The Suckling《畸形怪婴(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
都准备好了吗考德护士Is everything ready, Nurse Codd?都准备好了Everything's ready!她还要睡多久才会再次做恶梦How long will she stay asleep before her next nightmare reoccurs?最多两个小时At best, approximately two hours.这么年轻的人怎么会患上超快速眼动神经症How does somebody that young develop hyper REM neurosis?弗兰克还没告诉你吗Frank hasn't told you about it?没有没有我刚到这里No. No, I just arrived here.是啊Mm. Yeah.没错That's right.你听说一周前妓院发生的大屠♥杀♥ 了吗Well, you heard about the massacre in that brothel about a week ago? 我还没读过相关报道但我在新闻上看到了I haven't read anything about it, but I heard it covered on the news. 你知道作为一个实习生我相当忙碌You know, being an intern keeps me rather busy.是的这个女孩是唯一一个活下来的Yeah. Well, this girl was the only one that lived through it.-你是认真的吗-是的Are you serious? Yeah.在那里到底发生了什么What the hell happened in there?我只能告诉你警方的报告和我们能从她那里得到的信息I can only tell you what the policereport said and what we could get out of her.这是否是真♥相♥我不知道Whether that's the truth, I don't know.这是个愚蠢的主意This is a stupid idea.相信我Just trust me.也许你会改变主意Maybe you'll change your mind.我想每个人都有自己的问题I guess everybody*s got their problems.老鸨说人们担忧得太多了Big Mama said people be worrying too much.说得太对了God damn straight.就像那个小舞会皇后Like that little prom queen.我是说她为了这件事大做文章I mean, she made such a big fucking deal over this.有什么大不了的I mean, what's the big deal?我只是不知道有些人是怎么想的I just don't know how some people think.那是什么声音What was that?我不知道我也听到了I don't know. I heard it too.又来了There it goes again.晃动马桶上的冲水器Jiggle the flusher on the toilet.好吧Okay.Candy小姐是从里面传出来的Miss Candy, it's coming from inside.-里面-是的Inside? Yeah.冲掉Flush it.再摇一摇Jiggle it again.伯莎Bertha!伯莎Bertha!也许他们在军队就是这么干的但我不是军人Maybe that's how they do it in the army, but I ain*t in the army. 如果我没记错的话你已经出来一年多了And if I remember correctly, you've been out for over a year.够了我现在不能这样阿克塞尔That is enough. I can't have this now, Axel.那就告诉他别告诉我So tell him, not me!听着打电♥话♥给华盛顿Look. Just call DC.他会把他从我们手上带走的He'll get him off our hands.搞什么Bertha死了What the fuck.? Bertha's dead!死了Dead?某种该死的东西杀了她Some fucking thing killed her.一些该死的疯狂动物Some crazy fucking animal!她到底在说什么What the hell is she talking about?闭嘴阿克塞尔Hush up, AxeL不那个贱♥人♥不知道从哪冒出来打断我们No, the bitch comes in here interrupting us from nowhere. 闭嘴Shut up.怎么了坎迪What happened, Candy?伯莎死了Berthafs dead.我看到她被杀了去看看I saw her killed. Go and look.你最好保持冷静贱♥人♥You'd better keep your head on, bitch.去看看你这个白♥痴♥Go and look, you idiot!阿克塞尔去看看她在说什么Axel, go see what she's talking about.他们在这里做什么What are they doing here?我们打不开后门We canrt get the back door open.出事了Something's going on.这他妈的是怎么回事What the fuck is happening here?我是这里唯一正常的人吗What am I, the only normal one in this place?有人要去看看吗Is someone going to go look?阿克塞尔照我说的做Axel; do what I said!我这就去I'm going.听着请快点离开Look. Please hurry and leave.我们现在有很多问题你不会想卷进来的We've got a lot of problems here that you wouldn't want to be involved in. 真♥他♥妈♥浪费我的时间Fucking wasting my time.她都没告诉我去哪找She didn't even tell me where the fuck to look.该死Shit.该死Shit.还有别的发现吗You find anything else?没有No.我要上楼了I'm going upstairs.伯莎死了Bertha's dead.这个贱♥人♥杀了她And this bitch killed her!她死了She is dead?怎么会你看到她了How? You saw her?是的Yeah.到底发生了什么坎迪What the fuck happened, Candy?我告诉过你白♥痴♥有动物咬了她I told you, moron. Some animal got her.动物An animal?老鸨这姨♥子♥疯了Big Mama, this fucking bitch is whacked.她可能杀了她She probably killed her.如果我要杀人你会是我的首选If I were going to kill anyone, you'd be at the top of my list.安静Quiet.姑娘发生什么事了我想知道Girl, what happened? I*ve gotta know.有东西袭击了她A - thing attacked her.我跑了出来I ran out.那东西可能就是把我们困在这里的东西That thing is probably what has us trapped in here.它的意思是要把我们都杀死It means to kill us all.我这辈子从没听过这么多废话I've never heard so much bullshit in my life.如果你站在一头公牛下面你就不会知道什么是扯淡了You wouldn't know bullshit if you were standing under a bull.你没看到有事发生吗白♥痴♥Can't you see something's happening, moron?闭嘴嬷♥子♥你♥他♥妈♥的是个杀手.Shut up! Bitch, you*re a fucking killer.阿克塞尔Axel!把你的手从她身上拿开Take your hands off her.现在Now!你妈妈会为你感到羞耻的Your mama would be ashamed of you.我受够了这个贱♥人♥说我蠢了I am tired of this bitch calling me stupid!闭嘴别对老鸨大声嚷嚷Shut up! Don't you raise your voice to Big Mama.Candy不是那个意思对吧CandyNow, Candy didnrt mean what she said, now did you, Candy? 不他是个天才No. He's a genius.他们还在这里干什么What are they still doing here?我只想离开这里Look, I just want to get out of here.我不想跟这件事有任何关系I want nothing to do with this.门打不开The doors don't open.门打不开The doors donrt open.放屁Bullshit!去他妈的Fuck this shit.发生什么事了What is going on?我们被锁在里面了We're locked in.老鸨这是什么Big Mama, what is this?老鸨知道对吧Big Mama knows, right?告诉我们怎么回事Tell us what's going on.你不明白我们被锁在里面了You don*t understand! We*re locked in.闭嘴阿克塞尔试试楼上Shut up! Axel, try upstairs.这东西从哪儿来的Whererd this thing come from?我们被锁在里面了检查一下窗户We're locked in; check the windows.我已经知道了I know about it already.杀死伯莎的那个东西是从哪里来的Where'd this thing come from that killed Bertha?厕所但现在这重要吗The toilet! But does that matter now?也许吧它去哪了Maybe. And where did it go?你觉得我会留下来看吗Do you think I stayed to watch?你看到了什么What did you see?下面出事了Something happened down there.我不知道是什么但肯定有什么联♥系♥I don't know what, but there must be some connection to all this. 有东西袭击了她A thing attacked her.能造成严重损害的东西Something that can cause serious damage.我也希望我知道I wish I knew.她是个好孩子She was a good kid.我在街上收留了她I took her in right off the streets.记得吗舍曼Remember, Sherman?是的是的我记得Yeah. Yeah, I remember.这一切都是从那个小贱♥人♥来这里开始的This all started when that little bitch came here!闭嘴CandyShut up, Candy.阿克塞尔楼上也一样吗Axel, upstairs the same thing?是啊到处都是Yeah. Everywhere.怎么会这样How can that be?我是说这是什么I mean, what is it?整个房♥子都是这样的The whole house is like this.它死了It's dead?是的Yeah.你能帮我一把吗Would you give me a hand with this?我好像打不开门I can't seem to open the door.不怎么了发生什么事了No. What? What's going on?你如愿以偿了老二脑袋You got your wish, penis brain.你这辈子都要被关在妓院里了You're locked in a whorehouse for life.你怎么回事你看不出来这是.What is wrong with you? Can't you see that this is.你知道女孩安静You know. Girl, quiet!我们现在不能吵架We can't have fighting now.马上把门翻开不然我就去别的地方做生意Open that door right now or I'll take my business elsewhere. 门打不开The doors won't open.不知怎么的我们似乎被困在了周围Somehow we seem to be locked in all around.我要求知道发生了什么I demand to know what's going on.队长我们希望你能告诉我们Well, captain, we were hoping you'd be able to tell us.该死她从里面卡住了Damnit! She's stuck from the inside!Tammy怎么了Tammy, what*s wrong?开门Tammy!开门Open the door, Tammy! Open the door!退后Back off!我勒个去Holy shit.天啊她怎么了My God! What happened to her?老鸨一定知道发生了什么Big Mama must know what's going on.没人知道No one knows!快点起来Come on, get up.所有人都出去快点Everyone out! Come on!快点出去Come on! Get out.所有人都出去Everyone out of the room.快点伙计大家都出去Come on, man. Everybody out.嘿滚出去Hey, fuck getting out of here.我要拿到这东西I'm going to get this thing.我都不知道当初为什么要听你的I don't even know why I listened to you in the first place.嘿我们会拿到的Hey, we will get it.但我们不能冲动行事But we can't be hot-headed about this.它已经杀了两个人了It's already killed two people.我们得计划一下想想我们要做什么We gotta plan. Think about what we're going to do.是啊去他妈的这就是我的计划Yeah, fuck it up! That's my plan.现在给我滚开Now get out of my way!阿克塞尔房♥间关门广Axel, the room is closed.你挡着我了You're in my way.听着伙计像其他人一样下楼去Look, man. Go downstairs like the others.你已经跟我闹腾了太久了You have been messing with me for too long.下楼去Go downstairs.这房♥子里一定有什么工具There must be some kind of tools in this house.锤子或者螺丝刀You know, a hammer or a screwdriver.一些东西Something.我想我们可以像破墙一样破开那东西I think we can break through that thing just like a wall.这就是我们需要的一个大锤That's all we need. A sledgehammer.我们可以轻易打破那堵墙We could break through that wall easily.多么聪明的家伙What brilliant guys.真是个聪明的计划What a smart plan.闭嘴你这个荡♥妇♥Shut up, you slut.你能想到更好的方法吗Can you think of anything better?我不是故意的混♥蛋♥I'm not trying to, asshole.我希望我们死在这该死的下水道里I hope we die in this fucking sewer.你会死的我打算离开这里You can die. I plan on getting out of here.我和你不一样我有活下去的理由I'm not like you; Tve got things to live for.没人会死No one's gonna die.哦我的英雄Oh, my hero.那你打算怎么办And what are you going to do?你能让她闭嘴吗Can you shut her up?她只会听你的You*re the only one she*ll listen to.凯蒂请安静一会儿Candy, quiet for a while, please.-Vanessa和Cheryl在哪他们去拿工具了Where's Vanessa and Cheryl? They went to get tools.这样我们就能熬过去了So we can get through that stuff. 听着我们得团结一致Look. We gotta stick together here.四处游荡是很危险的Wandering off is dangerous.我们该怎么办我们需要工具离开这里What are we supposed to do? We need tools to get of here.等我那是什么等你Wait for me, that's what! Wait for you?你以为你是谁我等不及了Who do you think you are? I can't wait.外面停着一辆崭新的宝马I've got a brand-new BMW parked outside.我不知道如果它在这附近再停放下去会是什么样子I don't know what it's gonna look like if it sits around this neighborhood any longer. 这是我们家里唯一的工具These are the only tools we really have in the house.锤子和螺丝刀A hammer and a screwdriver.锤子和螺丝刀A hammer and a screwdriver?就这样这要花很长时间Thats it? It's going to take forever!安静你开始烦到我了Quiet. You're starting to annoy me.你烦死我了Well, you're annoying me!请让他说完Please, let him speak.我不知道那堵墙有多厚不管它是什么但整个房♥子都是一样的Now, I donrt know how thick that wall is or whatever it is, but it's the same all over the house. 所以我们最好从这里出去So we might as well try getting out right here.光靠这些工具还需要一段时间但我们只有这些了Now, it's gonna take a while with just these tools, but this is all we have. 我们什么都没找到我不明白你为什么要这么做I don't understand why you're doing this.我告诉过你我不会告诉任何人你是孩子的父亲I told you, I won't tell anyone that you're the father.此外我打算马上把孩子送去收养Besides, Irm going to put it up for adoption right away. 这样就简单多了This will be so much easier.让她跟你谈谈一切都会好起来的Just let her talk to you, then everything will be all right. 我要做我想做的事I'm going to do what I want to do.这是错误的This is wrong.总之这地方是非法的Anyway, this place isn't legal.我们已经决定了进去吧We beat it to death already, letfs just go in.按门铃Well, ring the doorbell.-我们是来见老鸨的-我知道我知道We're here to see Big Mama. Yeah, I know, I know.我们绕到后面去Let's go around the back.这边请This way.进去吧 先生 她在3号♥房♥Go right in, sir. She's in Room 3.谢谢你Thank you.你得稍等一下You'll have a short wait.她很忙She*s busy.没关系That's fine.我们只是来和她谈谈We're just here to talk to her.好的Right.你在哪找到这两个人的We couldn't find anything.我们已经找到了一些东西We already found something.快点快点开始凿吧Well, hurry up. Come on. Start chiseling away.我想离开这里I want to get out of here!你开始了You're starting.我我是个生意人Me? I'm a businessman;我不是工人I'm not a laborer.我不会试图凿穿那堵墙I'm not going to attempt to chisel through that wall. 太荒谬了Thafs absurd.起来你现在就要做Get up! You're doing it now!快点开始起来Hurry up and start! Get up!把你的手从我的地盘上拿开Get your hands off my property.我只是想帮助我不需要你的帮助I'm just trying to help. I don't want your help.嘿舍曼Hey, Sherman?他不喜欢自己在社会阶梯上的新位置He donrt like his new position on the social ladder.我们走吧Let's go.我从来没有被这样对待过I've never been treated like this before.你是个粗俗的人You're a vulgarian.等我们出去你就有大♥麻♥烦了When we get out of here, you're in serious trouble. 开始凿Start chiseling!现在Now!你和我要阻止那东西袭击其他人You and me are going to stop that thing from attacking anyone else.你现在不会做傻事了吧You're not going to do anything foolish now?它两次杀人都是通过管道进行的The two times it killed, it traveled through the pipes.现在我想如果我们把这些管道堵住它就会被困住Now I figure if we clog those pipes, it'll be trapped.听起来是个不错的计划Well, it sounds like a good plan.口 J能有用It might work.好了我们开始吧All right, let's get started.听着Listen.停了It stopped.我想知道那是什么意思I wonder what that means.是的Yeah.我们还有多少水槽开口How many more sink openings do we have?就是这个This is it.你没事吧You all right?别跟其他人提这事Let's not mention this to the others.他们已经够担忧了They're worried enough.我们走吧Yeah/et's just get out of here.对Right.打破平安套要容易得多不是吗It's a lot easier busting through a condom, isn*t it?闭嘴贱♥人♥Shut up, you bitch.我一点进展都没有I'm getting nowhere with this.你们这些嬷♥子♥为什么不轮流来Why donrt one of you whores take a turn?来你来Here. You do it.给我我不介意Give those to me. I don't mind.给我Give them to me.也该轮到她了She should have a turn also.为什么只有我Why's it only me?有人能让那个女巫闭嘴吗Will someone shut that witch up?你没走远You didn't get too far.是的我知道Yeah, I know.听着我有个我有个主意也许能行Listen, I've got. I've got an idea that might work.我是说他没有任何进展I mean, he's not getting anywhere.说吧好吧Tell it. All right.你家里肯定有哑铃吧Well, you must have some weights in the house.我想阿克塞尔在楼下有I think Axel's got some downstairs.一是吗是的Is that right? Yeah.也许我们可以造一种攻城锤Well, maybe we could build some type of battering ram.什么意思How do you mean?用一根结实的绳子穿过天花板的地板Take a strong rope and string it through the ceiling floorboards.把重物放在一端然后向墙壁挥动Put a lot of weight on one end and then swing it towards the wall. 值得一试It's worth a try.你觉得有用吗希望如此Think it'll work? I hope so.不要大惊小怪Don't make a big deal about before.我不是那个意思I didn*t mean what I said.只是现在的情况让我们很紧张It's just the situation; it's making us so tense.也许你是对的Yeah, you*re probably right.是吗Yeah?听着Listen.我口袋里有100美元I've got about $100 in my pocket.楼上没人There's no one upstairs.听着也许在这一切之后好吗Listen. Maybe after all this, okay?是吗那现在算了吧Yeah? Well, forget about it now.别指望你们能从我这里拿到更多的钱And don't think either of you are going to get any more of my money.你们都是廉价的妓♥女♥You're both cheap whores.太好了All right!看来你的主意能让我们离开这里It looks like your idea is going to get us out of here.希望如此I hope so.尽量往后退当你不能再往后退的时候我们一起放手Push back as far we can and when you can't push it anymore, we both let go. 开始吧Let's do it.很高兴看到你们都在工作Well. Its good to see you all at work.阿克塞尔把枪放下Axel, put that gun down.他想到处乱搞He wanted to fuck around.现在他要付出代价了Well, now he's going to pay.这是你想出来的吗舍曼Did you think of this, Sherman?大学生当然了College boy. Of course.把枪给我阿克塞尔我们要离开这里Give me that gun, Axel. We're getting out of here.现在只会花更长的时间Itrs only going to take longer now.我觉得没用的I don't think it's going to work.所以现在打我吧So hit me now.你是个硬汉You're a tough guy.来啊硬汉打我啊Come on, tough guy, hit me!我就在你旁边I'm right next to you.你不想回监狱吧You don't want to go back to prison, do you?别傻了阿克塞尔Don't be stupid, Axel.杀了舍曼我又不傻Killing Sherman. I ain*t stupid.把枪给我小子Give me that gun, boy!让这个混♥蛋♥逃过我的手掌心And let this fucker get away with doggin' me?这家伙是个.Uh-uh. This fucker's an.现在给我起来Now, get the fuck up!有你在我们都会死的With you around, we'll all wind up dead.我之前对你太宽容了只是把你打晕让你睡一觉就好了I was too easy on you before, just knocking you out and letting you sleep it off. 你会把我们都杀了的You're going to kill us all.你不在身边事情会简单很多It'll be a lot easier with you not around.别杀他Don't kill him!我要活着离开这里I mean to get out here alive!我一定是击中了它I must have hit it.我击中了它我知道我做到了I hit it. I know I did.你不在乎你打了谁你不该开枪的You didn't care who you hit. You shouldn't have shot.又是一个大话精Another big-talker.大多数大学生话太多Most coll