2021年河北衡水高中英语新高考外刊作文素材阅读讲义(006)Genomes and privacyNo hiding placeAmerican police have used genealogy to make an arrest in a murder case基因组与隐私无所遁形美国警方利用基因族谱分析缉拿杀人案嫌疑犯genome英 dinm 美 dinom n. 基因组;染色体组hiding place躲藏处genealogy英 dinld; den- 美 dinldi n. 宗谱;血统;家系;系谱学ON APRIL 24th police in California announced the arrest of Joseph DeAngelo. Mr DeAngelo stands accused of eight counts of murder. On April 27th some intriguing details emerged of what had prompted the arrest. The starting-point was genetic material recovered from the crime scenes. Though this directly matched no DNA held in a police database, analysis of it led investigators all the way back to the 1800s, to Mr DeAngelos great-great-great grandparents. The trail they followed allegedly links Mr DeAngelo to crimes committed around Sacramento in the 1970s and 1980s by an unknown man who acquired the nickname of the Golden State Killer, and who murdered at least 12 people and raped more than 50.加州警方4月24日宣布逮捕约瑟夫迪安吉多(Joseph DeAngelo),他被指控犯有八项谋杀罪。4月27日,导致嫌犯归案的一些耐人寻味的细节曝光。一切始于从犯罪现场采集到的遗传物质。尽管在警方数据库里找不到与其直接匹配的DNA数据,但调查人员分析这些物质后一直追溯到了迪安吉多在19世纪的先祖。他们跟踪的线索显示,迪安吉多涉嫌与20世纪七八十年代在萨克拉门托附近发生的多宗凶案有关。当时,一名身份不明的男子杀害了至少12人,强奸超过50人,被冠以“金州杀手”的绰号。stand accused of 被指控stand 处于某种状态The room stood idle.这房间闲置着。counteach crime that someone is charged with 罪状Manning was jailed on three counts of corruption.曼宁因3项受贿罪状而被关进监狱starting-pointst:tipint n. 起点That a link to distant ancestors could lead to an arrest is testament to the power of modern genomics. Investigators first uploaded Mr DeAngelos genetic profile to a website called GEDmatch. This allows anyone to use his or her own genetic profile to search for family connections. GEDmatchs database turned out to hold profiles, returned as weak matches, which looked as if they had come from distant cousins of the Golden State Killer. GEDmatch encourages uploaders to include their real name with their genomes, and the investigators were able to trace back through the matches parents and grandparents to find their most recent common ancestor. Then, having moved backward in time, they moved forward again, looking for as many as possible of this ancestors descendants. Using newspaper clippings, census records and genealogy websites, they discovered some 25 family trees stretching down from the common ancestor. On its own, the tree on which Mr DeAngelo appears has 1,000 members.通过与先祖的遗传联系缉拿嫌犯,这证明了现代基因组学的强大力量。调查人员先是把迪安吉多的基因档案上传到GEDmatch网站上,该网站能让任何人使用自己的基因档案搜寻亲缘联系。他们发现该数据库中有基因档案与凶案现场的基因呈弱匹配,貌似是金州杀手的远房亲戚。因为GEDmatch鼓励人们实名上传自己的基因组信息,调查人员得以通过这些匹配者的父母和祖父母找到他们最近的共同祖先。经过这番向上追溯后,他们又往下查探,尽可能寻找这位祖先的所有后代。利用剪报、人口普查记录和家谱网站,他们发现了该共同祖先传续下来的约25支家族。单是迪安吉多所在的支系就有一千人。 You can use some in front of a number to indicate that it is approximate. 大约ADV num 含糊例:I have kept birds for some 30 years.我养鸟大约有三十年了。 If one thing is a testament to another, it shows that the other thing exists or is true. 证明 正式例:For him to win the game like that is a testament to his perseverance.他能赢得那样的比赛证明了他的毅力。testament英 testm()nt 美 tstmnt After that, old-fashioned sleuthing took over. From these thousands of descendants, the detectives found two who had had connections with Sacramento at the time the Golden State Killings were taking place. One was eliminated from the investigation by further DNA tests of a family member. The other, Mr DeAngelo, was arrested after police had tested the DNA on an item he had discarded.接着就是传统的侦查工作了。在这成千上万的后裔中,警方探员发现有两人在金州杀人案发生时与萨克拉门托有关联。在对某一家族成员做进一步的DNA检测后,其中一人被排除。剩下一人也就是迪安吉多在警方检测其丢弃物品上的DNA后被捕。sleuthing美 slu n. 侦查v. 侦探(sleuth的ing形式)item英 atm 美 atm n. 条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品)Serial privacyIf a serial killer really has been caught using these methods, everyone will rightly applaud. But the power of forensic genomics that this case displays poses concerns for those going about their lawful business, too. It bears on the question of genetic privacynamely, how much right people have to keep their genes to themselvesby showing that no man or woman is a genetic island. Information about one individual can reveal information about othersand not just who is related to whom.连环隐私如果通过这些方法真的抓到了一名连环杀手,人们自然会拍手称快。但法医基因组学在此案中显现的威力也引发了合法使用方面的担忧。这涉及到基因隐私的问题,即人们享有多少保密自己基因信息的权利。而这一案例显示,在基因世界里没有人是孤岛。一个人的信息可以揭示其他人的信息,而且不仅是谁跟谁有亲缘关系那么简单。serial英 srl 美 srl adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的rightly英 ratl 美 ratli adv. 正确地;恰当地;公正地;合适地forensic英 frensk 美 frnsk adj. 法院的;辩论的;适于法庭的 "We will respect both the right of individuals to protest while at the same time ensuring that industry and private citizens are allowed to go about their lawful business with minimum disruption, " he said. BBC: You are in: UK The second question bears on the principle of non-interference in others internal affairs upheld by China all along. 第二个问题是关于中国一直奉行的不干涉内政原则。 keep sth to yourself 保密With decreasing degrees of certainty, according to the degree of consanguinity, it can divulge a relatives susceptibilities to certain diseases, for example, or information about paternity, that the relative in question might or might not want to know, and might or might not want to become public. Who should be allowed to see such information, and who might have a right to see it, are questions that need asking.举例来说,基因信息可显示一位亲属遗传某些疾病的几率或其亲子关系信息,确定性随血缘关系渐远而降低。而这位亲属不一定想知道这一切或公开这些信息。谁可以获准查看这些信息?谁又有权查看这些信息?这些都是需要提出的问题。consanguinity英 ,knswnt 美 ,knswnti n. 血亲,同族;亲密关系divulge英 davld; d- 美 dvld vt. 泄露;暴露 过去式 divulged 过去分词 divulged 现在分词 divulging susceptibility英 s,septblt 美 s,sptblti n. 敏感性;感情;磁化系数 复数 susceptibilities If you have a susceptibility to something unpleasant, you are likely to be affected by it. 易受影响(或损害)的状况例:.his increased susceptibility to infections.他越来越容易受感染的体质。paternity英 ptnt 美 ptnti n. 父权;父系;父系后裔paternity test亲(生)子鉴定,亲子试验They are beginning to be asked. In 2017 the Court of Appeal in England ruled that doctors treating people with Huntingtons chorea, an inherited fatal disease of the central nervous system the definitive diagnosis of which is a particular abnormal DNA sequence, have a duty to disclose that diagnosis to the patients children. The children of a parent who has Huntingtons have a 50% chance of inheriting the illness. In this case, a father had declined to disclose his newly diagnosed disease to his pregnant daughter. She was, herself, subsequently diagnosed with Huntingtons. She then sued the hospital, on the basis that it was her right to know of her risk. Had she known, she told the court, she would have terminated her pregnancy.已经有人开始提出这类质疑。2017年,英格兰上诉法院裁定,治疗亨廷顿舞蹈症患者的医生有责任向患者子女披露诊断结果。这是一种中枢神经系统的遗传性致命疾病,通过发现特定异常的DNA序列确诊。若父母一方患有此症,孩子遗传患病的几率为50%。在该案中,一名父亲拒绝向其怀孕的女儿透露自己最近被确诊患病的消息。女儿自己后来被诊断出患有此病,遂将所涉医院告上法庭,理由是她有权知道自己有患病风险。她在庭上声称,假如当时知情,自己本来会终止怀孕。chorea英 kr 美 kr n. 内科 舞蹈病subsequently英 sbskwntl 美 sbskwntli adv. 随后,其后;后来That is an extreme case. But intermediate ones exist. For example, certain variants of a gene called BRCA are associated with breast cancer. None, though, is 100% predictive. If someone discovers that he or she is carrying such a variant, should that bring an obligation to inform relatives, so that they, too, may be tested? Or does that risk spreading panic to no good end?这是个极端的案例。但也有一些不那么极端的情况。例如,有一种名为BRCA的基因,它的某些变体与乳腺癌相关,但没有哪个变体会100%引发乳腺癌。假如有人发现自己携带这样一个基因变体,是否有义务告知亲属,好让他们也去做检测?还是说,这可能导致恐慌蔓延,于人无益?variants英 美 n. 计 变体;变异型(variant的复数)It may turn out that such worries are transient. As the cost of genetic sequencing falls, the tendency of people to discover their own genetic information, rather than learning about it second-hand, will increase. That, though, may bring about a different problem, of genetic snooping, in which people obtain the sequences of others without their consent, from things like discarded coffee cups. At that point genetic privacy really will be a thing of the past.最终,这些可能只是一时的担忧。随着基因测序成本的下降,人们会更倾向于主动了解自己的遗传信息,而非间接获得二手信息。但这又带来了另一个问题基因窥探,即在未经本人同意的情况下获得他人的基因序列信息,例如从别人丢弃的咖啡杯等物品上获取。到那时,遗传隐私就永远地成为了历史。transient英 trnznt 美 trnnt; trnnt adj. 短暂的;路过的n. 瞬变现象;过往旅客;候鸟snoop英 snup 美 vi. 调查,窥探n. 私家侦探,到处窥视;爱管闲事的人vt. 窥察,窥探