- 资源格式: PPT
制作:制作: 联合对抗:联合对抗:给下列短语选择合适的翻译给下列短语选择合适的翻译1.read a book a.爬山爬山2.go to the cinema b.去动物园去动物园3.take a trip c.放风筝放风筝4.climb mountains d.买一本英语书买一本英语书5.go to the zoo e.进行体育运动进行体育运动6.fly kites f.看电视看电视 7.visit my grandparents g. 去旅行去旅行 8.buy an English book h. 去看电影去看电影9.watch TV i.看望我的外祖父母看望我的外祖父母10.play sports j.读书读书队内合作学习队内合作学习:队长队长用上一般用上一般将来时将来时“What are What are you going to do you going to do tomorrowtomorrow? ? ” ”问你问你的的队员队员,队员队员快速作答(快速作答(两两分分钟钟) 展示:展示: What are you going to do tomorrow?I am going fly kites .I am going fly kites .I am going to go shopping .I am going to go shopping . I m going to I m going to climb mountains climb mountains . . What are you going to do What are you going to do tomorrowtomorrow? ? I m going to I m going to read a book.read a book.What else ? Let me seeWhat else ? Let me see还有呢?还有呢? 让我看一看让我看一看Our school is very beautiful Our school is very beautiful !(!( 我们的学校很漂亮我们的学校很漂亮 ) There are few There are few trees trees in our school . in our school .我们学校我们学校树树很少。很少。 Sarah is going to plant trees this weekend.植植 树树学习目标:学习目标:1.1.我会听、说、认读我会听、说、认读Let readLet read部分的对话,在日常口部分的对话,在日常口语中会正确使用一般将来时。语中会正确使用一般将来时。2.2.通过这篇对话明白种树对环境有益。通过这篇对话明白种树对环境有益。自学提示:自学提示:1.1.用自己喜欢的方式学习对话用自己喜欢的方式学习对话, ,一边学一边在书上做上记号。一边学一边在书上做上记号。2.2.自学后在队内互相大声读对话自学后在队内互相大声读对话, ,并对下面四个问题作出正确的判并对下面四个问题作出正确的判断。断。(1)Sarah is going to plant trees next weekend. 1)Sarah is going to plant trees next weekend. ( )(2)Sarah is going to the plant shop . (2)Sarah is going to the plant shop . ( ) (3)Sarah is going to the science museum . (3)Sarah is going to the science museum . ( )(4)Sarah is going to be an English teacher one day . (4)Sarah is going to be an English teacher one day . ( )合作学习合作学习:队内互读对话后,讨论书本队内互读对话后,讨论书本3333页的问题并完成。等会争做小小配音员。页的问题并完成。等会争做小小配音员。(1)What is Sarah going to do on the weekend?(1)What is Sarah going to do on the weekend? She is going to _. She is going to _.(2)Where is Sarah going to buy the plants?(2)Where is Sarah going to buy the plants? She is going to buy the plants _. She is going to buy the plants _.(3) What is Sarah going to buy in the bookstore?(3) What is Sarah going to buy in the bookstore? She is going to _. She is going to _.(4)What dose Sarah want to be in the future?(4)What dose Sarah want to be in the future? She wants to be _. She wants to be _.plant treesin the plant shopbuy a magazine about planta science teacherAnswer the questionsAnswer the questions(我会回答下列问题)(我会回答下列问题)