错误处理 CKMLCP 前期未结算解决方案.doc
CKMLCP前期未结算_报错 解决1:每次结账后要检查物料状态 S_ALR_87013180 - 根据期间状态的物料,检查是否有非01状态的物料解决2:结账后,物料期间不允许前期记账,防止结账后再发生前期物料移动,导致改变了物料状态解决3:手工修改CKMLPP表中物料上一期间的状态为已结算状态解决4:如下方法2013-08-09 08:52:08| 分类: SAP_FICO | 标签: |举报 |字号大中小 订阅 做7月分的物料分类账,发现6月份有三个物料没有做物料分类账,在执行CKMLCP时系统报错如下:计算出前一期间中物料的期末结算 消息号:C+805解决方案:1. CKMREP (RCKM_REP_TABI0F通过改标准程序,可以使CKMREP直接保存);2. 直接改表CKMLPP 更新物料的状态;3. SAP NOTE 361236 见附件:MUST_SETTLE(单级)MUST_MULTI(多级)MUST_COGS(消耗的重估)MUST_WIP(在制品)MUST_CLOSE(结账输入)SAP Note 361236 - CKMLCP: No period-end closingoperations after period shift物料分类账的产品价格控制更改对于价格控制为S的产品,运行物料分类账后系统会自动修改为V,然后下期的价格控制仍旧为S,那么此时,如果想对该物料做上月的移动,即便会计期间、物料期间、CO期间均已经放开,依旧不能过账,系统会提示两个期间的价格控制不一致,解决的办法是,冲销上期的物料分类账的运行,那么此时,上期的价格控制会自动变为S,这时候就可以做上期的物料移动操作物料帐运行过程中出现一个无语的问题,求论坛老师们支招。问题详情如下:我们这边物料是按照标准成本核算的,一家分公司在运行CKMLCP时做到第三步“单级处理确定”时90%的物料报红灯错误,错误的详细信息是计算出前一期间中物料 1000457 的期末结算消息号 C+805诊断您想执行含有评估范围HA00中评估类型的物料1000457的单级价格确定。您已经输入了需要确定价格的期间,但是还没有完成上一期间中物料的期末结算。上一期间中物料状态是已确定价格(单层)。价格确定标识3需要您执行每一期间和相关清算条目的单级价格确定(和可能的多级价格确定)。即使没有输入物料任何数据,这也是必要的。系统响应系统不允许特定物料的单级价格确定。步骤在进行前,您必须执行单级价格确定(和可能的多级)和上一期间的清算条目。根据这些信息我判断是他们上期物料帐运行中,最后一步CKMI没做。过去一检查,真的没做!坑爹啊!现在系统MMPV已经是第4期了,尝试在MMRV中允许对前期记账,将OB52账期开到2月,再重新运行2月份的CKMI时提示”您不被允许在期间段002/2013中执行结账输入“。有没有别的什么方法解决这个问题呢?各位老师有没有遇到过?求支招。sap经验分享之物料帐强制结算(2011-02-09 10:58:27) 实际业务中经常发生以前期间或当期物料帐无法结算的情况。notes提供了解决方法,如下SymptomYou are unable to carry out any period-end closing operations for the penultimate period in the material ledger after the period shift in Materials Management (Transaction: MMPV).Example:In plant 1000, you shift the period to 10/2000. You are now only able to carry out period-end closing operations for period 9 in the material ledger. Period-end closing operations are now no longer possible for period 8 and lower.Single-level price determinationIf you want to carry out a single-level price determination for 8/2000, the system issues error message:C+712:"You cannot perform price determination in period 008/2000".orC+805:"Carry out period-end closing for material &1 &2 in the previous period".Multi-level price determinationIf you want to carry out a multi-level price determination for 8/2000, the system issues error message:CKMLMV008:"You cannot perform price determination in period 8/2000".Closing entryIf you want to execute a closing entry for 8/2000, the system issues error message:C+715"You are not allowed to execute closing entries in period 8/2000"Revaluation of single-level consumption:As of Release Enterprise, Financial Extensions 1.10, the step 'Revaluation of single-level consumption' is integrated in the cost estimate cockpit. If you carry out a revaluation of single-level consumption for 8/2000, the system issues error message:CKMLVNB050:"You can not revaluate consumption on periods 8/2000"WIP-revaluation:As of Release Enterprise, Financial Extensions 2.00, the 'WIP revaluation' step is integrated into the cost estimate cockpit. If you carry out a WIP revaluation for 8/2000, the system issues error message:CKMLWIP050"WIP revaluation is not allowed for periods 003/2003 plant &"Other termsCKMLCP, CKMI, CKMH, CKMM_RUN, MMPV, CKMLVNB050, CKMLVNB-050 CKMLWIP050, CKMLWIP-050, C+722Reason and PrerequisitesYou use the material ledger.Materials Management does not allow postings to be made to other periods than the current period and the previous period. The closing entry for the actual costing is a posting for the material and therefore is not intended for periods that are older than the previous period.SolutionIf you use the actual costing (material ledger), you must have completely closed all period-end closing operations in the actual costing for the penultimate period prior to the period shift. Use the 'Costing Cockpit' (Transaction CKMLCP) to make sure that all the materials of the run have status 'Closing entry performed'.The processing of older periods is not supported in the standard system. Particularly in test systems, however, sometimes the period has been shifted once without all of the period-end closing operations of the penultimate period having been successfully carried out beforehand.You can still carry out period-end closing operations in the previous periods using the following workaround.Single-level price determination:=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the single-level price determination.=>Enter "MUST_SETTLE" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> Choose ENTER.=> A single-level price determination is carried out for the run.Multi-level price determination:=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the multi-level price determination.=>Enter "MUST_MULTI" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> Choose ENTER.=> A multi-level price determination is carried out for the run afterwards.Revaluation of single-level consumption (as of Release Enterprise)=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the revaluation of single-level consumption.=>Enter "MUST_COGS" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> A revaluation of single-level consumption is carried out for the run afterwards.WIP revaluation (as of Release Enterprise, Ext.Set 2.00)=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the WIP revaluation.=>Enter "MUST_WIP" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> A WIP revaluation is carried out for the run afterwards.Closing entry=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the closing entry.=>Enter "MUST_CLOSE" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> A closing entry is carried out for the run afterwards.Reversing closing entry=> Call up Transaction CKMLCP.=> Select the costing run and the period for which you want to carry out the period-end closing operation.=> Go to the 'Change parameters' screen for the closing entry.=> Choose 'Reverse'.=>Enter "MUST_REVERSE" in the OK code (Transaction code field).=> The closing entry is reversed afterwards.CAUTION: This is a workaround for a function that is not supported. You take full responsibility for using the workaround and SAP does not provide any support in this case. SAP will not be responsible for the data integrity if you have carried out period-end closing operations of the material ledger for other periods than for the previous period.If problems arise when you apply the workaround, SAP can only provide help in the form of chargeable consulting.If you use the actual cost component split, the workaround is only possible for the periods as of the actual cost component split start period as well as their prior period.The following analysis procedure is recommended before applying the workaround:· Start Transaction CKM3 beginning from the current period into the past up to the last period record that has the closing entry status (70) or created status (01). If no period has this status, all periods are to be closed. · The period following this period (status 10 to 60) is the first period to be to closed using the workaround. · Then the subsequent periods are to be closed. If you execute a MUST_XXX transaction, the system might display error message C+722 ("No data is avaliable for material & in period &."). With the selection, all materials with price determination control 3 that exist at the current time are entered. However, in the period that you want to edit with a MUST_XXX operation these materials might not have existed yet. Or they have not yet existed in the subsequent period which is posted to at the period-end closing. In this case, error C+722 occurs. As it would not make any sense to determine the price or post the period-end closing for a material that does not exist, you can ignore this error