2022年上海海事大学管理学重点考点总结 .pdf
Chapter1 Manager and Managing 1Organization:People working together and coordinating their actions to achieve specific goals. 2Managers:Jones-Managers are the people responsible for supervising the use of an organizations resources to meet its goals. Management:the process of using organizational resources to achieve the organizations goals by planning,organizing,leading,and rontrolling. 3Essential Managerial Function :Planning,Organizing,Leading,Controlling 4Efficiency :make good/poor use of resource Effectiveness :choose the right/wrong goals to pursue( and make high performence) 5Hierarchical Classification ( 分 层 的 等 级 制 ) : Top Managers,middle Managers,First-line Managers,Non-management 6Managers and Management functions : Top managers:1Planning,2Organizing,3Leading,4Controlling,middle managers:3412,first-line managers:4321( 按职能比例由大到小 ) 710roles and 3 broad role categories Interpersonal role:figurehead,leader,liaison( 联络) Informational role:monitor,disseminator,spokesperson Decisional Role:entrepreneur,disturbance handler,resource allocator,negotiator 8Three primary skills 1Conceptual Skills : Think strategically to take the broad, long-term view; Analyze and diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect. 2Technical Skills :Job specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role 3Human Skills:To understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups. Skill type needed by manager level:top manager to non-management:123;1=2,3;2,1=3;312 Chapter2 The evolution of management theory 1 19 世纪 40 年代:Scientific Management Theory早期管理思想19 世纪末 20世纪初: Administrative Management Theroy古典管理 :泰勒,韦伯,法约尔20 世纪初:Behavior Management Theory ,Management Science Theory ,Systems Approach Contingency Approach ,Total Quality Management行为管理:梅奥,巴尔德21 世纪: Organizational Environment Theory现代管理思想2Taylors 4 Principles to increase efficiency :1,study the way the job is performed now and determine new ways to do it.2,codity (编纂)the new method into rules.3,selet workers whose skills match the rules set in step2.4,establish a fair level of performance and pay for higher performance. 3Bureaucratic System( 官 僚 体 系 ):A Bureaucracy should have:Written rules,Hierarchy(等级制度 ) of Authority,System of taskrelationships,Fair evaluation and reward 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - 4Fayols administrative management thoeryAchievement: 1Fayol identified 14 principles of the management process2Fayol set up 4 primary functions of management 14 principles :1Division of labor 劳动分工 2、Authority and Responsibility 权责对等 3、Discipline 纪律严明 4、Unity of Command 统一指挥 5、Unity of Direction统一领导 6、Subordination of the individual to the general interest个人利益服从集体利益 7、 Remuneration of personnel报酬 8、 Centralization 集权 9、 Line of authority等级链 10、Order 秩序 11、Equity 公平 12、Stability of personnel人员稳定 13、Initiative 首创性 14、Esprit de corps团结精神5The Hawthorne Studies :Experiment:1Worker productivity was measured at various levels of light illumination.2the workers enjoyed the attention they received as part of the study and were more productive. Hawthorne Effect:1social norms,group standards and attitudes more strongly influence individual output and work behavior than do monetary incentives.2managers must understand the workings of the informal roganization,the system behavioral rules and norms that emerge in a group. 6Theory X & Theory Y -Douglas McGregor (19061964) Theory x:Employee is lazy;Managersmust closely supervise;Create strict rules & defined rewards and punishment Theory Y:Employee is not inherently lazy;Must create work setting to build initiative;Provide authority to workers 7Contingency Theory( 权变理论 ) Crucial message is that there is no one best way to organize Stable environment=mechanistic:low cost ;Changing environment Chapter 3 Managing The Organizational Environment 1organizational environment:is set of forces and conditions outside the organizations boundaries that have the potential to affect the way the roganization operates.Task Environment is set of forces and conditions that originate with suppliers , distributors, customers , and competitors . Suppliers:the individuals and companies that provide an organization with input resources that it needs to produce goods and services. Customers :The individuals and groups that buy the goods and services that an organization produces. Distributors:The organizations that help other organizations sell their goods or services to customers. Competitors :Organizations that produce goods and services similar to a particular organizations goods and services. Economies of scale (Economies of scale are the cost advantages associated with large operations. ); Brand loyalty-Create barrier to entry-Competitors 2The Industrial Life Cycle BIRTH :Early stage of an industry s evolution GROWTH :Rapid growth of customer demand;More and more new organizations enter into the market, increasing the level of competition 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - SHAKEOUT :At end of growth, there is a slowing customer demand;Competitor rivalry increases, prices fall;Least efficient firms fail and leave industry MATURITY :Customer demand growth is slow;Relationships between suppliers, distributors more stable;Industry dominated by a few, large firms DECLINE :Final stage in the evolution of an industry ;Falling demand for the product;Prices fall and , weaker firms leave the industry 3General Environment-Forces have profound impact on the firm.Managers usually cannot impact or control these Economic Forces :National economic and regional economic condition affect an organization. Technological Forces:Skills & equipment used in design, production and distribution. Socio-cultural Forces 社会文化力量: Result from changes in the social structure or national culture of society. Demographic人口 Forces :Result from changes in population. P olitical and Legal Forces :Result from changes in the political arena. Global Forces: Result from changes in international relationships between countries. Chapter4The Manager as a Decision Maker 1Decision making:Decision making:Process by which managers respond to opportunities and threats by analyzing options, and making decisions about goals and courses of action Types of Decision Making:Programmed Decision Making;Non-Programmed Decision Making The high management level a manager on, the more non-programmed decision he should make 2Steps in the Decision Making Process :1Recognize need for a decision2Frame the problem3Generate & assess alternatives4Choose among alternatives5Implement chosen alternative6Learn from feedback-1 对应解释1Managers must first realize that a decision must be made2Managers must develop feasible alternative courses of action3What are the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative4Managers rank alternatives and decide.5Managers must now carry out the alternative6Managers should consider what went right and wrong with the decision and learn for the future 3Typical Cognitive Biases Source(典型认知偏差来源 ) Prior Hypothesis :Make decision based on prior belief Representativeness :Make decision based on small sample or single case Illusion of Control:Make decision based on overestimate ability Escalating Commitment :Ignore adverse evidence and increase investment 4Group Decision and its methods Advantage: reduce cognitive biases,call on combined skills,and abilities,ensure successfully implement Disadvantage :longer decision making process,the danger of groupthink Delphi Technique :high amount of solutions,high quality of solutions,low cost,low 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - decision making speed,low human relationship conflict,low teamwork. Nominal Group Technique :high amount of solutions,high quality of solutions,low cost,mid decision making speed,mid human relationship conflict,mid teamwork. Brainstorming:mid amount of solutions,mid quality of solutions,low cost,mid decision making speed,low human relationship conflict,high teamwork. Chapter5The Manager as a Planner and Strategist 1Planning:Planning is the process used by managers to identify and select goals and courses of action for the organization. 2Formulating Strategy3SWOT Analysis :A planning to identify:Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses.Environmental Opportunities and Threats. Identify an organizations strength and weakness=identify potential opportunities and threats in enviornment=determining stratrgies. Formulating Corporate-level Strategies:Developing a plan of action maximizing long-run value(1)concentration on a single business:Concentrating resources in one business or industry;Can become very strong, but can be risky.(2)diversification :Expanding operations into a new business or new industry Related and Unrelated Diversification(3) international expansion: Choosing the appropriate way to compete internationally Global strategy & Multi-domestic strategy.(4) vertical integration:Involving in producing its own inputs or distributing and selling its own outputs,Backward & Forward vertical integration Formulating Business-levelStrategies:A plan to gain a competitive advantage in a particular market or industry Formulating Functional-level Strategies:A plan of action to improve the ability of an organizations departments to create valueb Chapter6 Managing Organizational Structure 1Organizational structure:Formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals Authority:The person who occupies a position has its formal authority as long as he or she in that position. Power:Abilities to influence other persons Span of Control :The number of workers a manager directly manages Hierarchy of Authority:Describes the command chain relative to authority from top to bottom Influencing factors :Managers abilities,Subordinators abilities,Standardization of task,Job condition,Task environment 2Determinants of organizational structure ContingencyFactors: Strategy,Environment,Technology,Humanresources=organizational structure=company performance Strategy comes earlier than structure ,different strategies require the use of different structures. Environment and Structure: Mechanistic structure :The number of departments is small Centralization Organic structure:Team work ,Relative decentralization,The number of department 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - is large 3Types of organizational structure: Functional Structure :Design organizational structure according to function Divisional Structure:Design organizational structure according to division-Product structure,Geographic structure,Customer structure Matrix Structure:Managers group people and resources in two ways simultaneously: by function and by product Network Structure Chapter7 Leadership and Human resource management 1Leadership:The process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. 2Personal Leadership Style :The specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence other people. 3 Trait Model :Leaders must have certain personal qualities that set them apart from other persons:intelligence,knowledge and expertise,dominance,high-energy,telerance for stress,intergrity and honesty,maturity. 4The Behavior Model:Effective leader pay attentions both to structure initiation and consideration 5external and internal recruitment: Ecternal:managers look outside the firm for people who have not worked at the firm before.=access to a potentially large applicant pool=many new jobs have specific skill needs.relative high costs of external recruitment. Internal:positions filled within the firm.internal recruiting has several benefits.=managers likely already know the candidates,internal advancement can motivate employees.=workers know the firmsvulture,may not have new ideas. 6types of performance appraisal:trait appraisals,behavior appraisals,results appraisals. Chapter8Leadership and Motivation 1The Nature of Leadership: Leadership:The process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. Leader:The person exerting the influence 2Motivation:Psychological forces that determine the direction of a person s behavior, a person s level effort, and a person s level of persistence in the face of obstacles in an organization 3Theory Structure Expectancy Theory (effort,performance,outcomes) :Motivation is high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes 3factors:expectancy*instrumentality*valence=motivationMaslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory ERG Theory(Existence Needs,Relatedness Needs ,Growth Needs) Physiological=Security=Society=Esteem=Self-actualization Two-factors theory 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - Motivators:Achievement, Interesting work, Responsibility,Autonomy,Growth Hygiene factors:Working condition,Pay,Job security,Good relationships with co-worker,Effective supervision Acquired-Needs Theory Need for achievement ,Need for affiliation,Need for powerEquity Theory:Underpayment Inequity,Equity,Overpayment Inequity Learning Theory:Positive reinforcement,Negative reinforcement, Extinction,Punishment 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -精心整理归纳 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -