2022年业务委托合同样本中英对照 .pdf
www.paper- 妙文翻译公司 翻译样稿业务委托合同鉴于,( 以下简称甲方) 与 XXX (以下简称乙方),就本合同的第一条的相关委托事项协商一致,特如下签定本合同。第一条(委托事项)甲方委托乙方的业务内容如下。乙方须尽责完成以下业务。 业务内容 1 原始凭证的合法性/ 合理性的确认2 记帐凭证的做成和输入财务软件3 总帐,明细账等各种账目表的确认4 财务报表的做成(资产负债表,利润表)5 各种纳税报表的做成(增值税、营业税、企业所得税、个人所得税等)6 发票及财务报表的整理和装订7 每月的报税(不含抄税)8 每月费用明细表的提供9 年度审计如委托其他公司,则乙方提供说明。10 相关财税咨询业务第二条(资料提供)甲方根据乙方的要求,须及时提供处理本业务时乙方所认为必要的文件、证明等资料,并给于乙方必要的协助。甲方指定以下人员,作为办理本合同业务时对乙方进行联系的联络负责人(以下简称“联络负责人”)。如通过其他人员进行联络时,须事先通知乙方。联络负责人 :如甲方存捏造事实、隐匿真相或者提供虚假的资料等情况,乙方可以解除本合同,并对于已经收取甲方的费用不予返还。如由于本项所述的行为,造成乙方蒙受损失的,甲方须负责赔偿。如由于乙方未尽到善管义务以及忠诚义务而造成甲方受到损失的,乙方须负责赔偿。第三条 (保密 )乙方在没有甲方书面同意的情况下,不得向第三方泄漏由甲方提供的任何情报、资料和文件等信息,并且不得用于本合同所载的业务之外。但,已为公众所知的信息不在此限。甲方在没有乙方书面同意的情况下,不得向第三方泄漏由乙方提供的任何情报、资料和文件等信息,并且不得用于本合同所载的业务之外。但,已为公众所知的信息不在此限。第四条(费用)甲方对乙方就委托上述第一条业务内容每月支付人民币4000 元整。甲方须每月预付当月的业务委托费。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - www.paper- 另外,涉及本委托业务的所有政府费用及交通费、快递费等实费,由甲方承担。乙方每月就实费进行结算,并凭票据及明细向甲方请求支付。第五条(适用法律)本合同的成立和效力适用中华人民共和国的法律。第六条(纷争的解决)因本合同的履行所发生的、或者与本合同有关的甲乙双方间发生的所有纷争,甲乙双方须本着诚意、通过友好协商努力解决。如果通过前款的协商依然不能解决的,甲乙任何一方均可以向中国上海市的管辖人民法院提起诉讼。第七条(合同期间)本合同的有效期间为2008 年月至 200 年月计一年。合同有效期满之前一个月,甲乙各方如不提出异议,则本委托合同按照相同条件自动延续。由于甲方的业务量的增加,乙方认为有必要调整上述第一条记载的委托事项的费用的,在得到甲方同意的基础上,可以在以后的合同期内实施。第八条 (附则 )本合同用中文一式两份作成,甲乙双方各持一份。甲:乙:年月日年月日Business Entrustment Contract Whereas, _ (hereinafter referred to as “Party A ”) and XXX, who have reached a negotiated consensus as to the relevant entrustment matters set forth in Article 1 hereof, hereby make and enter into this Contract as follows:Article 1 (Entrustment Matters) Contents of businesses Party A entrusts to Party B are as follows. Party B shall fulfill its duty to complete the following businesses: Contents of Businesses 11 Confirmation of legality/rationality of source documents; 12 Making of account title vouchers and inputting them into financial software; 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - www.paper- 13 Confirmation of all sorts of accounts such as general ledger, subsidiary ledger, etc.;14 Making of financial statements (balance sheet, profit sheet); 15 Making of all sorts of taxpaying statements (value-added tax, business tax, enterprise income tax, personal income tax, etc.);16 Arrangement and bookbinding of invoices and financial statements; 17 Tax declaration for each month (not including tax copying); 18 Provision of the expenditure list for each month; 19 If entrusting other company to conduct annual audit, Party B shall make a statement; and20 Relevant finance and tax consultancy. Article 2 (Provision of Materials) 1. Party A shall, in accordance with Party B s requirements, promptly provide materials Party B deems necessary to deal with these businesses, such as documents, certificates, etc., and offer necessary assistance to Party B. Party A designates the following person(s) to act as the contact (hereinafter referred to as the “ Contact” ) to communicate with Party B when the business herein is being dealt with. If Party A desires to communicate with Party B via other person(s), Party A shall give a prior notice to Party B. Contact:2. In case Party A fabricates facts, hides the truth or provides false materials, Party B may terminate this Contract and won t return charges having been collected from Party A. In case Party B suffers any loss arising from any act set forth in this section, Party A shall be responsible for its compensation. 3. In case Party A suffers any loss due to Party B s failing to fulfill its duty of care and fidelity, Party B shall be responsible for its compensation. Article 3 (Confidentiality) 1. Without Party A s written consent, Party B shall not disclose to any third party any information, materials or documents provided by Party A, and shall not use them for the business other than that set forth herein. However, information having known to the public may not be subject to this section. 2. Without Party B s written consent, Party A shall not disclose to any third party any information, materials or documents provided by Party B, and shall not use them for the business other than that set forth herein. However, information having known to the public may not be subject to this section. Article 4 (Charges) Party A shall pay to Party B RMB 4,000.00 for the businesses set forth in the above Article 1 on a monthly basis. Each month Party A shall pay in advance for the same month s business entrustment charge. In addition, all the government charges as well as actual expenses such as traffic charge, courier charge, etc., shall be borne by Party A. Party B will settle actual expenses on a monthly basis, and request Party A to make payment pursuant to bills and lists. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - www.paper- Article 5 (Applicable Law)Laws of the Peoples Republic of China shall be applied to the execution and effectiveness of this Contract. Article 6 (Dispute Settlement) 1. As to all the disputes between Party A and Party B arising from the performance of or in connection with this Contract, Party A and Party B shall, on a sincere basis, try hard to settle them through consultations. 2. In case such dispute fails to be settled through consultations referred to in the above section, either Party A or Party B may bring a lawsuit with the governing People s Court located in Shanghai, P. R. China. Article 7 (Contract Term) The validity term of this Contract is one year, from _ (month) 2008 to _ (month) 200_. In case both Party A and Party B haven t any objection one month prior to the expiry of the validity term of this Contract, this Entrustment Contract will be automatically continued pursuant to the same conditions. Where Party B deems it necessary to adjust the charge for entrusted matters set forth in the above Article 1 because of the growth of Party A s business, such adjustment may be implemented during the next contract term on the basis of Party As consent.Article 8 (Supplemental Rule) This Contract is made in Chinese in two copies and Party A and Party B each hold one.Party A: Party B: _ (month) _ (day) _ (year) _ (month) _ (day) _ (year) 妙文 上海翻译公司版权所有名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - -