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    Unit 7 Food Festival Who can tell me how to cook porridge/fried rice/noodles ? I can tell you how to cook .First, Next, Then, After that, . Finally, butter n. 黄油黄油pear n. 梨梨a piece of breadn.一块(片、张、件一块(片、张、件.)n.小吃小吃First, take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them.Next, cut a pear into small pieces carefully. Then put them on the bread lightly.After that, put some honey over the pear slowly.Finally, put the pieces of bread together.Do you know how to make a sandwich with some bread and a pear?Would you mind telling me again how to make the snack?1a1.Would you mind if we learn to make it from you ? 我们向你学习做它(三明治)好吗?(1)Would you mind if.请求允许或客气地请某人做某事。 E.g:我打开窗户好吗? Would you mind if I open the window?(2)learn to do sth.from sb. 向某人学习做某事 E.g:他向他父亲学习下棋。 He learns to play chess from his father.2. .,you did quite well.你做得非常好。 But I think you did better than I.但是我认为你做得比我更好。 Michael did best of all.迈克尔是所有人中做得最好的。 这三个句子中的well,better,best都是副词,作动词did的状语。 better,best分别是well的比较级和最高级形式。3.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。Michael arrives early.Kangkang arrives earlier.Jane arrives earliest.2Look at the pictures and match the parts of the sentences.Michael stays long.Kangkang stays longer.Jane stays longest.Michael cooks well.Kangkang cooks better.Jane cooks best.Favorite snack:_Ingredients:1.bread 2._ 3. pear 4._Process: _,take two pieces of bread and put some butter on them. Next, cut a pear into small pieces _. _, put them on the bread _. After that, put some honey over the pear _. _,put the pieces of bread together.1ba sandwichbutterhoneyFirstcarefullylightlyFinallyslowlyThenRead 1a and retell the process of making a sandwich, using first, next, then.based on 1b.1c polite adj.有礼貌的,有教养的impolite adj. 不礼貌的, 粗鲁的noisily adv. 喧闹地喧闹地E.g.:In Japan, its polite to eat soup noisily. 在日本,大声地喝汤是礼貌的。( ) OK,let me try.(Slurp!)( ) Well,in Cuba,its impolite to eat so noisily.I dont know if it is polite in Japan.( ) OK. Mm, its delicious. (Slurp!)( ) Not bad,Maria.( ) Kumiko,is it too hot?( ) Come on,Kumiko!Help yourself to some soup.( ) No.Why?( ) Oh.In Japan,its polite to do that.It means you like the food very much.3 Listen and number the sentences to form a conversation.Then practice with your partner.12345678 I dont know if it is polite in Japan. 我不知道在日本这样是否礼貌。 这是由这是由if引导的宾语从句,引导的宾语从句,if意为意为“是否是否”,不能省略。,不能省略。 if和和whether 都可以引导宾语从句,意为都可以引导宾语从句,意为“是否是否”,两者通常,两者通常能互换,但不可省略。从句表一般疑问的意义。能互换,但不可省略。从句表一般疑问的意义。 E.g:我不能确定是否有不明飞行物。 Im not sure if there are UFOs. Understand the following sentences: 1. I dont know if/whether I need to obey all the rules while Im having dinner with my friends. 2. Could you tell me if/whether its polite to speak loudly at the table? 3. I dont know if/whether you are right.Compare the following things with your friends, then make a report after the example.go to school/do ones homework/play basketball/run/cook/. (early/well/fast.)Example: Wang Gang and I are good friends.I go to school earlier than he.But he does his homework better than I. .cheapjeep chainJane cheerjeer choosejuice Read the pairs of words aloud,paying attention to the sounds of the underlined letters.Then listen and try to imitate.4aA:Would you like to tell me how to cook the meal?B:Sure.What do you want to learn?A:Could you teach me how to make fried rice?B:Yes,its easy.First,cut some cooked meat very finely.Next,put some oil in the pan.Then fry the meat lightly.After that,add the rice slowly and fry it for a few minutes.Finally,add some salt.A:Yeah! Cooking is fun!When you describe more than one step,you often use rising tone for such words as first,second before you come to the end.Listen and read the conversation,paying attention to the intonation and pause.Then practice with your partner.4b( ) 1. I dont know _ he is right . A. that B. what C. if( ) 2. Which one goes _, the car, the train or the plane? A. fast B. faster C. fastest( ) 3. I would like a sandwich_ honey. A. for B. with C. of( ) 4. Its polite_ up your hand before answering the questions. A. put B. putting C. to put( ) 5. -Would you mind if I learn English from you? -_. I am very glad to teach you. A. Of course not. B. Youd better not. C. Sounds great. 单项选择。单项选择。CCBCA1. Some new words: snack,butter,pear,piece,slurp,impolite,noisily,polite2.The comparative and superlative degrees of monosyllabic adverbs: You did quite well. But I think you did better than I. Michael did best of all.3.Object clauses with if/whether: I dont know if it is polite in Japan.1.Ask for permission: Would you mind if we learn to make it from you?2.Make sandwich step by step.1.Make a sandwich or a hamburger.2.Read 1a and try to retell it.3.Finish Section B in your workbook.4.Preview Section C.Thank you !


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