1212 月英语四级考试真题及答案详解月英语四级考试真题及答案详解12 月英语四级考试真题及答案详解Writing(30 minutes)Part WritingFind a Job First College students options upon graduation vary fromperson to person. Some students choose to hunt for a jobwhile others prefer to start their own business. As forme, I would rather find a job first. The reasons for my decision are as follows. Forone thing, it is much easier for me to find a job paredwith starting a business which demands fund, experience andthe market. As a green hand who has just graduated from acollege, its totally beyond my ability to handle such aplex situation. For another, working for others coulddevelop my personalities, such as perseverance, hardworkingand stress tolerance ability, which can help me bee moreprepared and qualified if I would like to start up my ownbusiness.To conclude, chances always favor those who areprepared. And I dont think a person could really build upfrom nothing. As a result, I will find a job firstafter graduation.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you havejust heard.预览两道题各选项,由 dangerous,live in,strike,storm,forest fire 和 attack 等词可以推测,新闻内容与某个危险事件导致房屋不能居住有关。1. Why did John Gordon move out of the AbergeldieCastle?A。新闻中提到,城堡的主人约翰戈登周日被迫搬离城堡,这是由于迪河的河水冲走了大约 60 英尺的土地,导致城堡离河太近,十分危险。由此可知,约翰戈登搬离城堡是因为居住在这里会有危险,故答案为 A。2. What happened in Scotland last Wednesday?B。新闻中提到,自法兰克风暴于上周三袭击苏格兰后,苏格兰环境保护署已经了超过 35 次覆盖多个地区的洪水警报。由此可知,上周三苏格兰受到了风暴袭击,故答案为B。Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you havejust heard.预览两道题各选项,由选项中的 lost contact,trapped,underground elevator,calls for help,repair,supplies 和miners 等词可以推测,新闻内容与矿工受困和救援有关。3. B。4. C。Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you havejust heard.预览三道题各选项,由选项中的 postage rates,services,delivery,post offices,Shortening,Closing,Stopping 和mail 等词可以推测,新闻内容与邮政现有的问题以及为应对问题所采取的措施有关。5. D6. C7. AM: Mrs. Hampton, weve got trouble in the press roomthis morning. W: Oh dear, what about?M: One of the press operators arrived an hour and ahaft late.W: (8) But thats a straightforward affair. He willsimply lose part of his pay. Thats why we have a clock insystem.M: But the point is the man was clocked in at 8 oclock.We have John standing by the time clock, and he swears hesaw nothing irregular.W: (9-1) Is John reliable?M: (9-2) Yes, he is. Thats why we chose him for thejob.W: Have you spoken to the man who was late?M: Not yet. I thought Id have a word with you first.Hes a difficult man, and I think theres been some troubleon the shop floor. Ive got a feeling that the trade unionrepresentative is behind this. The manager told me thatJack Greens been very active around the shop the last fewdays.W: Well, what do you want me to do?M: (10) I was wondering if youd see Smith-the man whowas late-because you are so much better at handling thingslike this.W: Oh, alright. Ill see him. I must say I agree withyou about there being bad feelings in the workers. (11)Ive had the idea for some time that Jack Greens been busystirring things up in connection with the latest wage claim.Hes always trying to make trouble. Well, Ill get themanager to send Smith up here.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation youhave just heard.8. D9. B10. D11. CQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation youhave just heard.预览四道题各选项,第 12 题各选项均为形容人性格的形容词,考查对某人性格的描述;第 13 题各选项为对 They 这个群体的行为描述,考查这一群体在特定环境中的行为动作;第 14 题四个选项主语均为 She,且出现了 foreigner 和 English castle,由此可以推测,对话内容与英国或英国人相关,此题可能考查某位女士在英国所受到的待遇;第 15 题考查某类人的住房要求。12. D13. A14. C15. BQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you havejust heard.预览三道题各选项,由 jobs,interviews,hiring 和 schoolcareers service 等词可以推测,短文内容与学生找工作有关。16. What does the speaker say about college studentsapplying for on-campus jobs?D。短文中提到,在学校内有很多就业时机,作为学生,你自然会有被雇用的优先权。因此答案为 D。17. what can students do to find a campus job aordingto the speaker?C。短文中提到,学生可以去向学校的就业效劳中心或职业介绍所寻求帮助,找一份校园内的工作。因此答案为C。18. What does the speaker say is a library monitorsresponsibility?B。短文中提到,如果你是一个正在找工作的大学生,但是担忧没有足够的时间来学习,你可以考虑担任自习室或图书馆的监管员,这类工作的主要职责就是对学习空间进展监管,以确保维持一个安静的学习环境。因此答案为 B。Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you havejust heard.预览三道题各选项,由 grow,sold,price,green tea,teadrinkers,tea farmers 和 market 等词可以推测,短文内容与茶叶的种植和售卖有关。19. C20. A21. DQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you havejust heard.22. B23. B24. A25. ASection A26.K . rarely27.O .tortured28.J .minimal29.D. determine30.G. inadequate31.B. creates32.E. direction33.M. strengthen34.L. shelters35.C. criticallySection B36. C37. J38 .G39. D40. K41. E42. B43. H44. F45. ISection CPassage 0ne46.C。47.A。48.D。49.A。50.B。(51)吃得少,还能让人感到快乐的奥秘或许早在几年前就被麦当劳破解了。根据康奈尔大学食品与品牌实验室的一项最新研究,小份的非食物奖励,例如麦当劳欢乐套餐中的玩具,可以和食物一样刺激大脑中的奖赏中枢。由马丁莱曼领导的研究人员进展了一系列的实验,想要弄清楚人们是否愿意选择配有非食物类小东西的小份食物。(52)他们发现,绝大多数的孩子和成年人都选择带奖品但减半了的食物。而两种选择的价格是相同的。(53)更为有趣的是,一个对未来奖品的承诺足以使成年人选择小份食品。其中可以使用的奖励之一是彩票,奖金10、50 到 100 美金不等。在劝说人们少吃点这一问题上,这和那些实实在在的礼物一样有效。“参与者们愿意用获得相对来说较少金钱奖励的可能性来替换掉一局部食物,这一事实也是非常有趣的,”莱曼说。(54)他认为从理论上来讲,这些无形奖品中的感情成分使得它们起了作用。事实上,描述不清晰的得奖的可能性比那些有着明确的得奖概率的选择更有效果。“这一发现的解释之一就是不确定的奖励要比确定的奖励在情感上更能激起人们的欲望。”莱曼说。“得奖的不确定性通过在情感上让人兴奋从而为人们提供了额外的吸引力和诱惑力。收到奖励的可能性同时带来了一种希望,这种状态本身就能让人获得心理上的回报。”换言之,这就是人们为什么喜欢赌博的原因。如何运用这一知识来帮助人们吃得更安康呢?一种方法就是给人们提供一个可以获得周末温泉疗养时机的安康选择。或者为选择一份减半了的食物设立半份甜点的奖励,该甜点只能在未来的某个日期享用。(55)这样你就又会回到这个餐馆并且这样你又可以少吃一点。51.D52.D53.B54.A55.C