R3- 衡量中国名人与电视赞助的有效性(英文)(营销广告).docx
Food & BeverageConsumer Electronics/Mobile GamePersonal CareLifestyle & FashionTravel /Leisurecasestudy周冬雨Zhou DongyuZhou Dongyu is a Chinese actress who gained recognition after appearing in Zhang Yimou's film Under the Hawthorn Tree. Below, we will explore how several brands have leveraged her celebrity power. e pepsi vivo LANCOME 4。y加P的痛 0 Clear蝴薛凝0 XB0U耨RON王老吉Driving TransformaTion for markeTers anD Their agenciesSOcial labelSOcial labelBURBERRYThe Luxury CoLLECTioirIV RIO锐澳鸡尾酒Zhou Doungyu 周冬雨Celebrity DNA: 演员,文艺清新Cultural Relevance: Artistic story-tellingBrand Collaboration:Lifestyle moments.Source: CBNData明星消费力影响指数2018一季度总榜WORLDWIDEThe Luxuhy Collection*SiwwMdlfotolaABaMHtt*Measuring the effectiveness of celebrity & tv sponsorships in chirZhou Dongyu x Luxury BrandsM Celebrity DNA: 演员,文艺清新BURBERRYZhou Dongyu became Burt brand ambassador in 2011Burberry chose her for hav titude and personal st audiences in China relate i met with overwhelmingly pi on social media. Burberry a supports Zhou Donyu's ide tress, first and foremost, b, activities and latest works(Weibo account.Zhou Dongyu is a widely acclaimed and talented actress, having received multiple important awards such as the Golden Horse Award for Best Leading Actress. The tone of her online video shot in Japan matches with her youthful, refreshing character. She is the perfect choice to share the meaning of traveling, an actress, I need to forget myself to play the different roles, and each trip gives me the opportunity to rediscover and enrich myself.In line with The Luxury Collection, I believe life is a collection of different experiences". But there is a need for a stronger call-to-action in addition to driving brand awareness and affinity.Driving TransformaTion for markeTers anD Their agenciesZhou Dongyu as a Post-90Js Millennial Cultural RelevanceRIO launched a new series of products against the larger background of 4the economics of singlehood.? Through Zhou Dongyu's mini-film “一个人的酒" which portrays the life of a typical young adult who just entered the workforce - and after a long day at work, is going home, lying down, having a drink, going online to social media - she's creating a new occasion for the young TA that has RIO at the core. This is an attempt to create a viral product (网红产品)that is attractive on social media. RIO 微醺 is currently the best-selling product on its official T-Mall store, with 3 times more sales than its flagship cocktail drink.Sponsorships are a goodmatch for the celebrityHighHighlights and leveragesher identity as an actressand a movie starRelevant to thecultureand target audiencesModerateIntroducing new, exoticcultures and occasions tothe masses through herpersonal qualitiesHas potential to activatefans and drive purchaseModerate回费 (6 2059> - 会%=:这个广了 买5 月 28 日 19:29Transforming high celebrity affinity to purchase intention is key.a:危冬雨我有个恋爱想藤尔谈周蓼雨 三邛论配图J- -5 月 28 日 1703回费 C, 826Summary of Success FactorsMeasuringtheeffectivenessofcelebrity&tvsponsorships in chinaBest Practice in Celebrity CollaborationBy integrating a celebrity's identity into branded content creation, an opportunity is created to connect the brand to larger trending topics related to that content. This can be done by digging deep into a celebrity's interests in real life. Giving an on-and off-stage perspective of a celebrity shows authenticity, and creates an even more authentic story for the brand.BEST PRACTICESLEARNINGSHIGHLIGHT INCOMMUNICATIONIntegrates Lu Han's "football fan” identity into branded content creation that connects well with larger sporting trends.Tte Ldxur; CouscnoiTI RIO锐澳鸡尾酒Shows both the on-stage and offstage personality of the celebrity, revealing her brilliance as well as herauthenticity.Her acting skills are her strength, a differentiating point from the rest of the “idols.”Using her to portray different characters in micro-films helped enhance the authenticity of the brand story.Pay attention to who the celebrity is in real life, and dig deep into his/her interestsThe contrast of a celebrity on-and off-stage provides an interesting communication angle.天逼 1T1AU8nNatural product integration through illustrating an authentic lifestyle via short-video campaign on T-Mall rewards fan loyalty with exclusive celebrity content.LevrsHijacked the residual impact of the variety program, 'Idol Producer", without being an official sponsor. Consumers vote to unlock celebrity content. Emphasized the "same style” with each individual member of the group (偶像同款.)Leveraged the impact of the variety program, "Hot Blood Dance Crew”, without being an official sponsor. Transferred celebrity attention to brand attention through maximum brand exposure on the celebrity and carefully-timed social media posts.Interactive mechanics that involve and reward fansCreate social calendar based on celebrities1 programsProgram/Variety Show SponsorshipsIn addition to the more “traditional” celebrity KOL sponsorship marketing, Chinese brands are increasingly turning towards variety show sponsorship - very much like Western brands sponsor a sports team or event.Key Highlightson Program Sponsorshipf4 Traditional platforms (TV) and online platforms now have similar(I ) power within the variety show market. With the success of Pro-duce 101, Tencent has become the best-performing platform inT QI and Q2.©The market is turning toward greater decentralization, with “Idol con testsv becoming the keyword in the QI and Q2 variety show market. However, there is also room for targeted markets, such as Street Dancing, Parenting and leisure activities, which also saw growing audience numbers.The key players in sponsored game shows are still local brands, but now international brands are starting to enter this market. VIVO, Yili, OPPO have occupied over 60% of the market, and now international brands such as KFC and Samsung have started to look for suitable opportunities. Other sectors, like automotive brands, have yet to really enter the market.WORLDWIDEMeasuringtheeffectivenessofcelebrity&tvsponsorships in chinaDifferent Levels ofSponsorship MarketingThrough our research, we've identified four levels of sponsorship marketing, based on the different levels of brand exposure within the show.Innovative, well-integrated, strong linktobusinessgoalsSupport by Creative Video Ads or other forms of ads featuring the players in the show Well-integrated with the program mechanism, helps brand, not only with communication, but also with sales and other business goalsNatural implementationSpecial scene dEsigned for brand, strong brand exposure Supported by strong integration within the show, specially designed game for the brand or added special role for the brandStrong exposure includes oral ads, logo exposure and product placement etc.Highfrequencyexposure3with relatively rigidplacementBrand exposure in the show There is a particular scene in the show intended to increase brand exposure, but its placement is not very natural and the connection with the show is weaklimited opportunity for exposure in the showOral ads and displays are the primary forms of exposure The brand sees relatively limited exposure in the show, compared with other leading programsDifficult to establish connection between the show and the brandDrivingTransformaTion for markeTers an D Their agenciesProgram Effectiveness一Index MethodologyIn order to assess the effectiveness of program sponsorship, we have developed an index that measures the audience rating, word-of-mouth, topic “wear outand business value of a sponsorship. The result is an index number that allows for the ranking of programs against each other to see which one yields the best results for brands.PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESSINDEXAudience Rating Indicating the program reach, based on the actual online audience viewership rating during the program's on-air period.Word-of-MouthIndicating the quality of program, based on Dou- ban rating system and actual consumer feedback through customized research.Topic Wear Out Indicating the sustainability of the program, based on the average decrement on a weekly basis during the program on-air period.Business ValueIndicating the business value of the program when brands assume sponsorship, based on the qualitative review and evaluation of the contents of all existing brand sponsorships of this program腭祖视频电浙江卫项0诙诩Vikage豆瓣d。ba Bai漪百度Effectiveness Index0.4*R x Average(weekly rating)0.2*M xDouban score xenSpire score0.2*W x 0.2*B Score Scheme of theAve. (Weekly Baidu index Dayl - Day3)%Sponsorship LevelsBaidu index Day 1)Measuringtheeffectivenessofcelebrity&tvsponsorships in chinaOverviewofQI andQ2TopVarietyShow-1 to10PRODUS/ioi5.0087.9OQQO,3.465.876.1%浙江卫视安青希和牌愫薪为主2.7584.9iQIYI',Twwi2.353.986.4JD.舞耐好5c.,顽I-金典SATINE1.9574.0Kvivo85.7H浙江工项vivo8.282.5噩快手1.384.882.5iQIYIvivoAverage weekly viewership per episode 单集播放量Douban audience rating 豆瓣评分Diminishing rate of Baidu index after broadcasting 话题留存Audience Rating Word-of-Mouth Topic Wear Out Launch Naming 收视指标口碑指标话题指标Channel BrandDriving TransformaTion for markeTers anD Their agenciesAudience Rating Word-of-Mouth Topic Wear Out Launch Naming 收视指标口碑指标话题指标Channel Brand1.36 £8.1vivo8.4 82.6%YOUKUSAMSUNG8.580.3SYOUKU17 , 源粮IMOne leaf一叶干新轩面腹Dou ban audience rating 豆瓣评分Average weekly viewership per episode 单集播放量Diminishing rate of Baidu index after broadcasting 话题留存Measuring the EffectivenessofCelebrity&TVSponsorships in ChinaAn R3 White Papermm/iohMeasuringtheeffectivenessof celebrity & tv sponsorships in chinacase studyProduce 101Produce 101 is a Chinese reality television show. It is a spinoff of the South Korean television show, also titled Produce 101. Filming began on March 21, 2018 and the show premiered on Tencent Video on April 21. One of the main aims of Produce 101 is to create a new popular female pop group to represent the modern woman.Produce 101 has an average time of around 2-3 hours for one episode, and has one brand advertising every 40 mins. OPPO R15 and Little Red Book had the highest frequency, including the beginning & closing ads, middle ads, and featuring the brand logo on screen. Other sponsored brands such as Zhong Hua 中华牙膏,Tencent Weishi 腾讯微视,Inglemirepharm 英树面膜 use the creative TVC, support TVC in different episode to avoid visual fatigue.TVC ads with deeper integration with program and players5 characterCreative TVC 中 插广告 is similar to the TVC inserted in a TV series, using the player as the key role and the show as the big background to help the brand deliver the message.Support TVC 应援is one innovative way to adverstise on Produce 101. It is still a TV commercial, but the focus is more on the player and provides an opportunity for the players to introduce themselves.brand is tied to the votingL mechanism to realizethetraffic and business goalsOne important aspect of Produce 101 is its ability to create many ways for the audience to PICK the player they like. Ten- cent members have 121 picks every day, while normal users only have 11 picks. In addition to Tencent, OPPO also has its own voting channel. Little Red Book 小红书,Zhong Hua 中华 牙膏,Space 7 七度空间 and others have all created mechanisms to encourage the audience to buy products or visit their sites to get more votes.A much more comprehensive collaboration with the sponsor brandsA new form of brand integration was created to enable seamless brand syndication. As naming sponsor, for example, OPPO was given the rights to provide official online platforms for audiences to vote and participate in supportive activities for the idols they follow. The brand was also provided various forms of advertising within the show, apart from high frequency brand name exposure.0|0|00冠名中插广告,应援视频/og。露OPPO四大官方渠道可以为选手出,高密度口播,贴片广告点赞打榜小红书联合赞助中插广告,应援视频"og。露选手入驻;发起投票榜单;打榜出,口播,贴片广告赢取决赛门票;衍生品开发嚼 微视指罩警频胄露告,应援媒,口播,贴选手入驻;打榜行业赞助,建广告,应援视频,口播/贴片瓶身二维码,以及微信通道打榜行业赞助中插广告,应援视频,口播,贴粤署评论获得最高选手获得品牌片广告送入*INGLtV1IRLPHARM-S MidI ODCi-s行业赞助瞿/,应援视频,口播,贴器户鬻群手进行现在地铁澧中莓特约赞助中插广告,应援衩濒,口播,贴线下购买牙膏获取投票机会片广告Measuring the effectiveness of celebrity & tv sponsorships in chirWORLDWIDE/1O1 oQQo/1O1 oQQoOPPO is the primary sponsor of the show, with constant oral advertising and specific brand logo display. OPPO launched a variety of mid-run TVC and supportive TVC spots with different players in different episodes. The player's popularity, combined with the huge audience numbers, drove the TVC spots to perform better among fans.At the same time, OPPO is the biggest investor in the show; it has its own voting channel and the results are directly tied to the final result. The special channel helps OPPO direct lots of traffic to its own platform and to obtain a significant amount of consumer data during the show period.OPPO-SupportTVCDriving TransformaTion for markeTers anD Their agenciesimcE频小红书全世界的好东西Open up a Little Red Book voting channelVoting in the Little Red Book channel does not count toward the final result, but helps the fans win tickets for the final, while helping the idols win more attention.Fans can help increase their idoPs popularity by voting, liking, writing reviews and collecting their idoTs memo on Little Red Book.A*平0少女黔员K仪A-iCLZTttCloset-Tir' "lr*7。中国RJ AIOI乃&Q0'MIM MIHS 贪 1*15 日;访八先N兀时产ms w、EEgBI 18 2K0忆仅 为,IlInvite 101 girls to open account on Little Red Book to help drive traffic to the platform而芮左楮闪飞:办学工工13 M+色 中国收小弓甲 Develop Produce 101 derivative products to help drive revenue on the platformIn cooperation with Produce 101, brands put more focusondrivingtrafficandbusinessgoals.Apart from OPPO and Little Red Book, brands like Tencent,中华牙膏,英树,Space?, and others, also integrated voting and buying channels to generate revenue during the show period.X英例(创18101官方打call榜舄力亚力能川;7waif BQ町夫11次“"H%育:3 nwriHI无!, JFBrt.4. rr检 。英网更付18元5格。黎与方式BOBB是20论年6月23日中午峻点1、关注bsmaspcz2、及庠论3、在班拼dQ.元,)kfc姆口国)思蚂的名门 E»进行互动(我文全出国没空松终互动前七位的话题.所属选手将获得由节目首席赞助商七度空间按排名送出的Measuring the effectiveness of celebrity & tv sponsorships in chirBest Practice for BrandsBy focusing on sponsorship best practice in voting idol contest shows, non-voting contest shows, and ce