【汉译英】劳动就业领域。当前,世界的就业状况和经济增长趋缓, 许多国家的就业和工资增长前景黯淡,不平等现象更为严 重,全球都存在减贫动力受挫的风险,这使得增加体面劳动 机会的政策选择成为一项优先重点。中国等一些大型经济体 劳动力市场情况好于其他经济体。就业结构性调整仍在持 续,还可能由于技术创新、相互依存度加深以及环境保护需 要而加快调整。促进强劲、可持续和平衡增长的政策在处理 调整问题方面发挥了关键作用,也是减小劳动力市场变化的 不利影响、扩大其积极影响的主要动力。2030年可持续发 展议程给予体面劳动和包容性增长突出作用,这意味着多边 体系必须进一步加强就业和增长政策的协调性,实现可持续 开展目标。随着经济开展进入新常态,中国需要化解结构性就业矛 盾。中国政府提出就业是民生之本,坚持实施就业优先 战略和更加积极的就业政策,持续推进简政放权、放管结合、 优化服务改革,促进群众创业、万众创新,大力开展职业教 育和职业技能培训,加快构建社会保障体系,在保持中国经 济中高速增长、迈向中高端水平的同时,努力实现了就业规 模扩大和结构优化。中国政府与社会各方一起,积极参与国 际劳工治理积极推动ILO南南合作。中国政府愿与包括ILO 在内的国际社会加强合作,为实现包容性增长、人人享有体 面劳动发挥更大作用。【参考译文】On labour and employment Thecurrent global outlook for jobs is mixed with slower growth leading to weakerprospects for employment and wages in many countries. Rising inequality and therisk of setbacks to the global drive to reduce poverty, make policy initiativesto increase opportunities for decent work a priority. Labour marketdevelopments were more positive in China and some other large economies thanthe rest of the world. Structural changes in employment continued and couldaccelerate as a result of technological innovation, increased interdependenceand the need for environmental protection. Policies that promote strong,sustainable and balanced growth play a vital role in managing adjustment andwill remain key drivers in mitigating adverse and maximizing positive effectsof labour market changes. The prominence accorded to decent work and inclusivegrowth in the 2030 Agenda means themultilateral system must further strengthen the coherence of its policies forjobs and growth to reach SustainableDevelopment Goals.China7 s economic growth has nowentered the phase of "New Normal” , and needs to address the structuralmismatches in employment. Upholding the conviction that employment is thefoundation of the livelihoods of the people, the Government of China isimplementing the Employment First Strategy andmore active employment policy,forging ahead with continuous reforms to streamline administration, delegatepower, strengthen regulation and improve services, and promoting massentrepreneurship and innovation. The Government is also working hard to developvocational education and training and improve the social protection system.Along with sustaining a medium-high growth rate and upgrading the economy tothe medium- and high-end in China, the Government has created more jobs, andimproved job structure. Together with its social partners, the Government ofChina has made positive contributions to international labour governance andthe south-south cooperation of the ILO. The Government stands ready tostrengthen cooperation with the international community including the ILO, andwillplay an even bigger role in realizing inclusive growth and decent work forall.