国际商务沟通(英文)(International Business Communication)课程编号:20410194学 分:3学 时:48 (其中:课堂教学学时:48实验学时:0上机学时:0课程实践学时:0)先修课程:国际贸易实务适用专业:国际经济与贸易、市场营销教 材:国际商务沟通,孙蕊、张鹏主编,南开大学出版社,2014年2月一、课程性质与课程目标(一)课程性质国际商务沟通是为国际经济与贸易专业本科生设置的实务性基础课程,它建立在国际贸易 实务、外贸英语函电、国际商务英语等课程知识的基础上,旨在培养学生在国际商务情境中与他人 高效沟通的能力。本课程从国际商务沟通的各种场景和途径的角度对国际商务沟通基本原则与规范、国别商务沟 通礼俗、商务信函写作、言语沟通与非言语沟通、口头陈述与求职申请等技巧进行阐述,以提高学 生分析处理国际商务沟通问题的理论水平和实践能力。(二)课程目标课程目标1:理解商务沟通的作用、沟通过程、影响因素及渠道选择;课程目标2:熟悉国际商务沟通的环境,了解主要国家和地区商务沟通的礼俗;课程目标3:掌握国际商务沟通基本原则与规范;了解跨文化沟通的障碍及应对策略;课程目标4:熟悉各种类型的商务沟通方式和方法,掌握商务信函写作、言语沟通与非言语沟 通的技巧和策略;课程目标5:掌握求职申请以及与跨文化的上司、下属、同事、客户沟通的方法和技巧。二、课程内容与教学要求第一章 商务沟通概述 Introduction to International Business Communication(-)课程内容1. Communication and its Importance;2. Process of Communication3. Types of Communication4. Internal & External Communication5. Channels of Communication(二)教学要求1 .Recognize the importance and beneficial roles of business communication;2.1 dentify the six components of communication process and understand how communication takes place;3.Get familiar with difference types and channels of communication;(三)重点与难点1. Key points: How communication takes place and the six components of communication process; Tips to difference types and channels of communication;2. Difficult points: how communication takes place; how to choose the most suitable channels of communication第二章国际商务沟通环境 Background of International Business Communication(一)课程内容1. Economic System2. Political System3. Legal System4. Linguistic System5. Social Customs6. Etiquette7. Intercultural Communication Barriers and Coping StrategyDiscussion: Business Etiquette & Customs in Selected Countries(二)教学要求1. Understand the roles that cultural systems and social customs play in communicating interculturally in business settings;2. Understand how cultural differences in make introductions, identifying position and status, dinning, tipping and giving gifts may affect intercultural business communication;3. Understand the impact of development of technology on business communication;4. Understand the cross-culture communication barriers and the tactics to overcome such barriers5. Get familiar with the major business etiquettes in the regions, countries, ethnic groups and economies that have strong business connections with china nowadays(三)重点与难点1 .Key points: The roles of cultural systems and social customs in international business communication; The cross-culture communication barriers and the tactics to overcome such barriers; major business etiquettes in the regions, countries, ethnic groups and economies that have strong business connections with china; The impact of technology development on business communication.2 .Difficult points: roles of cultural systems and social customs in international business communication; Cultural differences in the major business etiquettes; cross-culture communication barriers and skills and tactics needed for good intercultural communication.第三章国际商务沟通的基本原则General Principle of International Business communication(一)课程内容1. Completeness2. Conciseness3. Consideration4. Concreteness5. Clarity6. Courtesy7. Correctness(二)教学要求1. Identify and understand the seven C's principle of business communication;2. Grasp the guidelines for the seven C's.(三)重点与难点1 .Key points: The seven C's principle of business communication; The guidelines for the seven C's;2 . Difficult points: seven C's principle and their application in business writing and communication.第四章 商务信函写作Business Letter Writing(-)课程内容1. The layout format of Business Letters2. Structure of Business Letters3. Five planning Steps of Business Letters Writing4. Direct vs. Indirect Writing Approach5. Writing Informative Business Message6. Writing Persuasive Business Message(二)教学要求1. .Grasp the four different formats of the business letter; Understand the layout style of business fax and email;2. Grasp and be able to write basic parts of a business letter; Understand and be able to use properly the optional parts of a business letter;3. Grasp the five planning steps for writing a business letter;4. Understand the direct and indirect writing approach and their usage;5. Identify informative messages and grasp the general writing skills of informative messages;6. Understand the difference between informative and persuasive messages; Grasp the general writing plans of persuasive messages(三)重点与难点1 .Key points: The layout style and structure of business letter, fax and email; The five planning steps for writing a business letter; The usage of direct and indirect approaches in writing messages; The general writing skills of informative and persuasive messages;2 . Difficult points: structure of business letter; usage of direct and indirect approaches in writing informative or persuasive messages; General writing skills of informative and persuasive messages第五章口头沟通Oral communication(一)课程内容1. Oral Delivery skills2. Strategies for successful listening3. Strategies for successful speaking4. Oral Presentation5. Dyadic Communication6. Business Meeting(二)教学要求1 .Grasp the general oral delivery skills;2 .Understand the strategies fbr successful listening skills;3 . Know the strategies for a successful informative and persuasive speaking;4 . Understand the preparation, procedures and follow-up of oral presentation, dyadic communication and business meeting(三)重点与难点1. Key points: The strategies for successful listening; The strategies for successful speaking, esp. the preparation and organizations; The preparation, procedures and follow-up of oral presentation, interview, telephoning and business meeting.2. Difficult points: proper strategies for successful listening; strategies for successful speaking; procedures and follow-up of oral presentation, interview, telephoning and business meeting.第六章非语言沟通Nonverbal communication(-)课程内容1. Time and punctuality2. Interpersonal Space3. Eye Contact4. Smell5. Touch6. Body language7. Silence(二)教学要求1 .Appreciate how attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages in intercultural communication;2 .Understand the role that eye contact, smell, color, touch, and body language play in communicating nonverbally in cultural situations;3. Learn how silence can be used to send nonverbal message in various cultures4. Understand the meaning of major gestures used in countries that have strong business ties with China.(三)重点与难点1. Key points: Different attitudes toward time and the messages conveyed by use of space; The role of eye contact, smell, color, touch, and body language in intercultural communication; The meaning of major gestures used in countries that have strong business ties with China2. Difficult points: role of eye contact, smell, color, touch, and body language in intercultural communication; different meaning of major gestures in different cultures第七章 图表信息在商务沟通中的应用Graphic Information in Business Communication(-)课程内容1. The use of statistics in Business2. Reading and Studying Graphic Devices3. Interpreting Graphic Information(二)教学要求1. Grasp the function of statistics on business and when to use diagrams ;2. Understand how to read graphs step by step;3. Manage the four common forms of graphs: Line, bar, pies and picture graph;4. Interpret graphic information freely and adroitly(三)重点与难点1 .Key points: When to use diagrams in business communication; The different features and application of various forms of graphs; The methods and skills of reading and interpreting graphic information.2 . Difficult points: right form of graphs in presenting massage; How to read and interpret graphic information correctly and efficiently.第八章 简历与求职信Resume and Cover Letter(-)课程内容1. Generals of Resume2. Different forms of ResumeJob Application Cover letter (二)教学要求1. Recognize the various parts and forms of resume;2. Learn to write an effective resume or Curriculum Viate;3. Identify the purpose and contents of a job application letter;Learn to write an effective job application letter that attracts your prospective employer's attention. (三)重点与难点1 .Key points: The structure and forms of resume; How to write an effective resume or Curriculum Vitae; The purpose and contents of a job application letter; The skills or strategies of writing an effective job application,2 . Difficult points: How to write an effective resume or Curriculum Vitae; skills of writing an effective job application letter.三、学时分配及教学方法注:1.课程实践学时按相关专业培养计划列入表格;章名教学形式及学时分配主要教 学方法支撑的课程 目标课堂 教学实验上机课程 实践小计第一章:国际商务沟通 概述40讲授法目标1第二章:国际商务沟通 环境40讲授法、 讨论法目标2第三章:国际商务沟通的基 本原则42讲授法、 讨论法目标2、目标3第四章:商务信函的写作142讲授法、 讨论法目标4第五章:口头沟通62讲授法、 演示法目标4第六章:非语言沟通40讲授法、 演示法目标4第七章:图表信息在商务沟 通中的应用20讲授法、 演示法目标4第八章:简历与求职信22讲授法、 讨论法目标5合计4082 .主要教学方法包括讲授法、讨论法、演示法、研究型教学方法(基于问题、项目、案例 等教学方法)等。四、课程考核注:1.分学期设置和考核的课程应按学期分别填写上表。考核形式考核要求考核权重备注平时作业交易磋商业务信函写作 (1.建交函;2.还盘信函)20%大作业个人简历与求职口头陈述30%期末考试闭卷考试50%3 .考核形式主要包括课堂表现、平时作业、阶段测试、期中考试、期末考试、大作业、小 论文、项目设计和作品等。4 .考核要求包括作业次数、考试方式(开卷、闭卷)、项目设计要求等。5 .考核权重指该考核方式或途径在总成绩中所占比重。五、参考书目及学习资料(书名,主编,出版社,出版时间及版次)1 .国际商务沟通,刘志伟,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2012年1月第1版2 . Business Communication(Seven Edition),Scot Ober,清华大学出版社,2010 年 11 月;3 .沟通的艺术与处世智慧,戴尔卡耐基著;王红星编译中国华侨出版社,2012年07月 六、大纲说明1 .课程采用多媒体教学手段,授课语言为英文。2 .每位同学完成特定业务背景下商务信函写作两份,占最终考核成绩的20%;另外,每位学生 需要提交建立和求职信一份,并完成求职口头陈述,占最终考核成绩的30虬2017年9月20日