How can I change my life in 3 months by eating healthy and exercising regularly?怎样通过健康饮食和定期锻炼在三个月内改变自己的 生活?I lost 110 pounds in my late teens and here are my thoughts:快20岁时我减掉了 110磅,以下是我的想法:Implement small changes consistently. Assume your results will increase with time, and expect a slow start. Give yourself space for mental dissonance the first few weeks while you implement this new habit. Would you want to live in a high-rise that was built in three months?要不断实现小目标。你要假定目标会随着时间增长,而 且你设定的起点要低。养成新习惯时前几周给自己时间让大 脑适应。你愿意住在三个月就竣工的高楼里吗?Here were some of my small changes that laid the groundwork for big results:以下是我为了大转变打基础做出的一些小改变:Cut from three sodas a day to twoz then one, then zero. (This took me from 270 pounds to 240 over about four months.)一天3瓶汽水减到2瓶,然后减到1瓶,最后不喝(这 让我在4个月内从270磅减到240磅)。Up your evening sleep to 7.5 hours, then 8, then 8.5, and more if needed. Only up the number once a week.晚上睡眠时间延长到7.5小时,然后延长到8小时,最 后到8.5小时,如有必要还可继续延长,1周只延长一次睡 眠时间。Food - Eggs are amazing if you're looking for a budget save. I've eaten the same breakfast everymorning for five years: 6 whites and 2 yolks with someavocado and veggies, all scrambled together. You canfind TONS of stuff like this on the internet.食物如果想节省开支鸡蛋是很好的选择,我5年每 天早晨都吃相同的早餐:6个鸡蛋白,2个蛋黄和一些牛油 果了还有蔬菜混在一起吃。你可以从网上找到很多类似食 谱。I used running for cardio because it was easy to measure - how many laps I did this week, how much to add in in the future, etc. whatever you decide to do, know the basics for scaling up so you don't run into injury.我进行跑步这个有氧运动,因为锻炼效果容易衡量 这周我跑了多少圈,以后要加多少圈等等无论你选择什么 运动,都要注意最基本的是锻炼强度要按比例增加,以防受 伤。From what I shared, it sounds like implementing habits will generate the biggest change. It will be challenging at first, trust me, but each week gets easier with time.从以上我提供的内容来看,小习惯会到达质的转变。最 初会有点儿难,但相信我,随着时间的推移每周都会变得更 容易一些。What Causes Hangnails?指甲周围总长倒刺,真的是因为缺维生素了吗?Despite what its name suggests, a hangnail isnz t part of a ripped nail still tenuously attached to the base. Itz s a sliver of skin that hangs off your finger on either side of your nail. Though it often seems like they pop up out of nowhere, they happen when the skin around your nails gets weak and brittle to the point of cracking.到刺并不像它字面所指是一根倒长的刺,而是指挂在指甲两侧的一小块手指皮肤。倒刺看似是无缘无故冒出来的,但其实当指甲周围的皮肤变得脆弱、易破裂时,才会长 倒刺。“They can result from a variety of things, like biting your nails, a bad manicure, dry skin, using harsh soap and detergents, cold temperatures, and 'waterlogged/ hands,'" dermatologist Dr. James Collyer told GQ.皮肤科医生詹姆斯科勒博士告诉GQ杂志:“倒刺可能是多种原因造成的, 比方咬指甲、修甲不当、皮肤干燥、使用粗糙的肥皂和洗涤剂、低温和手部长期 浸水。Spending a day in the pool or scrubbing your bathroom with a chemical solution can definitely make you more susceptible. And unless you live in a place that stays balmy year-round, you probably have more trouble with hangnails during the winter.在泳池里呆一天或用化学溶液擦洗浴室肯定会让你更容易长倒刺。除非你住 在一个四季如春的地方,否那么到了冬天,倒刺问题可能会更严重。The reason hangnails cause a surprising amount of pain for such a small wound is because of all the nerve endings and blood vessels in your fingertips. The more inflamed your hangnail gets, the more it pushes on those nerves.倒刺是很小的伤口,但是造成的疼痛感却是惊人的。这是因为指尖上有所有 的神经末梢和血管。倒刺发炎越严重,对神经的刺激就越大。You can't exactly avoid winter or washing your handsbut you can routinely use lotion to keep them moisturized. If you're cleaning with chemicals or doing lots of dishes, don a pair of rubber gloves first. And when you're clipping your nails, try not to cut the cuticles. Some people trim cuticles intentionally because it makes nails look especially neat and well-manicured, but it can also weaken your nail beds against bacteria.你不可能不过冬天、不洗手,但你可以经常使用乳液保持手部滋润。如果你 会用化学品做清洁或经常洗盘子,要戴一副橡胶手套。剪指甲的时候,尽量不要 剪到角质层。有些人故意修剪指甲周围的表皮,这样会使指甲看起来特别整洁, 修剪整齐,但这也会削弱甲床抵抗细菌的能力。