-文艺复兴(一)一、概 念(Concept)意大利文艺复兴(Italy Renaissance)文艺复兴运动是发生在1417世纪的欧洲,是正在形成中的资产阶级在复兴希腊罗马古典文化的名义下发起的弘扬资产阶级思想和文化的运动The Renaissance was occurred in 14 - seventeenth Century in Europe, is the emerging bourgeoisie in the revival of Greek classical culture in Rome under the name of initiating promoting bourgeois ideology and cultural movement为什么称这场运动为“文艺复兴”? Why is referring to this movement as " the renaissance "由于新生的资产阶级是借助古代希腊、罗马的文化来反对封建神学的,所以历史上称这场新兴的文化运动为“文艺复兴”。The new bourgeoisie is have the aid of ancient Greece, the culture of Rome to oppose the feudal theology, so the history that the new cultural movement of the Renaissance " ".二、实 质(Solid matter)是一场以古典文化复活为外衣的新文化运动,是当时欧洲社会经济与政治结构变革条件下的产物,是中世纪晚期欧洲世俗文化发展的必然结果,同时,它又反过来进一步加速欧洲社会的进步。To be a classical culture the resurrection as the coat of the new culture movement, was the European social economy and political structure reform under the conditions of the product, is a late medieval secular European culture and the inevitable result of the development, at the same time, it in turn further acceleration of European society.实质:资产阶级文化的兴起 性质:资产阶级性质Properties: bourgeois文艺复兴运动为什么首先开始于意大利?The Renaissance began in Italy why?(1) 资本主义萌芽最早出现在意大利,这是意大利成为文艺复兴发源地的前提条件。 (2) 意大利丰厚的古典文化遗产和众多人才为文艺复兴运动的兴起提供了重要条件。 (3) 中国造纸术和印刷术在西欧的广泛使用推动了文艺复兴运动的兴起和发展。 ( 1) capitalism first appeared in Italy, it is Italy became the birthplace of the premise condition of renaissance.( 2) Italy's rich cultural heritage and many talents for the classical Renaissance movement provides important condition.( 3) Chinese paper and printing in Western Europe are widely used to promote the Renaissance movement and the rise of development.三、指 导 思 想(Guiding thought)人文主义: Humanism指的是欧洲文艺复兴运动时期出现的一种资产阶级的世界观,是文艺复兴的指导思想Refers to the European Renaissance period appears a bourgeois world outlook, is the guiding ideology of the Renaissance人文主义思想的内容Humanism thought content1、重视人的价值,崇尚人性,要求把人从宗教的束缚中解放出来。2、人文主义者大力宣扬人的自由意志和个性自由的发展。3、要求现实生活和尘世的享乐In 1, emphasis on human values, respect for human nature, requires that the people from religious bondage.2, humanists preach human freedom and freedom of personality development.3, for real life and worldly hedonism新兴资产阶级主张以人为中心而不是以神为中心;他们颂扬人的价值、人的尊严、人的力量和人的伟大,认为人可以创造一切;他们赞美人生和自然,崇尚科学和理性。The emerging bourgeoisie advocated people-centered rather than to God as the center; they celebrate human value, dignity, strength and greatness, to think that a man can create everything; they praise life and natural, advocating science and reason.积极作用Positive role 一是大大动摇了教会封建神学,起到了打击封建制度的作用; 二是鼓励人们追求财富及现实的幸福,有利于资本原始积累A church is greatly shaken the feudal theology, played against the feudal system;Two is to encourage people to pursue the wealth and happiness reality, in favor of the primitive accumulation of capital消极影响 过分推崇个人意志,造成个人私欲的膨胀等;Negative effects of too much personal will, causing personal desires expansion;四、代 表 人 物On behalf of.第一阶段:14世纪初15世纪中叶,(早期阶段)主要成就:文学艺术的萌发,出现“文学三杰” 但丁神曲神曲分“地狱”、“炼狱”、“天堂”三部。但丁是中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人。恩格斯彼特拉克歌集“人文主义之父”薄伽丘十日谈乔托哀悼基督近代绘画的奠基者 欧洲绘画之父第二阶段:15世纪中叶16世纪末叶,(全盛时期)主要成就:造型艺术“美术三杰”达·芬奇蒙娜丽莎最后的晚餐达·芬奇多才多艺,不但是个艺术家,是个科学家。米开朗基罗最后的审判大卫(雕像充分体现了一种顽强、坚定和正义的精神气质。他双眉紧锁,目光炯炯,全神贯注,显示出压倒一切敌人的威武姿态。是雕塑史上最杰出的作品之一。 )米开朗基罗·博那罗蒂(1475-1564)是一位多才多艺的博学的艺术大师。他集雕刻家、画家、建筑家、诗人于一身。在长达70余年的创作生涯中,历经坎坷,创造了许多天才作品,为人类文明增添了不朽的篇章拉斐尔西斯廷圣母(画中圣母没有丝毫的神秘感,完全是一位充满了欢乐、幸福、美丽的人间母亲。)被称为 “画圣” 拉斐尔少年時的自画像。拉斐尔長得既清秀又有气质,“拉斐尔”本來也就是天堂里那位大天使的名字。拉斐尔的爸妈給他取这个名字,也是希望他们的儿子长大了像天使一般。他们的愿望真的达成了 此外,政治思想家、历史学家马基雅维利文艺复兴(二)二,西欧诸国的文艺复兴人物国籍主要思想代表作 莎士比亚英国 放映社会现实体现人文主义思想 哈姆雷特 拉伯雷 法国 提倡人的个性解放巨人传 伊拉斯谟 德意志 接楼教皇、教士和贵族的愚昧和贪婪愚人颂塞万提斯西班牙 揭示教会的专横和社会的黑暗堂吉诃德 三,文艺复兴时期的科学(Renaissance Science)1,历史条件Historical conditions1)思想:文艺复兴促进了人们思想的解放,使得求真求实的科学风气悄然萌芽;Thought: the Renaissance promoted people to the liberation of the thought, make the realistic scientific atmosphere sadly budding;2)生产力:生产经验的积累,技术能力的提高,为科学研究创造了条件;Productivity: the accumulation of production experience, technical ability, scientific research created a condition;3)一大批科学家在极端困难、专制黑暗的历史条件下,大无畏追求真理的科学精神A large number of scientists in extreme difficulty, autocratic dark history condition, fearless pursuit of truth and the spirit of Science2,内容1)天文学哥白尼(发展哥白尼学说,认为太阳也不是中心,宇宙是无限的。) 开普勒(德国天文学家) 伽利略2)数学、物理3)哲学思想 布鲁诺 培根四大悲剧: 奥赛罗 李尔王麦克白 哈姆雷特Osero, " "King LearMacbeth Hamlett.喜剧代表作: 仲夏夜之梦威尼斯商人 文艺复兴会给社会带来什么影响?1、冲破了封建神学,解放了人们的思想。 2、产生了许多文化巨人和不朽名著,成为人类文化宝库中的瑰丽珍宝。 3、文艺复兴运动推动了自然科学的发展。 4、人文主义思想为近代资产阶级革命运动奠定了理论基础。 The Renaissance would bring what influence?1, broke the feudal theology, liberation of the thought of people.2, produced a lot of cultural giants and the immortal masterpiece, become the human cultural heritage magnificent treasure.3, the Renaissance movement promotes the development of natural science.4, humanistic ideas for modern bourgeois revolution laid the theoretical foundation.总而言之,文艺复兴可被视为学者们研究和改善的一次尝试,他们通过复兴古典时代思想和创新思考方式来推动变革。罗德尼·斯塔克(Rodney Stark)等学者认为(:)发生在的改革的意义并不亚于文艺复兴运动,前者产生了回应型政府、基督教和资本主义萌芽的结合体。这种分析认为,鉴于欧洲大国(法国和西班牙)受君主专制统治,而其他国家则受教会的直接控制;因而只有意大利的独立城市共和国才能从僧院等级承袭资本主义的原则,进而引发了一场规模空前的商业革命,并为随后发生的文艺复兴运动打下了经济基础。In all, the Renaissance could be viewed as an attempt by intellectuals to study and improve the and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought. Some scholars, such as , play down the Renaissance in favor of the earlier innovations of the in the , which married responsive government, Christianity and the birth of capitalism. This analysis argues that, whereas the great European states (France and Spain) were absolutist monarchies, and others were under direct Church control, the independent city republics of Italy took over the principles of capitalism invented on monastic estates and set off a vast unprecedented commercial revolution which preceded and financed the Renaissance.启蒙运动时期的文化(Enlightenment of culture)学习提示:(Learning Tip)1、了解启蒙运动产生的时代背景2、了解启蒙运动的性质和影响 3、掌握启蒙运动时期思想家的主要思想和作品4、掌握启蒙运动的思想内容及其特点1, understanding of the Enlightenment era background2, understanding the nature and effect of the enlightenmentIn 3, during the period of the Enlightenment thinkers to master the main ideas and worksIn 4, master of enlightenment thought and its characteristics.英国早期的启蒙思想¡洛克(The early English Enlightenment¡-¡- Rock)背景1688年的光荣革命,使英国最终完成了革命,洛克于1689年发表政府论,为新秩序提供理论论证。(BackgroundThe glorious revolution of 1688, the British finally completed the revolution, Rock published in 1689, " government ", for a new order in providing the theory.)启蒙运动时期的文化 一、启蒙运动产生的时代背景(The Enlightenment of era background) 1、资产阶级政治革命的兴起(Bourgeois political revolution) 17、18世纪是资本主义生产关系迅速发展和资产阶级革命的时代,这个时期先后发生了四次资产阶级革命。伴随着资产阶级革命,资产阶级的政治制度在欧洲、北美普遍建立。资产阶级自由、平等、博爱的精神在传播。(17, eighteenth Century is the capitalist relations of production develops quickly andEra of the bourgeois revolution, the period has occurred four times.Bourgeois revolution. With the bourgeois revolution, the bourgeois politicsGovernance system in Europe, North America generally set. Bourgeois liberalization, flatAnd so, the spirit of fraternity in communication.)2、资产阶级要求改革传统的经济政策(Bourgeois requirement to reform traditional economic policy) 17、18世纪的欧洲正处于商业革命的盛期,重商主义更加成熟。但是,随着工场工业的繁荣,发展了的工场手工业要求经济上的自由竞争,国家应当允许企业的自由活动和贸易的自由。于是,欧洲出现了一种新理论重农学派,主张摆脱重商主义,鼓吹自由、放任主义。这种理论的代表人物是法国的魁奈(16941774)、杜尔哥(17271781),还有英国的亚当·斯密(17231790)等。(In eighteenth Century 17, Europe is in the commercial revolution of the flourishing period, the mercantile Doctrine of more mature. However, with the plant industry prosperity, development The workshop handicraft industry for economic freedom competition, countries should Allow the free enterprise activities and free trade. So, Europe Now a new theory - the physiocracy, he wanted to get rid of its master Justice, freedom, advocating laissez-faire. This theory is the representative The French Quesnay ( 1694 - 1774), Turgot ( 1727 -1781), and Britain 's Adam Smith ( 1723 - 1790)And so on.)3、自然科学的发展成果(The development of natural science achievements) 在自然科学上,启蒙运动吸收了自然科学发展的成果。认为人们也能够凭理性的力量发现有关自然、人类和社会的法则,谋取世俗的幸福。这一时期的自然科学发展迅速。哥白尼、布鲁诺、伽利略、开普勒、牛顿发现的真理,已被知识界所接受。(In the natural sciences, the enlightenment absorbed Natural Science School achievements. Think people can also by rational force Volume found on natural, human and social law, seek Worldly happiness. During this perod, the development of natural science. Speed. Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Kepler, Niu Meal to discover the truth, has been accepted by the intellectual circles.)4、资产阶级特色的唯物主义哲学体系的形成(Bourgeois characteristics of materialism philosophy system Formation) 资产阶级在政治上也渴望自由平等。他们的力量越来越大,从而与君主专制、贵族特权的矛盾逐渐激化。资产阶级要求民主和法制的思想更加成熟,并广泛传播开来。在哲学思想上,启蒙思想家在总结自然科学成就的基础上,建立了资产阶级特色的唯物主义哲学体系。他们在同封建专制与神学斗争中,继承和发展了培根、笛卡尔等人的先进哲学思想。法国启蒙思想家的成就最大。Asset class in the political desire of freedom and equality. They forceMore and more, and the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility of the contradiction by Gradually sharpening. The capitalist class democratic and legal ideology more into Cooked, and spread. On philosophical thought, enlightenment thinkers In summing up the achievements of natural science foundation, established bourgeois.Color of materialism philosophy system. They are in the same feudal autocracy and Theology In the fight, the inheritance and development of Bacon, Descartes and others advanced philosophy School of thought. The French Enlightenment thinker's greatest achievements.培根(1214-1292):英国哲学家、科学家。曾在牛津大学任教,获得过神学博士学位。培根虽是僧侣,但他却离经叛道,揭竿而起,用他的唯物主义哲学思想反对经院哲学,他强调科学试验,认为观察和实验才是获得真知的唯一方法。由于冒犯了教会,他在修道院监狱中被囚禁15年。Bacon ( 1214-1292 ): British philosopher, scientist. Has taught at the University of Oxford, received a doctorate in theology. Although Bacon is the monk, but he can discard the classics and rebel against orthodoxy, rise up in arms, with his materialism philosophy against the scholastic philosophy, he emphasizes that scientific experiment, observation and experiment is the only way to obtain knowledge. For offending the church in the monastery, he was held in captivity for 15 years in prison.笛卡尔(15961650): 17世纪法国哲学家,科学家。西方近代哲学的奠基人之一,解析几何的创始人。旧译笛卡儿。(Descartes ( 1596 1650 ): seventeenth Century French philosopher, scientist. One of the founders of modern western philosophy, analytic geometry author. The old translation of descartes.) 二、启蒙运动的思想内容及其特点(The Enlightenment of ideological content and characteristics) 1、启蒙运动的思想内容(The Enlightenment of ideological content) 第一、崇尚理性。启蒙思想把抽象的人作为一切事物的中心,用人的理性代替神的意志,以人的理性来检验封建统治阶级制定的种种制度和政策,最终证明其具有欺骗性。 第二、肯定客观世界的规律性。启蒙思想家认为事物之间存在的必然联系是最广泛意义上的法规,自然界中存在的基本原则和正义是政治、法律效仿的典范。他们相信客观世界的秩序性,认为从创世之日起,它就被安排的井井有序。 第三、提倡科学、重视知识,反对愚昧。启蒙思想家在反对封建专制主义的同时也积极倡导和宣传自然科学。 第四、向往自由平等的社会。启蒙思想家认为人应当是自由的,自由有利于社会。自由应包括言论、出版、信仰等自由。激进的启蒙思想家提出了“天赋人权”,“主权在民”“三权分立”等先进思想。(First, advocating rational. Enlightenment to abstract as The center of everything, with human reason instead of God's will, to people The reason to test the feudal ruling class to develop all sorts of system and policy Policy, ultimately prove its deceptive.Second, that the laws of the objective world. The thinkers of the enlightenment. The things the inevitable relations between the sense of law is one of the most widely Gauge, exist in nature, basic principles and justice is political, legal Emulate the model. They believe that the objective world order, view from Creation date, it has been arranged well orderly.Third, advocate science, the importance of knowledge, against the foolish Be ignorant of. Enlightenment thinkers in opposition to feudal autocracy of the same Also actively promote and publicize the natural science.Fourth, yearning for freedom and equality of the society. Qi Mengsi Homesickness think people should be free, free to agency Sure. Freedom of speech and of the press, religion should be included, such as self By. Radical Enlightenment thinkers put forward " talent person Right ", " sovereignty belongs to the people ", " separation of the three powers " and other advanced thinking Think of.) 启蒙运动具有广泛的国际性,它席卷了欧洲和北美的所有国家,特别是英国、法国、意大利、俄国和美国在启蒙运动中涌现了许许多多的杰出的思想家。他们从理性的原则出发,向封建专制制度和反动教会发起了猛烈的进攻,内容涉及哲学、伦理学、经济学、政治学、史学、美学教育学等各个领域,他们在反封建制度的同时也提出了一系列崭新的思想理论。这些先进理论极大地鼓舞了人民群众反封建的斗志,为资产阶级革命作了思想上、舆论上的准备。(The Enlightenment has extensive international, it swept across Europe Delta and north of all countries, especially Britain, France, Italy Italian, Russian and the United States during the enlightenment in the many Many great thinkers. They from the rational principle, To feudal autocracy and the church launched a fierce into Attack, covered philosophy, ethics, economics, politicsScience, history, aesthetics, education and other fields, they are Anti feudal system at the same time also put forward a series of new ideas Theory. These advanced theories greatly inspired the people's anti The feudal spirit, for the bourgeois revolution made the thought, geography On the preparation of.)2、启蒙思想的特点(Enlightenment thought characteristic) 第一,反对宗教蒙昧主义,宣扬理性与科学 启蒙思想家认为,社会不进步的原因是宗教势力,特别是天主教对人民精神的长期统治。他们宣称,人的理性是衡量一切、判断一切的尺度不合乎理性的东西就没有存在的权利。因此,神学、基督教等应该被统统打倒。 第二,反对封建专制制度,宣扬民主与法制启蒙思想家认为,封建专制制度扼杀自由思想,造成社会上的不平等和文化、经济上的落后。因此,他们宣扬“天赋人权”,主张人民参与政治,法律面前人人平等。First, as opposed to religious obscurantism, advocate science and reason Thinkers of enlightenment thought, social progress is the result of religious potential Force, especially to people's spirit in the long reign of the catholic. They declared Said, the reason is the measure of all, to judge all scales, different On the rational thing there is no existence rights. Therefore, theology, radical Christian should be completely overthrow.In second, against the feudal autocratic system, promoting democracy and legal systemThinkers of enlightenment thought, the feudal autocratic system stifles free thinking Want, causing inequality in society and culture, economic backwardness.Therefore, they advocate " natural rights", advocated the people's participation in politics, Laws do not discriminate against anyone. 三、启蒙运动时期的思想家(During the period of the Enlightenment thinkers) 1、法国启蒙运动的代表人物(The French representative figures of the enlightenment) (1)、伏尔泰:伏尔泰(16941778)是法国启蒙运动的领袖,大资产阶级温和派的代表,又是一位作家、政治家、历史学家和哲学家。他的代表作有论英国书简(现译哲学通讯)、哲学辞典、形而上学论、论各国的立国精神与礼俗、牛顿哲学原理、路易十四时代、查理十二史、彼德大帝统治下的俄罗斯、中国孤儿等。伏尔泰的社会思想核心是平等,他提出了“天赋人权”的口号。这是对当时等级制度和出身特权的公开挑战他的政治思想是自由的,希望建立像英国一样的君主立宪法制。他一方面反对专制制度,一方面主张保留国王,把建立君主立宪作为政治理想。Voltaire: Voltaire ( 1694 - 1778) is French Enlightenment movement leader, the big bourgeois moderates the representative, It is a writer, politician, historian and philosopher. His The representative of the British " lette