2019级通信和信息工程专业数字图像处理试题A卷课程代码: 考试时间:120分钟Image Processing Final Exam 得分一、名词说明(2小题,每题5分,共10分)评卷人1、 Pseudocolor image (5 points)2、 Gray-level Histogram (5 points)得分二、正、误推断题(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)评卷人3、 人眼对红光的敏感度高于对蓝光的敏感度。 ( )4、 对图像进展DCT变换及量化处理后再进展Huffman编码,以上编码是不行逆的。( )5、 某图像的信息熵越大,则该图像用Huffman编码方法进展压缩的效率越高。( )6、 对灰度图像进展直方图平衡化处理后,其各灰度级的概率分布根本一样。( )7、 在JPEG标准中,对图像各子块进展DCT变换后,对其DC、AC系数按一样的方法进展后续处理。( )8、 与志向低通滤波器相比拟,巴特沃思滤波器对图像的平滑处理效果更志向,关键在它有效的抑制了前者的振铃效应。( )9、 用HIS彩色空间描绘图像,像素的饱和度越大,则其掺的白光的成分越少。( )10、 丧失了高频成分的图像给人的感觉是比拟模糊。( )11、 在图像的退化模型中,影响其非线性失真(如运动模糊)的主要缘由是外加的加性噪声。( )12、 加权邻域平均的平滑方法对图像复原有效,特殊是对有附有热噪声(如高斯噪声)的图像。( )得分三、 三、简答题:(4小题,第1小题10分,共40分)评卷人13、 What are the properties of a filter F given by the array below The center element is w = A+8, where A 1. This filter is called an unsharp mask and is commonly used in graphic arts and photography.(10 points)14、 Shown below Figure14 is a model of the image degradation, please explain what it means and give an expression of output g(m,n)。(10 points)Figure14 A model of the image degradation15、 Name any three features of the DCT that makes it a popular image transform for image compression. (10 points)16、 Describe the kind of distortion that is present in Figure16 and provide a means to eliminate it.(10 points)Figure16得分四、 四、分析题(3小题,每题10分)评卷人17、 以下为JPEG的依次编码的原理框图,答复以下问题:(1) 说明各个环节(框图)的作用;(5分)(2) 为什么引入量化器,指出其对编码有何影响?(5分)18、 Figures shown in (18-1) and (18-2) are two types of smoothing filter mask of image enhancement in spatial domain. (18-1) is called Neighborhood- averaging mask, its frequency response shown in (18-3); (18-2) is called Weighted-averaging mask, and its frequency response shown in Figure20-4. a. Which mask has better ability for image smoothing(5 points)b. Please analyze their smoothing effects in frequency domain.(5 points)01/501/51/51/501/501/101/101/101/101/51/101/101/101/10 18-1 Neighborhood-averaging mask18-2 Weighted-averaging mask18-3 Frequency response of Neighborhood-averaging mask(cross)18-4 Frequency response ofWeighted-averaging mask(cross)19、A telescope in an orbiting observatory is used to produce images on a high-resolution CCD array. It has been found that the images are a little blurry due to optical effects in thetelescope. You have been called in as an image processing expert to devise a method to sharpen the digital images. Describe how you would go about solving the problem, given that the only images you can obtain are of astronomical objects. You cannot modify the telescope in any way. The only option is to process the digital images.(10 points)2019级通信和信息工程专业数字图像处理试题(A卷)参考答案及评分标准一、名词说明(2小题20分,每题5分)1伪彩色(pseudo-color)图像的每个像素值事实上是一个索引值或代码,该代码值作为色调查找表CLUT(Color Look-Up Table)中某一项的入口地址,依据该地址可查找出包含实际R、G、B的强度值。这种用查找映射的方法产生的色调称为伪彩色。2图像中像素灰度分布的概率密度函数二、正、误推断题(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)(T: 对, F:错)3)F 4)T 5) T6)T7)F 8)T9)T10)T 11)F 12)T 三、简答题:(4小题,每小题10分,共40分)13该空域滤波器为一种锐化模板,一种拉普拉斯掩模(二阶梯度算子),可用于对图像边缘或轮廓进展增加,且可使图像的整体灰度值提升(变亮)。14物理意义:图像退化(降质)的缘由在于成像系统的点扩散函数的非线性及外部的加性噪声(5分)(5分)15l算法简洁,正、反变换算法一样,(3分)l有快速算法;(3分)l频域变换后信号能量主要集中在低频局部。(4分)16该图的干扰噪声为有规律的加性周期性斜纹干扰(周期性噪声),(4分)可用一阻带滤波器去除该噪声。(图像的傅立叶频谱中,噪声重量位于变换原点的某个近似圆上,用一个具有圆对称的阻带滤波器,使阻带在该近似圆四周即可滤除噪声干扰)(6分)四、分析题(3小题,每小题10分共30分)17答题要点:一、(1)FDCT:离散余弦变换,将空域表示的图像转化成频域形式,信号能量集中于低频;(2分)(2)量化器:对前一环节的DCT系数归类并编码(通过量化表);(2分)(3)熵编码器:对量化的结果进展统计编码(变长编码);一般在其之前先进展游程编码。(2分)二、 引入量化器可以有效削减DCT非零系数的数目,(2分)但会造成高频成分的丧失(图像纹理微小环节的失真)(2分)18答题要点:(a) .加权邻域平均模板性能更好;(4分)( b).邻域平均模板的频响:由频响图可看出高频阻带不平滑,有旁瓣。 加权邻域平均模板的频响:频响图高频阻带平滑衰减,无旁瓣,滚降特性j较好,故低通(高阻)性能较前者好。(6分)19. 答题要点(标准):步骤1) 、用逆滤波复原图像、要求给出详细的方法(eg. Wiener filter or others) . (5分) 2)、锐化(举出空域或频域的方法之一即可)第 10 页