英语测试 J.B.Heaton(考试重点).doc
简答题1. What are the purpose of classroom test? (1)enabling teachers to increase their own effectiveness by making adjustments in their teaching to enable certain groups of students or individuals in the class to benefit more.(2)help to locate the precise areas of difficulty encountered by the class or by the individual student.(3)enable the teacher to ascertain which parts of the language programme have been found difficulty by the class. In this way, the teacher can evaluate the effectiveness of the syllabus as well as the methods and materials he or she is using.2. What is the test of vocabulary of concernt?(1)vocabulary(concerned with word meanings,word formation and collocations) (2)A test of vocabulary measures studentsknowledge of the meaning of certain words.3. What are the four approaches to language testing?(1)the essay-translation approach(2)the structuralist approach(3)the integrative approach(4)the communicative approach.4. How should dictation be given?(1)read through the whole dictation passage at approaching normal conversational speed(2)dictate in meaningful units of sufficient length to challenge the students short-term memory span.(3)after the dictation,the whole passage is read once more at slightly slower than normal speed.5. Analysis subjective and objective testing(1)subjective and objective are terms used to refer to scoring of tests.all test items,no matter how they are devised,require candidates to exercise a subjective judgement.(2)be ability reading and vocabulary are often measured by objective tests while be ability to write and to speak can be measured by subjective.(3)objective tests require far more careful preparation than subjective tests,examiners tend to spend a relatively short time on setting the questions but considerable time on marking.in an objective test the tester spends a great deal of time constructing each test item 6. Whats kind of objective is a poor test?(1)the test items are poorly written(2)irrelevant areas and skills are emphasized in test simply because they aretestable(3)it is confined to language-based usage and neglects the communicative skills involved.7. Principles should be observed when multiplechoice items are constructed(1)each multiple-choice item should have only one answer(2)only one feature at a time should be tested(3)each option should be grammatically correct when placed in the stem(4)all multiple-choice items should be at a level appropriate to the proficiency level of the testees(5)multiple-choice items should be as brief and as clear as possible(6)in many tests,item are arranged in rough order of increasing difficulty.8. What are the types of subjective items to test grammar? Multiple-choice items. Error-recognition items. Rearrangement items. Completion items. Transformation items. Items involving the changing of words. broken sentence items. Pairing and matching items. Addition items.9. to compare and assess three types of multiple-choice.item types 2 and 3 are preferable to 1 because the options do not interrupt the flow of meaning in the sentence: these items present the entire sentence so that it can be read at a glance. Unfortunately,type 1 confuses the reader because of the long parenthesis. Item type 4 shows the correct form as part of the sentence in such a way that it cannot be compared on equal terms with the other options.10. why is passage is taken straight from a newspaper article good ? the context provides students with enough background knowledge and details to avoid ambiguity and alternative interpretations, and the newspaper report itself is very interesting, does it really matter if it will not allow us the opportunity to test every point of grammar which we may want to test?students taking this test are being given a real feel for the language they are learning.11. 比较type1 and type2.(1)item type 2 allows the test writer to test errors caused by omission, this type of error cannot be tested by the first item of the error-recognition.however, there are different ways of correcting many sentences.(2)for this reason, the test writer is strongly advised to avoid items of the second type.12. what can not be tested by rearrangement? (1)structure,inversion.(2)the order of adjectives and the position of adverbs can be tested in this way, as indeed can several other grammatical areas.13. what are the three ways of restricting the choice available to the testees?(1)by providing a context(2)by providing data(3)by using multiple-choice techniques.14. what are the two advantages in using a passage of continuous prose rather than separate sentences?(1)the use of context often avoids the kinds of ambiguity referred to in the previous paragraphs.(2)the students experience the use of grammar in context, being required to use all the context clues available in order to guess many of the missing words.15. lexical items can be selected from: the syllabus. The students textbook. The students reading material. Lexical errors taken from students free-written work16. what are the guidelines for writing items?(1)if the problem area being tested is located in the options(2)each option should belong to the same word class as the word in the stem.(3)the correct option and the distractors should be at approximately the same level of difficulty.(4)there is some disagreement concerning the relationship of the options to the problem area being tested.(5)all the options should be approximately the length.17. what are the three ways administered the listening con?(1)the testees receive note paper and take notes while they listen to the lecture. They are then given the question paper.(2)the testees listen to the lecture and then receive the question paper.18. what should we know using written texts as the basis of a listening comprehension?(1)keep to the normal delivery rate , increasing the length of pauses at the end of breath segments.(2)the written text itself should be adapted to assume the features of speech as far as possible.(3)it is most inadvisable to attempt to introduce other essential features of spoken discourse when adapting written texts for the purposes of reading aloud.19. what are the types of listening comprehension test? Multiple-choice items than others. Questions set in a tabular form. Visuals. Open-ended questions. True/false items20. what are the some difficulties in testing the speaking skills?(1)as it is far too complex a skill to permit any reliable analysis to be made for measuring the speaking skills and to the weighting given to such components as correct pronunciation remain largely unanswered.(3)in many tests of oral production from the listening skills.(4)this very interdependence of the speaking and listening skills increases the difficulty of any serious attempt to analyse precisely what is being tested at any one time.(5)since the spoken language is transient, it is impossible without a tape recorder to apply such procedures as in the marking of compositions.(6)another difficulty in oral testing is that of administration.21. what are the four main types of oral tests? Reading aloud. Conversational exchanges. Using pictures for assessing oral production. The oral interview.22. how do linguists argue for and against the method of oral interview in oral tests?Supporters of the oral interview claim that the examination at least appears to offer a realistic means of assessing the total oral skill in a natural speech situation. Others, however, argue that the examination nevertheless is artificial and unrealistic: students are placed not in natural, real-life speech situation s but in examination situations. They are thus susceptible to psychological tensions and also to constraints of style and register necessary in such a situation.23. what are the solutions to solve the conproversail idea of linguists on oral interview in oral test?(1)one solution to this problem is to have the class teacher as the interviewer.(2)the interviewer should never attempt to note down marks or comments while the student is still engaged in the interview.(3)another solution to problems caused by tension and language constraints is to interview students in pairs or even threes, thus not only putting them more at ease through the presence of a friend or classmate but also enabling them to speak to each other as members of the same peer group.(4)the oral interview should be scored only after the student has left the room.24. what is the detail marking scheme? It is a marking method involving accuracy of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, appropriacy, fluency and ease of speech.25. what is comprehensive and balanced examination of oral production might thus consist of?(1)an oral interview involving two students,(2)a short problem-solving activity involving the comparison or sequencing of pictures,etc.(3)a longer activity comprising group discussion or a role play.26. what are the types of reading confrehension? Multiple-choice items, ture/false items, matching items, rearrangement items, ordinary completion items, completion of information in tables, open-ended questions.27. the true/false test, however , has two main disadvantages : firstly, it can encourage guessing, secondly, as the base score is 50 per cent.28. how do teachers publish students for essay? Each correct answer will be awarded two marks, however, for each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted from your score. It is better, therefore, not to guess blindly and to leave a blank if you do not know the correct answer.29. what are the two types of true/false tests?(1)those which are independent of a reading text,(2)those which depend on a text.30. what are types of completion items?(1)type1 consisting of blanks for completion in the items following the text. (2)type2 consisting of blanks in the text itself.31. why dont we recommend to provide only the initial letter of the missing in comprehension test? This item is not to be recommended for most purposes as the inclusion of letters can often create mental blocks and only confuse students if they fail to think of the exact word required. This is clearly disadvantageous for reliable assessment as a student might understand the passage and would otherwise have been able to complete the passage with a suitable synonym.32. five writing skills(1)language use: the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences(2)mechanical skills: the ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar to the written language-e.g. punctuation, spelling(3)treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information.(4)stylistic skills: the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs, and use language effectively.(5)judgement skills: the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to select, organize and order relevant information.33. how to achieve face validity in reading comprehension? Most designers of communicative tests regard face validity as the most important of all types of test validity, indeed, many argue that a test must look valid even as far as the reproduction of the material itself is concerned: thus, a test of reading comprehension using such authentic tasks as reading and skimming newspapers must contain actual newspapers or, at least, articles printed in exactly the same way as they appeared in the newspaper from which they were taken.34. how to manage content validity?(1)first draw up a table of test specifications, describing in very clear and precise terms the particular language skills and areas to be included in the test. If the test or sub-test being constructed is a test of grammar, each of the grammatical areas should then be given a percentage weighting as touched upon previously(2)if the test or sub-test concerns reading, then each of the reading sub-skills should be given a weighting in a similar way. (3)it scarcely matters what the total percentage is: the important point is that the test writer has attempted to quantify and balance the test components.35. factors affecting the reliability of a test are: (1)the extent of the sample of material selected for testing(2)the administration of the test36. what is the method of measuring the reliability?(1)is to re-administer the same test after a lapse of time(2)another means of estimating the reliability of a test is by administering parallel forms of the same group(3)the split-half method is yet another means of measuring test reliability.(4)the split-half method is based on the principle that, if an accurate measuring instrument were broken into two equal parts, the measurements obtained with one part would correspond exactly to those obtained with the other.37. how to solve the problem of writing clumsy rubrics?(1)one possible solution is to write the rubric in short sentences-clearly and concisely(2)another solution is to use the students first language when the test group is monolingual.38. what are the broad divisions of language tests agreed on by most test specialists? (1)achievement/attainment tests, proficiency tests, aptitude tests and diagnostic tests.(2)the progress test is designed to measure the extent to which the students have mastered the material taught in the classroom.(3)the proficiency test looks forward, defining a students language proficiency with reference to a particular task which he or she will be required to perform(4)a language aptitude test is designed to measure the students probable performance in a foreign language which he or she has not started to learn(5)although the term diagnostic test is widely used, few tests are constructed solely as diagnostic tests.(6)note that diagnostic testing is frequently carried out for groups of students rather than for individuals.名词解释Active vocabulary: the words they should be able to use in speaking and in writing.Passive vocabulary: the words they should be able to recognize and understand when they are listening to someone or when they are reading.Language elements: if the students have been learning English for only a relatively brief period, it is highly likely that we shall be chiefly concerned with their ability to handle the language elements correctly.The integrative approach: this approach involves the testing of language in context and is thus concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative effect of discourse. Consequently, integrative tests do not seek to separate language skills into neat divisions in order to improve test reliability.Communicative tests: are concerned primarily with how language is used in communication. Reflect the culture of a particular country because of their emphasis on context and the use of authentic materials.Multiple-choice items: general: one of the most widely used types of items in objective tests.Can provide a