-如何开展初中英语集体备课活动-第 40 页 如何开展初中英语集体备课活动 备课是上好课的先决条件。教师能否上好课关键在于上课前是否做了充分的准备,即是否进行了深入细致的备课。传统的“单兵作战”的备课方式已经跟不上时代发展的要求,集体备课活动增进教师之间的相互了解;可以形成一种交流、合作、研究的学术气氛;可以充分开发学校现有的教育资源,推广优秀教师的教学经验,缩短年轻教师的成长周期,促进学校教学质量的整体提高。一、 集体备课的基本程序集体备课通常可以按照:个人初备集体研讨修正教案重点跟踪课后交流的基本程序进行运作。1.个人初备(1)个人备课时,一定要认真学习和研究课程标准、大纲、考纲、教材、教学参考书以及其它的相关材料;一定要突出重点,突破难点,抓住关键。同时,教师还要深入了解学生,摸清学情,以便有的放矢地进行教学。要做到摸清学生的学情,既要研究学生的智力因素(比如,学生的学习兴趣、学习态度和学习习惯等)。 (2)每位备课教师必须写出备课提纲,确定教学的重点和难点,提出具体的教学目标(认知和情感目标);新教师应写出详细的教案。(3)每位教师都要尽力提出有独创性的设计方案,以便资源共享。(4)每位教师应提出自己有疑问的地方,以便集思广益,攻克难点。(5)每位教师应该超前备课,这样有利于把握全局,也有利于教师在课堂上解决部分学生因超前预习提出的问题。集体备课时最好能准备好下一周的教案。2.集体研讨教师在第一次集体备课时,一定要对本学期的课程进行整体规划,简要写出本学期的教学计划,并制定好单元教学计划。教师在集体备课时要遵循“整体部分整体”的思路,分别陈述各自的备课方案,最好采用“说课”的形式进行比较,以便扬长避短,统一思想,达成共识。集体备课时还应注意做到以下两点:(1)“四个统一” “四个统一”即统一教学进度,统一教学目标,统一教学重难点,统一阶段测试。提倡“四统一”不是要“一刀切”,而是应根据教学的具体情况,经集体分析,作出合理安排。(2)中心发言 集体备课时要确定一个中心发言人。中心发言人可以由老教师或教学水平高的教师担任,以便做好“传、帮、代”工作。同时,也要大胆启用青年教师担任中心发言人。这样做有利于青年教师迅速成长。3.修正教案 集体备课时由中心发言人说课,教师们共同探讨,相互补充,使教案内容更加充实和完善。但教案应避免千篇一律,否则就没有创新精神。4.重点跟踪 经过备课组研讨过的教案是否可行还有待于在教学实践中考证。因此,有必要进行跟踪听课,以便及时总结和不断改进。5.课后交流 一个完整的备课过程应该有五个:阶段准备阶段、分析阶段、创造阶段(编写教案)、提高(阶段即第二次备课,调整和修改教案)和总结阶段。课后交流是备课总结阶段的主要内容。备课组教师授课后要进行交流,并对每位教师的教学进行评估,肯定优点,指出其不足,促进每位教师教学水平的提高。二、 教师在集体备课时要树立以下几个意识:1.合作意识 合作是进行集体备课的前提条件。集体备课时要创造一种平等、民主、互相尊重、互相合作的氛围。对每一个阶段的工作,备课组教师都要有明确的分工。例如,有些教师可以去寻找有关的资料;有些教师可以准备教具。在进行专项复习时,要根据各位教师的长处,备课组长指定专人负责,准备阅读、改错和书面表达等练习材料。2.整体意识 集体备课时教师要有整体意识,例如,第一次集体备课时教师要纵览全局,制订整个学期或整个学年的教学计划;同时,还要注意教材各章节之间的内在联系。集体备课活动有可能会因意外的事情受到影响而暂停,备课组长一定另找时间及时补上,以保证备课内容的系统性和连续性。3.超前意识 教师超前集体备课,不仅能增强教学的目的性和针对性,而且有利于将问题消灭于萌芽状态。在制订好整体教学计划后,集体备课时最好能提前准备几个课时或一个单元的课。初中英语牛津版教材每个单元均包含Welcome to the unit, Reading, Grammar, Integrated skills, Study skills/Pronunciation, Main task, Checkout等几个课时。例如,教学Welcome to the unit之前,就要备好后几个课时的教案。4.反思意识 通过对教学行为的反思来提高教学能力是教师成长的重要途径。教学行为研究可以是在教师自己的课堂教学中开展小范围的调研活动。众多在教学上获得成功的教师都十分重视写教学后记。有位学者指出,教师的成长=经验+反思。教师只有通过不断反思自身的教学行为,才能扬长避短,才能促进教师专业化的发展。写教学后记是教师反思自身教学行为的行之有效的办法。教师参加集体备课,将教学方案付诸课堂实践,并对自己(或他人)的教学过程进行评判性反思和分析,研究并总结出最基本的教学原始资料。可为积累教学经验奠定基础。 集体备课是极其细致且复杂的创造性活动,它是提高英语教学质量和英语教师群体水平的一种有效手段,因此抓好英语集体备课组建设意义重大。 集体备课操作流程一、教师个人初备,形成初稿年级备课组长在开学之初,召集本组教师,通过讨论、协商,最后由组长按课时数确定每个人的备课任务,要求教师提前一周完成个人初备,按课堂指南编写说明,形成初稿。课堂指南编写说明:课堂指南既是学生学习的学案,又是教师授课的教案。课堂指南主要包括:学习目标,学习重难点,学习方法,学习过程,教学反思等几个方面。学习目标,一节课的学习目标要明确且具有可操作性,教师在设计时既要考虑到本节的学习内容、学生的认知水平,还要思索通过流程的安排能否达到,怎样达到所设定的目标,所以,整个学习目标应包括三个方面的内容:一是明确学习主题所包涵的各个知识点与技能项目,二是明确学习者完成学习的基础与需要,学生学习有起点,三是三维学习目标的表述,一定要体现教育的要求、契合学生的基础与需要,要让学生经过努力可以实现,而且可以很容易地让教师在课堂上观察到这种变化;学习重难点,主要是对学习中知识类的把握,它相当于考试内容与考试要求中的“理解、掌握、灵活应用”层次,需要我们在安排学习过程时注重这类知识的凸显、突破;学习方法,这是教师在备课时针对学生的各个方面的情况和知识呈现的方式预设的学法指导;学习过程含预习导学、展示提升、巩固训练、反馈测评四个环节。预习导学体现如何指导学生预习,重心落在“导”上,“导”是前提,“学”是目的,学生在教师的指导下自主学习,这个环节的内容可以有:1、对前面所学的,又与现在要学的,有紧密相关的知识的回顾;2、解读文本,你最棒:(文本解读)3、你行我行,比一比:(问题预设)设计体现“基础性、梯度性、生活性、实效性”的预习题,同时,要注意预习题的“难度、广度、深度”,还要考虑到问题的预设生成,为展示作好前期准备工作。或是探究活动的安排与操作的方案设计。4、温馨提醒:(优生指导)学有余力的自主探究课外练习(你能行!)5、能评敢议,争第一(能力拓展)要求学生谈谈学习体会,从“问题的易错点、关键点,方法、规律归纳”几个方面进行小结,有利于学生的能力提升。展示提升是在预习的基础之上对所学知识的再次提高与深化,教师视学情,可随机分配展示任务,要求展示小组能够把问题的最精彩、最优化的解决方案呈现给大家。讲解学生:分析解题思路;规范解题步骤;关键点(切入点)易错点;方法、规律的归纳;听课学生:“讲解中的错误;对题目新的见解;所学知识之间的异同比较;补充、完善解决方案;做好学习笔记”予以点评。巩固训练,教师根据展示时学生掌握的情况,通过追问的方式随机出示变式题让学生强化训练,起到巩固提高的作用。反馈测评是给学生再次尝试的机会,也是检查学生学习的效果,题目呈现的形式可以多样,难度要照顾到各个层面的学生。教学反思是留给教师与学生再次回顾与思考的空间,思考作的好的有哪些方面,为什么好,不够的方面是什么,应该怎样改进,有没有独到、创新的内容。二、年级备课组集体备课,完成定稿1、形成以教研组组长为核心的管理机制,有计划地组织进行集体备课。2、固定时间、地点、人员:以年级学科组为单位,固定每天空课时间在指定地点进行集体备课,备课组长做好相关记录。3、保证有一周教学内容的超前量。4、固定每次备课内容:为了减少盲目性,开学初,各科组长就组织一次全科性集体备课,主要讨论本学期的教学方向、重点研讨内容、教学时间的调配等宏观性的问题,再根据教材编排体系,制定好本科集体备课计划。各年级根据各科计划制定年级学科备课计划,安排好备课内容和中心发言人,也可根据教师的特长选择适合自己的教材进行备课。这样,每次集体备课都有目的性、针对性、实效性。集体备课主要内容为:(1)大家共同讨论上周教学存在的情况、学生的反馈等,及时总结经验教训。(2)主备教师将预先备好的课堂指南初稿发给大家,就教学环节的设计、步骤的安排和学习方法的设计运用进行集体讨论研究。(其他教师必须熟悉文本,有自己的教学思路:每个环节学生学什么,学到怎样的程度,教师应该提供怎样的帮助等,重点放在如何引导学生的学上,放在题目的挑选上,放在目标的达成上,放在体现学生的个性的张扬上。)5、集体备课的检查、评价。提高集体备课的实效,把“教科研为提高教学质量服务”的工作落到实处。(1)看教师是否积极参与集体备课,能否在深钻教材的基础上提出有价值的问题,能否查阅资料、补充教学内容,能否在集体研讨时,发表有个性的见解,能否博采众人之长,运用于自己的教学实践。(2)每周安排1-2名教师上公开课,每次听课后,教师按课堂教学评价表的要求,进行有效评课,要求同年级的教师作中心发言,尽量少提或不提作得好的方面,多提不足和意见、建议,以免评课流于形式,变成相互说客套话,不利于教师业务水平真正提高。(3)教研组长负责收集教师上交的一篇教学案例或教学设计、教学随笔等。文章撰写的格式为:标题 三号黑体加粗,姓名 小四楷体,正文 四号宋体.。(4)做好每次集体备课记录,学期末交教研处存档。8、集体备课最终要达到课堂指南完善、教学进度一致、单元检测统一、教学效果均衡。三、备课组长审核,制版印刷 主备教师结合集体备课的意见与建议,作进一步的修改与完善,完成课堂指南的编写,经过备课组长审核通过后,再交付学校油印室统一印刷,分发各个教师与学生,教师安排学生作好预习工作。四、教师按各自教学风格作新的补充 “风格是教学的灵魂,没有风格的教师只能跪着教学”,各教师拿到课堂指南后,根据自己的教学风格再作适当的补充,引导课堂真实有效,互动生成。 英语集体备课总结备好课是上好课的基础,为提高我校备课的质量本学期每周二的都进行了集体备课,我们英语组的三位老师都会准时在二(3)教室集体备课。按照我们各自的教学任务,我们将对下周的新课进行集体备课。首先,由主备课老师说课,阐述课的教学目标,重点、难点,以及在教学中需用到的教具。备课时设计哪几个环节,分别是这样解决重点难点和教学目标的。然后其他两位老师在听完说课后,对备课的教学目标、重点难点进行修改和补充。在重难点的老师措施上做进一步探讨。比如我们在准备片赛课活动时为了优化这节课的教学结构,突出本节课的重点、难点,我们共同参与了讨论,将原本书中的教学顺序进行了调整。从而使教学过程更流畅,更符合实际生活。我们在集体备课后在教案上进行第一次修改。等每位老师上完课,针对集体备课中的可取之处进行总结。并及时在教案中写出教后感,并对教案做第二次修改。就这样,我们认真组织集体备课,每位老师都能认真对待认真备课,使得备课质量有了很大的提高。八年级英语第二、三周集体备课教案Unit2 School life课型:Welcome to the unit 时间:执笔: 审核:学习目标:1. Talk about the school life and review the words about school life.2. Learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English.3. Learn the differences between British English and American English. 学习重点;Command the words and phrases:词汇:British lift post eraser fall vocation math movie elevator soccer词组:go to school be like watch TV be smarter than fewer advertisements句型:Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie? Whats school like? Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. 学习难点:1. Know the differences between British English and American English. 学法指导:Group works,discussion学习过程:一、导入谈话:Free talkDo you like our school? What do you like? How many subjects do you learn? Can you tell me some names of them?二、自学自测:自主学习文本,完成自测作业Finish Part A on Page 23. Write down both the British and American words, then finish Part B.三、互学互助:小组合作探究,课堂展示成果Different spellings: There are also some differences in spelling between British English and American English. Make a table and write down some words. E.g. favourite and favorite, centre and center.Comic strips1. Listen to the tape and answer : What does Eddie think of the school life?2. Act the dialogue in groups and pairs.四、导学导练:Free talk about Ss ideal schoolWhat do you like more about school, the assembly, the classes, lunchtime or the after-school activities? Do you like outdoor activities? Do you like fewer lessons? Do you like the lessons on the Internet? Talk about the above questions in groups and then make a report.Exercises: 1 单项选择。( )1. Why come and play basketball with us?A. not you B. dont C. not to D. not( )2.- does Mary usually go to the bubby club? -Once a week.A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much( )3. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School.A. 3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd( )4. People in the UK say “lift” while people in the USA say “ ”.A. hall B. elevator C. recess D. soccer( )5. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall?A. will rain; do; visit B. will snow; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D. rains; will; visit2 根据句意和所给单词填空.1. - Sorry, I am late. - Why dont you _ (get) up early?2. Do you think dogs are _ (smart) than people?3. Who is _ ( lazy), Hobo or Eddie?4. My parents like _ (watch) TV in the evening.5. We need _ (little) money and _(few) people to do the work.6.Can you tell me any _ (different) between _ (Britain) English and _ (America) English?7.- What _(be) your school like?- It _(look) like a beautiful garden.8. There are too many _ (advertisement) on TV.9. Thank you for _ (tell) us your ideal school.10. Maths _ (be) very important. We should work hard on it.11. Why dont you _ (go) to the playground.12. The movie _ (be) on at the cinema next week.13. Of all the things, the one on the left is _ (bad).14. Jill isnt as _ (tall) as Lucy.15. I know they are trying their _ (good) in this matter.五、课堂小结: 通过本课学习,你学到了什么?六、教、学反思: 通过本课学习,你还有什么不懂之处吗?Unit 2 School life课型:Reading1 时间: 执笔: 审核:学习目标:1. 学会运用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。2. 了解作者的个人感受和观点。3. 了解和掌握文中的语言点。 学习重、难点:1. 掌握有关两所学校生活的词汇及重点句型,词汇:mixed subject sew myself tasty even guys practice hero close taste article词组:in Year 8 a mixed school do things for oneself Reading Week near the end of talk to somebody in 9th grade have driving lessonsdrive somebody to twice a week spend doing something talk to somebody about something a close friend help somebody with/do something have a great time doing something in the Buddy Club as well 2. Catch the main information about Lives in a British school and an American school. 学习过程:一、导入谈话:1.Lead inReview the British and American words in different forms二、自学自测:Finish Part B1 on Page 25.三、互学互助:Life in a British schoolTask 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer: 1. What grade is John in? 2. Is it a school for boys? 3. Whats his favorite subject? 4. What can he cook? Task 2 Read Paragraph 2 and answer: 5. Does he have a Reading Week every year? 6. What books can they read ? 7. What can they do near the end of the reading class? 8. Why does he think the reading week is too short? Point out: as wellTask 3 Read Johns composition together/by themselves. Try to sum up the whole article.Life in an American schoolTask 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer: 1. How old is Nancy? Where does she study? 2. How old is her brother? What did he learn last year? 3. Is it great that Denver drives her to school? Why?Task 2 Read Paragraph 2 and answer: 4. How often does she play softball? 5. Where does she go every Monday? 6. Who is her buddy? What can they do there? 7. What does Nancy think of Julie? Why?Task 3 Read Paragraph 3 and answer: 8. Does she have a good time during lunchtime? 9. What do they sometimes do after school?Task 4 Read Nancys article by themselves and try to sum it up. Finish Parts B2 and C1 and check the answers.四、导学导练:根据句中提示或题意写出单词的正确形式1. John is a _(Britain) student, he comes from London. 2. My mother cooks very _ (taste) meals. 4. You should listen to your teacher _(careful) and work _(hard) than before if you want to get the_ (high) points in your class. 5. If you want to be _, you should cook _ food and eat _(health). 6. Our school has the _(many) students in our city. 7. We have a great time _(play) softball after school. 8. There is _(few) water in my bottle than in yours. 9. They were the _(hero) of the World War II. 10.She always practises_(read) English every morning.五、课堂小结: 通过本课学习,你学到了什么?六、教、学反思: 通过本课学习,你还有什么不懂之处吗?Unit 2 School life课型:Reading 2 时间: 执笔: 审核学习目标:1.Can grasp the words, phrases and language points of the two articles.2. Can retell the lives in a British school and an American school.【学习重点】:I like learning how to cook and sew. I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus. We always have a great time talking to each other. What does the word “hero” mean?/ It means someone you admire very much. Students in 12th grade are called seniors.Reading Week is always too short because we want to read all our classmates books as well.We can even bring in books and magazines from home, but we have to tell our English teache what we are reading. 学习过程:一、导入谈话Read the text again二、learning by yourselves (自学自测)自主学习文本,完成自测作业让学生快速浏览课文,回答问题。Nancy is 14 years old. She is in 9th g_1_ at Rocky Mountain High School. Her brother Denver had d_2_ lessons last year. Its great for her because he drives her to school every day. Its f_3_than taking a bus. She plays s_4_twice a week. She spends lots of time p_5_. Every Monday she goes to a b_6_club. Her buddy is Julie. Julie h_7_ Nancy learn all about her new school. She helps Nancy with her homework and listens to her p_8_. Nancy thinks Julie is a h_9_. During lunchtime, she has a good time t_10_ with her friends. Sometimes, they go to shopping malls after school.三、Leaning in groups (互学互助)小组合作探究,课堂展示成果Try to memorize the main idea of Johns and Nancys articles according to the table.Who?JohnNancyWhere?What?When?Why?四、Extension(导学导练)巩固拓展延伸,点拨诱导深入1. Year8 (the Eighth Year) = Grade 8 (the Eighth Grade)2. mixed adj. a mixed school mix v. Oil and water will not mix.3. how to do things for myself (反身代词, 我自己,独自做某事)疑问代词who, what. which等和疑问副词when, where, how等加动词不定式,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成分.E.g. Where to go is a question.(作主语)The question is how to learn English well.(作表语)I know where to find the boy.(作宾语)4. tasty adj. The food is tasty. taste link.v. The food tastes good. n. The food has a good taste.1. as well, also, too, either, as well asa. as well 副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末. He is a teacher and a writer as well.b. also 较正式,不用于句末,用语肯定句中. He also plays football.c. too 多用语口语,通常在句末,也可在句中. He is a worker, too.d. either 用于否定句中,通常在句末. Yesterday I didnt watch TV and I didnt see the film, either.e. as well as 用于肯定句中,意为 “既又; 不仅而且”,起连接作用. He gave me clothes as well as food.2. have a great time talking to each other have a great/good time doing sth.=have fun doing sth.E.g. Mary had a god time dancing at the party. We have fun learning English.根据句意和所给单词填空1. In a _(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together. 2. Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents _(two) a month. 3. The dishes in the restaurant are very _(taste). We often go there. 4. I am old enough to look after _(I). You neednt worry about me. 5. Whats the _(long) of your desk? Its about one meter. 6. We always have a great time _(chat) with each other. 7. _(take) a bus is much faster than walking, 8. Quiet! The students _ (have) an E