人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists教学设计1:Reading and Thinking.docx
Unit 1 Science and ScientistsReading and Thinking一、教学内容挖掘文本内涵,提炼科学研究特点和科学精神要义;应用语言,完成写作任务。二、课时目标1 .通过欣赏和评论课文缩写,进一步应用语言、熟悉科学研究步骤;2 .通过讨论归纳出科学研究的特点,开展逻辑思维;3 .通过讨论约翰斯诺战胜霍乱的原因,提炼科学精神要义,提升思维品质;4.通过写抗击新冠肺炎的文章,实现知识和语言的应用和迁移,提高对疾病和科学的 思想认识。三、教学过程Activity 1: Appreciating the summary本活动旨在落实课时目标1。1. Students share some of the summaries and comment on each other's summary.2. Students9 comments are supposed to focus on the proper experimental stages and the use of new words and phrases.3. Students appreciate a suggested version of summary shown on PPT.K设计意图I活动旨在展示和评估上一节课的课后作业,梳理科学研究过程并应用所学 语言,学生通过评论加深对所学内容和语言的认识。Activity 2: Concluding the characteristics of scientific research本活动旨在落实课时目标2。1. Students have a brief discussion in groups and conclude the characteristics of scientific research.2. Students are supposed to find supporting evidence in the text to justify their conclusions.(Possible answers: It always starts with a problem or question. In the text, John Snow discovered that cholera was severe and caused many deaths, so he wanted to find out what caused cholera. Conclusions can only be made after collecting enough data and evidence . (3) As scientific research, it should be objective, convincing and repeatable . ©.)K设计意图活动旨在让学生在了解科学实验过程的基础上,综合考虑科学实验的特点, 结合实验的基本步骤以及约翰斯诺所做的努力,梳理出科学实验基本特点,如科学实验始 于问题且指向问题的解决,实验具有客观性、可重复性等,通过从文章中寻找支撑理由开展 学生的逻辑思维能力。Activity 3: Analyzing what lead to John Snow's success in defeating King cholera本活动旨在落实课时目标3。1. Making connections between a claim and its evidence.T: I believe that one of the reasons why John Snow succeeded in defeating king cholera is that he followed the stages of scientific research. Besides this, however, what else do you think lead to his success? Why do you think so? Find evidence in the text to support your idea.2. Students are supposed to refer to the text and make their opinions convincing.(Possible answers:He was socially responsible. He rose to become a famous doctor and even attended. but he never lost his desire to. He did research on the basis of existing theories, and made correct judgment.He was brave. .He made a map and used the proper tool to analyze the data.He was careful and cautious enough to make the final conclusion. .)K设计意图1活动一是帮助学生理解只有遵循科学研究的规律才能取得成功,二是帮助 学生理解约翰斯诺打败霍乱的原因,其中包括如约翰斯诺具有较强的专业性和责任心、准 确的判断力,创新的实验方法等,提炼出科学精神的要义;通过回归课文寻找支撑证据旨在 帮助学生提升思维品质。Activity 4: Writing a short passage about people's battle against COVID-19本活动旨在落实课时目标4。1. T: Because of John Snow, King Cholera was eventually defeated. Now, people all around the world are making every effort to conquer COVID-19, which is as severe as King Cholera. It is a relief that now the virus has been contained in China. Can you write a passage about this severe disease and Chinese people's tireless efforts and share the experience with the rest of the world?2. Students write a passage with the words and expressions learnt in the text (and the words provided by the teacher if necessary).Para. 1: Give some information about COVID-19 and people's feeling when it first broke out.Para. 2: Talk about the efforts made by Chinese experts and ordinary citizens.In late December 2019, acoronax irus pandemic broke out in Wuhcay. It. At first. Chinese peopleFoitimarelyt iiom the virus has been contained m China and we can continue our nonnal life. First of all, we should give our thanks to experts atui scientists.The efforts of ordinaiy citizens are also reniai kable.With the tireless efforts of all the people arou)ui the world, I am convinced that we will soon defeat CO VID-19.Vocabulary box:用a7fc and expi3sions to describe the 1074s 3, disease: deadly, severe, cause death, die from, infectious, most feared、seveie, infection, genn. outbreak, hit, spread through no cure for it Wbrds axd expressioiis to doscmbe people 3 佗dings: fear, panic, frustrated, hopeless, helpless WSrfc mid expi心sicms io describe people? efjbg destroy, subscribe to, investigate, donate, hospitalize (就 I矢),collect data, vohinteei* to do. figure out, share. with, cooperate, quarantine (隔岗),be to blame, intervention, stop ii)its track, see a substantial decrease, prevent. fiom. risk one's life to do. statistics, germ. mask, fecility (设备), suspected cases, confirmed cases, transparent (透明).selfless, feailess. professioual. scientific< objective松厂由 cmd exmessio心 io link $csces: as a result of accordingly, nioreovei; fbitnnately, thanks to, for this reason3. T: In fact, we can learn a lot from the text as well as the history. The battle between human beings and germs will never end. Only if all the human beings cooperate with each other, and both scientists and ordinary citizens follow the scientific way, can we finally win the battle.K设计意图活动旨在帮助学生应用所学知识和语言描述自己在新冠肺炎疫情中的经历 和体验,感受疾病的严重性,相信人民战胜疾病的力量,并对流行病学、地球村和人类命运 共同体有所感悟。Assignment本任务旨在落实课时目标4。1. Polish the passage and appreciate each other's passages.2. Search the Internet to read some English passages or watch videos about COVID-19.K设计意图任务旨在帮助学生在进行写作和修正作文的过程中,营造真实情境,联系 实际,结合所学语言表达经历和体验,实现“学以致用”。要求学生上网搜索更多关于新冠肺 炎疾病相关文章和视频,旨在通过寻找课程资源,拓宽学生学习的渠道,解决课堂之外可能 存在的问题。