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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit5 Poems优质学案:Writing—A short essay about a poem.docx

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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit5 Poems优质学案:Writing—A short essay about a poem.docx

    WritingA short essay about a poemLearning Aims(学习目标)Learn how to write a short essay about a poem.1. Practice writing one.(重点难点)目标一目标一写作要领技法指导本单元要求学生根据自己所熟悉的古诗,用英语写出其大意,并说明诗中所蕴含的作者 的思想。写作步骤一般是“三段式”,具体为: 第一段:简要介绍诗歌的作者及内容。第二段:详细论述诗歌的主题。第三段:启迪与感想。【常用表达】(一)开头常用句式介绍诗歌及作者Here is a poem entitled "by., which enjoys great popularity among readers.(二)主体常用句式Young as we are, we come to realize that as long as we try, nothing is impossible.1. She often encourages me to face everything, sad or happy.2. Remember, the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them. (三)结尾常用句式r m deeply moved by the above poem reminding us of the importance of trying to seize every chance to do what we should do before it' s too late in our life.1. We should call on people all over the world to change our living ways before all hopes have gone.目标二写作实践分步演练请根据唐朝诗人李绅的悯农,用英语写出这首诗的大意,并说明诗中所蕴含的作者的思想,以便向你的外国朋友解释。悯农 唐/李绅 锄禾日当午, 汗滴禾下土。 谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦。Sympathy on the FarmersAt noon, farmers are weeding,Down the field, sweat is dropping.Who knows rice on a dish,Every grain is full of moiling?注意:1 .不得照抄短诗原文;2 .必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象,适当展开;3 .短文不能写成诗歌形式。第一步审题谋篇K审题H写作要求是用英语解释一首中国诗歌的含义,也就是改写诗歌。写作时应注意下面几点:1 .确定文体:这是一篇记叙文。写作时注意记叙文的写作特点。2 .主体时态:文章应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。3 .主体人称:由于是解释一首诗歌,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。K谋篇本文可以分为三个局部:第一局部:诗歌的 李绅;时代:唐朝;地位:深受欢迎。第二局部:介绍诗歌所表达的内容。第三局部:诗歌的写作意图及现实意义。第二步遣词造句K核心词汇H. 一首题目是的诗a poem titled.1 . 受欢迎 be popular with.频繁地 frequently2 .掉进土里 fall into the soil.来自 come from3 . 提醒某人remind sb.of.珍惜 treasureK连词成句.这首题为悯农的诗是李绅写的。(title)Here is a poem by Li Shen and it is titled “ Sympathy on the Farmers ”.1 .李绅很受中国读者欢迎。(popular)Li Shen is popular with Chinese readers.2 .夏日正午时刻,外面天气炎热;农民依然在地里除草。(weed)It is so hot outside at this summer noon time.The farmers are still weeding in the fields.3 .他们全身湿透,汗水频繁地掉在庄稼生长的土地上。(fall into)They are wet all over and their sweat is frequently falling into the soil.The crops grow there.4 .我认为对今天的年轻一代来说,理解这首诗歌并珍惜每粒粮食是很重要的。(treasure)I think it' s very important for the young generation today to understand the poem and treasure every grain.第三步句式升级.用过去分词作后置定语以及定语从句将句1和句2合成一句话。Here is a poem titled “Sympathy on the Farmers“ by Li Shen who/that is popular with Chinese readeis.1 .用as引导的倒装句改写句3。Hot as it is outside at this summer noon time, the farmers are still weeding in the 自elds.2 .用with的复合结构和where引导的定语从句改写句4。They are wet all over with their sweat frequently falling into the soil, where the crops grow.3 .用“it is of+抽象名词+主语从句”结构改写句5。I think it' s of gieat importance that the young geneiation today should understand the poem and treasure eve】y grain.第四步组句成篇用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇英语短文。【参考范文】Here is a poem titled ""Sympathy on the Farmers” by Li Shen who is popular with Chinese readers.It goes like this: Hot as it is outside at this summer noon time, the farmers are still weeding in the fields.They are wet all over with their sweat frequently falling into the soil, where the crops grow.But who knows exactly all our foods, the delicious dishes on our table, come from the hard work of the farmers?The reason why Li Shen wrote this poem is to remind people of the importance of the farmers? hard work.I think it' s of great importance that the young generation today should understand the poem and treasure every grain.


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