人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit3 Food and Culture教学设计2:Reading and Thinking.docx
Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking 一、教学内容整体理解全文,明确作者在不同地域体验饮食和感知文化的经历,明确文本的总一分一 总结构,初步探讨菜肴与个性、品质和文化之间的关系。二、课时目标1 .围绕饮食话题进行讨论,并根据标题和图片,预测文本内容,激活有关饮食和菜肴 的背景知识和相关话题语言。2 .通过略读、梳理、归纳等策略,提取文本主要信息,概括段落大意,梳理文本结构。3 . 了解在美国被改良的中华菜肴的相关信息,并通过此例,初步感知、理解和简单阐 释菜肴和个性、品质和文化之间的关系。三、教学过程Activity 1: Talking about cuisine and culture.本活动旨在落实课时目标1。1. Students talk about the pictures about eight major Chinese cuisines and get to know the word "cuisine”.QI: What can you see in the pictures?Ss: Eight different kinds of food.Q2: What does "cuisine" mean?Ss: Cuisine means the dish or food that is cooked in a certain way.Q3: What are the names of these cuisines?Ss: Stewed noodles, dim sum, lamb kebab, Sichuan cuisine, General Tso's Chicken and pancake rolls.2. Talk about the relation between cuisine and culture.Q: What do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat them?Ss: Cuisines can tell us where the people come from. K设计意图此活动是导入环节。通过展示八大菜系的图片,激发学生对主题的学习兴 趣,通过给出词义,帮助学生了解菜肴"cuisine”这个核心词的内涵,并拓展学生的知识面, 补充了他们对于中国八大菜系的认识。通过第三个问题,引导学生初步了解文本中出现的各 种菜肴的名称,为后续的阅读扫除词汇障碍。学生就第四个问题展开讨论,根据生活经验初 步思考饮食与文化之间的关系。此活动为顺利开展后续阅读做好铺垫。Activity 2: Predicting the content of the passage.本活动旨在落实课时目标1。Students read the title and predict the content of the passage.Q: What is the text about?Ss: Maybe it is about the relation between culture and cuisines.K设计意图I引导学生根据篇章标题、图片等信息预测文本的内容是必修阶段对学生认 知策略的学习要求。学生带着预测进行阅读,既激活思维,又能更加积极主动地阅读并聚焦 语篇的主要内容。Activity 3: Checking the prediction, reading for the main information of the text and identifying the structure of the passage.本活动旨在落实课时目标2。1. Students read the first paragraph and check the prediction.QI: What is the main idea of the 1st paragraph?Ss: The author introduces the French author's saying and explains its real meaning.可追问:1) What did the French author write? What did the French author refer to through it?Ss: She wrote “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. " It means “Tell me what you eat, and I will probably know something about your personality, character, and the culture you come from.2) What will the author talk about in the following part?Answers may vary.2. Skim the rest of the passage, find the topic sentence of each paragraph and get the main idea of each paragraph.ParagraphMain ideaTopic sentence(s)Para.2The author introduces Chinese cuisine in America.Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true. Chinese cuisine is a case in point.Para.3The author experienced Chinese cuisine in Beijing, China.Later, 1 had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China.Para.4The author experienced Chinese cuisine in Shangdong.We soon moved to Shandong Province in the eastern part of North China.Para.5The author experienced Chinese cuisine in Xinjiang.Then we moved to northern Xinjiang.Para.6The author experienced Chinese cuisine in South China and central China and know much about Chinese people.Our travel then took us to South China, and then on to central China. However, one thing is always true: Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness.Para.7The author shows his idea about the relation between cuisine and culture.What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.K设计意图11引导学生读第一段,检测预测并通过定位主题句概括段落大意,之后通过 追问引导学生关注法国作家的话并理解此句话的内涵。接下来进一步引导学生预测文章的后 续内容,使他们更加积极主动地阅读文章且聚焦主题语境。通过快读阅读,学生寻找主题句, 并根据主题句概括段落大意,整体把握文本内容,提升概括能力。为活动4做好铺垫。Activity 4: Identifying the structure and writing style of the passage.本活动旨在落实教学目标2。Students read the title of the text again, go over the main idea of each paragraph and identify the structure and writing style. Students think about the following questions.QI: What methods are used to develop this passage?可追问:l)In what order are Paragraphs 2-6 organized?Ss: They are organized in the order of places and time.2)Why is Chinese cuisine mentioned in the passage?Ss: To serve as a supporting example to talk about the relation between culture and cuisine.Q2: How can you divide the passage? Why?Ss: It can be divided into three parts. The first paragraph is the first part and the author leads in the topic. Then paragraphs 2 - 6 are the second part, where the author used Chinese cuisine as an example to talk about the relation between cuisine and culture. Paragraph 7 is the last part and the author shows his own opinion about the relation between cuisine and culture.可追问:l)How does the author link part 1 to part 2?Ss: The author links part 1 to part 2 by using transitional sentence: "Certainly, in many ways this seems to be true.”2)Can you find other transitional sentence between paragraphs?Ss: Yes. "Later, I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by coming to China.” 3)How does the author link part 2 to part 3?He links part 2 to part 3 by using transitional sentence: "At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like.”Q3: What type of writing is the passage?55: Expository writing.K设计意图1通过提问,帮助学生了解文章的体裁结构和谋篇布局的特点。把问题一 (QI)分解为两个后续追问的小问题,分别引导学生关注文章主体局部的写作顺序,把握 文章的线索,并关注作者是用何种方法来说明文化与菜肴之间的关系。这些问题为学生依据 段落大意划分文本结构,判断文章体裁做好了铺垫。在学生回答下列问题二时,适时追问两个小 问题,引导学生关注作者是如何使用过渡句来完成文章的起承转合。Activity 5: Reading and asking questions about Paragraph 2.本活动旨在落实课时目标3。1. Read Paragraph 2, put forward two questions you consider important and then offer the answers in the table.Questions you would like to askYour aiiswei*Possible questions: Which dish is mentioned? How is it cooked? Is it an authentic Chinese recipe? What do Americans love?2. Ss share their questions with the whole class and the teacher writes some of the good questions on the blackboard and Ss share the answers to these questions.在学生互相提问的基础上,教师可以补充以下问题,如:Q1: What does the word “authentic" mean? How do you know?Q2: What happened to Chinese dish General Tso's chicken in American? What does it tell us?K设计意图I教师提供“自主阅读提问单。学生带着目标进行无干扰阅读,并根据个人 对文本的理解提出问题并写出(答案九这一过程不仅可以检验学生对文本的理解程度,也 能锻炼学生抓住重点,正确提问的能力。在活动中,教师可以根据学生提出的问题提出有针 对性的补充问题,引导学生整体把握第二段的核心信息,为理解第二段和第一段之间的逻辑 关系以及完成活动6做好铺垫。Activity 6: Discussing the relation between cuisine, personality, character and culture for the first time.本活动为巩固课时目标3而设计。QI: What do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat them?Ss: Cuisine tells us the flavours people like as well as the information about people's personality and character.Q2: Will cuisine change? Why?Ss: Cuisine will change because as culture changes, cuisine has to meet the need of different groups of people.Q3: General Tso's chicken is a Chinese dish but it is enjoyed in America. What does the fact tell us?Ss: Cuisine can spread through different cultures.K设计意图I在精读第二段后,教师通过问题引导学生,通过在美国的中华菜肴的例子 来初步感知菜肴与个性,品质和文化之间的关系。讨论活动有利于学生进行语言输出,提升 思维能力。Assignment1. Read Paragraphs 1 and 2 aloud.2. Draw the mind map about the relation between cuisine, personality, character and culture and then prepare to present the mind map in the second period.K设计意图朗读课文对英语学习十分重要,布置该作业旨在强化朗读的重要性,培养 学生课后朗读的习惯。学生绘制思维导图的过程也是复习课文、巩固词汇、内化语言的过程; 本局部也将成为第二课时的导入。