My Best Friend's Wedding《我最好朋友的婚礼(1997)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
准备?唱Ready? Okay.M希望,期待,思念,祈祷J Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying.计划,明夜梦想着他的魅力Planning and dreaming each night of his charms也无法让他掩你入怀that won't get you into his arms假设你想找一份真挚的爰So if you're looking to find love that you can share.你只要抱他,吻他,爰他All you gotta do is hold him and kiss him and love him.片名:我最好朋友的婚礼让他知道你的爱And show him that you care.让他知道你关心他Show him that you care just for him做他喜欢做的事Do the things that he likes to do梳他喜欢的发型你不能得到他Wear your hair just for him rCause you won't get him如果你只是思念,祈祷.wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming 每个夜晚梦到他的吻却不能进入他的心扉His kisses will start That won't get you into his heart.如果你在思考什么是真爰So if you*re thinking of how great true love is你要做的就是抱紧他吻她爱她All you gotta to do is hold him and kiss him and squeeze and love him就这样做他就会成为你的Just do it and after you do you will be his两人座位布莱恩,22桌,快去Two and two, menu! Brian, 22, immediately!吉洛蒙!Guillermo!两份烤鸽,快!Two pigeons! Right away!这桌是重要客人Very important table right here!两份面包Give me two grain!我快受不了I don't know if I can do it.要我转身吗?You want me to turn around or something?对没料到是你Not the person I was expecting.你一♥丝♥不♥挂♥我都看过I've seen you a lot more naked than that.情况不同了Things are different now.我想也是I guess so.你很漂亮You look really good.没穿衣服时without your clothes on.乔治?她完蛋了She's toast.去哪里渡蜜月?-Where is the honeymoon exactly? - It depends.假设圣安东尼队赢了就去德州If San Antonio sweeps Sacramento, we could start there.或凤♥凰♥城或赢球的地主州Or Phoenix. Or depending on the Indiana-Cleveland game-都很棒Garden spots, all.大热天到处跑行李难拿捏A swing of maybe 40 degrees Fahrenheit represents a packing challenge. 但豪华酒店美食等着你们but there's fine food and cocktails at a choice of Embassy Suites.那是他的事业,我支持他我各地都玩遍了It's his career. I'm supportive. Tve been everywhere.我要跟他在一起,才算是蜜月I want to be with the man I love. That's what makes it a honeymoon.我认为他很幸运很少有人受得了他的怪癖He's lucky. One woman in a billion could put up with his shit.各形各色的怪The guy's a one-man festival of idiosyncratic见识过他的交响乐般的You've been introduced to the symphonic range-鼾声?他说那是最糟的Of his snoring? He says it's worse than ever.你听过那种吗?You know that snarfle one?不,好像有痰卡在喉咙Now it's got this phlegm-rattling thing happening behind it.得戴耳塞Earplugs work.还有一床上抽烟?他改掉了-What about- - Cigars in bed? I broke him of that.浴室湿答答,穿球鞋吃饭The bathroom's a swamp. He wears Reeboks to dinner.喜欢动作片,在我肩上看书He likes action movies. He reads over my shoulder.喜欢唱卡拉okHe loves karaoke bars.我五音不全-and I can't carry a tune. - Really?真的?他喝汤声音好大He sucks soup through his front teeth.典型的坏习惯别想改变他That's a trademark move. Don't touch that one.但他的吻真棒But he sure can kiss.我记不得了,但我相信你Ifs been a while. Fm just gonna take your word on that.在我列出他所有的缺点后After two weeks of cataloging all his faults.我决定改变我自己I made a command decision that changed my life.接受他的缺点I threw the list away.不用改变,爱他就该完全包容He's not a balance sheet. He's Michael. Loving him means loving all of him.密闭空间不令你紧张?Do you get nervous in confined spaces?谢谢你警告我It*s sweet of you to want to be protective.但什么也不能阻止这婚姻but nothing ever could give me one moments pause about this marriage.密闭空间不令你歇斯底里?除了一点-Do you become hysterical in confined- - Except one.是你You.他想着完美的你他爱你多年You're always in his mind.this perfect creature he loved for years.完美会随时间疲乏Perfection can get wearing after a while.说真的,我必须面对你I'm not kidding. I had to face up to my competitive drives.其实你的优点我都有Believe me; I've got them.难道要嫉妒你一辈子?Am I gonna be jealous of you for the rest of my life?我们还会常见面对-Our paths will keep crossing. - Space. Of course.他总是谈着你很自然的-He*ll always talk about you. - It's only natural.-答案很简单The answer was so simple.我猜得到I was gonna predict that.你赢了You win.我没弄懂I've missed a step.你是他的理想He*s got you on a pedestal.我是他的爱and me in his arms.天啊,是新娘和她的强劲对手My God, it*s the bride and the woman she'll never live up to.你还好吗?她指我们-Are you okay, honey? - That would be us.你又乱说话了,真是!Did she say the wrong thing again? That is so in character.-我是茱儿派特我们是争艳浪货 I'm Julianne Potter. - We'd be the vengeful sluts.可称为急先锋-You can just call us eager.你要钓哪个男俱相?伴娘有优先权-Have you sized up the groomsmen?- As maid of honor, you get first pick.别挑多毛的矮胖子我要了-Donrt pick the short, hairy, fat one.- He's mine.金咪是处♥女♥她是麦克的茱儿?-Kimmy's a virgin.Is this Michaefs Julianne?是的我是伊莎贝I'm Isabelle Wallace.我那英俊的女婿说得没错My handsome new son scarcely did you justice.我跟你说My husband says to scoot you to the ballpark.我丈夫要你去球场跟麦克见面so you can hang with Michael.但你得先通过一群老女人But first you have to meet a lot of really old women.相信你已领教了浪花姐妹That is, if you*ve absorbed enough profanity.谁点了啤酒?Who ordered a beer?-我帮你你暗示我很笨拙?-Let me help you with that. - You unwittingly imply I'm clumsy.我记错人了,她是茱儿Sorry. I was confusing you with somebody I used to know.运动杂♥志♥的汉克和艾力Julianne Potter, this is Hank and Eric from Sport magazine.-幸会-让我混口饭吃-Nice to meet you. - They kindly gave me a job.-你好-你好-Hi, there. - How do you do?他是华特,我的岳父And this is Walter, my father-in-law.未来岳父Future father-in-law.谢谢Thank you.他欺负你,来找我If he gives you any grief, come see me.你认识他周老爹-And this guy you know. - Papa Joe.该让你当伴郎但他选了弟弟I told him to make you best man, but he had to go with his baby brother.大帅哥高兴见到你Best-looking guy in any room.好了,够了-Great to see you. - That will do.史考特,够了-Scotty, that will do. - Sorry.抱歉记住,伴郎得陪伴娘跳舞Remember, it is the duty of the best man. to dance with the maid of honor. 跳舞?你不会跳舞Dance? You can't dance.什么时候学的?你不知道的还多着呢!-When did you learn to dance? I've got moves you've never seen. 你骗人You're an impostor.你把我的好友怎么了?What did you do with my best friend?我仍是你最好的朋友Im still your best friend.只是我们很久未见You just haven't seen me for a while.我这是说这么完美的女孩可能会令人厌倦Some people might find that kind of perfection boring.日复一日,年复一年-day after day, year after year.起初我也这么认为怎么爱这么完美的人-That's what I thought at first.How can you like someone that perfect?这种爰不可能持久No potential for long-range likability.但她也有可爱的地方But then, she does have a few good traits.比方说-All right. - Such as?出局了They got him.当我抱她时When I hug her,即使在大庭广众也无所谓even in public.,.1 don't have to let go right away.她让我抱到我满意为止She lets me hold her as long as I want.怎么了?-Batting second, the shortstop- - What?没什么对,我忘了-Nothing. -1 forgot.你觉得那很恶心You and that yucky love stuff.谈到亲热你都会这样You always get like that when it gets sentimental.才没有I do not.好吧当我们当你和我When we were- When you and I were-当你和我-在一起?-When we were- - Together?我有没有Did I, when-有-Yes.有什么?在大庭广众抱你,你会推开-Yes, what? You pulled away when I tried to hug you in public.我改变了I've changed.我跟以前不一样了I mean, Tm not the girl that I once was.真的?Really?有没有超过两星期的恋情?Any relationship over two weeks I should know about?跟时间长短无关This is not about longevity.重要的是This is about.沉醉于being comfortable恶心的亲爱with the yucky love stuff.好耶!All right.我改变了And I am.“这是智慧的代价And it*s wisdom born of pain“我付出了代价”Yes, Tve paid the price“看我收获多丰富"But look how much I've gained - If I have to - Karaoke! 卡拉ok !-1 can do anything怎么找到这地方? 门房♥告诉我的-Where did you find this place? The doorman told me. 你要唱招牌歌♥And you are singing the song.“我是无敌的"I am strong I am invincible“我是女人”I am woman没想到是卡拉ok店I didn't realize this was a karaoke bar.真棒,我最爰的女人This is so great. My two best girls.喝什么?玛格丽特-You folks thirsty? - Margarita.他不加盐不加冰块-Blended, no salt. - She wants it straight up.-你呢?-淡啤酒-You? - Amstel Light.两个字Two words for you.玛格丽特Margarita.伟士牌Vespa.佛罗伦斯!Florence.害我淋了一晚的雨Me hanging on in the rain.我爱佛罗伦斯那家伙拿着-1 love Florence. - And the guy with the thing.我的护照呢?Where was my pass?-码头是钓鱼的地方-法式接吻-"No, the pier is for fishing!11 -11 French kissing?”-钓鱼我爱佛罗伦斯-"Fishing!” - I've always loved Florence.你该带她去带她开心的渡蜜月You should take her there. She's perky. She deserves a honeymoon.对Oh yeah对Oh yeah假设圣安东尼队赢了“If San Antonio sweeps Sacramentou?假设九月出发,开学怎么办?You*re off the road in September, and when does fall quarter start for you?我不回去念了I'm not coming back senior year.建筑师文凭不是很重要?Don't architects find a degree sort of an asset?我各地采访篮赛、车赛、训练I travel every week. Got college ball, motor sports, training camps.重要的是我们俩在一起I think the most important thing is for us to be together.穿粉红衣的唱首歌♥ !Say, Pinky, I wanna hear you sing.-不唱嘛!Come on.金咪不唱歌♥,痛恨唱歌♥ !Kimmy hates to sing. She hates it.各位All right, folks. Everybody.我未来的新娘要放胆试试my bride-to-be here is about to kick some ass on-不,很好玩的!What? It will be fun.不,麦克!她不想唱,别逼她No, she doesn't want to, Michael. Leave her alone. Come on. Ladies and gentlemen. 各位请鼓掌欢迎破锣嗓please give it up for the dazzling vocal stylings.金咪沃利of Miss Kimberly Wallace!唱!Come on.我不知该怎么办I just don't know what to do with myself不知道该怎么办Don't know just what to do with myself我做任何事I'm so used to doing都为了你Everything for you真难听!为我俩而设想-You suck! - Planning everything for two换人!我们分手了And now that we*re through我不知I just don't know怎么安排时间What to do with my time没有你,我觉得好孤独I'm so lonesome for you It's a crime去看电影Going to a movie令我难过sick参加舞会令我难过I just don't know what to do我不知该怎么办? J I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself我不知道I just donft know该怎么办what to do我不知该怎么办I just don't know what to do假设你的新爱人If your new love离你而去Ever turns you down回到我的身边来Come back我等着你等候着你I will be around just waiting for you我不知该怎么办I just don't know what to do像夏日玫瑰Like a summer rose需要阳光和雨水It needs the sun and the rain我需要你甜蜜的爰I need your sweet love我需要你甜蜜的爱抚平I need your sweet love to ease所有的伤痛All the pain好耶!fine哦,我的天!Oh my god难听!棒极了!That was just terrible!没我们你不会寂寞?很寂寞-You won't be lonely without us? - Desperately.我们不去好了-Maybe we don't have to go.赴祖母晚餐?要当新娘,你非去不可-Your grandmother dinner?As bride-to-be, she's got you on a technicality. 我陪你如果你真需要我陪rd baby-sit you, but my loyalty is to the bride in her time of need.其实我不需要你陪好,你确定?-It's not really a time of need. - If you're sure.确定?确定的话,我就陪麦克-"Sure"? - Til stay with Michael if youfre sure.好吧Okey打电♥话♥给我?好-Call me later? - Of course.好好玩!-Bye. - Have fun.我告诉你时,你很惊讶?Were you pretty shocked when I told you?惊讶?不!Shocked? No.有一点A little.很惊讶我从床上掉下来A lot. I fell off the bed.难怪一声巨响That explains the thump.麦糊给我-Til take that polenta! - All right, Chef.这是我要的-This is the one I'm waiting for!是的-Yes, sir.立刻上特别餐I need that special meat now.甜点,快准备好Pastry, get ready. It's coming at you.餐没弄好我杀了你全家一定要完美!I will kill your family if you don't get this right. I need this perfect.是的Yes, sir.我认为I'm writing it up as.很有创意inventive并且and.信心十足confident.对了报社小子有联络吗?-Did the chap from Newsday ever call?我查一下-I'll check my machine.真要面谈还是又想替我做媒?Is this a real interview or some cute guy. -yourre setting me up with? - Pleasejulianne. 茱儿,我不替你做媒了你毫无概念I don't send you men anymore. You have no idea what to do with them.我是麦克,茱儿好久不见It's Michael. Jules, it must be months, huh?有事相告I can't wait to talk to you.我在芝加哥,我住在德瑞饭店I'm in Chicago at the Drake Hotel.随时跟我联络,有急事相告Call me. 4:00 in the morning, whatever. We gotta talk. Bye.谁?现任男友?-Who called? Man of the moment?不,正好相反你喜欢她,对吗?You like her, don*t you?对,我喜欢反响真热烈-Ido. - That's enthusiastic.不,她很她很棒I mean, she's- She,s great.“不她很棒”?No, She*s great.我是说她五音不全She seriously can't sing a note.但做如此大的牺牲But to make that kind of sacrifice-什么?退学?-What? Leaving school?一切抛开事业跟着你的蠢工作跑-All of it.Putting her career on hold to follow you around in this dumb job.一年有五十二周到where you travel 52 weeks a year.德州大学这类地方to places like College Station, Texas.蠢工作?不成熟的职业-"Dumb job'? It's not a grown-up job.你没嫌过我的工作My job never bothered you before.现在我也不嫌但我不是金咪It doesn't bother me now, but I'm not Kimmy.她父亲有球队与有线电视Her father owns the Sox and cable sports.我很惊讶你没更换I'm just surprised it hasn't come up, that's all.换什么?什么?What?豪华的办公室The corner office with a view.笔挺的西装,华宅豪邸You in a nice blue suit.住址离爸妈很近Permanent Chicago address, somewhat close to Mom and Dad.不!不会Never.她不会这么想She would never even think of that.你不了解她You don't know her.但麦克爱他的工作-But Michael loves his job. - Sure.是啊!烂比赛、低工资、破城市Bad games, bad pay, bad towns, bad flights.烂班机座位、破旅馆、烂食物badhotelsreal badfood.没家、没根、寂寞homeless,rootless,lonely写的报导没被登your copy makes it in one issue out of four.有何不好?What's not to love?他怎么不换个Why would he trade that for running, say, a piece of the public relations. 像你父亲一样在大公♥司&hearts任职?at a powerful complex conglomerate like your father's?我爸跟我谈过这事我不惊讶-That's what my father and I discussed. - I'm not surprised.你认为他会接受吗?So do you think he'd really accept?麦克?这种工作?Michael? Ajob like that?那将是他人生最大转机It would be the greatest thing that ever happened to him.除了你之外Present company excepted.我们该这么做让你父亲说服麦克This is what we do: We make your dad a coconspirator.麦克帮华特的忙Michael does a favor for Walter.华特能重组公♥关♥部门Walter's reorganizing his public relations.需要聪明能干的帮手他能信任的and needs a brilliant guy that he's close to.that he can completely trust.你求他:麦克帮爸的忙Then you beg. nMichael, please do this for Daddy.只要半年,对我很重要It's only six months. It would mean so much to me. n他一眼就会拆穿了除非他想拆穿-He'll see right through it. - Only if he wants to.半年后,他会At the end of six months.快乐稳定hewill behappy. settled.成功successful.你好漂亮,有约会?You look beautiful. Do you have a date later?说不准的Never can tell.你今夜真美,记得吗?记得吗?Just the way you look tonight Remember?好了你说吧!Okay, kid, you're up.我爸爸想请你帮助It's really my father who needs the favor.他想重组公♥司♥局部部门He's reorganizing some of the divisions of the company.公♥关♥部门令他很头痛Public relations is a real problem area for him.只需要半年时间It would only be six months maybe.或三、四个月你知道这件事?-Or three or four. - You knew about this?你该听听她的这也是她的人生I think you ought to listen to her. Itrs her life too.你说是华特的主意?You gonna tell me that Walter thought this one up?可不可以别耍手段?Why don't you start by being honest one second.我没耍手段I am being honest.突然间我得退学All of a sudden I'm supposed to drop out of school.放弃家人、事业及人生规划?forget my family, forget my career. - forget the things I had planned?抱歉破坏了你的计划还好现在不算太迟-Forgive me for screwing up your plans. Glad I heard this before it*s too late.什么意思? 我的人生怎么力'?-What is that supposed to mean? - What am I supposed to do with my life?低薪水、没尊严的工作I work in a low-paying, zero-respect job.很不幸的是我爱这工作which, unfortunately, I happen to love.麦克,这是个好机会-It sounds like a great opportunity.是吗?你怎么不去做这种工作?-Does it really? How come you never took some sellout establishment job?因为那不是你要的Ill tell you why, because that isn't you.-金,我也不想要你真这么想-And it's not me either. - If that's the way you feel-当然是这么想!何不直说Damn straight that's how I feel! Just come out and say it.我的工作不好,我不好!