国际贸易单证实务 -可填写空白单证汇总单证样例2--14 开证申请书 --汇票.docx
单证样例2开证申请书IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATIONTO:Date: Issued by airmail With brief advice by teletransmission Issued by express delivery Issue by teletransmission (which shall be the operative instrument)Irrevocable Documentary CreditL/C NumberDate and Place of ExpiryDate:Place:ApplicantBeneficiaryAdvising BankAmount (both in figures and words)Partial Shipments Allowed Not allowedTransshipment Allowed Not allowedCredit Available with by sight payment by negotiation by deferred payment at days against thedocuments detailed herein by acceptance and beneficiary draft fbr % of invoicevalue at on issuing bankLoading on board/dispatch/taking in charge at/from:not later than:for transportation to: FOBOCFRnciF Or other termsCommodityShipping MarksDocuments Required(marked withx)1 .( ) Signed commercial invoice in copies indicating L/C No.and Contract No.(Photo copy and carboncopy not acceptable as original).2 .( ) Full set ( ) of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked "( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collect “ notify the applicant.3 .( ) Air waybills marked t6( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collectconsigned to .4 .( ) Railway bills marked "( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collecf, consigned to .5 .( ) Memorandum issued by consigned to .6 .( ) Full set (included original and copies) of Insurance Policy/Certificate for of theinvoice value, showing claims payable in, in currency of the draft blank endorsed, covering ( ) oceanmarine transportation )air transportation/( ) overland transportation)7 .( ) Packing ListAVeight Memo in copies indicating quantity/gross and net weights of each package andpacking conditions as called for by the L/C.8 .( ) Certificate of Origin in copies.9 .( ) Certificate of Quantity / Weight in copies issued by an independent surveyor at the loading port,indicating the actual surveyed quantity/weight of shipped goods as well as the packing condition.10 .( ) Certificate of Quality in copies issued by ( ) manufacturer / () public recognized surveyor.6.Marks and numbers7.Number and kind of packages;Description of goods9.Quantity or weightlO.Number and date of invoices11 .Declaration by the exporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct;that all the goods were produced in China and that they comply with the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic of China.Place and date,signature and stamp of authorized signatory12.CertificationIt is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct.Place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authority单证样例10货物运输投保单投保单序号:PICC No.中国人民保险公司The People's Insurance Company of China地址(ADD) (POST CODE) (TEL) (FAX)货物运输保险单投保单APPLICATION FORM FOR CARGO TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICY被保险人(INSURED)发票号(INVOICE NO.)合同号(CONTRACT NO.)信用证号(L/C NO.)发票金额(INVOICE AMOUNT)投保加成(PLUS)%兹有以下物品向中国人民保险公司湖北省分公司投保.(INSURANCE IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING COMMODITIES):标记MARKS & NOS.包装及数量 QUANTITY保险货物工程DESCRIPTION OF GOODS保险金额AMOUNT INSURED启运日期装载运输工具DATE OF COMMENCEMENTPER CONVEYANCE自经至FROMVIATO提单号赔款偿付地点B/L NO.CLAIM PAYABLE AT投保险别(PLEASE INDICATE THE CONDITIONS &/OR SPECIAL COVERAGES):货物种类:袋装散装1冷藏液体活动物机器/汽车危险品等级GOODS:BAG/JUMBOBULKREEFERLIQUIDLIVE ANIMAL MACHINE/AUTODANGEROUS CLASS集装箱种类:普通开顶框架平板冷藏CONTAINER:ORDINARYOPENFRAMEFLATREFRIGERATOR转运工具:海轮飞机驳船1火车1汽车BYTRANSIT:SHIPPLANEBARGETRAINTRUCK船舶资料:船籍船龄PARTICULAR OF SHIP:REGISTRYAGE请如实告之以下情况(如“是”在中打“不是"在中打“x"。IF ANY, PLEASE MARK"/OR "x")备注:被保险人确认本保险合同条款和内容已经完全了解。投保人(签名盖章)APPLICANT'S SIGNATURETHE ASSURED CONFIRMS HEREWITH THETERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE INSURANCE CONTRACT FULLY UNDERSTOOD. (TEL)地址(ADD)投保日期(DATE)本公司自用(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)费率保费备注RATE PREMIUM NOTE经办人核保人负责人BY UNDER WRITER MANAGER单证样例11货物运输保险单中国人民财产保险股份货物运输保险单PICC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY LIMITED物PKC时中国人保对险北京2008年奥运会保险合作伙伴印刷号 合同号 友示节总公司设于北京 Head Office: Beijing(Printed Number)(Contract NO.)(Invoice NO.)一九四九年创立Established in 1949保险单号(Policy No.)ORIGINALCARGO TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE POLICY信用证号(L / C NO.)被保险人(Insured)中国人民财产保险股份(以下简称本公司)根据被保险人的要求,以被保险人向本公司缴付约定的 保险费为对价,按照本保险单列明条款承保下述货物运输保险,特订立本保险单。THIS POLICE OF INSURANCE WITNESSES THAT PICC PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANY LIMITED (HEREINAFTER CALLED ("THE COMPANY) AT THE REQUEST OF THE INSURED AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREED PREMIUM PAID TO THE COMPANY BY THE INSURED, UNDERTAKES TO INSURE THE UNDERMENTIONED GOODS IN TRANSPORTATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION OF THIS POLICY AS PER THE CLAUSES PRINTED BELOW.标记包装及数量保险货物工程保险金额MARKS & NOS.QUANTITYDESCRIPTION OF GOODSAMOUNT INSURED总保险金额:Total Amount Insured保费(Premium) 启运日 期(Date of Commencement)装载运输工具(Per Conveyance)自经至FROMVIA TO VANCOUVER承保险别(Conditions):所保货物,如发生保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失,应立即通知本公司或下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本 公司提交正本保险单(本保险单共有一份正本)及有关文件,如一份正本已用于索赔,其余正本自动失效。IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY RESULT IN A CLAIM UNDER THIS POLICY, IMMEDIATE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE COMPANY OR AGENT AS MENTIONEDHEREUNDER.CLAIMS, IF ANY, ONE OF THE ORIGINAL POLICIES WHICH HAS BEEN ISSUED IN ORIGINAL(S) TOGETHER WITH THE RELEVENT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE SURRENDERED TO THE COMPANY.IF ONE OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, THE OTHERS TO BE VOID.保险人(Underwr i ter) (TEL) (FAX) 赔款偿付地点地址(ADD)Claim Payable at 签单日期授权人签字(Issuing Date)Authorized Signature 核保人制单人经办人单证样例12出口货物报关单产b中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单预录入编号:海关编号:页码/页数:境内发货人()出境关别()出口日期申报日期备案号境外收货人运输方式()运输工具名称及航次号提运单号生产销售单位()监管方式()征免性质()许可证号合同协议号贸易国(地区)()运抵国(地区)()指运港()离境口岸()包装种类()件数毛重(千克)净重 (千克)成交 方式()运费保费杂费随附单证及编号标记唆码及备注项门商品名称及数量及M/人,"队/工4Ml原产国最终目的国小士任庐M号商品编码规格型号单位单价/息价/币制(地区)(地区)境内货源地征免特殊关系确认:价格影响确认:支付特许权使用费确认:自报自缴:报关人员 报关人员证号 兹申明以上内容承当如实申报、依法纳税之法律责任申报单位申报单位(签章)海关批注及签章单证样例13海运单证ShipperB/L NO.中远集装箱运输COSCO CONTAINER LINES Port-to-Port or Combined Transport BILL OF LADINGORIGINAL RECEIVED in external apparent good order and condition except as otherwise noted. The total number of packages or units stuffed in the container, the description of the goods and the weights shown in this Bill of Lading are furnished by the Merchants, and which the carrier has no reasonable means of checking and is not a part of this Bill of Lading contract. The carrier has issued the number of Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, one of the original Bills of lading must be surrendered and endorsed or signed against the delivery of the shipment and whereupon any other original Bills of Lading shall be void. The Merchants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Bill of Lading as if each had personally signed this Bill of Lading.SEE clauses on the back of this Bill of Lading (Terms continued on the back hereof, please read carefully)ConsigneeNotify PartyVessel and Voyage NumberPort of LoadingPort of DischargePlace of ReceiptPlace of DeliveryNumber of Original Bs/LPARTICULARS AS DECLARED BY SHIPPER-CARRIER NOT RESPONSIBLEContainer No./ Seal No.Marks & Nos.No.of Container / Packages / Description of GoodsGross Weight (Kilos)Measurement (Cu-metres)Freight & ChargesNumber of Containers/Packages (in words)Shipped on Board Date:Place and Date of Issue:In Witness whereof this number of Original Bills of Lading stated above all of the tenor and date one of which being accomplished the others to stand void.单证样例14汇票Bill of ExchangeDrawn under L/C No. Dated Issued by No. Exchange fbr At days after sight of this FIRST of Exchange (Second of the same tenor and date unpaid ) pay tothe Order of the sum of _Value received against shipment of the goods as per Invoice No.To:(Stamp & Signature).( ) Beneficiary's certified copy of cable / telex dispatched to the applicant within hours after shipment advising goods name, ( ) name of vessel / ( ) fight No., date, quantity, weight and value of shipment.11 .( ) Beneficiary Certificate certifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched according to the contract terms.12 .( ) Shipping Co/s Certificate attesting that the carrying vessel is charted or booked by accountee or their shipping agents.13 .( ) Other documents, if any:Additional Instructions:1 .( ) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiary's account.2 .( ) Documents must be presented within days after the date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of this credit.3 .( ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable. Short form / Blank Back B/L is not acceptable.4 .( ) Both quantity and amount % more or less are allowed.5 .( ) Prepaid freight drawn in excess of L/C amount is acceptable against presentation of original charges voucher issued by shipping Co./ Air Line / its agent.6 .( ) All documents to be forwarded in one cover, unless otherwise stated above.7 .( ) Other terms, if any:Account No.withTransacted by(name, signature of authorized person) Tel.单证样例2开证申请书IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATIONTO:Date: Issued by airmail With brief advice by teletransmission Issued by express delivery Issue by teletransmission (which shall be the operative instrument)Irrevocable Documentary CreditL/C NumberDate and Place of ExpiryDate:Place:ApplicantBeneficiaryAdvising BankAmount (both in figures and words)Partial Shipments Allowed Not allowedTransshipment Allowed Not allowedCredit Available with by sight payment by negotiation by deferred payment at days against thedocuments detailed herein by acceptance and beneficiary draft fbr % of invoicevalue at on issuing bankLoading on board/dispatch/taking in charge at/from:not later than:for transportation to: FOBOCFRnciF Or other termsCommodityShipping MarksDocuments Required(marked withx)1 .( ) Signed commercial invoice in copies indicating L/C No.and Contract No.(Photo copy and carboncopy not acceptable as original).2 .( ) Full set ( ) of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked "( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collect “ notify the applicant.3 .( ) Air waybills marked t6( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collectconsigned to .4 .( ) Railway bills marked "( ) freight prepaid/( ) to collecf, consigned to .5 .( ) Memorandum issued by consigned to .6 .( ) Full set (included original and copies) of Insurance Policy/Certificate for of theinvoice value, showing claims payable in, in currency of the draft blank endorsed, covering ( ) oceanmarine transportation )air transportation/( ) overland transportation)7 .( ) Packing ListAVeight Memo in copies indicating quantity/gross and net weights of each package andpacking conditions as called for by the L/C.8 .( ) Certificate of Origin in copies.9 .( ) Certificate of Quantity / Weight in copies issued by an independent surveyor at the loading port,indicating the actual surveyed quantity/weight of shipped goods as well as the packing condition.10 .( ) Certificate of Quality in copies issued by ( ) manufacturer / () public recognized surveyor.11 .( ) Beneficiary's certified copy of cable / telex dispatched to the applicant within hours after shipment advising goods name, ( ) name of vessel / ( ) fight No., date, quantity, weight and value of shipment.12 .( ) Beneficiary Certificate certifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched according to the contract terms.13 .( ) Shipping Co/s Certificate attesting that the carrying vessel is charted or booked by accountee or their shipping agents.14 .( ) Other documents, if any:Additional Instructions:1 .( ) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiary's account.2 .( ) Documents must be presented within days after the date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of this credit.3 .( ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable. Short form / Blank Back B/L is not acceptable.4 .( ) Both quantity and amount % more or less are allowed.5 .( ) Prepaid freight drawn in excess of L/C amount is acceptable against presentation of original charges voucher issued by shipping Co./ Air Line / its agent.6 .( ) All documents to be forwarded in one cover, unless otherwise stated above.7 .( ) Other terms, if any:Account No.withTransacted by(name, signature of authorized person) Tel.单证样例4商业发票COMMERCIAL INVOICEORIGINALTOInvoice No.DateL/C No.Issued byContract No.Contract No.Marks & Nos.DescriptionsUnit PriceAmount(STAMP AND SIGNATURE)单证样例5海关发票CANADA CUSTOMS INVOICECanada Customs and Revenue AgencyPage ONE of ONEl.Vendor(name and address)2.Date of direct shipment to CanadaORIGINAL3.Other references (include producer's order No.)4.Consignee (name and address)5.Purchaser's name and address (if other than consignee)6.Country of transhipment7.Country of origin of goods:IF SHIPMENT INCLUDES GOODSOF DIFFERENT ORIGINS ENTER ORIGINS AGAINST ITEMS IN 12.8.Transportation: Give mode and place of direct shipment to Canada9.Conditions of sale and term of payment (i.e.sale, consignment shipment, leased goods, etc.)10.Cun-ency of settlement:11.Number of packages12.Specification of commodities (kind of packages, marks, and numbers, general description and characteristics, i.e., grade, quality)13.Quantity (state unit)Selling price14.Unit price15.Total amount18.If any of fields 1 to 17 are included on an attached commercial invoice, check this box Commercial Invoice No.16.Total weight17.Invoice totalNetGross19.Exporler's Name and Address(if other thanVendor)20.Originator(namc and address)21.CCRA ruling (if applicable)22.1f fields 23 to 25 are not applicable, check this box23.If included in field 17 indicate amount:(i)Transportation charges, expenses and insurance:24.1f not included in field 17 indicateamount:(i)Transportation charges, expenses and insurance:25.Check(if applicable):(i)Royalty payments or subsequent proceeds are paid or payable by the purchaser(ii)The purchaser has supplied goods or services for use in the production of these goods(ii)Costs for construction, erection and assembly:(ii)Amounts for commissions other than buying commissions:(iii)Export packing(iii)Export packing单证样例6装箱单PACKING LISTORIGINALMarks & Nos.COMMODITY(STAMP AND SIGNATURE)单证样例7出境货物报检单中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫出境货物报检单单证样例7出境货物报检单中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫出境货物报检单报检单位(加盖公章):报检单位(加盖公章):*编号报检单位登记号:联系人: :报检日期