Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the 2016 English fun and talent competition held by Senior 2 of our school.(男)敬重的老师,敬爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢送来到高二年级英语兴趣竞赛现场。(女)First of all, please allow us to introduce ourselves, your hosts for today. Im from class(女)The competition is supported by the leaders and teachers. lets introduce todays honorable leaders, teachers and guests. (男)本届英语兴趣竞赛离不开学院指导与老师们的关心与激励,他们也来到了我们的竞赛现场。欢送莅临本场竞赛的评委与嘉宾,他们是。(女)Welcome!(May)The meaning of this contest is to give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for us to learn English and to improve students' English speaking ability.(男)Today, we hope all of the audience here will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what we hear and what we see.(女)今日我们将为大家供应一个轻松欢乐的平台,让我们秀出自我,秀出英语。 (女)Thank you for being a part of this competition.(男)同时感谢各班的主动参加,本次竞赛以团体赛的形式进展,每班派出5名选手形成团体,高二1、2、3三个班级团体分别竞争竞赛的第一、第二与第三名。(女)本次竞赛共分五个环节,1,单词大比拼 2,必答题 3,抢答题 4,默契大考验5,仿照朗读(女)Show me, show English. 如今我荣幸的向大家宣布英语兴趣竞赛 (合)正式开场!(男)下面进入竞赛的第一环节,单词大比拼 (女)Lets have a brief of the rules.(男)本环节题型分四个级别,每个级别的分值依据难易程度的不同而不同。每组派一人依据要求进展词汇的翻译或默写,时间为1分钟,其他组员也可以在规定时间内进展修改或补充。词汇均来自于本学期学习的选修7、8两本书(女)Every team will have word dictation. And you should finish your dictation in one minute.(女)首先有请第一支队伍, 高二*班(男)掌声欢送。Are you ready OK! Lets begin!(女)Ok ,times up.(男)有请我们的英语老师进展评分。 好,第一组,高二*班,获得*分。(女)Ok , next, class *, which one would you like to choose Are you ready OK! Lets do it!(女)Ok ,times up.(男)有请我们的英语老师进展评分。 好,第二组,高二*班,获得*分。(女)Ok , next, class *, which one would you like to chooseAre you ready OK! ThreeTwoOne!(女)Ok ,times up.(男)有请我们的英语老师进展评分。 好,第三组,高二*班,获得*分。(女)Every team has excellent performance that all make us impressed. (男)没错,每一支队伍都各有特色,对于单词短语的记忆都相当的厉害。下面进入我们的第一环节 的第二局部记忆大比拼(女)记忆大比拼在大屏幕给出20个单词,给选手1分钟时间去记忆,时间到后,请每组派一名选手,在1分钟的时间内在黑板上写出记忆的单词,依据正确的个数而评分(书写请标准,以免影响评分),每组写对一个单词加1分。同组其他选手以及现场本班学生不得提示,否则扣分。 (女)Wow,what a challenging game! (男)没错,考验大伙的单词功夫的时刻来了。 (女)有请三支队伍的代表选手,together. (男)掌声欢送 (女)Ok ,times up.(男)有请我们的英语老师吴石磊老师进展评分。 好,三组的得分分别是。 。 。(女)Wow ,everyone is strong, very good in memory, let us admire! (男)每一个的实力都很强啊,让我们佩服不已。 (女)那事不宜迟,赶快进入下一个环节吧!(女)Ok, lets move on to next part. Required Questions.(女)必答题。每组选手必需答复15道选择题,答对每题5分,答错不扣分。(男) Required Questions. Every team is required to answer 15 questions. If you get the right answer, you get the points. Wrong answer gets no points.(女)Now, show time!(女)First group, class 1.(男)OK, the score got by class 1 in this part is *(女)高二1班在这一环节的得分是*。 掌声激励!(女)OK,next group, class 2. Are you ready Lets begin!(男)OK, the score got by class 2 in this part is *(女)高二2班在这一环节的得分是*。 掌声激励!(女)OK,next group, class 3. Are you ready Lets begin!(男)OK, the score got by class 3 in this part is *(女)高二3班在这一环节的得分是*。 掌声激励!(女)选手们在这一环节的表现精不精彩啊?那么接下来让我们进展更加精彩的抢答题!(女) Quick Response Questions. Every team should rush to answer the question. If you get the right answer, you get the points. Wrong answer will make you lose points.(女)抢答题。三组进展抢答问题,答对每道加5分,答错每道扣5分。(女)Wow! How exciting it is! I am looking forward to the exciting moment! Wish them good luck!(女)So are you readyLets do it!(男)多么剧烈的抢答环节啊!好, 刚刚这一环节,高二1班答对*题,加*分,答错*题,扣*分;高二2班答对*题,加*分,答错*题,扣*分; 高二3班答对*题,加*分,答错*题,扣*分.(女)They have done really good job! I am looking forward to their all the brilliant performances! (男)好的,让精彩接着!下一个环节:默契大考验。每组派三名选手,其中一人背对屏幕,另外两人则用英语对大屏幕上出现的单词进展说明,说明中不能含有原词,也不能出现汉语,否则无效,时间为60秒,依据答对单词的个数计分,答对一个加1分(女)Wow! What a funny game! Lets welcome the first team, class one!(女)1班得分*。接着有请2班选手。(女)2班得分*。接着有请3班选手。(女)3班得分*。 (男)Thank you! Well , I did not expect that she could perform so well ,so amazing! (男)那么让我们来期盼选手们在下一个环节带来的展示,如今我们进入最终一个环节:仿照朗读。 (女)仿照朗读。每组派1名代表,依据视频要求仿照朗读,评委依据评分标准进展打分。(女)In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. And your performances will be scored by the judges.(男)谢谢1班选手的精彩表演! (女)Now , welcome class2,class 3 please get ready. (女)Thank you so much for your wonderful performance.(男)全部的竞赛环节已经完毕了,竞赛最终的结果也在惊慌的核算过程中。今日,每班的选手们都给我们带来了非常精彩的英语学问竞赛表现。现场的同学们,看到选手们的精彩表现,大家是否也跃跃欲试啊?(女)那让我们进入互动环节吧! 参赛对象为现场全部观众。答对的观众将获得小礼品一份。(女)Wow, everybody is so good at English!(男)今日的竞赛,无论是选手,还是现场的啦啦队同学们,都表现出了对英语学习的深厚热忱。不知道我们的老师评委,对我们今日的表现有着怎样的看法呢?如今有请初中英语教研组长为我们讲话。Welcome!(女)谢谢老师!老师的点评让我们受益匪浅。好的,接下来是最惊慌的时候了,竞赛结果已经在我手上了,究竟那个团体赢得了总分第一名呢?(男)The result of todays competition is: The third prize:. The Second prize . The winner is: .(女)有请 上台颁发三等奖(女)Congratulations!有请 上台颁发二等奖奖 (男)最剧烈人心的时刻到了,本次竞赛的一等奖得主是 (女) Congratulations!有请 上台颁发一等奖奖(男)恭喜每一位选手 (女)Well ,Ladies and gentlemen, today we had a wonderful time together. Do you enjoy yourself today (男)Ladies and 乡亲们,今日这次英语竞赛你们过得开心吗? (女)But now I have to say, Thank all of you to join us, thank you for excellent performance, and thank you for coming! bye! (男)老师们同学们,本次竞赛到此完毕了,感谢选手的精彩表现,感谢评委,感谢大家的到来 合:再见