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    -新SAT阅读高频词汇-第 37 页高频词汇被整理出来了SAT考试阅读的核心词汇。这些词汇是在SAT-OG&OC&真题的基础上整理出来的,其实研究SAT考试首先应该对其OG有一个充分的理解和认识,因为上面的文章都是不折不扣的真题,文章、题目和选项的设置是任何辅导教材不能取代的。而很多同学在使用OG的时候其实都是走马观花, 心想做个几题感受一下就好了,如果真是如此,那么OG为啥要印那么厚呢?整理的词汇分别有四个部分,第一个部分是重要概念词汇,里面包含了TOEFL词汇与SAT词汇。对于这部分的词汇同学们可以结合文章内容理解,这点是任何词汇书都无法取代的。第二部分是重要观点类词汇,SAT阅读真正变态之处在于作者的观点、语气、态度、情感和人物表情用词都相当的复杂。这里给大家做了详细的分类,希望大家可以高效的记忆这些词汇。第三部分是基本逻辑类用语,这类词汇在文章当中其实出现的并不多,而再选项上面出现的相当的多,很多词汇是我们高中阶段就学过的单词,但是放在SAT考试当然你敢说你有信心知道出题者运用他们的真正目的吗?第四部分据很多同学反应就是SAT的句子即便单词意思全知道,但是放在一起就会产生幻觉, 那你就需要好好研究我列出的长难句了!其实很多句子写的特别生动,我们写作的时候也是很有模仿的。P 391-海豚智力研究1. 重要概念类词汇Sophisticate/individuality/intelligence/appropriate/captivity/sensitive/self-awareness/emotional/possess/transmit/interaction/objectivity/2. 观点类用语Show/also/ believe/prove/recognize/even/demonstrate/maybe/unusually/?(这个符号代表的修辞疑问句,我们在文章当中看到修辞疑问句一定要引起重视,因为后面对于这个疑问句的回答就是很有可能是这个段落甚至这个篇文章的主要观点)/but/suggest/argue/the fact is/not/unique(独一无二其实是一种极端性限制,相当于only)/uncommonly/usually/virtually / impossible /question/ little is actually/contend/point out/fully/signify/very few/*be aware of /all we can say/roughly/highly/3. 基本逻辑类用语重点放在对比和因果上Also/another/because/is equal to/outperform/more(less)than/while/4. 复杂句型(1) This behavior demonstrates that dolphins are aware of their own individuality, indicating a level of intelligence that may be very near own. 长难句分析,这个句子要注意的就是有两个平行的表语从句。注:黑体字是这句话的逻辑连接点;下面划线是表示作者的观点态度。P392 揭秘印第安神话1. 重要概念类词汇Motives/customs/aspiration/tendency/ motivated/mysticism/ambition/introspection / pristine / incomprehensible / deductive / automatically / reserve / civilized / occasion / attempt / formulate / ancestor & descendant / encompass / pleaser / difficulty / philosophical / satisfying / dependable / vanish / monopoly / divergent / cast on / viable / exclusive / perceive / deal in / expedient / dissemination / accomplish / literate / chronological / tribal / preservation / religious rituals / strike / evidence / archaeology / documentation / void / educated guess / expose / abrupt / wrenching / reflection / establish / colonial / current / replenish cultural bias / diversity / argument / anthropological / novelty / stereotype(critical point) / essential / precondition / influence / disadvantage / credential / predecessor / complication / statistics analyses / measurement / fossil / physical / characteristic / artifact / homogenization / universality / scholar / academia / objective / culpable ignorance / error2. 观点类用语fundamentally/ profoundly / self serving / self righteous / certainly/ simply/ assume seldom /rarely/ preconception(先入为主的观点比较容易形成prejudice & stereotype)/ prejudge/ behold/ wander/ obviously/ ordinary/ must /consistently/ reluctance/misconception/ subjective/particularly/ demanding/ reassuring/ inexact /unreliable/ culture-bound/ absolute/ rigorous/ prejudice/ impression/ initially(最初的想法,与finally & ultimately 对应)/ disillusionment / demythologize(critical 的标志词汇,破除迷信) fantasy/ abandon/ suggest/ debunk/ exclusively/ contradiction(矛盾也是critical 的词汇,在CR中,矛盾通常是指(1)第一人称小说当中的主人公的心里矛盾(2)idealism Vs. realism 的矛盾)/ must/ criticism/ oblivious/ overly/ excessively/ anxious/ faulty /conclusion(下结论之后的观点一般是主要观点)/ unlikelihood/ settle the differences/ rebelliousness/ inertia(懒惰)/self-denial(自我否定是放弃类的词汇,多数不选除非怀此心态者是反面典型)/ / shortage/challenge/ original/ may(原文是可能,选项是事实为错;反正不能算错)/ would/ doubt / declaim(不要与disclaim混淆) acknowledge/ fallible/ beneficial/ possibility/ false3. 基本逻辑类用语stem from/since/ though/ just/ like/ equivalent/ however/ longevity(这里表示一个事物的延续时间,等同于continuity)/ fuel(生动的表现了因果关系) /but /more/ associate/ with/ outside/ as/ progressive/ in that /but /rather /less than /therefore /drew a parallel /determine /base on4. 复杂句型(1)Part of problem may well stem from the long-standing tendency of European or Euro-American thinkers to regard Native Americans as fundamentally and profoundly different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by unfathomable visions than by intelligence or introspection.点评: A. stem from 表现的意思是由于,但是为啥这里要用stem这个单词而不用result 或者come呢,原因我想应该和这篇文章作者的意图是有直接关系的,文章中作者想去批判一个根深蒂固的偏见,所以提到这个偏见原因的时候用了stem(根)这个单词的时候是非常合适和生动的。B. motivated 和charged 这两个动词在这句话中的作用是运用过去分词修饰前面的Native Americans的观点,所以这两个单词的意思应该一样的,如果遇到词汇题,那么同学们要学会通过这两个平行动词去确定意思。C. may 和regardas是观点标志词,注意may是一种假设不是事实就可以了(2)Native Americans, though obviously contemporary with their observers, were somehow regarded as ancient, examples of what Atone Age Europeans must have been like. 点评:A. 插入语要学会跳跃,把他放在文章的最后去读这样读起来比较轻松,否则,你自己就是没事找事了。B. Must have been like看似好像是一种假设语气,但是这里加了must了语气就很极端了,在我看来不够客观,存在潜在的批判点。(3)Western historians, cultural-bound by their own approach to knowledge, are apt to declaim that next to nothing, save the evidence of archaeology, can be known of early Native American life.点评:A.插入语故技重施B. Save的意思是通过这些证据,科学家可能知道早期NA的生活。Bbound & own 在这里的意思是限制的意思,一语道破了这些历史学家的问题,那就是受到文化和自身学术研究方法的限制,换言之,这群人不愿意从别人的文化去思考问题或者做学问。同学们以后都是准备去美国名校读书了,你想想这些名校会选择被这写偏见占据思维了的人吗?显然不会,所以通过SAT阅读就能够知道你的思维是不是一个思想保守,固守偏见的一个人了。P402+403纠结卖画1. 重要概念类词汇Grease(在变形金刚第一集中女主角像Sam介绍自己父亲职业的时候就是Grease Monkey全身都是机油的猴子,即机械工)/ spring/ explanation/ posit/ cite/ veil/ incident(这个单词是事件的意思,但是做形容词是incidental这个意思是附带的意思,TOEFL考试考过这个意思)/ origin/ function/ draw/ savor/ statistical/ analysis/ approach/ depict/ involve/ architectural/ challenge(选项当中的高频词汇,一般情况下有连个意思(1)挑战、质问指对文中的观点不满(2)特别艰巨的工作)/ care/ perfectly/ / enjoy / draw/ exile(流放banishment)/ mellow / melon / atmosphere/ justice/ glow / dramatic/ / grasp(grasping是贪婪的意思) / willful / exhibition / catalog / gallery / torture / recite / poem(SAT考试不会直接考查诗歌,但是会放在文章当中,在预览文章的时候可以忽略) / sense as / audience / excite / prospective(是潜在的意思,不要和perspective混淆) / buyer / company / idealism & practicality / expectation / reality / /investigation/ achievement/ surround/ souvenir/ collector/ aura(指气氛) memory / may / pleasure / essential / identity(注意be identical to 是相似的意思) / represent / preserve/ encounter/ pressure/ extent/ quality/ artistic/ genre(可通过gene去记忆,不同的gene代表不同的流派)/ miss /2. 观点类用语Impression/ powerful/ Speculation(推测)/glorious/ stunning/ confidence/ at ease /signify/ unpersuasive/ invalidate/ puzzling/ accusation/ concern/ justify/ defend/ suggest/ uncomfortable/ awful/ embarrass/ realize/ fiercely/ insult/ terrible/ admire/ grieve/ folly/ possessive/ maudlin(没得你感情脆弱的) stupid/ uneducated/professional rained/ slight/overly/ respectful/ intrusive/apparently/ appreciative/ reject/praise/ acquisitive/inquisitive/exquisite/generous giving/ believe/ insecure/ regard/ eccentric/ anticipation/disappointment/ generosity/possessiveness/ assume/ would be/ recognize/ unique/ best/ elegant/exceptional/ pragmatic concern(现实SAT中不乏理想主意与现实主意的思考,很多时候我们看似为了现实放弃了自己心里想要的东西然后终身抱憾,我觉得这是十分愚蠢的,其实就是担心现实的磨难自己无法承受,如果你已经有了自己的梦想那就勇往直前吧,前面肯定会有很多的困难和阻碍,但是因为这些障碍,你才会变得更加优秀和成熟。 其实梦想绝对不是虚无缥缈的东西,每个人都有梦想,有人想做个一个老师,有人想去做一个成功的商人,有人想去当运动员,对于我们很多同学而言我们的理想就是出国,接受多文化的熏陶,掌握多门语言,以后找到一个收入丰厚的工作。理想其实很平凡也很实际,而实现理想的方式更是简单,那就是每天多做一些平凡的事你就能实现自己的梦想! 我很喜欢一个单词这个单词就是extraordinary因为这个单词构成其实就说明了实现理想其实并不是我们想的那么遥不可及extra是多一些的意思,ordinary是普通的意思,那么这个单词合在一起不就是多做一些平凡的事就能成为一个可以实现自己理想的卓越人才吗?)/ premature(这个单词很容易误解成早熟,真正的意思是应该是成熟前)/ decision / valuable/ appreciate(这个单词有三个意思A .欣赏B. awareness C. 增值 / unable to attitude (这个单词的构成很有意思,如果你把这个单词拆分成单个的字母,并把字母在26个字母表中的位置加起来的话正好是100的意思A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1%+20%+20%+9%+20%+21%+4%+5%=100%,态度决定了一切!) / longing for/ vivid/ emphasize/ empathy(移情作用)/ nostalgia(有这个单词的选项一般不选,因为比较空)/controversial/ undue(过分的、过度的)/ overlooked / ignorance apprehensive(这个单词的意思有三A. 忧虑 B. 理解C. 拘捕 很多时候我们会因为无法与自己心爱的沟通而变的非常的忧虑)/ doubt(怀疑不是猜忌jealous) / seems to / 3. 基本逻辑类用语Or / but / summarize / ensure / because / promote / arouse / provoke / override / contrast / enhance / stimulate/ whereas / same / for example /4. 复杂句型(1) Savoring cities in ignorance or drinking them in visually is not enough.(2) I grieved for it and wished I could buy it back, marry it again after the folly of a divorce.点评:这两句话写的实在是太生动了!A. Savor 和 drink都是吃饭的词汇,这里的意思是说我们不能囫囵吞枣的去了解城市,或者只是表面上去欣赏一个城市。其实我们现在的生活节奏都非常快,每天活的都很繁忙也都很累,但是这样繁忙的生活或许增加了一些我们的物质生活,但是我们却失去了一个本该精彩的人生。我们现在对于自己生活的城市再也没有我们父辈或者祖父辈的感情了,这点我不知道是幸运呢还是可悲呢?我们每天在这样繁忙而空虚的生活中过着自己欺骗自己的日子,试问原来的梦想哪去了?原来的激情哪去了?原来的冲动哪去了?有的时候真该自己暂时停下自己疲惫的脚步用一颗炽热之心去思考我们生活的这个世界,我们身边应该去珍惜的人,有很多东西错过了也不会再回来了。人生最大的悲哀不在于失败,而是在于错过。B. 后句话写的就是一个错过的人的心态,从他生动的语言中可以体会到他是多么的惋惜和后悔啊!405飞翔梦1. 重要概念类词汇Revolve / brute power / withstand /rage(多义) / at the cheap end / maneuver / intersect / gravity / earthbound / enclose / soul / meditation(contemplation)冥想 / glide / whet / comb / uninitiated / swing / eloquent / inaccessible / obsess / glamour/ profile / personalities / principle / nontechnical(就是通俗易懂的语言) capture / of inefficient / transportation / solution / advantage / overlook / lyrical quality / legacy / survey2. 观点类用语这篇文章谈的是人类对于飞翔的早期梦想,所以理所应当会遇到很多理想化的词汇opposite / possible / in effect / in fact / fascinate / imaginative / discover spectacularly(这个单词的词根是pect意思是看,拥有这个词根的单词有spectacle / spectator / spectacular / expect / perspective / prospective / introspect / 提到前面3个单词我一般会用它们举个例子去记忆,那就是I am a spectator with spectacle to watch a spectacular game) / seem / claim / examine / explain / preoccupy / immense / overrate(指过高估计) / hinder(阻碍) / unwarranted and petty criticism 没有根据并且心胸狭窄的批评 / extravagant(奢华的是一个比较极端的意思) / modest (在SAT考试中考过的意思有A. humble B. moderate) / reiterate (这个单词经常出现在写作手法的选项中,比如reiterate the main thesis of the passage ) / generally / accepted / misunderstood(看到这个词汇证明作者要批判某个理解错误的观点了) / reassess / longing / inspiring(这个单词根来源与spirit所以有激励的意思)/ criticize(区分critical and criticize)/ demystify(和misunderstood一样,证明作者要批判了)/ utterly(一个加强语气的副词)/ all / scarcely(稀有) / pretension / happen(碰巧)3. 基本逻辑类用语but / over / contrast / Because / outweigh / more than / perpetuate(使之永恒下去,那就是趋势的延续了) / effect / accelerate(表趋势加快) / compare 4. 复杂句型(1) It was about weight and brutal powerbeautifully machined heavy steel, burnished bronze, polished copper pipes, ornamental cast ironeverything built, with no expense spared, to withstand great pressures and last any number of lifetimes.点评:这句话难就难在有两个插入语干扰了我们快速把握句子的核心。(2)The GardenAndrew Marvell (1621-1678)Casting the body's vest aside, My soul into the boughs does glide: There like a bird it sits, and sings, Then whets, and combs its silver wings;And, till prepared for longer flight, Waves in its plumes the various light.点评:这是诗歌”The Garden”的节选,这段节选表现了人类对于飞翔的梦想,里面用了诗歌常用的押韵和比喻。那么SAT考试考察诗歌吗?其实SAT考试中并不会直接考察诗歌,因为在SSAT考试当中也就是美国的中考中已经考过了,那么走到高考这个阶段其实是把诗歌当成一种用来支持作者写作目的的手法去考察的,所以遇到诗歌可以不用去读,但是要清楚作者在这里引用这个诗歌的目的。即关注诗歌前后的作者观点就可以了。P420 long pair1. 重要概念类词汇conventional double calculation conceal insecurity slope smoldering snobbery distinction adventure philanthropy inherit hospitality rough-edgedness entertain vitality feast stimulating conclusion simply change perhaps esoteric sensitivity metamorphose hypocrite reputation inhabitant crave/desire social obligation belatedly gossip spirituality urbane/urban ruthless/relentless meticulous class distinction escape individual identity 2. 观点类用语refusal eagerness fail to intolerant self-conscious silly respect reluctantly suspicion outright mistrust estrangement camaraderie despondency apprehensiveness reveal rejection resent pretend to vicariously preoccupy familiar suspicious suggest self-created de-emphasize charm crucial consider Deceitful egotism probably bizarre genuine impossible could dispute finally anxious crude betray suspect bore dried-up banal horror distaste3. 基本逻辑类用语while differentiate more than change consequence constrain impossible undergone a change inferior more than both neither nor either or only confinement but though yet only butP455 1. 重要概念类词汇Financially duplicate penetrate intuition wretch exonerate lackluster 2. 观点类用语could be irony appalled to insensitive awkward seems but suggest especially convincingly insight evident unreasonable possible 3. 基本逻辑类用语foster P4551. 重要概念类词汇Duplicate intuition spring from surgeon role model pressure medicine community interviewer profession childhood recollection collaborate2. 观点类用语Could be irony appall insensitive awkward seems not wretch indeed fame beyond suggest flaunt swagger adequate inevitably concern perception reluctance gratitude encouragement never would be 3. 基本逻辑类用语While soon after swagger share compare 4. 复杂句型(1) Life is prison, and only imagination can open its doors. P456维多利亚时期女权问题 long pair1. 重要概念类词汇Assign domestic stricture(strict) bound inheritance stumbling blocks gentility economic exertion opprobrium inequality masculine identity discharge(多义) occupy either or carry proprietor retain auctioneering business occupation withdrawal from marriage offer faint shadow behind the scene in the course of economically unescorted guidebook missionary work escape from incentive social restriction impose individual gesture housebound autonomy fetter obligation responsibility arbitrary artificial hail temporary emancipation prowess campaign agitate single out political repression die out dedication struggle personal motive educational aristocrats pursuits fragmentary/humanitarian concern/entrepreneurial interests vocation/vacation ambassador nursemaid committed advocates2. 观点类用语Severely limited not respectable assume either or support possible shame consider anomalous exclusively but it requires no argument to prove that exceedingly no ordinary should only confidently more than ever only undoubtedly found oppose simply chagrin to confirm outspoken distaste actually implicit celebration ironically fail to identify could assume throughout examine Affectionate nostalgia/analytical detachment/personal regret/righteous indignation/open hostilityDiscourage universally 3. 基本逻辑类用语Progress but unlike active let along thus other than likewise in relation to comprise serve to whereas increased division became increasingly because of although increasing prosperity begin ranging from to less both neutralize disparity exclusion influence more than equality antagonism striking inconsistency link contradiction exempt from4. 复杂句型(1) This serves to confirm the view of one Victoria man, born in 1790, that whereas his mother has confidently joined in the family auctioneering business, the increased division of the sexes had seen the withdrawal of women from business life.(2) Despite her often outspoken distaste for the “new women” agitating for greater freedom, the travel books that she and others has written still suggested, as Paul Fussell has argued, “an implicit celebration of freedom.”P466 干尽苦差事-农民1. 重要概念类词汇Efficiency schedule endure take off consume/assume/presume/presumptuous/resume alumnus scheduled vacation psychologist distance from moral majority great discomfort ethnical implication explain a study/offers a solution/argues a position/discussion a phenomenon/quotes an authority 2. 观点类用语Only brutal few could tolerate demanding must just *perspective *benefit li


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