48音标音标 20元音元音 12单元音单元音 8双元音双元音4 前元音前元音3 中元音中元音5 后元音后元音 28辅音辅音10对对+8Aa EeI iOoUuHh Jj KkBb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt VvYyQq Ww/e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Don Don t forget t forget RrAa Ee Ii Oo HhFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx RranThere is _“E” in the word English. ( n, l, i, s, h, )There is _“g” in the word English.anaAa EeI iOoUu开音节开音节 闭音节闭音节/ei/ cake / bag/i:/ these /e/ egg/ai/ bike /i/ it/ u/ those / / box/ mother / /ju:/ use /u/ put/ us / / see come some apple give AaAa/ / e e / / a any mny ma any anythingny anything/ : / cl/ : / cla ass glss gla ass ss a asksk/ / w/ / wa ant whnt wha at wt wa atch tch w wa ashshUuUu/ u:/ blue ruler/ u:/ blue rulerai /ei/ rain waitay /ei/ may playal / : / all ball / : l/ always / :/ half calmar / :/ car park / : / war warmau / : / becauseaw / : / sawair / / hair chairare / / care hare元音字母元音字母AaAa的字母组合的拼读规则的字母组合的拼读规则元音字母元音字母EeEe的字母组合的拼读规则的字母组合的拼读规则eeee / i: / s / i: / seeee m meeeet t eaea / i: / t / i: / teaea m meaeat t / e / br / e / breaead wd weaeathertherer er / : / t / : / tererm sm sererveve / / teach / / teacherer moth mothererear ear / : / l / : / learearn hn heareard d元音字母元音字母IiIi的字母组合的拼读规则的字母组合的拼读规则 ieie / i: / f / i: / fieield belld belieieveve / ai / l / ai / lieie d dieie ir ir / : / b / : / birird gd girirl l ighigh / ai / h / ai / highigh r righight t元音字母元音字母UuUu的字母组合的拼读规则的字母组合的拼读规则urur / : / n / : / nururse Thse Thurursday sday 元音字母元音字母OoOo的字母组合的拼读规则的字母组合的拼读规则 oaoa / u / b / u / boaoat ct coaoat t ouou / au / h / au / hououse rse rououndnd / : / th / : / thououghtght b bououghtght owow / au / h / au / howow t towown n / u / yell / u / yellowow sl slowow oror / : / / : / ororder nder nororthth / : / / : / w worork k w wororldld oioi / i / n / i / noioise pse poiointnt oyoy / i / b / i / boyoy enj enjoyoy几种几种辅音字母辅音字母及字母组合的拼读规则及字母组合的拼读规则/k/ c, k, ck, /k/ c, k, ck, chch ChChristmasristmas/s/ c, s ni/s/ c, s nic ce e s sickick/ / sh / / sh shshe fie fishsh/ / ng, nk E/ / ng, nk Engnglish thalish thanknk/w/ w, /w/ w, wh wh w wide ide whwhatat/h/ h, /h/ h, wh wh h how ow whwho o/f/ f, ph /f/ f, ph f five ive phphotooto/t / ch, tch tea/t / ch, tch teachcher cater catchch