1 .中华人民共和国的公民在国内旅行不得使用护照,只能使用居民身份证,包括临时 身份证。答案:错误.孕妇旅客乘机,航班起飞后承运人必须向相关航站拍发“旅客服务报" PSMo 答案:错误2 .实验法是民航旅客服务心理学主要的研究方法。答案:正确.运输病残旅客所需的如救护车、升降机等地面设备的费用,应由承运人负担。 答案:错误3 .凡在航班规定离站时间前24小时以前,旅客自愿变更航班都不需要收费。 答案:错误.不管是否经承运人同意,凡在飞机上载运的人员都可称为旅客。答案:错误.因始发站天气原因,旅客要求退票,按自愿退票处理。答案:错误.购买电子客票的旅客可以比购买纸票的旅客得到更高的票价折扣。答案:错误.航空运输的诉讼时效期间为二年,自民用航空器到达目的地点、应当到达目的地点或者运 输终止之日起计算。答案:正确.中国民航加班飞行航班的航班号,除航空公司的两字代码外,由四位数字组成。 答案:错误1L每张国内航空货运单的退运手续费为 oA.20 元B.10 元C.5元D.15 元答案:A12 .某国内航班上旅客全部为成人,共有100名旅客,那么该航班旅客总重量为 o A.6800公斤B.7000公斤C.8000公斤D.7500公斤答案:13 .航班超售拉下旅客后,不正确的处理方法是 oA.按自愿变更的原那么为旅客提供必要的服务B.为旅客提供尽可能的服务,如地面交通C.选择适当的场所,向旅客说明情况并致歉意D.尽可能安排旅客改乘后续航班答案:A14 .在以下运输方式中,的平安性最好。A海运B.铁路C.公路D.航空答案:15 .不得作为行李运输。A.电视机B.小猫.小狗等宠物C.体育比赛用的枪械D.军械答案:16 .装机单、卸机单上行李的英文字母为。A.DB.CC.AD.B答案:17 .飞机修正后的基本重量是指 oA.以上均不对B.飞机基本重量增加或减去标准以外的空勤组及机上供应品、随机器材等重量C.飞机的空机重量D.除业务载重和燃油之外,已完全做好飞行准备的飞机重量答案:B18 .飞机注册编号的第一个数字表示飞机的 oA.驱动方式B.机型C.喷气式D.螺旋桨式答案:A19 .装机单、卸机单上货物的英文字母为 oA.DB.AC.CD.B答案:D20 .在 情况下航空公司会给旅客发放临时生活费。A.旅客的行李未能用当天的后续航班运达,旅客非当地居民B.旅客收到延迟到达的行李后第25天提出需要临时生活费C.旅客的行李延迟到达,旅客是到达地的长久居民D.以上均应付临时生活费答案:A21.Do you expect any for CA1849 tomorrow morning?A.waitlistB.no-showsC.go-showsD.stand-by答案:B22.of refreshments, I an a little bit hungry.A.speakingB.speaksC.speakD.答案:A23.Could you tell me where to check?A.bellowB.inC.atD.out答案:BIf you have any questions, please ask cabin attendants assistance.A.betweenB.toC.behind.D.for答案:D25 .recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.A.In memory ofB.ln case ofC.ln view ofD.ln favor of 答案:C26 .airplanes in this company are Boeing planes. A.MostB.The mostC.A mostD.Most of 答案:D26.1 ' m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the showsit' II be delayed.A.boarding gateB.boarding passC.boarding time 0.information board 答案:D.Many international passengers are merely passing through an airport. They are physically but not legally in the country since they don' t have their passports checked and cannot move about freely. They are called.A.temporal passengersB.instant passengersC.homeland passengers0.transit passengers 答案:28 .Would you pay in cash or your credit card?A.withB.inC.forD.on 答案:A29 .Fuselages for transport aircraft generally include a section forward of the main cabin, a main cabin section, and.A.a tail sectionB.a shapeC.a rear end0.backward答案:A.What kind of seat do you prefer?A.Here you are.B.l have one.C.Thank you very much.D.A window seat.答案:D.The information board says UA345 is running 30 minutes schedule.A.bellowB.frontC.behindD.between答案:C.That passenger service girl went to so much trouble over my suitcase.A.that she would like me to praise herB.that I ' m most grateful for all she didC.l would thank herD.that I would like her paged for her help答案:B.The passenger is complaining about the of the flight.A.numberB.countryC.cancellationD.bad weather答案:C.The price is 300 Yuan. Shall I book it you ?A.toB.atC.forD.with答案:C.The baggage allowance for is kg.A.a minor traveling unaccompanied20B.an adult traveling economy with discount fare. 20C.an adult flying C class-40D.an instant traveling with his parents.10答案:37,The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary too much work last week.A.take onB.take awayC.take outD.take to答案:A38.An airliner landing at a large airport may have to run a mile of to reach a stand orparking place.A.taxiwayB.runwayC.trace0.ground way答案:B39.lt ' s very of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.A.concernedB.considerableC.considerateD.careful答案:C4O.Which class would you?A.giveB.preferC.getD.see答案:B