*公司IT用户指南Guidelines for IT-users at Actona Seating Limited本IT用户指南适用于有权获取*公司数据网络之所有人士。作为IT用户,阁下签字确认知悉该等指南且发出明确同意允许*公司监控、管理和调阅阁下的IT系统使用。“Guidelines for IT-users” apply to all with access to the data network at Actona Seating Limited. This includes all employees at *.As IT-user you confirm with your signature that you are aware of these guidelines and give your explicit consent that * is allowed to control, manage and screen your use of the IT- systems.1.背景 BackgroundIT及通讯乃我们竞争力及业务程序之极为重要部分。使用新工具会增加各种未知情况,而且也会增加风险。全体员工必须对能够如何使用IT及通讯而不至于产生滥用风险有一个清晰认知和理解。IT and communication are a very important part of our competitiveness and our business procedures. New tools create extended possibilities, but also cause extended risks. All employees must have a conscious relation to how IT and communication can be used without risk of being abused.2.责任Responsibility2.1、全体员工对目前有关信息安全及其目的相关的指南负责。而主管则负责给予访问IT系统的必要访问及权利,亦负责处理指南的相关遵守情况。All employees are responsible for complying with the current relevant guidelines for information security and the intentions in these. The leader is responsible for giving the necessary access and rights to the IT systems. Furthermore the leader is responsible for attending that the guidelines are being complied with.2.2、良好的安全能否实现,乃取决于每位员工的态度及认知,以及各位负责*公司IT安全的员工是否负责。Good security is achieved by means of the attitude and awareness of each employee and by means of each employee taking responsibility of the IT security at *.总则General guidelines:1设备及信息之拥有权Ownership to the equipment and information: 1.1、*公司提供或已付费的所有设备及软件全部归*公司所有,除非另有书面协定者除外。All equipment and software which have been provided by or paid by * are considered in this connection as the property of * unless otherwise agreed in writing.1.2、设备生成的所有业务信息、消息或文件亦归*公司所有。All business information, messages or files produced by means of the equipment are also the property of *.2.信息存档Filing of information:重要业务文件及文档必须保存在各部门指定存放范围。Business critical documents and files must be stored in dedicated storage areas in each department. 行为准则Ethics:一)计算机硬件管理Computer hardware:1、公司的所有计算机及外围设备是公司的固定资产,根据实际工作需要配备给各部门人员使用,各部门使用人员必须加以爱护、保持整洁。All computers and peripheral equipment are the fixed assets of the company, everyone must take good care of them, keep clean and tidy.2、 设备添置、更换、升级:由各部门根据实际工作需要提申请。Apply for adding and upgrading equipment by each department according to the actual need. 3、 硬件故障:各部门使用人员发现硬件故障时,应及时向IT说明情况,IT进行确定并及时处理,各部门人员不得擅自拆装更换硬件设备。Employees should explain the situation in time when theres a hardware failure, this situation should be confirmed and handled in time by IT, each employee cannot dismount and & or change the hardware without permission. 4、 IT部负责对公司所有电脑硬件使用情况的督查和监控。IT is responsible for all hardwares supervising and monitoring.二)计算机软件管理Computer software management1、公司使用的软件,由IT部统一购买、保管,并登记造册。All software for company use will be purchased, kept and registered by the IT 2、软件的安装、删除和升级:由IT进行安装、删除和升级,各部门和人员不得自行进行上述操作。The software need to be installed, deleted and upgraded by IT, employees cannot do the above operation without permission.3、网络下载管理:为了防止病毒侵入公司内部网络,未经上司的允许不得随意从外部网络下载文件、信件。In order to prevent virus from invading the company's internal network, employees cannot download documents, emails from external sources without permission from the superior.4、 IT负责对公司所有电脑软件使用情况的督查和监控。IT is responsible for all software supervision and monitoring.三)公司局域网管理Local area network management1. 各部门使用人员,必须将本地计算机和文件服务器相关目录中的工作数据定期进行备份,以防止因硬、软故障造成数据资料损失,服务器数据备份由IT执行All employees should backup all important data on the local computer and regularly to prevent data to be lost when the hardware or software is broken. The data should be backed-up by IT.2.绝对禁止将含有淫秽、色情、暴力的文字、图片、音频、视频等文件存放于工作所用电脑或公司文件服务器。Storing illegal files on the local and such as text containing obscene, pornographic, violent, audio pictures and video is not allowed.四) Internet(互联网)使用管理:Internet management1任何时间公司员工不得使用公司的电脑浏览淫秽、色情、暴力、违反国家安全的网站。No browsing allowed with the companys computers on website such as pornographic, violence, and violation of national security.2由于公司网络带宽的限制,公司员工不得使用BT等可给公司网络造成严重带宽压力的软件进行下载,一经发现,IT部即刻查封IP。Due to company network bandwidth capacity, employees are not allowed to use BT software to download big files or programs, otherwise IT responsible will shut-down the users internet 3、所有电脑入网电脑必须安装*公司最新版本的杀毒程序,不许更改IT人员安装的程序,发现可疑程序,联系IT人员处理。ALL computers which are connected to the internet must have the latest version of * antivirus program installations. Installations will be performed by the IT only, and it cannot be changed. If virus happens, please contact the IT.五)电子邮件E-mails1、请铭记,通过电子邮件方式签订的协议与以其他方式签订的协议同样具有约束力,及阁下须对阁下的电子邮箱账户发出的电子邮件负责。Remember that agreements which have been entered by e-mail are just as binding as agreements entered in other ways and that you are responsible for e-mails being sent from your e-mail account. 2、必须尽量少地向多个邮件接收组发送电子邮件。Sending of electronic mails to large receiving groups has to be kept at a minimum.3、休假(假期或请假)期间,各员工必须确保发件人向个人邮箱发送电子邮件时,邮箱能够收到自动回复,或同事或部门邮箱将会接收电子邮件。In connection with planned absence (holiday or time off), the individual employee must secure that the senders of e-mails to the personal mail box receive an automatic answer or that the e-mail will be attended to by a colleague or the department mail box.4、公司的客户信息、原材料采购信息、公司财务信息、公司的销售信息等均属于公司的商业秘密,任何员工均有义务予以保密。严禁将涉及公司商业密码的业务信息,通过电子邮件或聊天平台比QQ,MSN,Linkedin等发送至私人电子邮件地址,或者发送至非公司授权的人员和其他非公司工作人员。否则,这种泄露、透露或者共享公司的机密信息的行为被视为严重违反规章制度,公司将有权立即解除劳动合同,并不作任何经济补偿。对因此造成公司经济损失的,公司保留要求泄密员工予以赔偿的权利。Customer information, raw material purchasing information, financial information, sales information etc. of the company belongs to the confidential information of the company, every employee is responsible to keep confidentiality.It is strictly prohibited to send e-mails or messages with any business information to any private e-mail addresses or chatting platforms like, but not limited to, QQ, Linked-in, MSN messenger etc. Sending or sharing confidential company information is considered breach of contract, violation of this clause will cause immediate termination of the employment contract without any compensation. 5、部门邮箱Department mail boxes:部门主管负责通知IT部门何人应有部门邮箱的邮件发送及接收权利。非常重要的是,如果员工辞职,则同样须告知IT部门。The individual head of department is responsible for the IT dept. being informed about which employees should have sending and receiving rights etc. to mail boxes. It is very important that the IT dept. is also being informed when an employee resigns.6、为切实落实员工遵守公司指定的电子邮箱使用的相关规定,公司IT部门有权对全体员工的电子邮箱进行登陆、查阅、复制、删除、变更密码等,公司IT部门有权对员工的电子邮箱的使用情况,进行监控和管理。公司IT部门对员工电子邮箱使用情况的调查结论,可以作为公司认定员工是否遵守使用规定的依据,公司以此作出相关处罚。In order to make sure employees will obey the related rules of the email address, the IT department has the right to log in, check, copy, delete or change the password etc. of all the employees email addresses. IT department has the right to control and manage the use of the email address. The conclusion of such check will be regarded as the evidence, whether employees obey the rules or not. Company can give relevant punishment according to this conclusion.六) 密码、个人身份识别代码及其他代码Passwords, PIN-codes and other codes *公司对密码使用情况制定特别指南。阁下的密码系阁下获取*公司一个或多个数据及通讯系统之秘钥。倘外人已获取秘钥,则该等非授权人士能够非法获取有关数据及以阁下之名义更改或删除数据。因此,阁下不得将阁下之密码交予外人或使用他人秘钥。此指南同样适用于个人识别号码代码及其他代码。* has special guidelines for the use of passwords. Your password is your personal key to one or more of the * data and communication systems. If known by others unauthorized persons, they can gain illegal access to data and to change or delete data in your name. Therefore you are not allowed to give your password to others or to use the password of another person. This also applies to PIN-codes and other codes.本人确认,知悉并理解上述IT用户指南,并愿意自觉遵守。如有违反,本人将同意公司依照有关规定作出处理如书名警告,免职和解雇。I confirm that I have read, know and understand the above IT users guidelines, and I am willing to obey it. If breach of the above guidelines, I agree to accept any punishment from the company like written warnings, dismissal and in serious cases immediate termination of contract. 员工签字Employee signature: 日期Date: