A、 由于它会在进度时间表中得到反映,因此项目计划不必包含工作分解结构的内容。B、 工作分解结构应该作为范围管理计划的一部分C、 应该对项目工作进行分解,制作WBS,但是只需要分解到第二级水平就可以了D、 应该对项目工作进行分解,制作WBS,但是需要分解到可以针对其采取各种控制措施的水平正确答案:D 26 Risk event probability is defined as:A. the total number of possible events divided into the expectations or frequency of the risk eventB. the number of times the risk event may occurC. the fraction of the total project tasks which may be affected by the risk eventD. the total number of possible events divided into the consequences of the risk event.E. A and B正确答案:A 一个项目经理在一个队员没有同地集结的项目团队中促成最佳团队绩效的关键方法是( )A建立信任B建立奖励和认同系统C得到其他部门职能经理的支持D运用他或她的权力来控制项目的各个方面正确答案:A There are four methods of government procurement. Which is not one of these methods?A AssistanceB Sealed biddingC Competitive proposalsD AcquisitionE Small purchases正确答案:D 以下每个关于回避风险的说法都是正确的,除了( )A聚焦于排除产生风险的因素B包括决定不去投标认为风险过大的项目C接受风险事件带来的后果D如果用户能更好地减轻风险的话,则将风险留给用户正确答案:C 139 By which means is a contractor able to control cost overruns due to changing requirements? A. Project data reviewB. Change orderC. Purchase order amendmentD. Change controlE. None of the above正确答案:D22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第4篇 41 Selection criteria for project selection include:A. cost versus benefitB. riskC. contribution towards organizational goalsD. rate of returnE. All of the above正确答案:E 159 Since risk is associated with most projects, the best course of action is to:A. cover all project risks by buying appropriate insuranceB. ignore the risks, since nothing can be done about them and move forward with the project in an expeditious manner.C. avoid projects with clear and present risksD. eliminate all known risks prior to the execution phase of the projectE. identify various risks and implement actions to mitigate their potential impact正确答案:E 200 A program is characterized as:A. a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.B. a unique undertaking having a definite time period.C. a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave. D. a project with a cost over $1 million.E. None of the above正确答案:C 下列哪一成本估算技术用了统计模式?a. 非参数成本估算b. 参数成本估算c. 生活周期成本估算d. 由下而上的成本估算正确答案:B 24 A quality control manager decides to increase his daily sample size from three to six. The size of the control band will:A. increaseB. decreaseC. remain unchangedD. not determinable from given dataE. None of the above正确答案:B 作为项目经理,你认识到了项目进展评估会议的重要性。但是你也意识到你的项目小组和主要的有关各方非常繁忙,不想参见会议。项目生产的世界上最先进的整形鞋现在已经进入第二阶段临床试验。因为你已经进入项目执行阶段,因此这些会议:A、应该经常举行以获得对目标和实现方法的一致意见B、可能减少召开频率C、需要更多地召开以加强薄弱环节d必须定期举行以记录病人的反应正确答案:B22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第5篇 110 The reason that cost management is so difficult in project management is that:A. Projects by definition and nature are non-recurring events and are therefore difficult to predict.B. There are no tools for identifying project tasks.C. Project managers do not care about tracking costs, as only schedules are important to all project managers.D. A and B onlyE. B and C only正确答案:A 强矩阵和弱矩阵用在项目组织的矩阵结构中是指:( )A组织实现目标的能力B项目团队成员相互之间以及和项目经理之间的物理接近度C项目经理对小组资源的权利度D团队成员的凝聚力正确答案:C 一项活动历时为4天,最早开始日期为10日,最迟开始日期为19日,没有非工作日,根据以上信息,可以总结出什么?( )A该活动总时差为9天B该活动最早完成日期是14日结束C该活动最迟完成日期是25日D如果分配双倍资源的话,可以两天之内完成此活动正确答案:A 5 Using the problem stated in the Special window, Calculate the deviation of duration for the task, using the PERT concept of standard deviation of task duration.A. 0.5B. 1.0C. 1.8D. 2.2E. 2.8正确答案:C Middle (functional) managers have the greatest influence in the direction of the project in which type of organizational structure?A.Project.B.Strong matrix.C.Weak matrix.D.Project coordinator.E.Project expeditor.正确答案:CC 100 The difference between the BCWS and the BCWP is referred to as the:A. Schedule varianceB. Cost variance.C. Estimate of completionD. Actual cost of the work performedE. None of the above正确答案:A22年项目管理师经典例题6篇 第6篇 130 The ability to achieve cost savings is inversely proportional to _.A. the earned value achieved to dateB. the estimated costs to completeC. empowerment to the P.M.D. productivityE. None of the above正确答案:A 81 _ is a receipt issued by a carrier for merchandise to be delivered to a party at some destination. A. Proforma invoiceB. Inspection certificateC. Packing listD. Bill of ladingE. None of the above正确答案:D 85 Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _ and constraints.A. Time, cost, and qualityB. Time, risk, and qualityC. Risk, quality, and manpower availabilityD. Cost, quality, and technical performanceE. Cost, quality, and risk正确答案:D 针对固定价合同,付款的风险是: ( )A承包商的实际成本B承包商的成本加固定费用C在承包商的投标中未公开的应急费用D根据风险评估预测所作的预测成本并用于处理风险正确答案:C 你所在的公司是当地一家最大的化工厂。工厂被指控向河流中倾到了有毒物质,导致鳄鱼的体积成倍增长。同时使得当地狗的数量大量减少。法庭已经判决公司在2月15日前必须进行清理工作,这样的外部限制是属于:A、 关键事件B、主要的里程碑式的事件C、加强的日期D、对外部的依赖正确答案:C 项目经理通过检查累计成本曲线可以调整( )A挣值B计划价值C成本差异D成本绩效指数正确答案:C